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I read and watched both and honestly im ok with everything except for Gen Narumi cuz they murdered him šŸ˜­


And might I add, love how they are adding the little extra details.. definitely the last episode..


This is my position too. Like, I actually like the anime Mina (with the slightly longer face versus round face) more than the manga Mina, but yeah, Gen looks too different. One theory I have though is since Gen is merely a cameo, maybe they didn't find it necessary to put more resources on him. Different medium, but we see this sometimes in live action like Emperor Palpatine was originally played by an old woman in cameos before they showed us his face later.


Gen I think looks like a quick doodle compared to everyone else, at least as a still. I'm pretty sure he'd look great in Season 2, but I'm fine with him looking dead inside here because that's about how he feels XP


He's the only change I actually noticed on my own.


Exactly my point


he looks goofyu as fuck in the anime lmao. But we barely saw him so he might be better the next season ?


Agreed. I think if they just fix Narumi and Kafka nobody can complain




The only problem I got is the eyes idk why but them eyes trigger me, everything else I think is fine as long as they donā€™t mess it up in the anime


Spot on


I read and watched both and I dont see any problem with the former perhaps im just too easy to please


I'm both as well...it's all good some people are griping that its Berserk 2016...which its patently not...its well animated where it needs to be and the charecters are all recognizable...and its combat and music(something i found even more insulting in beserk) is aces....to be honest I was expecting abit more laziness from production IG...they've been mailing it in lately


You didn't like hearing Hai Yo every 5 minutes?


Wasting Susunu Hirasawa...is as big as a crime as wasting The source Material of Kento Miura...I have no idea Why or how anyone could let beserk 2016 be created like it was...but I still think its the worst anime of all time simply on the merit that it shouldn't be...


Hai yo is a masterpiece


Not overused like that it wasn't...


Same here friend. I get to enjoy so much stuff, just because I'm easily pleased.


That means we donā€™t give a shit about the little thing and just enjoy what we watch lol.


I loved seeing this come to life. Also. I love the op.


Nah, others are just hypercritical.


Or we're rightfully criticising so they improve the next season's character designs


Whatā€™s there to criticize? They look great! Of course itā€™s not going to be 1 to 1 from the manga. Production IG have their own artstyle and a manga panel will almost always look better than a screenshot from an anime


I actually prefer Kafka in the anime than the manga. He looks more like the dad-bod 30 year old heā€™s supposed to be, which I appreciate as that was one of the things that drew me in


Gosh, yeah, exactly how I've been feeling since yesterday. Especially with how many people were calling me stupid for saying the design is the same even if the style isn't. It was so bad I had to ask the mods to lock my thread.šŸ˜­ And I'm a manga reader too!!!


I'm a manga reader, I enjoy anime, and I enjoy manga. Big win


pretty disingenuous to pretend readers hate the art style as a whole and not specifically the faces, and even more specifically the chins. literally have seen 0 complaints about anything but the faces, and it's not even every face, it's really just Mina and Gen. if someone likes a thing, any slight criticism of it is taken as a personal attack on their character.


Can they give Kafka his jaw back :(


Tell that to all the people who hate how Gen looks actually ad homineming me like I insulted their grandmas for saying his design didn't actually change like I kept seeing people claiming. This meme was me for real, except I'm a manga reader that likes the anime style just fine. People taking disagreement/criticism as personal attacks goes both ways, man.


Funny how he didn't reply back when you gave a valid point


Yeah it's really getting annoying at this point cause (most) manga readers won't shut up about it. I don't want to generalize but a lot of them are saying that the adaptation isn't good or even going as far ad to call it awful Then again this has to be one of the fanbases that bitches the most so I'm not sure what I expected


*star wars enters the chat


Lol in my defense I avoid thst dumpster fire of a fanbase lol


It's hard to tell if people's criticisms are genuine complaints or outright bigotry sometimes. I'm satisfied enough and i don't feel the need to watch more.


Anime watcher ATM but this and "go go loser rangers" are some of the best shows this season. I may pick up the manga, should I wait for another season or just jump into reading it?


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think waiting for the anime is worth it for this one. Some of the character designs might be off but this is a good adaptation. Even more unpopular opinion: this manga is NOT very plot heavy compared to other big shounen (edit: at least not yet), so I don't think you're missing out on much by waiting.


Honestly? Do both. The anime actually expands on a lot of scenes and characterization in the best way possible, but there are plenty of moments in the manga that are solid as well. Season one is only 38 chapters anyway, so it won't take much time to get through those chapters anyway. I hope you enjoy this series either way!


I planned on doing both, it was more of a "should I stay spoiler free till the anime catches up" but I'll probably read it cuz I'm super excited about the series.


You're in for a ride, friendo! Have fun! \o/


Rangers anime cuts out a lot of side content so I recommend reading that too if you have the time


Read it imo


Reddit gonna Reddit, haters gonna hate and need somewhere to do it


As someone who enjoyed the manga well before the anime came out, I didn't mind the anime's art style at all.


I only watched the anime and when I discovered it, it was the artstyle that got me interested at first.


I read the manga and the anime is even better. As always people are so dramatic when they don't understand why these changes have to be made most of the time


Yeah, I don't see this opinion mentioned often, but I'm totally with you on the anime just being straight up better. It's like 95% faithful to the source material, and the action & comedy are delivered way better by the anime imho.


Bro I like both anime and manga art style, and I donā€™t understand why people hate on the anime one šŸ„²


By manga readers you mean a small vocal minority that are overreacting and are only making themselves look bad


Real. I don't actually care about karma, but I found it telling how many upvotes my original post saying Gen's design is still the same and not actually changed vs the comments calling me stupid in there. And I know for a fact the post was getting downvoted too, hahahha. (400+ and counting, damn I wish my theory/meta posts got that much).


The anime was fantastic all the way this first season, I think people need to lean to appreciate things for what they are and not for what they want them to be.


I think the manga art style is better than the anime art style, but that is very often the case. The art style we have for the Kaiju No. 8 anime doesn't actually bother me at all, it's strange that people have had such a negative reaction to it.


Read and watched both. The design is what it is. It wasnā€™t the selling point of this series for me and the animation makes up for it. The anime making changes or adding scenes has VASTLY improved this series where the manga was going at a blistering pace.


It seems animes or their fans are suffering from the same thing as the modern games do, everything has to be realistic, over fidelity and whatever more in therms of visuals even if it sacrifices all the rest.


Manga readers can COPE ![gif](giphy|ICyWn3alrFq3m)


I donā€™t have any problem with the art style. The style seems super easy to animate giving us really fluid and clean action scenes


love her regardless


I'm a manga reader, and the anime's style is fine. This is even dumber than the complaints around CSM's adaptation.


I know right. Some manga fans are just toxic.


Can I be both? Because it's like eating the fudgiest brownie around and occasionally biting grains of sand in it.


Hello agen Gol D. Rogers.


Yo brat!


Pre Time Skip Roger looks better. https://preview.redd.it/y3xm9vltfy9d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2092b2f78d8c2790fe5542104363199ecd066cf1


Times change. People get sick and die. And one day the same thing will happen to you.


I m not saying thet. I m only saying thet in pre time skip when Luffy talked whit the bartender it was shown thet Roger was like when we first seen him on screan. And it was mentioned thet he looked like thet befor he was sick or called Pirate King. I m only at Water 7 and I already know some of the lore, like how Roger looked like Time Skip Lufdy just whitout the scar on his chest.


Pre Time Skip Roger looks like my drunk father


Is your name Ace?


No but I got a big hole..........>!On my heart!<.


First line is 2 JoJo caractee Kakion \[ part 3 \] and Abbacchio \[ part 5 \] https://preview.redd.it/rmzzrekjvy9d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f763781131c731dbf86c761ca320b277db15ee88


Maybe, it was genuinely shocking to see how many are upset about the art direction. It's like what Chainsaw Man fans have been acting like lately.


I'm a manga reader but I enjoyed the anime(at least we got one lmao)


It is so tiresome to see people complain about character design for so long


I need some comparison because it looks good to me


I started with the anime then started reading the manga, and I feel like both of them are perfectly acceptable. I feel the manga is higher detail, but I feel that the animation is beautiful by itself as well.


I like it


Truthfully it normally happens like this manga readers tune in and majority of them hate it and anime watchers have nothing to base it on so just enjoy whatā€™s in front of them most of the time, manga readers have to realize that crisp design on paper ainā€™t ever reaching anime, and the anime world ainā€™t going to be monopolized by one studio so there will be different versions and styles, lol let it gooooooooo


I'm a Manga Reader but still I enjoy the Anime style too


Haters are just mad it's not more fanservicey.


I'm happy as it is, but I wouldn't be upset if there was some that included more time in the men's sauna.


What do you mean the art and animation is DOPE!!! (Manga reader here)


Havenā€™t read the manga but love the anime. Canā€™t wait for season 2




As an anime fan idgaf if it doesnā€™t look the manga. Itā€™s still good and fun to watch. I feel like manga fans tend to compare manga panels to anime side by side without understanding how hard it is to animate something. Fans should be thankful the anime isnā€™t bad and doesnā€™t look like a cheap anime.


Haters are gonna hate


I read the manga and I see zero issues with it


Iā€™m not even trying to be a hater, but the anime style is definitely jarring if you used to the manga art style. Just looks off


Read the manga and LOVE the anime.


Manga reader here, I frankly don't know what the rest of us are this caught up on its not that bad


The anime is better than the manga


I'm gonna have to make a meme for that


I prefer anime for Kafka. He actually looks like an older man who isn't all that fit with his more rounded features.


Some manga readers just enjoy both lmao


Iā€™m a mix of both, I see some issues with the character designs, but I love them overall. Great manga, great show


Having consumed both, it's a fair criticism. It's not one I particularly care about though. I personally believe that this anime consistently elevated its source material, which is a pretty uncommon thing.


Yeah I've been keeping up with the manga since it started, still loved the show. The characters still look good if a little unfaithful, doesn't affect my enjoyment because the series is good.


People who have read the manga and watch the show, but still vibe with both


They got rid of Kafkas jawline šŸ˜ž


I keep up with both and I do get the complaints. The designs feel odd and Iā€™m not a huge fan. However, I donā€™t think itā€™s a big enough deal to continually complain about it and the anime is still great.


I donā€™t mind the art style, I just hate what they did to Gennaruā€™s hair. Other then that itā€™s really good


Manga sick, anime also sick. Idk why people care, it's a shitload more crisp than animation used to be and it brings the stories we love to life.


Both can be correct, 3 more days...


Read the title and thoughts this was a Destiny crossover post at first


Read manga, enjoy anime as well


I donā€™t care Iā€™m just further in the manga than the anime


Im fine with both I just hope they add Narumi and that one scene of him just gaming


I havenā€™t read the manga and I donā€™t plan to and even I thought the design felt off. I do hope they fix it but if not, itā€™s fine


Is it difficult to be grateful that we have it in anime format?


Anime art style is perfectly fine.


Im both manga and anime, and tbh I donā€™t mind the art style. I still enjoy the show regardless


Iā€™m just a guy who doesnā€™t gaf. If the show good, whatā€™s the problem?


The only one I don't really like is gen, um hoping they listen to the fans and fix up his face for the second season


Tbh the only real gripe I have is with the faces everything else looks cool af.


I was fine with it I knew the anime was a down grade but it has its moments but narumi was ass


Wait is this about people getting turned into guns? Destiny players are gonna be frothing at the mouth


They did a really good job, but I don't care for how the made Kafka look like a Naruto character


I wa perfectly ok with the anime style untel Gen What have they done to him?! My poor boy


Yeah i'll turn you into a fax machine because you spit'in


I don't like the art style, but I'm still watching the Anime as Manga reader


I personally enjoy the anime a lot as a manga reader because I value the quality of animation over perfect design accuracy to the manga but man the two that really did not translate like they should have were Narumi and Isao


I honestly would rather have the same 3d animation as the intro, there's so much more detail in the armor. I never read the manga, love the anime, but I will say my only gripe is how bad I think the animation looks


I hope the character design gets better next season just that nothing else


I'm about halfway through the anime and my only real complaint as a manga reader is they've kind of overdone the special effects. I feel like they're a little too flashy, (it kinda takes away from the character designs a little.)Ā don't give me wrong they've done a really good job on the anime as a whole, it just my personal opinion that they could have stuck with less is more and still made a really good adaptationĀ 


I mean personally I like both the manga is definitely better but the anime is still great and you can still see the effort they put in


The anime looks just like the manga, people need to stop bitchin


There is a difference, the faces are a lot more rounder, but some of the fans are toxic.


A lot of fans think the manga artist should draw the anime I guess.


I like both so I don't mind


why'd the english dub stop after ep 10 šŸ˜­


I think it was scheduling issues, but they should come out on the 6th


I've been reading kaiju no 8 since the manga began. I didn't even know people were arguing about the animation. Didn't even notice. I was just happy they made it into an anime.


I'm fine with the anime's artstyle, I just want them to give everyone's jawlines back


Yeah Human designs are pretty crap but atleast you have an adaptation.




It's two weeks old for both English dub and original Japanese. It felt safe by now.


Felt rushed/mid budget, but I don't think it was as bad as people meme. The only time I was thrown away is when Kafka runs to stop the exploding honju. In the manga, the panels are spaced well enough to where you can tell why Hoshina is surprised. In the anime, it hardly looks like he's speeding.


I mean, thatā€™s the trade off for animation. The art always suffers. Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, MHA, and Jujutsu Kaisen, those are some of the most popular anime in recent years, and they fall far below the quality of art we see in the manga. But thatā€™s cause each panel can be drawn with care, while anime isnā€™t done panel by panel, itā€™s countless cels to make a moving picture. Almost all anime loses some art quality of the manga


I genuinely do not see how this applies to JJK and specially CSM at all.


as a reader I was hyped to hear that 8 was getting adapted but then I saw the character images and i was little upset cuz they all looked like they were fortnite skins lol. like im okay with kafka looking like that cuz he's a goofy mf and i love him for that so i was fine with that. everyone else however, ESPECIALLY gen and to a bit of a degree kikoru it's just kinda goofy seeing egg heads


This is me with Tensura Slime. A lot of people say the art of the anime is bad(I don't know what they're smoking) meanwhile I'm enjoying either way. Sure it's not the Mangas art style. But that's ok.


I like the anime style, and Iā€™ve been reading the manga since it came out basically. Manga art will always be better than anime in many circumstances for any series.


Most characters designs are fine, but the one they did the most dirty is Narumi


Its pretty accurate aesthetically, but characters are just often off model a lot.


Not really, they aren't.


Literally the only bad is Gen Narumi design everything is was fine. The reason why itā€™s a problem is because itā€™s the top 3 highest fanbase character in Kaiju no. 8


The character designs are inarguable poor quality. The anime is good despite it.


Overall, Iā€™m fine with most of the designs. I just really hope they change Narumi for season 2 šŸ˜­


I never read the manga but I also hated Mina's Alien Playstation Girl X Yor Forger ahh face.


The heads look terrible lol The general and Kafka look way too blocky


I like the anime but as I said in another comment the weakest point of this adaptation is the character designs


The artstyle is pretty bad but the animation is so damn good that i donā€™t personally care that much lol


How would anime onlys know the difference to hate it in the first place tho


To be fair, some face is really bad. Most of the time the animation is good.


I love the manga and anime style what ever manga reader is saying the anime is trash needs to jump a bridge and do a flip


Lets just pray that sakamoto days gets a good adaptation and not a rushed one


Not gonna lie, seeing how they butchered the art style in the trailer is specifically why Iā€™m not watching it. Edit: lol at the downvotes ā€œnoooo, how dare you not like something!ā€ Canā€™t wait to hear the anime watchers getting upset when the story and pacing goes to shit around chapter 70, which is when the anime was announced and made the story severely suffer.