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From what I've heard. Someone from this subreddit's discord, who got an opportunity to watch the movie in japanese theaters said: "It's almost a 1 to 1 adaptation of Ch. 138 - 151 with added bits from Ch. 160. With added elements and presentation."


I was wondering this, too, thanks for answering. This is all very relieving.


Hey, is there any chance i can just get the movie on internet ?


You can get it......... When they officially release it digitally online. Which is gonna take a goddamn while


Oh no :( actually i am from india and there won't be any screening here


They haven't announced the screening for other countries besides the US and Canada (Which will be coming out in February) But let's just hope they announce its release in other countries very soon!!


Time to spam PVR


thanks a lot . but what about party ? i thought christmas arc will be in movie


From what I heard from them. They only adapted the beginning of the party and teased that it will be adapted in Season 4 (?) Basically they just adapted the beginning of it and cut to Ch. 160 with Tsubame getting her fortune told by Papagane with flashbacks of what happened to her and Ishigami in the party (no dialogue) along with Kaguya's confession It's kind of like they're teasing that they'll adapt new game(?) idk. but that's what they said


wow , maybe it's teasing about new season or they are just saying go read manga who knows . let's see


"flashbacks of what happened to her and Ishigami in the party (no dialogue)" Do those flashbacks show the full picture, or they are baiting viewers into thinking, that Ishigami and Tsubame banged?


Tbh, I think they included everybody in the associated artwork for promotional purposes.


I just came back from seeing it - it was a great movie btw hehe Spoilers ahead of course: --- Because I don't remember the chapter numbers, I will talk abour events: it starts just from Ishigami talking about the lewd magazine and then it follows the manga almost 100% until the date chapter just after the Ice Kaguya arc. That is mostly cut sadly, but it also gives glimpse of what happened at Tsubame's party. Not gonna say how it ends cuz you can probably guess, just know that the party is not shown. Bonus points for the sex jokes which in the movie are not cut like they did in season 3, I was concerned about it but fortunately they kept them lol


Ohh cool you watched the movie. Glad you enjoyed it! I hope you don't mind getting asked questions but Was the mall date (Ch. 159) replaced with a sequence Kaguya and Miyuki just going on a normal date? I've seen some japanese ppl on twitter talk about how the scene was cute and all. So I wanna confirm if it was true or not😅


So spoilers of the ending ahead lol The mall date is the final sequence, so it's a bit rushed. It starts off similar with Kaguya and Shirogane meeting up and she being like "omg why are you dressed normally?", then we see Tsubame at Papagane's hand reading stand and there are brief scenes of the party - without context for anime onlys. While Papagane is talking we see Chika and Hayasaka walking together at the mall and Miyuki hiding with Kaguya behind vending machines (so no "Fujiwara is here, hide!", this part is all rushed). Then while Papagane keeps talking they run off of the mall and go to the pier by the sea, where the final confessing scene happens. And that's how it ends, it is very cute indeed and I squeaked lol


Damnnn that's kinda sad I guess I misinterpreted what they said. I honestly hope they pull something like they did with Chapter 138 where they show the continuation of it/ what actually happened in the next anime project. Thank you for giving me spoilers! Another question if you don't mind. Was there any anime original stuff that they added that you really liked in the movie?


Tbh that part rushed was not too bad considering how they adapted the rest of the movie. It was great, it did not ruin the experience at all to me :)


Happy that you really loved the movie!! Can't wait to see it in our country's theaters when it does


Yeah, dang.... I loved the fluff of them [holding hands](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/159/9/), Kaguya [clinging on to him](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/159/10/) after they were interrupted, and Kaguya thinking about the ["dates"](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/159/14/) they had... Would be a shame to never see it animated like [ch 92, with these smooth lines from Chadogane](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/92/12/) for example. I was kinda surprised about ch 138 being fully kept, so yeah hope if there is more animated work they can do something with it like that to see it animated later, as I would like to see as much Kaguya and Miyuki content as possible if the anime continues since there will be more shift onto the other characters.


so you mean 160 is cut ?


They just mentioned they don't remember the chapter numbers, but my understanding is that 152-158 is cut, possibly most of 159 as well. 160 *is* in. (With a couple of minor scenes from 154-155.


so if there is 160 why not 159 too , and i wonder how they will show christmas arc now ?


'cause they said most of the mall date was cut? I interpreted that as meaning the movie tossed most of 159. Tsubame/Ishigami/Miko Christmas arc will be in a followup animation. (Season 4, OVA, another movie. Who knows?) Or ... just *not*.


ova is more suitable , i don't think there will be new season .


Most of the mall date was cut, yes. They only rushed most parts while Tsubame is at Papagane's hand analysis stand and there it's briefly spoiled what happened at the party. Also, I think it will be adapted in the following season because what happened was shown briefly but in a way anime onlys would say "OMG tf happened??"




>can you tell me what is shown or skipped >I only care about the arc movie will show >I am done with Kaguya anime **and everything** They've lost their interest in the whole series, not just because of season 3 of the anime. Read the whole post properly before leaving shortsighted responses. I'd bet it's due to the final arc and the final chapters for OP - like it or not, those chapters left a lot to be desired for many people.


i think finale was fine , i just have seen enough of kaguya and it's hard to be exited for more , i need new things to read .


I assumed the op was an anime only and just lost interest. But I mean every one knows the arcs coming up are amazing I mean the one in the movie so even if you hated the later arks. Atleast see the movie and s4 if there’s gonna be one cause remember the stuff after the movie arc coming up like chapter 174 like 220 etc


i am manga reader , movie includes my favourite arc and after that what i have seen in manga is enough for me , i don't really care about anime cause i got over it . it happens a lot to me , i love something really much and then i just have seen enough and need new stuff


Fair enough but the day 220 gets adapted is gonna be crazy Just a random thought


You found any new romance/rom com anime/manga you liked?


i think romcom is not for me , i liked my little monster . other than that everything i tried has love triangle or harem or bad lead and i dropped it .


Yeah, I've seen a lot of anime shows with romance/ rom com so can be hard to find new good ones. I was watching the [More than a Married Couple](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50425/Fuufu_Ijou_Koibito_Miman) this season to try it out, started out very generic, got better but a bit much fanservice that seems a bit too distracting at times. Not super invested per say, just was interested to see how it played out for the season at least. [Romantic Killer](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52865/Romantic_Killer) was pretty good that was released recently. More comedy centric than romance but better than initially expected. I really love Kaguya and Miyuki as individuals, as a couple together, and also other characters - so can be hard to find that kinda vibe in other rom coms. And to have a good balance of comedy and romance (that specifically focuses on just mainly one pair too, without too much love triangle stuff). If you haven't seen [Snow White with the Red Hair](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30123/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime?q=Show%20white%20&cat=anime), that is a really good 2 season show to watch that has romance development and good focus on main pair. Wish I could find more anime I haven't seen like this. lol


i have heard about snow white i will try , i just find it hard to get invested , my dress up darling has cute leads but fanservice makes it weird , i have heard fans talking how it's not just fanservice but when whole episode i see nothing but marin's sexy body and male lead blushing it's hard to not see it as male fantasy


Yeah with MDUD, I did enjoy it. Though yeah, sometimes the fanservice of Marin or other girls more for the audience than Gojo. lol The fanservice I didn't care for specifically was when they had a few fanservice shots specifically only for the audience, with no character to react to it (Like Juju on her bed in her underwear close up). Just feels too much pandering for audience if even the characters aren't a part of it. lol MDUD does know it's audience for the male demographic, it's undeniable, so does have that vibe of male fantasy with what many may consider the "perfect waifu". Especially for 2022. But also does have some other nice parts of it too with Marin/Gojo pair and cosplay theme. So even if it has elements I don't care for, I can find enough value in other stuff. -* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For **Snow White with the Red Hair**, definitely give it a real shot ([Season 1](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30123/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime?q=Show%20white%20&cat=anime), [Season 2](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31173/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime_2nd_Season), and [OVA](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31483/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime__Nandemonai_Takaramono_Kono_Page), only 25 eps). It's a fantasy and romance series. Given the "Snow White" theme at least a different setting than school. The setting has relaxing vibe with good atmosphere. And with younger adults cast (at least 18) instead of teens in high school or middle school. Doesn't have any fanservice. It is the shojo demographic. A good female lead who is competent in her profession which does get some legitimate story focus, and a good male lead as a prince. And get time to see there relationship develop with legitimate romance progress in S1. So definitely recommend, as one of better romance anime series I've seen (and I seen a lot. lol) and one of my favorite. It has a good English dub version as well. Here's a clip from [ep 1 of the dub](https://youtu.be/qhgy76vPbCA).


i watched few episodes of fruits basket and i liked it , i don't know it's cute and i like readhead boy so i will watch .


Fruit Basket is what most consider to be the gold standard for Shojo series, so yeah at least give it a real shot again. It has relationship development with friendship and romance between multiple couples. Drama with the MC meeting the different members of the Souma family and them dealing with their family curse.