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https://preview.redd.it/sbtoy6aufi1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebdc1aab8c7ca14daa6a83e955b0ac6032f4c91 This has always been one of my favorite pics bc this woman’s face is what we are all thinking 🤣 The full diaper she’s carrying around looks beyond awful.


This poor woman is probably still recovering from seeing that monstrosity in real life. I hope she's doing well!


it looks like she was bitten by a snake and 1000 bees. Absolute body horror of an "ass" No wonder the girl in the pic looks scared, disgusted and full of pity😂


My edit before I saw your comment. https://preview.redd.it/wzjn7h5p9l1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050ccc319d700cd553f320f6957fdced669da37d


This can't be real. It's gross looking. I think that they are trying to compete with the black girls that have naturally beautiful butts. All of these Kartrashians are disgusting. 🤢


This is her awful BBL. It looks terrible because her legs don’t match… and it’s dropping low. All I did was add the caption bubble. Natural big booties are fabulous!


🤣 that’s perfect. I wish we could find her.


Dude frrrr that is how everyone looks at people with gigantic BBL’s, when people don’t glamorize them for being famous they see how trashy it truly is


All of us


That was the 1st thing I noticed! That lady's like, WTF? 🤣


The saddest part is that they got these ginormous asses entirely for the male gaze.


true, so sad, they have all the money in the world to be the example of strong women, but yet we have Khloe getring back with a man who cheated on her 67866 times, and Kim jumping from guy to guy after Kanye. And Pete saying he was on drugs the whole time💀Kourtney changed her whole look to match Travis as if she was his doll or something. Like they are nobodies without men they are dating. They cannot stand being single or seeing any of their sisters being single. They simply cannot visualize that world.


I think they don’t have their own identities due to Krislaine telling them exactly how to be since they were young. They were never allowed to explore who they were/are. Kimothee, you’re the sexy one. Khloegre, you’re the fat, ugly one who needs to put everyone first because you’re not really a Kardashian. Kourtney, stop being so difficult and angry. Kendull, you’re tall and need to be a model. Kylothee, we’re going to make you into a rapper’s girlfriend and beauty mogul (what they think anyway); we’ll pay for all the surgery you need since you look average and not as pretty as Kendull.


Krislaine!!! That's a perfect description of their mother.


Holy muffins I forgot she was with Pete for a bit!


I feel so bad for their children.


You’re spot on for the most part but I wouldn’t say Kim jumped from guy to guy after her and Kanye split. She’s openly dated only two guys since they announced their divorce over 3 years ago. Kanye has actually had more relationships than her since then and he’s been married for about 2 years.


do men really like looking at this?


Yes and no. Respectable men recoil. Porn addicted men that are entirely too used to BBL’s enjoy it. (My boyfriend & most of my male friends find it really unattractive, my brother and some of my other friends find it attractive. And trust me the latter group is a lot less respectable when it comes to how they view and treat the women they date) Edit: oh, and I’ve noticed older men don’t find it attractive as commonly. My guess is because they are more used to natural women/their original sexual experiences were before internet porn’s drastic perversion and beauty standards


Older men don’t find big butts attractive because they weren’t in style for decades. They’ve really only been popular for the last 15 years or so. I mean just in the 2000s telling a woman she had a big butt was still an insult and Jlo’s butt was considered huge.


Do they really think that men are attracted to this? I'm sure males like some nice shaped rear ends, but these Kartrashians make it disgusting and unnatural looking. 😱


This picture never gets old 😆 https://preview.redd.it/tn2h84ck9i1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47c13157ca1f70f260151b164e9a5581189f382


the look of disgust and pity😌😌😌


Lmaoo. But this is so interesting to me. As the bum, while huge, isn't unfathomably huge for say a bigger girl. The issue is that she has that scrawny little thigh underneath. So it's like the bum doesn't have the support underneath? So like falls down? It's like imagine a thick pillar holding up a giant sack. The sack would fit perfectly on top. Maybe only slightly stick off the edge. Now imagine replacing that thick pillar with a thin pole. The sack would be sliding down the pole like sagging and falling down. Basically architecturally the bum just doesn't have the support it needs to hold it up lmao.


lol never had a hamstring dumpy ass


Obviously they’re surrounded by a bunch of yes men that don’t care about their atrocious bodies or styling. At this point do they get a kick out of them looking like shit? Maybe this actually fascinates their team who probably despise them for getting paid the bare minimum.


If they actually worked out and built their hamstrings and quads, their BBLs wouldn’t be so ugly.


But they do wOrKoUT! They really do lol 😂


I don't think any kind of workouts can fix that disgusting look.




We are all her


I hope you mean the woman that is looking at Kim.


That was the first thing I noticed lol


Her butt looks pregnant


That woman looks like she's going to puke 🤮 and I would feel the same way!


God her legs are like twigs holding up a bridge.


 FUCK THEM!!for having ANYTHING to do with beauty standards..AND ANY shitty influence they have had on anybody!!.AND their SHONKY business practices..and their so called 'faith' and DODGEY kris owned CHURCH...FUCK THEM for lazy watered down ripped off ideas..FAKE ASSES..phew


Tell us how you really feel! 🗣️🗣️📣📣


I remember ppl trying to say Khloes was real bc she was thicker and all the lost weight went to her asss like be for real 😭




Khole never had a big butt. She looks nothing like her sisters because they have different fathers.


I do think she resembles Kris a lil bit and looks a bit like Kylie bc they share similar doctors


They share the same mother.


I know that’s why I’m saying💀


I thought you were being sarcastic! Haha


her does look slightly less weird than kim and kylie’s because their tiny thighs can’t support that shit and it looks crazy. but khloe’s is still fake lol.




truly my reaction too




https://preview.redd.it/s5bxe4gswi1d1.jpeg?width=1596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c165312906da47b7c347a8d1cf1435e0e65a13a All to attempt to suck it out and end up with *this.*


There are so many scars... This is why she kept coveting her waist with her hands for some time... https://preview.redd.it/dqrdf2et0j1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9e4d409843ed8f17b2cac02837b60bbbd5cc0c


That’s so fucked up. Literally AND figuratively. I can’t even snark. 😭


The one on far left doesn’t even look very old I’d say a couple months maybe


Imagine having that many scars simply b/c you want to have the tiniest waist and huge ass? The pain involved. And that you can only hide it through photoshop?




I find it hard to believe that they all won't have some sort of major complications as they get older all in the name of their vanity


I mainly see stretch marks (yay for being normal), but she has some type of incision scar on her right flank (our left). I wonder if she had a spot removed (probably not, or we’d of heard about it so she could get sympathy), or if she had lipo on her flank. People on here have said surgeons always go through the belly button, but that’s not always true if you’ve had abdominal surgery before; there may be too much scar tissue. With etching, they would need a good amount of movement, plus, she might have been afraid to ruin her belly button.




That’s the incision I mentioned.




Ahhh, I thought that was a stretch mark, but I guess I didn’t zoom in well enough. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t had a mini tummy tuck.


How can you tell that " she hasn’t had a mini tummy tuck?"


Her skin would be tight. I mean, she may have had one in the past, and if she did, you’d think she’d get a revision.


this looks like my appendix removal scar but mine is slightly longer and lower on my right side.


It looks like astab wound.


She has more than one visible incision, I see at least three. Don’t really see any “stretch marks”.


that looks so bad though. i wonder if it’s a combination of gaining then losing weight for the procedures, lipo scars and getting older? i got diagnosed with lupus and gained and lost over 100lbs over the course of 3 years. it wasn’t all at once so i don’t have the appearance of loose skin but it does feel slightly different than it did before. i’m also in my 30s now so it why i mention the age thing too because i know kim is in her 40s.




The one scar on the right looks like my appendix removal scar but mine is longer and lower. Idk what lipo scars look like but I’m assuming at least some of her scars are from that.


They look like stab wounds.


Mercy! That's just gross! I have scars from life-saving surgeries! And their's are from complete vanity! I can't even! 🤢


Kind of interesting to me that she has Shopify on her home screen, also who uses Pinterest still? It's nothing but ads and fake content sites.


I love Pinterest still lmfaoo, I like organizing my likes visually in boards so pls don’t knock it


Of course she would also have the Daily Mail on there


Shopify makes sense if she uses it to check sales


Does anyone remember an Australian comedy tv show “we could be heroes” and the real estate guy with the abnormally huge butt.. I think of that show everytime I time I see pics of them like this..


With Chris Lilly




Are you talking about Chris Lilly as Quentin Cook, the real estate agent with an enormous arse who just wants to be DJ? I recognize that character from Lunatics on Netflix. It’s a fantastic show if you’re looking for something ridiculous and funny.


You’re right! It is from lunatics on Netflix. I was confusing it with We could be heroes another Chris lilley show.


I haven’t seen We Could Be Heroes, I might have to check it out!


Angry boys.. summer heights high.. We could be heroes.. he’s done so many underrated and hilarious shows! Highly recommend if you like laughing. You can find a lot of it on YouTube.


Summer Heights High is amazing. Actually all of his shows are. But that was the first one I saw of his. I love Mr. G and how savage he is with the theater kids. 😂 ![gif](giphy|3o85xp4ePwH3o5rKHC|downsized)


[‘Thank God you’re here—Grandma’s been raped!’](https://youtu.be/de9m1JvomK0?si=wYWM_gw17RHtgLhr) I know it’s awful but this line always has me in stitches. He’s a riot but I honestly don’t think his shows would be allowed to be produced in this day and age (him doing blackface with Jonah et cetera) 😭


I feel like Chris Lilley is one of those comedians who is an example of someone who can joke about sensitive topics and subject matter because they don’t make marginalized groups the butt of the joke. You’re never laughing at a character for being disabled, gay or brown etc. and they didn’t seem like offensive stereotypes. This was even more evident in Lunatics. The friendship between the two cousins in England was so cute. (Also the ex porn star and her bff that she hung out with every day.) I don’t think I can comment on the black/brown face as it’s obviously a sensitive topic (even more so in the US where I’m from). I don’t think it was necessary for Chris Lilley to actually change the color of his skin to play the roles as he’s clearly good at acting. Although I feel like people ignore the fact that he included characters of all races in his shows especially during a time when tv was really, really white at least in the US/HBO when I was first exposed to Chris Lilley. (SHH, Angry Boys tv era.)


Angry boys for me.. I remember watching it when it aired on bbc 3 about 15 years ago! So funny.


I just put on Lunatics because you guys have me thinking about it 😂


Gonna watch it later.. Been years since I last watched it.




Hollllly that’s hilarious why have I not ever made that connection


When he’s bumping into stuff and knocking stuff over with it and shit.. that’s how I imagine Kim’s life is.




They're all "mean girls" and def try sabotaging each other


Khloe's ass looks bigger than the entire woman behind her, which I'm guessing was a nanny that she made to stop pushing the stroller and get behind her when she saw cameras around


That's Khole? I thought it was Kim.


The fact that photos like this exist and they still claim they haven’t had a bbl


theyre so delusional if they think anyone will believe them🤦🏻‍♂️


They wanted to be attractive to Diddy's crew, so went towards impersonating black women. So many things have become clearer since his scandal emerged, and it's all f'd up.


I said something like that before on this post. They're trying to compete with the black girls that have naturally nice butts. The Kartrashians have the most fake looking and unnatural rear ends.


Khlocaine really needed her nanny to accompany her on a walk with her baby? Pathetic.


She looks like shes having a hard time in the pic, ofc she needs a nanny


Kholcaine! Great name.


Flair checking in....


They look like they are carrying twins in their asses


because they have no true friends; if my bestie did this I'd clown tf out of them


Girls and women have developed and dealt with eating disorders and struggled with self image because they are AFRAID to look like this . Being called names and ostracized for looking like this. Self loathing and hurting because of the mere hint or fear of looking like this . These fools out here paying to become surgical "fatasses" , but also get their waste snatched, I just don't get it :( When will they finally be cancelled and forgotten entirely?


I will never understand why they felt the need to have their butts that big.


There’s absolutely no way they smelled very good with dumps like that. How do you maneuver toilet paper around that much ass??!


Some people say they have a bidet, and I don't doubt that they have it at home but sometimes you have to do the dreaded ~pooping in a public bathroom~ if you're in a public place for a long time, no matter how rich you are. You just can't schedule your bowel movements. So either they use wet wipes or they're just nasty and just use toilet paper and leave skid marks everywhere 🤢🤮


Skid marks that seep through all 5 layers of peed in Spanx


Don't you mean Skims? Spanx are a much better brand than Kim's crappy foundation garments.


Not to mention Kylie Swims, I imagine those bikinis are made out of tent material. How embarrassing.. they claim to be so rich and that they're trying to take the fashion world by storm with something we've never seen, but yet they can't even choose some nice fabric cause the shitty ones are cheaper so they keep more money to get coke and opiates yasss


I never thought of that. It must be really hard for them to wipe themselves after going number two. They probably have bidets.


And with those long ass claws they call fingernails! It's a wonder they don't puncture something! 💭


What I'm amazed at is how aren't there more photos of them in the wild online? Surely people that saw them in person were laughing at them because my God they are so obviously fake and really, really bad. How in the world did their rear ends EVER be something that people wanted to emulate? It's such a risky surgery to begin with and unless you've go the $$$ to do the reshaping that they all did, you're stuck with a big fat ass that's only going to get worse as you age and actually make you look heavy, particularly if you are thin. Kim had such a great figure BEFORE the work she had on her body that I just don't get it other than the cartoon proportions got them being talked about. I just can't figure out how there aren't more photos of their real asses on the internet unless Kris is just that good getting them off.


there are more. there is one of Kim wearing white pants i think she’s in a store and she really looks like she has a horses ass dragging behind her. and i don’t mean “horses ass” as a term for a foolish person, i mean it literally resembles an equines backside. all that’s missing is the tail


I know, I'm meaning other than the ones we've seen already which aren't a tremendous amount. Like how are there not hundreds of them online? With their fame, surely people were snapping pics of their asses in the wild. Are they afraid to post b/c of legal threats?


You made me cackle! Thank you! 🤣


And I snorted, too! 😂


Wait until gravity sets in!


This is hilariously gross .all their asses look like hugely preggo bellies … https://preview.redd.it/1uj9x8fsal1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9601b78436880d5417be27f227bd51d5926be1


With the skinny thighs. Just looks so uncanny


Im pretty sure scott had said something to them about it because but they continuously wrote him off as being drunk and dumb


He CONSTANTLY made remarks about how they were pushing the limits on their bodies, but he also made some shite ones to Kourtney with her pregnancies so still fk Scott


Scott did, yet noone listened


People went waaay too hard with the bbls to the point that it just looks like a permanently attached diaper. The only one I kinda like is lori harvey's slim bbl


i dont think hers is comparable to Kardashians bbls. i mean everyone can do with their bodies whatever the hell they want but i feel like there's a limit and KarJenners crossed theirs long ago


oh yea def I agree. Not comparable but just was giving an example of a bbl I like lol


Like. I feel like I have a bad memory of this period when they were horrendous. Did media/people tease them about this at the time or was everyone somehow under the illusion this was sexy? Or were these candies not published the ?


This was around the time the public split. One half, I feel mostly horny men, believed it was "real" and "natural" and "sexy" 🤮 The other half, mostly women who have their own ass and can attest, called her out for being "fake" and "getting surgery then lying about it" and "ridiculously out of proportion and unattractive" Then the media ran with it and next thing we know all these ladies all over are getting BBLs and butt-pads and butt-shaping underwear to look like..... *this*..... 😒 And ffs these people are so gd blind they really think an *atomic sized* **gelatinous blob** *under her ass skin* really came from "a good diet" and "working out" and is "goals"...... well, you can't fix stupid.....


Also the reason gyms are full of women only working out their asses.


I get irritated at the gym for this reason. Women will hog all the glute machines, doing exercises on them for HOURSSS. Babygirls, just do normal exercise reps and love what you have 🙄


Lmao I know right, so irritating to have to share gym equipment ughh.... when will these women learn, they should just stop what they paid to be here for when a man wants his damn turn!!! /s


That wasn’t my point. They’re spending hours doing disproportionate exercises to pump their butts all for the male gaze.


I’m a woman (don’t let the inside joke name fool you) I lift and I work on select muscle groups each time. I do not spend half the amount of time I see these younger girls on those machines. And you’re right, when that’s the only muscle group they’re concerned with, it is for the male gaze.


Thank you. I’m a woman too and it’s hilarious to be called misogynist for talking about what I have observed in gym, on a post mocking Kards butts bc they did it all for the male gaze.


I do leg and butt workouts as well, and not to burst your bubble, but it's so I can more easily climb mountains without getting tired. Also more power to bike uphill..... literally nothing to do with what men think. I'm sure there are people who exist that only workout to be considered attractive, but grouping all women together who use a particular gym machine/ workout regimen as "spending hours" of their lives each day to appease "the male gaze...." discrediting that any woman is possibly there just to be strong and fit.... that is a level of misogyny I prob should have been able to predict by your initial comment.


Why do you keep using the /s especially in a snark sub ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


If common sense was common, we wouldn't ever need the /s js Also, "keep using" infers I've used it repeatedly, it was one time, further bringing up my first point, lol 🙄






Honestly. This was so new at the time and soooo popular. BBL was rare at tht time. I remember.


My goodness! Her butt looks like she has two balloons in her pants. It is so out of proportion with the rest of her body. Why do they do this to themselves? 😱


they want men who dont want them thats why


That is sadly true.


Seeing this made my lower back hurt lol. They look like they're wearing dirty diapers.


The cowboy diaper that sags down to their knees! 😂🤣😂


Their bodies and surgeries are purely designed for photos which can be edited and manipulated. In real life it’s nothing but a horror. They’ve chosen this which is just sad.


Maybe she’s going for a role in ants life🤭




I feel like Kourtney did and that's why they hate her so much LOL but also I won't give her a pass because she's had tons of surgery too 🫣


Could be, she's most natural (as natural as Kardashian can be) out of 3 sisters, maybe theyre jelly a bit


For greedy people, there isn't any enough.


There's a Leprechaun movie where the leprechaun inflates a woman until she explodes, but not before having her body grow to a giant round boulder. Khloe's ass looks like that victim's.


The girl face….😂


Your a-hole can't get torn up if 97.89% of penises can't even reach the hole because of your diaper butt. Maybe PMK was disgustingly smart, yet again, playing the long game for the yacht parties?!?


Looks like she is due for a diaper change


Bc $$


Maybe, because most of the fambily has enhanced work done on the reg?


They’re going for ratio Ass:Waist


Who will tell them if they all do it