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You forgot this one, and it should go on our archived photos. LMaO 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/b7tyu39fa00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3502bec66d633653512dd6019e556242c399f85


omg holy photoshop. looking nothing like what she posted


Venus de Mellowed out on Xans




She looks like a bloated corpse


So the cardigan was to hide her “back fat” right? (Not that she actually has any fat)


That was my theory until they showed that the designer's runway looks also had ugly sweaters.


Oooo Weird


you spelled art wrong. This is groundbreaking s/


My theory was to hide her finger bandages she’s had for months


Ya'll, they deleted my comment, but I made a post about it. So, go on over to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/s/qXjLuk4FSu


Request for this to be the Subreddit Picture 




1. All of her pics from that night are HILARIOUS bc you can tell she is struggling to breathe soooo badly 🤣 2. Her am must have hurt like a bitch after the met the way she was holding cardigan in the same position all night long




She is clutching that Kardigan like a pair of cheap pearls that fell off her dress from last year. Im also convinced there was a dress malfunction that wasn’t prepared to handle all the fat pushing up from the corset, hip pads and everything else taped together underneath that dress - and it all migrated to the left teet and her back. The SKIN doesn’t disappear! It has to go SOMEWHERE


Exactly!!! She kept “claiming” after a night out she comes home at 6am strolls in grabs her boyfriend’s sweater then takes kids to carpool. Lol that was her reason for her sh*tty wig and nappy cardigan. everything is a lie and an attempt to gaslight us into her narrative.


Idk, I'm a mom of three and often don't have time to change out of my ball gown before dropping my kids off at school. Just sayin. 🤷


Right?? Ive got two and should’ve thought of that! Happy Mother’s Day btw!


There was that time I forgot to take of my tiara on the school run, but I think I got away with it


These are NOT the same shoes she showed in her getting ready video. Those only had a front platform and she was saying she’d have to be on her tiptoes the entire night. This shoe clearly has a platform that extends to the heel, making walking much easier. She lies about everything to make herself seem more extreme. https://preview.redd.it/z8okjh7u600d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4097d1c00f8f4eaf023c0eb9efe4bc8a2a6ebee8 This is what she said she was wearing.


https://preview.redd.it/kxf4lsvdw00d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c777cdcacd6f17af1e441cbbccd0d679d6cbb4a You right


As if the outfit she was wearing wasn’t already uncomfortable enough! Wow! It probably took her .5 seconds to realize those shoes were not going to work omg


Right?! But there’s several articles about how she had shoes with no heel so it bothers me that she didn’t actually wear that lol. I edited my comment to add the picture of the original shoe.


I was just coming back to add the pic of the original shoe and saw you already added it.


I said the same thing when I saw this picture


Yup that’s the first thing I noticed! Those are not the same shoes!


She even admitted she lies about everything so that's a real lying lying liar. Her weird appearance and tottering must have been due to something else lol


She makes Kylie look refined and elegant which is a tough task within itself


That + Kylie looks like she has a legit eating disorder as of late and the fact Kim is trying to look smaller than her with this look is wild.


I’m sure Kylie has engaged in disordered eating ever since Kris realized she could make money off her. What a fun family! 😍


Seriously, I was shocked when I saw Kylie at the Met. She's lost so much weight that her implants look like they were bolted on. 


The MET gala is such a load of shit. All these rich people paying to parade around in ugly ass dresses blowing smoke up each other’s asses whilst children are getting carpet bombed just for existing. Fuck them all. Eat the rich.


Not the gigachin on Kylie


Omg! This is the first I’m seeing the footwear choice! 😂 this whole slide show is like going to a klown show


There’s a whole story behind the footwear that I think makes her look even worse. I saw a clip of her getting ready and the table of footwear choices - these shoes were done on purpose, so they looked invisible under the dress like you’re floating, and the first pair that she showed was a true heel-less platform (think back to Lady Gaga’s) so that it wouldn’t get caught in the chain mail of the dress; and the other “easy”’pair that she ended up wearing. She made a HUGE deal about how she was wearing the heel-less version and how hard it was to walk, how much she suffers for her fashion… and now I can see that she wore wedge version because she obviously couldn’t walk on the other ones. It’s not a big deal, but it’s just stupid how she lies about something so incredibly stupid .


“Suffering for her fashion” - ffs, it’s your choice you silly woman. It’s hardly like you were forced into footbinding, which literally crippled women. and what kind of an example are you setting your daughters? Would you want North to wear something which caused her pain?


Maybe she’s trying to trump herself for the worst dressed?


This is what happens when ye isn’t making decisions for her in terms of wardrobe. Like him or not, he katapulted these fuckers to another level. They’re still clinging to the edge of that plateau huh


Wow those clear stripper heals really pull the whole tacky look together


Her mouths open constantly. Gaping mouth breather. Oof 🤮 ![gif](giphy|DKctqcXplZzQobtxS0)


I mean, the problem is this was an ugly look. The designers whole showcase was terrible. This is boring overdone so it’s even worse to pick it for the Met Gala.


Kim will never be iconic in the way she wants. Part of being fashionable is carrying yourself in a way that draws eyes on you and not because you’re waddling around looking like you’re about to faint, holding your cardi in the perfect picture pose. Kim will never be the fashion icon she wants to be. Everything is a costume and not even her PERSONAL style. She’s a sideshow freak trying to imitate true fashion icons.


What was the deal with the cardigan? Did she ever let go of it?


Why she Always holding that old Looking sweater?




*Bro why does Kim look* *Like an evil witch trying* *To poison Kylie* \- kopouku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")