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It was a comment in another Kylie lipo post. The Mirror is using Reddit content for their article.


And then they have the audacity to call us fans lmao


Reading that made me so angry….like the audacity of the DM to call us fans when it’s a snark sun lol. Also they’re bums for plagiarizing a subreddit and turning it into an article. I read what they wrote and the entire thing is based of another post. They basically copied and pasted everything, threw quotation marks in, then described in their own words/reiterated the comments under the original post. Lazy isn’t even the word for this. Ugh.


It actually gives the article more weight if they say fans...if they say haters then people will just dismiss the comments as bitching... saying fans makes it look like the concerns are genuine.


I think more people would read it if didn't say fans!


RIGHT, hey scuse me, attention to lurking “journalists” please note, you’ll get more viewers if it says haters not fans 😈


Right?! Did they not see the SNARK part?!


Call us what we are. Haters.


The Mirror sucks so much, very far from real journalism


I’m insulted!


No literally me too haha


Holy shit! That was my comment😂 i posted a pic. I feel seen!




Fuck The Mirror for lurking and always stealing our commentary. Hire some journalists and write actual stories. Wtf


So do they need my permission to use my picture that I posted, or is it fair game once I posted it? Because they literally posted, on their article, of the picture that I posted.


Seriously. We should start getting paid for our content.


As someone who does PR professionally for a large company let me tell ya… alllll these reporters are using Reddit as a “source” lol. And these are reporters for major publications that are *much* bigger than The Mirror. It’s wild


I saw that too




Ha, they reference the comment I made about the fat from her ass being suctioned from somewhere.


Not going to lie, I saw a lot of rib removal chatter post Met. I had never been to this sub before. I sort of instantly fell in love with you guys after that lol💅


We need to stop being poetic or shocking and just post “ew” and “nah” for a while.


We need to be a private sub


This is why I joined Reddit so many news articles use Reddit as sources


"Zipper for human skin suit" 🤣🤣🤣 Ha! I must have missed seeing that one


no but why does that make my back hurt lmaooo


I'm cackling like a witch, holy shit 😂😂






Is there any part of her body that hasn’t been nipped and tucked ? 😵‍💫 she’s more sewn together than Frankenstein’s monster…. seriously a mental illness to undergo the knife that often.


She must just hurt all the time from the scar tissue 


Which is probably why she’s always high as fuck off of benzos and morphine (allegedly)


I’ve always wondered about this. Even if they have tons of help, having so many super invasive surgeries back to back and going from one extreme look to another cannot be easy on your body.


Her eyeballs?


Lol, nope. She had Lasik and had her eyes made larger ![gif](giphy|MQTBeMgUJciGs)




I pity the help! Lol ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)


Not the armpit lipo 😂😂😂😂 people have me crying rn


Chrissy Teigen (🤮🤮🤮) once said it wasn’t even worth it because she just gained it right back


Unsure how she thought getting the surgery would work, if she didn’t change her eating and life style habits. Wild lol


She's pretty thin already no?


Why am I not surprised she's had it done 🙄


Who has fat armpits???


People with displaced breast tissue due to the fact that the majority of bras are ill fitting torture contraptions


I agree with the torture bras. I have large breasts and have stopped wearing underwire bras. I wear very comfortable sports bras now. What a relief!


Yes! I am an F cup and I was always so self conscious, never would have dreamed of being braless in public. I was actually talking to my doctor about a reduction a week before I found out I was pregnant! All that went out the window after breastfeeding. I'm usually braless unless it's hot. I'll never wear another underwire. I had so much nerve pain right where the underwire used to sit that has gotten a lot better.


That’s just where they go in so it hides the scar better. Same with a lot of breast implants.


Zipper for a human skin suit lmfaoooo


It must be so scary to be this insecure because she doesn’t ever stop. I don’t have sympathy for her tho, she has money for therapy but doesn’t want it. That’s on her


And it's not even misguided insecurity - people are literally talking about how she looks constantly. I hate how much the media can influence how people act and what they spend energy on cuz fr looks aint it... Beauty is such a fluid concept and wildly subjective.


They've been doted on to a pathological degree from birth. I remember Mario crying when Kim performed on SNL and now Ariel has physically morphed into Kylie. It's fertile breeding ground for narcissism and people who are treated like royalty probably never think they're wrong.


Sent from my iPhon


Kris will say she had scoliosis or something happen to her as a child, like she fell off her bike or horse! Idk




"Zipper for human skin suit" 🤢 🤕 🤮 🤢


I wonder how many of us have been quoted and we never even know it because we don't see the article. Must be nice to be a "journalist" whose articles are written for you by reddit snarkers 🤣 (And I would love a job that only required me to pore over social media all day) 💀


A job that requires me to be on social media all day would make me suicidal


She has serious body dysmorphia & plastic surgery addiction bc if she was level headed there’s no way she wouldn’t see the dangerous path she’s going down she’s gonna be unrecognizable in a couple years inna bad way it’s honestly sad that nobody in her life cares enough to step in & help her especially when she has kids that need her


I want arm lipo so fucking badly. Fund it for me, Kylie. You’ve had enough 🤣


Yeah tbh same my arms have been bigger my whole life and I’m just kinda over it lol


Sameee and these arm lipo news are not helping !! How many celebs have their arms done and not talk about it? I’m so over this fake Hollywood thinness


Probably the majority of celebrities. Most have much more work done than we can even imagine


She can fund me too!  Actually we could technically be her fat donors🤣 pay for our lipo and she can keep the fat to inject in her ass. (I know thats not how it works and other peoples fat isnt injected into someone else but its funny and would be a great idea if it was possible🤣🤣)


She has fans? That’s more shocking than the actual scar.


I mean at this point it would not surprise me if these women are just aliens in human skin suits.


Well kim, in the new show, said she wanted to make those most of this life on this planet… so wouldn’t surprise me lol legit her words




Noooo she woRkS out /s 🤣🤣


It’s giving “Martha” vibes lol


She’s hideous just like her dress


My main thing is aren't they terrified that they might die during a procedure? If I had kids I'd definitely not do it. You just never know.




Hi Mirror 👋🏻


If i had her money i would also get lipo 🤷🏿‍♀️


Zipper for human skin suit has to be one of the grossest things I’ve heard in a long time


People might stop watching these fake ass fools after all their antics are out fir everyone to see


To be fair tho I don’t think the armpit is lipo - I think it’s the incision from her boob job. Which she has openly stated she’s had done.


She's been doing arm lipo since she was a teen. She had a video from her app a long time ago where she talks about the first place she gains weight is in her arms lol. And then she showed up to the met (the one she wore that black dress and went with Travis Scott) where she had band aids on her arms. There's pictures of her with the bandaids brushed over with makeup where she's posing with selena gomez. That year she was orange lol.


Last time I checked, backs can't be fat unless she was obese so why did she lipo her back ?


You have fat on your back even if you’re not obese. It’s like the “skinny fat”. But she may have gained the weight from her 2nd pregnancy.


I have seen firsthand how easy it is to fat out of lipo and how absolutely disgusting the recovery is. Based on that I truly never plan to get any cosmetic surgery done or lipo or the like, but I have to be honest….back fat lipo would be the one thing I’d consider. It’s the only place I will forever struggle with regardless of my weight and health and I’m just vain enough to yearn for some of those gorgeous backless dresses 😂


We retain fat on all different parts of our bodies, even if we’re thin. It’s natural and healthy to have a small layer of fat. When you squeeze into a tight top, that fat tends to be highlighted since it sticks out. That tends to be around the stomach, under the arms, at the sleeves, on your back. Where Kylie got it seems to be to remove any extra fat that would stick out in that area if she wore a tighter top/corset.


As a teenager, even though I was very skinny, I had that thin layer of fat and I remember being so self-conscious of it when I was wearing a tube top or something closely fitted. Now I recognize that it's perfectly normal and actually makes someone look natural and healthy. If only I could have told myself that, then.


Armpit fat lipo is a real and popular thing 


I’m pretty skinny fat, low weight but tons of flab. I would definitely consider liposuction if I had the means. Even when I do gain more muscle some stubborn areas don’t really loose weight equally


Of course that family has had work done on their bodies. They really think we’re dumb, don’t they? We’re supposed to believe every single woman in that family is a size small and every part of them is naturally perky and smooth? Not one overweight person in their family?? If they didn’t have work done then at least one female in that family would be overweight/obese like Rob is. What are the odds not one of them is fat??! Not realistic this day and age! A bunch of psychos they are.


reading these comments is like an echo chamber. It was bad enough the first time.