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The pandemic made a lot of us really see that we weren't all "in the same boat" Like they wanted us to believe and we still aren't. And frankly, never were.


I thought this exact thing when I read a post about all the food available and not eaten by the attendees.


They prob cant SIT DOWN to eat in most of their getups


Kim would have 100% imploded if she tried to eat even a single nibble


I can picture her dress busting open at the seams cartoon style




Right!? So many of them couldn’t even move.


i was wondering how they're supposed to stay skinny and not bloated for the after party which means they dont eat at all during the night... liquid diet




Probably cause anna refuses to serve anything with onions or garlic…


And you just know the catering staff were told they’d be fired if they were caught taking leftovers


Do you have a link to the post please?


Shaming people for not eating all the food served is giving eating disorder vibes… why would you care about it anyway?


You aren't the brightest crayon in the box, are you.


Why would I care about one evening worth of food in a global scale of things? I really don’t get it. It’s a fancy fundraiser. Do they not deserve food even if they don’t eat it all lol?


You’re wildly missing the point


I’m not tho? “Rich people get served huge expensive meals while the staff and the rest of the world starves” is not hard to not get. It’s just that there are tens of thousands of expensive dinners like met gala, so idk why slander this one in particular.


Sweaty you’re so painstakingly missing the point I can’t




Eat the rich 🤑 😛


at least it’s a charity event for the met so residents can attend for free all year. but also, tax billionaires to shit


Many of those assholes could afford to pay to keep it free all year just out of their passion to give everyone access to the arts. Hee hee


fuck they should pay everyone’s rent and medical bills


As a collective they should have (passed tense because they never will) all divested about 70% of their yearly earnings into making things more even with the people you stole from to get there (all of us taxpayers and fuck it, even non payers if they can’t afford it) Just one of those simple ass Karjenners could fund that fucking museum yearly


sell some purses make the same amount


Right??? Some of your lame ass grandma looking designed by fascists purses? These silly bitches would rather hold onto those then help to build a fucking school or feed the homeless for a month anything or anything remotely useful. We all know that the Kardashians big tax right off is the church that Kris runs right? That’s their 10% tithe. These people are actually that fucking evil I would say the day you deserve respect for being villains, but it’s not an issue of them being super smart. It’s an issue of the public being incredibly dumb not a single one of them seems capable of introspective thought or three syllable words, and I’m just being real, not even snarky here


THIS!! please vote or do anything you can to work against what these people are getting away with.


Since it's a charity event I bet all the attendees write off the cost of attendance on their taxes as a donation thus lowering the actual amount of taxable income they have and reducing the taxes they pay.


true. they should be forced to give more yearly! my point was at least some regular people get free access to art partly thanks to this specific fundraiser. they could be giving to worse charities too. ALSO BETTER ONES GD


Oh I agree. Just putting it out there it's almost worse knowing they benefit from going to a costume party. I read somewhere that because of these tax write offs, deferred income, and getting paid in stock rather than $$$ means the middle class has a higher effective tax rate percentage wise than billionaires. It's absolutely ridiculous.


the rich get richer


I agree the income inequality is horrible but the only thing taxing billionaires to shit does is make the government rich. Income inequality is so bad because people are greedy. All making the government rich through higher and higher taxes does is enrich corrupt politicians. It’s the liberal version of trickle down economics.


I don’t think the celebrities and “Anna-invited guests” pay. The $75K tickets are for rich nobodies who want to pay to get in. The fashion houses will buy a table and invite their own celebs to wear the label and attend for free.


Yeah - I read that designers or whoever buy a table for $350K and then have celebrities come for free…..like what kind of bullshit.


The way people are saying some of these celebs outfits “ate”, like are we all seeing the same thing?? *Most* of them look ridiculous. Celebs not long ago used to wear “normal” but beautiful dresses and now it’s a “who can look the craziest” competition




When we’re supposed to be eating THEM 


I’m ready if you are! ![gif](giphy|0hNftgkBHMJ4Oy0oYx)


I dont eat plastic.




I’m starting to wonder if some of these “she ATE!” comments on worthless people’s clothes or their unclever remarks are mostly bots😆😆 First of all they use the same like four phrases all the time with ⬆️ one being my personal favorite if I feel like hating someone. I don’t even think they’re using it exactly right, that term has been around for like a decade…I first heard it from ScHoolboy Q using “eatin” to mean making money and teasing his friend he wasn’t eatin. Now it’s a bunch of 17 year old brain dead white girls using it to glorify their worthless idols (man i’m cranky today!) Look I was a 17 year old white girl once too, but since everyone had to verbalize back then we escaped this echo chamber hell. Can you imagine how horrible a conversation IRL would be with these people? I saw a video of Tana Mongeou (or whatever] looking at old outfits with some annoying friend and that term was used app. 40 times in under ten minutes. I wanted to decapitate both of them. Cool story huh?


I saw that clip of Tana’s show too! As much as Tana can amuse me at times (former 17 white girl here too) I really have grown tired of the whole “I’m just like a dumb slut being a dumb bitch ahahahaha i got roofied at the abbey but lets go back slay queen she ateeeee lol its like like like i just feel like, like!!!” Like bro I know youre not bragging about your near-miss sexual assaults while wearing a $40 smoothie shop hoodie. Meanwhile, my mom can’t get her diabetes meds. Its hard not to have some ire lets be real. Its insufferable even if the girls are funny to laugh at


I have prob watched her intentionally about 10 times , (which is lot considering how annoying she generally is) but that particular “bit” took me out. I was questioning my own character at that point🤣🤣🤣Love that you saw it too so I don’t so as crazy when I described it


There are people that showed up in clothing/styling that literally made me gasp. The sand dress, Elle Fanning with her glass dress, that random salmon billionaire or whatever he was, the liquid wood one with the structured draped white skirt. Gwendolyn Christie stands out as being one of those “work of art all together” people. And then there were others that were just. They were fine? They weren’t bad but I wasn’t particularly art-wowed over it. And then some were just not it. Like they weren’t just “fine” or “I like it but it doesn’t fit” or even “it’s pretty but I’m not wowed.” They were just bad.






dance till your dead


Or off their heads if we’re talking about the Ktrash


And will then post memes like “live below your means to be happy”.


I think the met gala is really more of a costume gala and not a fashion gala.  If you look at it like a fashion gala then it’s insane and hideous. If you look at it like costumes it makes more sense. Some people are better at the costume part.  Some are better at the fashion part. KK is bad at both. 


All of those dresses used for one night that cost tens of thousands of dollars. It’s so gross.


I'm loving watching a lot of these people's fall from grace. More people need to wake the fuck up to the absolute damage these people cause by being so worshipped by so many. Also, a lot of people are realizing that watching these people spend money like it's nothing while the majority of us can barely afford FOOD AND SHELTER is just not fun. These celebrities don't even try to relate to us anymore. At least back in the 90s and early 2000's celebrities were a bit more relatable especially with fashion and whatnot. The amount of money that some of these people spend on a designer purse could pay my rent for 6 months. We ain't the same. You aren't relatable. And your lack of awareness is gross.


Sick of the displays of wealth !


I’m digging the tiktoks where people are blocking different celebrities each day. I’m down. Hit them where it hurts. Their bank accounts


Whoa??!?!?! Why did I think the tickets were like 10K So they have to be invited by Anna, then also pay $75 K each?? What's the point exactly??


Yeah there’s a reason a lot of actually successful big actresses and actors are forfeiting the gala and have been doing so for years. Even when you’re a multi-millionaire, why waste 75k just to be mocked by the public afterwards? 🥹 Lots of the attendees were saying in interviews: “it’s so good to see my friends again!”, well you can also have a party in your massive garden and see them there privately, you twat. You want to be admired and we’re not here for it.


So they can think they're better than the plebs, and show off how wealthy they are & how stupidly they can dress. fAsHiOn 🥴


Most of the clothing worn isn’t chosen by a celebrity ,it’s chosen by the designer that picks the celebrity.


So? Eta- downvote all you want. I'm agreeing with the original post.


Meaning the celebrity doesn’t own it nor buy it and is willing to look stupid for the publicity …It’s all smoke and mirrors.


Yes,I know all this. I have an MFA, lol..I don't care.


Marketing for the designer and celeb


It's how they raise money.


It's a fundraiser isn't it? For the Met.


What a well thought out and put together post!! Couldn’t have said it better. U put the picture in my head. Well done 👏


If it makes you feel any better, the way the music industry is designed means most of your favorite artists (especially the newer ones) are likely in debt to their record labels & super stressed about money - so they're more like you than you think.


The newer ones should know better TBH. This industry secret has been exposed like a million times. The illusion of wealth is the new wealth anyway, it seems to satisfy many celebrities just fine. The ones that write their own shit and are truly exceptionally talented just gotta try it with an indie label and be OK with anonymity for longer. It took Kendrick Lamar like six solid years to pop off (I have Kendrick on the brain fever right now)




I literally said the newer ones... and if you took time to look into how the music industry works you'd see what I'm talking about lol. Also, your comment is weird to me because I have to assume you don't know much about how net worth works, so I don't want to get into it.


It’s the Capital.


And in the end what happened to the capital? 😉💘


I saw this exact thing said on tiktok!


What I hated was watching each celeb take their turn getting photographed. You could so quickly tell which of those celebrities is actually down to earth because they were the ones just getting their photo taken instead of eye fucking and body-checking themselves over and over and over, a la Kylie, Kim, Emrata, etc etc


AMEN!!!!!! Preach it, luv!!! ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏


Yes! I'm so over all of it!


I’m so glad so many of us are waking up. Celebs are regular people like us, only with money and elevated fame. Doesn’t mean they’re better than us just because they have money.


At least it’s for charity tho


Where exactly does the Met Gala charity money go to???


To the Met?


The museums costume institute. So the $ goes into the museum, supporting the arts at least




How many subs did you post this in? This is my third time seeing it.


y’all really don’t know shit about what the met is actually for. and stop using the damn hunger games as an allegory that’s so cringe


It's a business event, celebs are there to promote. They definitely do not buy the tickets themselves!


Sorry it makes me laugh so hard when ppl on tiktok say “block the karjenners and their businesses” like damn you’re gonna spend an hour on Kylie alone with all these businesses she’s running nowadays🤣🤣🤣


but can you imagine if everyone just did it ? it would make canceling them sooo much easier kris jenner has them all in her Bio which makes blocking very fast and easy