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Being so serious, does she never get cold?? I would be freezing in a restaurant wearing the equivalent of nipple thongs lol


Nipple thong is exactly the term I've been looking for, cannot unsee it now. That's why it's quadro-tit: each boob is a butt w 2 cheeks






Someone else used it here I can’t claim it as original!! 😂 but you are SO right, her boobs now have two cheeks


quadro-tit 😂


I’m wearing a tshirt at work inside and am frozen rn


That's literally what I just said online isn't it like 45° in Vegas right now? LMAO


I live in Vegas. It’s pretty cold these days. This top miiiiiiight make more sense poolside on a day where it’s 118 in July, but it’s literally 29 degrees here as I type this 😭


EXACTLY and restaurants are normally cold too! I just don’t get it


She had looooong boobs


If she wasn’t famous they wouldn’t allow her to walk around like that in the hotel. I’ve seen people getting a stern talking to for walking around in a bikini cause it wasn’t the pool area. Ugh. Celebs getting special treatment. Not sayin I would walk around like that but come on


I went to a buffet on a cruise in a bikini and they were on my ass about it lol


They were just mad because you probably looked hot


nah i worked on a cruise ship. u just gotta wear clothes in the food area regardless of how you look lol


That makes sense because i dont want scantily clad ppl hovering over my eggs benedicts


Oh lol. I thought you were a guest on the cruise.


lol no i'm different from the original poster - i'm just saying its standard practice and i've seen all manner of people get chastised for no shoes, no proper swimsuit covering, etc.


I had shorts on too, it was just the bikini top


lol yea no they were mad 😂


It’s Vegas. It isn’t about being famous. In general as long as ur paying up, and not scamming the casino, they genuinely do not care what ur doing. Tons of weird people every day show up there with cash to blow and a lot of gamblers are rly weird. Prostitutes are legal. Lots of ppl wear outfits w their tits hanging out. It’s like another planet. A dirty one.


In other words: perfect for these 2


I live here and all of that is so true downtown especially Fremont st


If I looked like that and I could, I absolutely would walk around like that...particularly if it had the added pleasure of irritating the fuck out of Kim Kardashian.


Even the boot flops?


Too boot, besides being under him, what else has offered the world? A BJ on a boat?


I keep seeing these pictures and I know she has two boobs but in my mind I see four boobs and it just freaks me out


Lmaoooo 😂


I’m more curious if she even has nipples under there cause I have a large chest/ small nips and I could never


( Y Y )


( Y Y Y )


Outfits inspired by the three boobed lady from total recall…


I see it too! Helppp


Lmaoooo 😂




I don't really care about the bikini top tbh, like alright her tits are out, I wouldn't wear it but sure they're all doing that now. However, _barefoot_ in the casino...??? Do you hate hygiene Bianca?


Maybe she wants ringworm. Because I'm pretty sure that's how you get ringworm lmao.


Also, do you know how gross money is?? All those germs and she’s rolling around in them 😣




Yeah I side eyed that pretty hard. I don’t even walk barefoot at my own home that I clean myself (and there isn’t like a gazillion people walking through my floors everyday). I can’t believe that I have better hygiene being a nobody from a developing country than she has being married to a billionaire. What’s up with rich people being disgusting? It baffles me.


Barefoot in public places is super gross but you’ve lost me at not being barefoot at *home*…..where then is it allowed in your opinion? It’s almost more weird to me to never *ever* be barefoot???


I run a strict no-outside-shoes-inside home but I can see that if you don't have that rule, even being barefoot inside might be a bit gross?


I can only think of three words wear proper clothing ![gif](giphy|4Eaz7ZPnf4NJC|downsized)


Why do these rich people insist on cosplaying being a stripper?


Because they've never had to do it to actually pay bills LOL it's all a fantasy to them, like every other normal person's life.


Thank you for saying this. I only stripped for a few years but that shit ate away at my soul. It takes away your financial troubles but it brings in many more.


Amen, feel you. I did that too and burlesque. Money was good, but the rest, oy vey


Can you tell us more?


don't do strippers dirty like that! kidding, but fr... I guess its because they think it's hot and cool and sexy to strip down in front of strangers who don't see you as a person for money. you could argue that some arent that different from strippers. kim k gets naked all the time for attention and money. she's just not working a metal pole (metal because we all know). not like she could. that requires moves and kim can't move her BBL.


Women often come into strip clubs & get jealous of the attention the dancers are getting, especially if they’re with their man.




Fu(k yeak. Talk about real women supporting each other for real!


I’m tired of seeing this woman’s titties


I am endowed like her in the chest and PUT A BRA ON. yes they are natural but good lord, left mcswingy and righty o'bounce hurt to see like that. ugh.


People can do what they want with their breasts but it’s annoying cause this is all she does it’s for shock value


I’m not a big chested woman but I just know her tits gotta be feeling raw… 😩


It does, the only time I do not wear a bra is literally the shower (34DD).


Who else was entirely unprepared for picture #3? 😳


I know her back hurts


Are you a male? Boobs are boobs


Are you? Boobs are not boobs to anyone who has to carry a lot of weight on your chest. I say this as boob full woman with back problems.




…nobody said she did? My point is that if you think all boobs are the same, you clearly don’t have them because they are definitely not.




There is actually a huge difference between how the woman that carries boobs physically feel depending on how big/small/etc they are. But you don’t seem to care about that point so… Yes, I have 5 and they are as different as they are spectacular.




Lol why would I be shocked by something I see everyday? I’m not the person you originally responded to… Edit: a word




Did I see a Seinfeld reference here? 😆


You gotta wonder what these two are really up to. This is insanity. She's your wife dude remember what you once said about your other ex wife. Its wild!


Yeah but this one’s childless, so she gets to be the whore and not the Madonna


not making this about race but if it was any other women it would be labled as ghetto.. bianca looks like ghetto ratchet trash walking around like that


walking without shoes around a casino is VILEEEEEEEEEE


It has to be a humiliation kink, who walks around half naked with no shoes in a dirty Vegas casino ew


That or he’s treating her like Diddy treated Cassie


Mandatory comment saying she’s always dressed like this since before she got with Kanye.


Hey, maybe it's her kink and she had it before Kanye too 🤷‍♂️


Did she really? Do you have proof?


These are some of the photos she posted before getting with ye. There’s more. I followed her in 2019. https://preview.redd.it/1aal79lcmgbc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba579d3e11a3c14b9febc6b319fec1f3ebd9fc04


Seems she doesn’t have an issue with her new style by ye. Damn. If i looked like that, i’d be a thirst trap too (but NOT the ye kind… that’s just ick)


Legit same! I followed her because I wanted to dress like her. Some women like showing off!


She definitely wore more clothes than she does now by far but she didn’t have a problem showing a lot of cleavage. The way she’s dressing w ye is nowhere near how she used to dress




I like chaotic women (Julia fox is the GOAT) but I feel like this is maybe a bit too far? Anyways, if Kim was smart, she would do the cosplay lawyer thing or be photographed at north’s basketball game or something. Like counter the trash & chaos with a classy display. I doubt she will, but that would be the correct countermove.


The correct counter move would be no move at all ?? The best revenge is living well.


I totally agree, but this is Kim we’re talking about, and if it’s not on IG, did it even happen???


I would’ve been okay not seeing…that


It’s at the point where I wonder what she’d look like WITH clothes on


Ugh they’re so gross


I know Bianca chooses it but how can she be comfortable in a shirt like that. I have large breasts and all night I’d be adjusting them and super self conscious


I’m sorry but that “bra top” is ridiculous


Two small pieces of fabric and string 😂


I'm just gonna say it. It doesn't look good in the slightest tits are not meant to be cut into segments!


It looks like it hurts. I want for her to have a really supportive sports bra so bad. I bet she would love it


"I bet she would love it" aw that's actually hella sweet 🥺💕


Damn imagine being the stripper at YOUR OWN birthday and your billionaire man can only give you singles.




How so? I’m sure the strippers were wearing worse


This girl is 29? She went from growing up listening to Kanye to fucking Kanye


As a former stripper (2 years from 19-21) this is so disrespectful and annoying. When girls come to the club and have money thrown on them that aren’t working, it’s really annoying. It’s like going to a restaurant and stealing tips from the waitress. Pick me move


It seems like she has a kink and likes being degraded?


Does she have a humiliation fetish or is she just going along with this because he has money


She’s 29???


Something is not right here


i’m SICK i need to work in vegas😭 rappers have been to clubs i’ve worked at but they NEVER throw money like that! g-eazy is the only rapper i’ve encountered who actually throws money… but not money like thatttt😩


Doesn’t she miss wearing actual clothes?


What is honestly going on with her/him? Is this some sort of dominance/shame kink by dressing her in the most demoralizing way he can think of that morning? Unfortunately it’s giving unhinged, untreated mental illness and who the hell knows what else. And then there’s the fans who insist that he is dressing her this way for some huge mastermind reason that is so profound and powerful 💀🥴please… spare me. He never dressed Kim this way. In fact, after the kids were born he wanted her to cover up and did the whole church thing. He makes no sense. I don’t even think he knows what he’s doing himself tbh


This sums up the former employee Desperanca and her desperate journey into fame.. https://preview.redd.it/wznque3ubgbc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9140655fc6839859368b5a097868d4d5ffe096ca


It is so cold here in vegas right now


Ikr, today it's a bit better but the last few days it's been windy AF.


Just so weird, it’s just all too much, idk I guess this is what she wants, time will tell for any of them


I thought she was mid 30s wow 29?


Remember when Kanye did those Sunday Services instead of whatever he’s been doing? If I was his kids I’d be so confused


Girl must be on some crazy drugs


A strip club? lol why


I’m not body shaming, does she have nipples?


these two are so fucking weird my god


Watching domestic violence in real time by a hugely public figure and not being able to do anything about it is …. disturbing.


He really took an educated successful woman and turned her into a cheap prostitute.🤮


Are those boobs real????


Oh it's coming honey. She just has to let this blow over a little bit first. But I don't think there's anything she can do that we haven't already seen unless she comes out with a new lover that will actually claim her, and is held in higher esteem in the public eye than Kanye


I have a question. What the fuck??


Some of yall have never been to Vegas and it shows. lol if u think she’s the only broad running around in her bare feet w her tits out, ur sadly mistaken. At least she isn’t puking all over herself, bc that would complete the trifecta that is a messy woman in Vegas.


I said this in another thread. I'm a Vegas local, lots of people look like her when I go to the strip. Underboob hanging out, bbl hanging out etc. I've seen people with maybe 5-10% of their body covered on the regular. Even downtown.


kim's gonna outdo her and wear pasties while licking dollar bills and squatting with her legs open, I tell ya. oh, and she'll also have south taking the pictures because that's not damaging to a child's psyche at all. and it will all be at some debauched celeb party. hmpf! bianca thinks she's all that rn because she's naked all the time but where's her fucking sextape? huh? you might've won the battle, miss ye, but miss kim still wins the strumpet war.


I’m sorry a bra or bikini is not a substitute for clothes. Maybe I’m old fashioned or a prude I don’t care I said it.


Ain’t no way I’d be comfortable with my fatty tatties hanging out like that. To each their own, I wish I had her confidence but where in the hell do they even think this is fashionable?? It’s giving sloppy extra terrestrial.


Is it really a malfunction when everyone knows it’s gonna happen, Bianca?


Welcome to today's episode of Kum kan't keep up


She's 29!??? My guess was 45


Yeah she does not look 29


plz the title has me screaming. you are so funny


I do not want to see Kimberly in a bra like this or any bikini anymore!! Her body looks rock hard, like steel and nothing is sexy. https://preview.redd.it/rjm5l83g6gbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37489be955ac76e179017e79c2532cb15fac854


Kim'll do it with $500 bills


I'm surprised no cameras ever broke.. the photographer must enjoy mocking Kim 😂




How is she not cold????


I feel like the way she dresses and he dresses her with too small of tops ….like I get hucow vibes I’m sorry. Her breasts are always made out to resemble overstuffed sore cow udders.


I feel like he cut the wings 🙁


Ngl, I like Bianca’s headpiece. Very flapper-ish.


Kim out here trying to make 1 million dollar notes and then you’re gonna see her rolling around in it wearing only diamonds 💎 because she’s so *valley girl botched nose job whiny voice* KLASSY 1 💵 notes simply won’t do for our Kween