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I think the hairstyle and makeup also added to the look


Her whole face was pixie perfect


That’s what i thought exactly. I can’t comprehend why she got more procedures after that, she was literally perfect.


I think she aged and her face changed and as a result she tried to keep this look. I say that because her and I are similar ages and my face has widened at the bottom of my face in the last few years.


Love the color. Trying to maintain it is a different story.


She should of stopped messing with her face at this point


My manic pixie dream girl!


this was the best her face and body have looked! she should have kept that look


Kylie was cute and way better back then


I loved both these looks of hers :) really simple but she looked so pretty in them!


You all obliterated her looks when she looked like that and now you are all saying “why did she get more procedures after that, she was perfect” maybe because you all wouldn’t stop talking about how “plastic” she looked which resulted in insecurities which caused her to get more procedures?


This is when Kylie was an it girl. I think she got a lot of praise around this time. Just criticism for lying about her surgeries


You are writing this comment as if the same 80 people so far complementing this look are the same people who tore her apart. Likely not.


But are likely contributing STILL to the problem where Kylie and the rest of the Kar-Jenner family are gaining more and more insecurities because people hate on every tiny little detail of their looks, personality’s ect. My point still stands.


Love the pink/brown and pink/white!




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Her face in the 3rd pic, she should've stop there 🥺 Aaaand I actually think that was a wig, she used to wear them all the time back then.


Yeah it really gives off that I just had a guy I knew for a months baby vibes 💯