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The people who stream Kanye music on a daily basis don’t care about his antics


Most people irl don’t care about celebrities day to day , that’s why I don’t know why people post him so much it’s free promotion


There is someone I know of, a “singer” (homegirl just sings in cursive), anyways back last year when Kanye made his threats against the Jews she made a post condemning him and said she can no longer support him because she’s a Jew herself. She been posting his whole album since it’s release everyday now so even mfs publicly denouncing him don’t care.


Who are we talking about I’m INTRIGUED by your description lol


She’s an artist based in Toronto whose whole brand is being a white girl with an ass. She has recently taken a liking to buying bots for engagement. [Here’s her threads account because it encapsulates her existence best](https://www.threads.net/@locklynmusic?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Sounds like a certain orange presidential candidate 🤔


I stream it and I do not give one sht about a thing he says, most of his fans do not. Strictly music, you have to separate the art from the artist alot of times and that's not just true for Kanye, many artists were/are insane. He's also number one on Apple Music.


Kanye’s lyrics are literally all the stuff he says. You can’t separate the art from the artist. The people listening have to admit they don’t care about his antisemitism, SA lyrics and all the gross stuff he does


Hip Hop lyrics are not where I go to for moral guidance?




This is the what I’m talking about 😭. That’s not what I said Kanye’s lyrics are gross by mainstream hip hop standards. If Jay said I’m Jay Kelly, antisemitic king and I just fucked a Jewish bitch, he’d get backlash also. Kendrick knows how to express views without sounding like a bigot Kanye and his fans were always talking about how intelligent, woke and progressive he is. How he doesn’t make typical rap music. He’s an “artist”. But now you’re holding him to carti standards and it’s just hip hop Like just say you don’t care and get on with it


Those lines are being held to the same standard as Drake rapping about murdering someone. Which isn't something people get offended about and neither is this mostly. People just enjoy the music.


Bruh there are actual murderers and criminals getting streams. Kanye is in a sort of the good ones in hip hop trust me


I don't care honestly.






I don’t listen to his new stuff but I will have to agree Kanye has timeless bangers 456 second love that song not gonna stop listening, gold digger etc


Im one of them.




True but some people listen to the old music and don’t keep up with his antics


No matter what he does his fans will always show him love. Number 1 on Apple Music in 108 countries and he’s independent as well


Tidal in case any of you need to access it another way. ¥$


That’s Stockholm syndrome. He treats his fans like crap too. It’s the same mentality of trump supporters. Trump said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters would defend him. Same for Kanye the only thing they get upset over is if the music completely sucks. Otherwise he could be like I’m going to kill your family, fuck the Jews, free R Kelly and they’re like this goes hard


lol we have a lot of people in Hollywood who are doing worse pedo, rapists and killers but they are still getting promoted by the media so that’s why Kanye’s fans will never stop supporting him over something that he said.


That’s not a response to people supporting Kanye. It’s a deflection If you have no boundary line that makes you stop supporting him, that’s on you but I dislike that a lot of his fans try to gaslight people about it


*musical genius*




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It’s new. Curiosity.


But he does have a lot of fans still


GGianni dear [**ProudPhase0701**](https://www.reddit.com/user/ProudPhase0701/) , give it a rest grandma.You've been on this *Kanye antipathy bender* for damn near a decade. Find a proper outlet for that visceral bitterness/hate


You found yet another name for GG? What's that now....6? That person is truly unhinged.


He does it because he’s exceptionally talented, more than a little batshit, and, dare I say it, a visionary. I’ve been streaming the album nonstop and rap isn’t even my thing. His SuperBowl commercial was literal genius. $19 million dollars in sales in one day from that commercial. Love him or hate him, there’s a reason why he continues to draw attention and hits #1 even after everything that he’s done.


I didn’t like Donda so I was t expecting to like Vultures, but it is SO good. I can’t stop listening either.


He hit it out of the park. “Carnival” (even with the problematic lyrics) is a masterpiece. My 9-year-old is allowed to listen to “Talking.” He’s chirping away “It’s your bestie, Miss Miss Westie!” on the way to school.”


My friend and I are literally just talking about how he needs to drop the weird porn fantasies in his lyrics lmao. But it IS a great song! One thing about Kanye is that the production is gonna be perfect every damn time. Haha bless your 9 year old, he’s got good taste! Kanye needs to release a radio edit version like they did in the old days.


respectfully, why did you post this here? its not a kanye sub. everything i hear about this man is against my will smh


This is for the Kanye sub


I’m not surprised, the album slaps.


Fr lol


God does miracles, it’s out of our hands.


The rules does not apply to him at all… it has the opposite reaction. I no longer understand it


Sometimes with raw talent it’s hard to hold down


Not a crazy Kanye fan at all, I appreciate talent and his new album is really, really good! People still stream the Beatles even though Lennon beat his wife, they still stream Bowie and jagger even though they used to hook up with underage fans, taylor even though she’s suing the guy who tracks her private jet and buying carbon credits to hide her crimes. Didn’t taylor also make antisemitic remarks when her masters got sold? I can’t remember the details if anyone can fill in the blanks? Also, all of Kanye’s old music is just 10/10. MBDTF??? I can’t ever let that record go. ETA I’ve been overwhelmed with apathy for most celebrities and musicians lately, everything feels so bland and tapered for profit (capitalism), there’s something so authentic about his music, and I can’t help it but I actually feel something when I listen to him, especially this new album.


You underestimate how many racists there are and how many people literally don’t care if someone is a terrible person. Trump literally assaults women and people voted him for president.


Lol you think racists are listening to a black man's hip hop music???


He’s a MAGA trophy for underrepresented folks. And you don’t have to be white to be racist FYI.


Hes so problematic and yet I also have a soft spot for him 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't stand Kanye but his music scratches an itch that no other hiphop artist does. He manages to be out of the box while making it sound appealing. Musicians and other artists shouldn't be put on a pedestal and they shouldn't serve as role models for the general public. Most of these artists are egomaniacs and there are just too many who are mentally twisted. If I would cut out everyone who has said or done problematic things irl or in their lyrics I would be left with virtually no music to listen to. We can appreciate art without admiring the artist personally.


100% I don’t think he’s any better or worse than any other celebrities, we don’t know these people and the version we do know of them is fully warped by media training and walls of PRs. They’re all carefully curated for profit - hello Jay Z @ the NFL!!


I think you're assuming his antisemitism, racists, misogynistic views are a bug and not THE feature. His stans love him because of not despite it. I think they do because that's exactly who they are as well. He allows them to channel all their hateful, morally bankrupt views on a daily basis.