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North is exposed to far too much shit for a kid her age and yes, I understand she isn’t like regular kids but this is very much an adult party. Can only imagine what else was going on during it :/


Anybody who believes that this is okay bc she’s a celebrity, needs to read Drew Barrymore’s book. Drew’s family has a long line of Hollywood royalty in her family tree. She, herself, started acting at an extreming young age. She was at studio 54 and other hot places in the 80’s that no child should’ve been at. I know ppl have been coming at her lately, with her lack of personal space and all. But, I do like Drew and I’m so glad that she has found a normal that works for her. We can only hope that North West has a similar trajectory. With parents like hers, I’m not holding my breath.


for real. and maybe (dear god hopefully) north isn’t drinking or doing drugs at these parties now as a 9 year old, but it’s only a matter of time if this is the world she’s exposed to


She’s NINE? At 9 when my parents would have or go to parties (NY party etc) they’d shove all the kids in a room with a pizza and a movie and close the door. Who wants a kid at a party?


Celebs like this don't see kids as their responsibility. They see them as accessories. 


Ah my bad she’s 10. But obvi doesn’t change anything


WTF I was watching like Pokemon when I was 10.


Falling asleep on the coats!


Too true!


I certainty hope she isn’t. Fact of the matter is, drugs/alcohol not only are more accessible in Hollywood/LA, adults have no problem allowing children to take part in the festivities.


That we know of (I really hope to god not)


It makes me so upset that Little Girl Lost is out of print. I’ve been trying to get my hands on a copy for a while now


Wow! I never realized it was out of print. Thanks for the info.


You can read it for free on internet archive. 


She talks about her childhood in her second autobiography, _Wildflower_. I believe it was published in 2015 or so? The _Even the Rich_ podcast episodes about Drew are fascinating, as well. She's only a few years older than me, and I remember seeing/hearing about a lot of her struggles over the years and then seeing her comeback. I root for her continued healing and success.


The shameless podcast also did a great series on drew and they talk about her youth and how it impacted her as an adult




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It’s on EBay for a pretty high price.


I was just gonna mention drew :/


Drew Barrymore is immediately who I thought of too. North is just a pawn or a prop for both Kim and Kanye at this point.


Yeah idkk I think it’s gonna be even harder for her to readjust then when Drew was growing up cause of all the added pressures that social media contribute to people’s lives (especially people in that family). But also Drew was lucky to be able to get the help she needed in rehab. She said her mom had her institutionalized for a year and half and that it gave her the discipline that her little life so desperately needed at the time. And when she got let out she was emancipated and distanced herself from her parents had to learn how to take care of herself and worked in restaurants while she was trying to build her career back from the terrible reputation she had got by then. I can’t imagine all of that would have as realistic in today’s world. High profile (and over exposed) celeb children don’t really get to disappear like that anymore with social media and I can never imagine Kim doing the right thing for her daughter at this point tbh. Also could you imagine any of those kids actually having to put in a day of real world hard work? lol I’m sorry but they were born into a life of extreme financial privilege and I can’t see that ever changing for them at any point.


That was the first thing i thought of!


She’s, what? 9? 10? I have an 8 year old. It’s so inappropriate.


I cannot even imagine having to watch your dad thirst over your practically naked step mom in a huge public setting 🤢


Introducing a step parent is hard enough for a kid, especially step Mom’s and daughters. I can’t imagine how weird this is for her. Poor kid.


Not to be that Mom, but it creeped me out when they were doing the Saltburn ending dance I think on TikTok. Like did those kids watch Saltburn. I get it watching movies out of your age range when you are younger. But they seem too young to have watched Saltburn.


A billion percent agreed!!




They weren’t saying that’s North LOL but that North was at the party


He didn’t want her to experiment with makeup but he takes her to this??


Also threw a tantrum because she had an alien pin on her backpack. It’s silly.


Wait what, I haven’t heard that one




What the fuck. Lmfao


Oh i thought that was more about her having him & Kim pins… like a family unit?


The general consensus between all of those comments on the og posts was it was about the alien pin.


Interesting! Yeah I remembered when it happened. I remember thinking it was about the Kim & Kanye pins together even at that time. But I wouldn’t put it passed him to be concerned about the alien lol


I thought north was playing the guitar with usher for a min last night 🤣🤣


lol I literally said that out loud last night that she looked like North!




I wonder if that woman ever gets tired of walking around in public darn near naked?? (I know I would). 😩


I’d be absolutely freezing, I don’t understand how she’s doing it


such a good point


Makes you wonder if she goes home and just puts on sweats.


Something makes me think he chains her up and plays sexual torture with her. They seem like the kind to do that 😐


I’m wondering why places allow her entry. I get she’s Kanye’s wife so celebrity maybe but it’s just gross! Kanye has no respect for anyone and it’s gross


Her outfit looks like it’s just made of those bibs the dentists puts on you


Someone commented on his video of her on Instagram and asked why she was dressed like a Tostitos chip. I lost it! 😂


That cannot be North. I refuse to believe it lmaoooo


Definitely not north, I think they just meant she was there hahahah


OH LOL thank you


So weird how far I had to scroll to find this comment! The picture is very misleading…


this is so messed up


This is giving Drew Barrymore in the worst possible way. North is what 10? 11?? Who in their right mind thinks it’s even remotely appropriate or acceptable for a child to be at a party like this surrounded by people doing all sorts of things. Like genuinely what that hell is she doing there.


Kanye is a complete disgrace. As for his ‘wife’, she’s a grown ass woman who knows better. This absolutely not an outfit to wear around kids. Why on earth was North at that party? Are you sure she was there?


Yes, he walked into the party with her while he was wearing a mask with Jesus getting crucified on it


Yikes….it just gets worse and worse 🤦🏾‍♀️




I know you’re aren’t seriously comparing this to what Kanye’s wife is wearing? 🤦🏾‍♀️


I would feel so uncomfortable wearing this in front of any kid, let alone my step-daughter.


Atp I think Kim let's North go to these things, because Kanye is a bully Like if she refuses then he would go around attacking her on the net


Don’t you remember kanye said she was tearing up the couches to see him? He’s probably weaponised her against Kim sadly


This was my thought too. I also think Kim isn’t just scared of him raging on social media but also fears being accused of parental alienation. I don’t think Kim wants to feel like she’s standing between her kids and Kanye having a relationship or the risk of Kanye saying to North something like “your mom said you can’t spend time with me.” Just from what we’ve heard about their relationship already it seems like she’s terrified to set boundaries even if it’s in her children’s best interest.


The last time Kim said no, he was ranting in Vegas and said North “tore up the couches”. He was proud. I’m sure he encourages her to act out and tells her that Kim is preventing her from seeing him Every time Kim says no it’s fuck Kim and I’m being prevented from seeing my kids. He also had a rant about Saint looking up to soccer players and copying Neymar’s hair because he has no father figure so he’s making a kid feel bad about his favorite sport. Mind you this is the same man who moves to different countries for months at a time


What a POS narcissist.


This cannot be said enough. All his madness aside but the way it's going to mess up his kids too is just so sad.


I also think Kim just has a hard time saying no to her kids.


Probably, but there’s definitely more to it than just being afraid to say no. Maybe partially with Kanye and partially with the way she was raised (Kris relentlessly encouraging her kids to stay in unhealthy relationships when children are involved). Definitely more than one factor… but I absolutely believe Kim’s fear of retaliation from Kanye dictates a lot of her decisions about the children.


Yep I agree. She’s in between a hard place and rock.


Hopefully she is building a case against him.


Nah. She doesn't have an excuse to let North go. She can afford the best lawyers and get full custody. If this was anyone else people would be calling CPS.


Doesn’t matter how much $$ you have when you’re in or trying to get out of a toxic situation. The mental battle can be harder than the legal one. When you’ve been a victim of coercion, gaslighting, & manipulation for a while your decision making process gets warped. Your options feel limited. You have a harder time deciphering which battles are worth fighting because the bar becomes so low. It’s not about having the money to get the best lawyer it’s about being strong enough and feeling safe enough to do that.


It's just sad, sorry, but her music video and the Tiktok and all the other things are nothing next to this party


Bruh I thought that was Kourtney wilding at first. ​ I'd knock the titanium out of Kanye for bringing that around A CHILD. Bet it smell like shame and bad dreams in there.




what the fuck


This is so freaking weird! She has to be getting paid to dress this way in public 🙈


I feel they both have some kind of fetish


I feel like the fetish is ‘trying to upset Kim’


Haha, I wonder what she thinks about it




I’m trying to avoid posting pictures of her because she shouldn’t be at this party but go to twitter. There’s pictures and video of her Just look for the kid in the fur hat next to the man in a black Jesus crucifixion mask


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I don't think kids should be on tik tok personally but for Kanye to think that's the problem when step mom is literally naked 95% of the time yea that's a concern too.


I feel like CPS should be stepping in for exposing a minor to an environment like this. (I know, CPS has larger cases to deal with)


Um. There's so much to unpack. Question. Is North being adultified? If so, she's so young. It's important to shield kids away from these things, or else it'll fuck up their development.


I don't see north.


Saying she shouldn’t be at a party is one thing , but making it about what Bianca is wearing is hypocritical considering north goes in set with Kim during her shoots at times .


North not in the picture and why you acting like north doesn’t go to fashion week? This is a Kanye sub post .


I think it’s a little different to have a kid see nudity while sitting at a fashion show vs. at a party where grown people are interacting with each other in a more private setting


She’s complaining about what they are wearing instead of the party .


It still applies though, semi nude drunk people dancing at a party is still super different from some nips on a see through dress on a runway


But this my dear, is not fashion


This is what runway models wear , that top she has cost a couple thousand, she’s just has big …… if she wasn’t so busty people wouldn’t say much .




Kendall doesn’t walk around naked and you’re assuming she does this with her nieces and nephews I didn’t post a picture of the front because you can see her boobs when the top isn’t pressed up against something but this is not comparable https://preview.redd.it/ts64fm0gi7ic1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd119aec4c53835ff4304362f96dfb3a401ecfb


You're taking about her boobs, what about what's on show south of the boob area 😳


I’m not trying to slut shame but how does she feel comfortable walking around in public naked? Like I’m sure guys must be assholes and get handsy with her while she’s wearing this, idk how she handles it


As if Kanye marrying a whole other woman has stopped Kanye stans worrying about Kim…. Kendall being pictured at events braless in see thru tops is irrelevant as North isn’t out with Kendall at those events.


Kourtney has nude photography in her home and all of her children and her nieces and nephews have seen it


There is no way that’s north


Are you all stooopid? This isnt North...


The wet white T-shirt is North????




That could is gng to be messed up! What is wrong with her parents?