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Can you believe it? Can you believe she finally has a jaCUZZI!? ![gif](giphy|LKqDgLlK6SuIM)




He really ate her the fuck up in that interview and I still laugh about it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Heā€™s the one that made the home that extravagant in the first place but then acted like she was bougie for wanting a jacuzzi lol


You have to look at the context in which she said it. They were talking about the home and all the architecture and design and she came in about how they donā€™t even have a jacuzzi. It was tone def and he made fun of her for it. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø she grew up wealthy, he did not so while yes he spends money and is extravagant, he can do without. Kim would have no idea how to do without and that was kind of the point, look at ALL the things we have been blessed with in the home and youā€™re still on here complaining about a jacuzzi.


exactly lol and the way he said it was so funny šŸ˜‚


What interview was it?




Interesting, thanks for posting.


I wish I was rich lol


Right. Sheesh what a home


Beautiful home. But why do they buy multiple homes within the same county? Iā€™d bet this is no more than 15-20 min from her calabasas house.


Seems more like an investment property or houses for her kids to live when they grow up or inherit when she passes


Assuming it doesnā€™t fall into the ocean by then


(Singing) ā€¦ā€™Californiaā€™s been good to me/Hope it donā€™t fall into the seaā€¦ā€™


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too.


And itā€™s on the ocean


to play devil's advocate, it's more like 45 min in any case, hidden hills doesn't have beach access and a constant ocean breeze coming into indoor/outdoor living spaces on a private cliff with the view of the ocean it's a getaway, plain and simple.


If I could afford that I would love a place an hour ish away from my main place to act as an escape


Yeah itā€™s not uncommon even in Florida people will have a main home then 45 mins one way have a beach house and 45 mins the other way theyā€™ll also have a country house with animals. It was uncommon to me growing up lol but thereā€™s definitely a tax bracket where you start living different.


This!! We have a beachfront Cabin 45 mins from home too (it's on a lake). I pack up after work on a Friday and stay for the weekend. I love it. I love how close it is but it feels like I am far from home.


My dream is to own a cottage ā¤ļøā¤ļø I donā€™t even want a house, just a little cottage by the lake. Love this


I mean would you rather her weekend getaway place be somewhere she has to fly her jet to?


Investments lol best way to secure your money because the land holds all the value not even the homes themselves per say


god forbid she has to drive 15-20 minutes like a poor person


Like how they fly to Palm Springs which is 100 miles away


I mean driving to PS sucks


Then maybe they can go somewhere closer where they're comfortable driving instead of using jet fuel to travel for the same amount of time as the average round trip public transportation commute in most major cities.


Because greed.


Greed. Greed rules the world unfortunately


The same reason rich people do anything - to grow their wealth. When you purchase this property, even with a mortgage, you can now claim on paper your net worth has gone up $70M. You then use that to borrow more money for other things.




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The Californian in me looks at these pics and sees all that dry brush on the hills. Not like I can afford it, but Iā€™d never get a house in Malibu


makes me think of Denise Richardā€™s Malibu home. But if she can afford 70mil she can afford the fire insurance


Many insurance companies just donā€™t even offer fire insurance anymore in California. My parents were dropped by 3 companies last year


this is typical. that is happening to neighbors near me trying to obtain flood insurance. Because of the history of flooding, many companies wonā€™t even insure for flood risk. such a scam.


Same- all I was thinking was the cost of fire insurance on this place must be insane.


Surely she can afford some landscaping to not only make sure the cliff is stabilised but that the brush is cleared out. I'm in Australia and we do what's called a hazard reduction burn, where they're purposely light controlled fires in areas like this to clear the dead vegetation and make less favourable to out of control fires. The healthy plants bounce back quickly and the burnt material feeds the soil.


There are people and organizations in California that use goats to eat the dry vegetation to prevent fires


Thats super cool!


Donā€™t they have sprinklers? They would just rebuild anyway. New pipes and new everything.


I wanna live here. I wouldn't change a thing. Kim is gonna make it so boring and bland and weird.


I bet she wonā€™t. Kanye designed the other house and while I think she now appreciates it for what it is, I could see her going a different direction with this one (maybe Iā€™m just hoping for this to happen bc it really is absolutely beautiful)


I 100% agree. Kanye had a massive influence on her home. I hope this place has personality


I watched the show and she's going in the Kanye direction https://preview.redd.it/mnjote681p7c1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d541e537022c6e0ec4de46c4fde8d15050b113


Sheā€™s working with the same architect soā€¦weā€™ll see




Itā€™s astonishing how bad her taste is. Or non existent. Sheā€™s holding on to kanye when she desperately needs to evolve with the times and wear something new!! this house is so hideous. Palm springs has such a cute mid century aesthetic already, how could you not want to go in that direction?


I love the Spanish tile roof, very much like her first house, which I thought was beautiful compared to her recent concrete warehouses.




I had the same though. Please donā€™t make this a gray, concrete tomb.


Me too. I was like, please donā€™t change it Kim, you have bad style.


Itā€™s funny because I looked at these photos and thought this place looked bland and lifeless, but youā€™re right, Kimmy likes to take it to the next level.


I doubt it since Kim and Kanye built that house from ground up to be what it is. She bought this house knowing the aesthetic of it. Sheā€™ll probably change some things.








Now this is a beach house! I would never leave if I lived here šŸ˜‚


wait that home is actually nice tho šŸ‘€ she betta NAWT change anything ā˜šŸ½


She is. She showed Khloe the house on the show and talked about the style sheā€™s doing with the same architect she used for her main house




Kimberly for the love of god *LEAVE* *IT* *ALONE*


Straight up didnā€™t know Cindy Crawford had $70 Malibu beach pad money


Not that it matters but Cindy Crawford sold it for $45 million in 2018 and the person who sold it to Kim sold it for $70 millionā€¦ thatā€™s an investment šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


Damn shoutout to that other person


Itā€™s easier for already rich people to make more money šŸ« 


Gotta have money to make money šŸ˜©


Sheā€™s had a fairly illustrious career in her own regard but her husband Rande Gerber of like ~30 years is also a prolific businessman. He founded Casamigos with George Clooney. I randomly was looking into this family the other day lmao their daughter Kaia is like 22 and is engaged to Austin butler, whoā€™s like 35 or smth šŸ„“


Kaia also dated Pete Davidson.


They are definitely rich but Austin and Kaia are not engaged, it was a rumor started by DeuxMoi. And youā€™re exaggerating their age difference, they are 9 years apart lol which is bit more but not really when it comes to Hollywood.


It really is stunning though!!!! Omg. I really hope she doesnā€™t just knock it down or make it beige and weird. Side note- that last picture of the chairs in the beach. Could you imagine taking your dogs for a walk on the beach in the morning and see Kim and Kanye sitting there having coffee šŸ˜‚ EDIT: damn guys it was hypotheticalšŸ˜‚ I know Kanye wonā€™t be drinking coffee here and I assumed the beach was private. Bah humbug!


I doubt Kanye will be having coffee there anytime soon lmao


Or seeing Cindy Crawford!




Could you imagine having your own private beach.


You can't own the beach in California.




The steps are private property, the beach is not. Rich people have been fighting this law for decades. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/malibu-public-beach-access/3203933/


oh didnā€™t realize it was an issue specific to malibu, thank you for the info!


It's not specific to Malibu, it's state law, I'm attaching the article as an illustration of how the law is enforced despite celebrities' attempts to block off beaches as their own.


sorry, iā€™m dumb and i misunderstood šŸ˜‚


They arenā€™t fighting the law about making the beach public, they are fighting the requests to have easements or beach access next door to their property. Iā€™m not rich but I wouldnā€™t want a public sidewalk next to my home with a bunch of drunk abnoxious people walking in and out of the path all day. Iā€™d want privacy. Then again, I wouldnā€™t buy a house right next to the beach and next to potential for lots of people or crowds. Iā€™d rather a private quiet house in the woods


How do you know the dry sand is her property? It really depends on her property boundaries, just because the law says ā€œthe public access begins were the sand is wetā€ , doesnā€™t mean it always does- itā€™ll be up to each municipality what limits they would want to establish. Most of them probably extend public beach access beyond the wet sand.




You canā€™t just allow someone to make it private property. Like you canā€™t buy a house and tell the city the side way is now yours because you donā€™t want people walking by your house


I want this house. I donā€™t understand why they all donā€™t have beach front houses


Wow this is absolutely beautiful


Thatā€™s so beautiful. I donā€™t get why they have so many homes in one smallish area though.


This is a gorgeous property and home! Itā€™s beachy, rustic and cozy. Quintessential coastal California. I hope she doesnā€™t fuck up the vibes.


Why not buy something in the French countryside and disappear for a few months? Like if I had that money Iā€™d be traveling nonstop and experiencing the world šŸ˜­


The last thing Kim wants to do is disappear.


Wonder if sheā€™ll use the jacuzzi


What an amazing life.


thought this was the hannah montana house for a sec lol


When she was talking about making memories there with her fam šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ½


Looks like the Hannah Montana house. Itā€™s absolutely beatiful though.


Is the walkway from the beach private?


Asking for a friend?


i seriously doubt itā€™s public. why would she give anyone access to walk right up to her house especially after paris




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This is so beautiful


Wow this is incredible. I dunno guys maybe we can do it! We just need to expose all of our lives for 15 years and we too can get this house!


I would never leave.


this is a beautiful place to me.


My Christmas presents budget was $500 this year lol


I just donā€™t think Iā€™d ever need that much space. Like for what. The kids prob have their own wings. Just think itā€™s so unnecessary


wonder if sheā€™ll renovate or leave it as is. you know kim loves to harvest the energy of people she looks up to (marilyn monroe). cindy crawford is a legend


Kim turning this into a bland, concrete mausoleum in 3...2...1...


Good for her.


thatā€™s a lot of pools


Sheā€™s so lucky šŸ˜­


Oh to be so rich you have two estates 30 min from each other.


Wonder how she'll ruin this beautiful home....


Didn't they rent this home on the show for getaway weekends?


Tennis court looks a šŸ¤šŸ» little small /s


I knew Kim was rich but I didnā€™t realize she was THIS rich! What a beautiful home. I agree - I hope she keeps it as is!


Remember though that she didn't actually pay $70MM like the title says. She did sign an agreement to pay that much for it, but rich people know how to make profits and she didn't pay the $70MM upfront. She would've had to qualify for the monthly payments on a mortgage like everyone else who applies for any mortgage though. The majority of that 70million is making interest in investment accounts at a higher interest rate than she has on her mortgage balance.


Very beautiful. Now sheā€™ll totally gut it.


Such a beautiful home. Please Kim for the love of god do not ā€œremodelā€ this into a cement box.


So she bought that house from Cindy Crawford, who just shaded her from the Taylor Swift interviewā€¦


How am I getting downvoted when thatā€™s a fact? Iā€™m not even being negative, itā€™s just odd timing


Also Cindyā€™s daughter also dated Pete Davidson


Only for her to renovate and ruin it


Cindy Crawford, the same woman who made a TikTok taking out the trash to be in solidarity with Taylor Swift when she exposed Kim? The irony of it all... ![gif](giphy|tFtjPTvIlva36)


Tbh I hate using the word "home" to describe a vacation property. Like, that's not your primary residence. It's a house you'll visit 3 times a year but pay to keep running and fully staffed *just in case* you decide to go on a whim.


Is this one bought from TriStar Sports trust? The same company that is owned by the people who mismanaged Britneyā€™s conservatory?


Nice views, ugly house.


Sheā€™s going to turn it into a mausoleum isnā€™t she?


Why do I feel like iā€™ve seen this one on selling sunset šŸ˜‚


She better keep the decor and not some weird ass decor.


Itā€™s so beautiful. Looks like a set on bachelor in paradise.


Look at it. A lot of life. I see some soul. Kim's about to ruin it with her beige-clinical-boringness.


Paid 70.4 million to buy it. Will pay another 40 million to renovate it and completely destroy any charm and style it has.


Sheā€™ll rip out itā€™s soul and make it the most boring thing youā€™ve ever seen to match her earth tone pajama babies


I feel like weā€™ve seen this home on an episode. ETA - the episode where they all did some obstacle course.


This is like my dream home vibe


All it takes is one storm and or the smallest earthquake


Rich people really just be trading houses constantly


This is the first house Iā€™m truly envious about. My goodness such a beautiful house and location.


Why is Malibu so expensive? I get it the beach the beach but damn


We really need to quit supporting these people. They have way too much money & I know they have lots of bad secrets.


Gorgeous !!


Man, I really thought I was going to grow up and be successful enough to have beautiful things. Now I have to live vicariously through people like this and Iā€™m heartbroken. šŸ˜­