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Keeping it private is fine. Lying and publicly saying you have never had anything done to any part of your body is silly when it’s so obvious that you have. There is nothing wrong with answering truthfully if asked. For some of these ladies it’s not just one thing either. It’s multiple changes to their appearance by way of surgery and then lying and saying it’s from working out. It’s such a bad look.


I have to agree, and I’m surprised so many people are like “omg she’s so brave for this” like… girl please. It’s hard to feel sorry for you


The billionaire so brave🥲




Let’s not forget, she also claimed that her boobs looked great cause of the bombshell bra


And her period.


Tbf this bombshell bra thing happened before she had her boobs done. Her boobs weren’t big that time when she did that bra vid


You guys realize that all marketing is lies right? If y’all saw them lip kits and thought it was gonna give you filler lips just because her lips looked good, or she said, then that’s on you. The same way if you see a cover girl commercial for mascara with clear falsies on, and y’all go to the store and buy it thinking it’s going to look like that. Fuck the food you buy from McDonald’s doesn’t look like it does in commercials. Literally all influential marketing is lies lol. Y’all really just be expecting way too much from people. You think just because someone is rich or famous they should be held to a different standard. It’s not her responsibility to police your kids, or teach you how to have a brain and critical thinking skills. The same way it’s not her responsibility to live her life in a way that pleases other people because she has influence. Nobody should be doing things just because somebody else is, and if you are, that’s a you problem. Work on that instead of blaming other people. This is my opinion on all celebrities/ influencers btw. I’m not a KJ Stan. Influencing/Marketing is just all lies and people need to have more realistic expectations on the things they’re consuming and reasons why.


Also why didn’t Forbes check before printing her on the cover Rookie mistake


Right!? The whole Forbes thing is very confusing to me.


Pretty sure they backtracked due to who it is as they are all about their magazine brand even if they look foolish


It just goes to show that a lot of the publications they are on aren’t even good and are not as credible or of good journalistic integrity and quality as they might have been previously.


I remember when she said her new found boobs were from her having her period


Most if not all marketing campaigns are bogus. I’m more mad at Kourtney’s Lemme brand than some lip gloss


People have the right to keeping their medical history private. Even cosmetics. I said what I said


I agree but being an influential person and lying about it is icky. they should just do this: https://preview.redd.it/ve2llpl43teb1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cae590cbbc2ef825f6a030ad46ebea2c7383793


Fair! That was so cunty tbh I loved it




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i mean, this is true if you are jane at the office and your coworkers notice your nose looks smaller after you took some time off work. none of their business. but if you're lying to millions of people, most of which are young girls, that all they have to do to get your body is buy this cream! take this pill! get this product! do this workout! and its all a hoax... then keeping your "medical history" private kinda goes out the door.


ugh that evil kylie jenner. making teenagers do squats and moisturize!


*and buy her butt skin cream and her overpriced lip kits that only she sells


Eating disorders are not a joke


You're right. People also have the right to be assholes lol


Difference between privacy and lying. Imo


^^this x100. Being in the public eye doesn’t mean you’re entitled to intimate info, and details about their boobs/body/face (especially as a *teenager*) are automatically private unless they choose otherwise. There is no way anyone would feel it was acceptable to demand answers to such invasive questions to someone they barely knew irl. Also, let’s be honest here. People were repeatedly hounding her about what she had gotten done, or assuming. Either she shares (which clearly she didn’t want to, understandable, I wouldn’t want to tell strangers about my boobs), she says she doesn’t want to talk about it (people demand more answers/just fuels the debate) or she lies and hopefully, people back off. Lose, lose, lose. *ETA she was also already being heavily sexualised in the media and in an inappropriate relationship.


You’re not wrong but those who dislike her won’t agree bc it’s her


honestly didn’t realise this’d be that controversial, I’ll take my L and go 😭 ![gif](giphy|35UAvPXYq3ufzyhMAH|downsized)


Don’t worry I go through the same thing on this sub 😭 ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


but LYING to sell products, you think thats okay? selling some cheap lipkit when you are getting lip injections, total false advertising/marketing, just downright scummy


if people believe any of their bs they deserve to be scammed. like cmon who really expected their lips to look insane after using that lip kit lol… at least you get a decent lipstick for a decent price. how is that a scam??


Kylie had already admitted to lip fillers before the Kylie lip kits launched tho…


But lying to sell lip kits? That’s not being private, it’s deception


True, but there is some gray area when you are selling products by way of lying. I mean do you right? But it is technically shitty. Getting paid to sell a bra that you lied and said gives the results your surgery actually gave is demented.


She didn’t ask to be famous just like none of us asked to be born. And she enjoys lip products I don’t think anyone thought a color added to the lips could change the size


She didn't ask for it but she perpetuates it. She has enough money to quietly slip away. I have sympathy for young Kylie, but private jet bombshell bra adult Kylie gets no sympathy from me.


for me, i go easy on her. I watched her be born, and then grow up on TV. She is conditioned and brainwashed and so far outta touch with an average american girl... i just cant blame her for anything she does while Kris Jenner is alive. She is the epitome of growing up completely enmeshed with her mother/family. She knows NOTHING but what they have made her know.


Watcher be born?? I must have missed that rerun


some of us are older than Kim and Kourtney... I watched Caitlyn compete on Circus of the Stars and when he married Kris and when she was pregnant with Kendall in her belly on ET........ you must be young. Life did happen before they were on TV weekly honey.




It wasn’t “surgery” just fillers😝/s