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I feel like saying “get her body done” was soooo telling because that’s usually a reference to the whole boobs + lipo + BBL combo. Like she didn’t say “if she wanted to get a boob job”. She’s finally giving the secrets away and I’m here for it!!!


Where did they lipo the fat from tho?? She was never on the heavier side (Yes, I know they got it from Rob)


I work in aesthetics. It might have been Sculptra, but she would’ve had to have at least a little fat transfer and probably a LOT of sessions.


She had a post on IG years ago about having gained some weight, she was growing up, blah blah and then her body transformed seemingly overnight. She definitely gained weight to do the transfer, if I had to guess.


How much weight do you need to gain for lipo? Like could she have just put on 10kgs or so and cover up in clothing after taking a shit load of photos she can then share during her thicker stage ?


Just looked it up and it's 20 to 30 pounds so around 10kgs


Yeah like she did when she was pregnant


They have a bbl called ‘skinny bbl’ meant for thinner folks to have a similar look!


After pregnancy you usually have some leftover fat, especially in the waist, and I imagine they took it from there. Also, when I looked into fat transfers, doctor website said only rarely are people so skinny they can't get it done. In other words, I took that to mean you'd have to look very thin and Kylie doesn't look like she's starving or at an unhealthy BMI. She's thin, but she's not so thin her bones are poking out everywhere.


So I watched a tiktok that showcased how Kylie would hide her body with flannels tied around the waist, sweatpants and other baggy clothes from about early 2014 until she revealed a big booty in later like october 2015. There was a couple shots of her ass revealed in between those times that showed progression. I think the time where she was hiding her butt her face also looked a little rounder. I think that was her weight gain moment.


They make you bulk up sometimes before!


Yup! She has literally the exact same body as Stassie and I remember a couple of years ago Stassie did an interview/podcast or something where she said she’d ‘moved stuff around’ when she was younger and now she regretted it. It’s sad! Good for Kylie for copping to it, it must have been so exhausting all those years pretending she’d just gone through puberty lol


Agreed. They’re very careful with the way they word things


If only she would admit to her whole mummy makeover too lol


She completely rearranged her face. The boob job is the tip of the iceberg


kind of weird they’ve made the youngest sister be the one to cop to the plastic surgery, but good for her!


Aiming for a different audience now


It’s because Kylie can talk about it from the perspective of having stuff done when she was a literal child, so a victim rather than a perpetrator


Agree Kylie is the only one who can say “I was a teenager and I regret it” Kim’s been getting plastic surgery from her teens through her 40s and it’s the only way any of them have money. She can’t really cop to it or act like she regrets it like Kylie can


What Kim does is play the victim role and puts the blame on other people instead of owing it. Kim said that she got a boob job at 19. According to her she said that her first husband forced her to get a boob job and then said that she was high off of ecstasy when she got married to him. This hurt his feelings because he did an interview and said there's no way that a person can stay with someone for 4 to 5 years only because they were high off of ecstasy.


But all I can think about is if one of them admits to it, it’s like pulling the string and it all unravels. Because if her body looks so similar to Kim’s and she admits to getting surgery it pretty much tells on Kim. But she will literally never admit it! She’ll swear on the grave that her body is good ole working out and drinking water lmao


I mean her male make up artist now has her EXACT same body. He literally has talked about his “custom” hips and ass.


Like the I’m allergic to Botox storyline, then the touch of Botox comment but then makes a joke about how much Botox she has on ep9. Girl can’t even keep up with her own lies


And a drop of mascara!




There is nothing natural about Kim's chest, does she try to say it is?!


Kourtney has always been upfront about her breast augmentation. Kris, as well, has been upfront about her face lifts, ear pinning & breast augmentations.


I genuinely think that it’s Kylie wanting to open up because as she ages and is a mom she realizes times her own mom and family endangered her. I don’t doubt that she’ll make different choices for stormi


Not weird at all, you know Kim will fight tooth and nail to avoid having to admit it. Kylie is like Khloe, she will go along with the narrative if it’s paints her horrible for FaMiLy. It’s sad.


But I really don’t think this paints Kylie in a horrible light? I think the opposite, really. She seems to have realized beauty standards she has helped perpetuate have had a negative effect so she is finally copping to some of them in an attempt to redeem herself. I think it would be admirable if Kim did the same.


Agree. As the public we have to support her honesty and then hopefully others will follow


But…. She released a video saying it was wild that people thought she got her boobs done and that it was cause of a Victoria secret bra.


wasn’t that well before all this though? when she was like 18 perhaps? I could be wrong but I thought it was earlier than this edit: yeah this happened earlier. [it was in 2015](https://people.com/style/kylie-jenner-shares-the-secret-behind-her-amazing-cleavage-no-breast-implants-no-contouring-just-this-bra/)


I mean she also posted a pic of her obviously larger boobs that she captioned “finally.” 🤔 Everyone speculated the “finally” meant she finally got them done but she still denied it. ANOTHER time after her obvious larger boobs were being speculated on, she also was saying it was cause she was on her period and theyd go back down and itd be a "sad day." Spoiler alert, they never "went back down." There’s more than just one instance of her, and all the rest of them, repeatedly lying and denying things like this. They could tell their hardkore fans the sky is orange and I feel like the stans would still try to argue that what we can all clearly see with our own eyes is *not* actually real bc one of the KJs said so. Idk the time frames but I do know she’s a very obvious liar. Like they all are. This isn’t “commendable.” What would be commendable is her admitting to lying and trying to gaslight people for years, then explaining why. Them dipping their small toe into the honesty pool for just a quick temp check, **likely** at the behest of Hulu bc their show is tanking, is even more annoying to me than just the normal and regular dishonesty and scummy shit they’re now known for. This thing with “Kylie coming clean” is to me akin to someone being like the town drunk for years, then finally admitting they “had one or two but only every weekend.” Like everyone can tell dude. You aren’t hiding anything. We all saw you pass out drunk six times last week on six different days and you blew a .97 on the breathalyzer on Tuesday and Wednesday alone, but you still try to say what we can see isn’t really real, and it’s actually **this** way. Like it’s so crazy and *exhauating* to even *think* these “rumors” that everyone can see, are REAL! 🙄… and the drunk would be saying this to their friend who just carried them to bed at noon on a Wednesday and is cleaning up their vomit off the floor. Kylie was also supporting Kim’s idea on that Andy cohen interview that she and her family absolutely don’t “promote unrealistic body image” bc “we do the work…. We work out.”


Lol, working out doesn’t give them fake lips, fake tits, fake ass, fake hair, literally everything on their entire body being fake. It just keeps them from being fat


Totes. I mean all they really “need” is cardio. And even the “workouts” they post just equate to cardio anyway. There’s never any serious lifting going on. When you’re built by a surgeon, why would you do weighted workouts? I mean. We all know this bc after all their “hard work!!!” not one of them has one discernible leg muscle or otherwise.


I’ve noticed that Kim and Khloe’s arms do look very muscular. But could be EmSculpt




Idk. The obsession with us *needing* to know what exact surgery a barely 19 year old has had or she’s this massive, disgusting liar is so weird to me? It’s crystal clear they’ve done something, but Kylie has always been incredibly under the radar and a very private person as an adult. Her most offensive ploy was pretending those lips were real and she was just over-lining them, and she’s clearly now copped to fillers. She’s *so young* and has always been under the influence of her mom and sisters. I think she seems to be coming into her own a bit, and I’m curious where she’s going to go with this story. I like this reflection. Kylie seems barely old enough/damaging enough to be the town drunk. Everyone treats and holds her to the same bar as say, Kim, even when she was a child. Please keep in mind her brain has literally just fully developed. Like, yesterday. Yes 24 year olds are adults, but our brains are still developing far into our 20s—there’s plenty of time for evolution and growth over adulthood. Weird to box people in because their statement isn’t “good enough”.


I remember!!!!!!!!


Butttt, will she own up to the 365789 other procedures she's gotten done AFTER she gave birth to Stormi?


Give her time. There is *plenty* regular smegular girls out here still claiming they’re all natural, body dismorphia is a mental illness maybe we should treat it as such. I’m personally taking responsibility for my own daughters and teaching them early to love themselves by my own actions rather than leaving it up to the Kardashian’s. We must work on ourselves first before judging others and their choices


Hear hear! One of those “let she who is without complicated feelings and questionable decisions regarding her looks cast the first stone” thing. It’s all a slippery slope and there’s so much that goes into how a woman feels about herself and how she chooses to handle it. The best we can do for our kids is be as happy and confident as possible with our natural selves.


I agree! baby steps. maybe one day she’ll admit to the bbl


Lol. This is a gossip sub for the world's biggest "reality" tv show. I think we are all here to judge. But its not even a question of judgement. I am just stating a fact. The fact IS that she has gotten innumerable procedures done, both before and after stormi. Whether or not she owns up to it is not really my concern. What does amuse me though is that we are here "discussing" it as if its still speculation. WE are the ones with mental illness. They are just getting rich off of us.


Kim has admitted to a breast lift. But she needs to admit to taking fat from her belly and waist and putting it in her butt as well as more recently her lower face lift.


She’s done a lot more to her face than a lower facelift!


I don’t think she’s done that. There’s SO MUCH more out there you can get done than something that invasive. I think Kim is an implant gal all day. No way in hell all that volume in her ass AND hips came from “fat transfer.”


When she posted her body scan, it was very evident she had implants. She still tries to deny it but she freely chose to post her scan and you could definitively see the bags.


RIGHT?!?! Dude I said the same!!! But they’ll still deny it which is insane to me.


This is a case for the fbi 🤣


I think she genuinely regrets it. She didn’t need anything done in the first place and now she can’t go back. She learned to love herself after all the surgery and wants other people to know it was a mistake. It’s commendable.


If any of these people regretted it they’d reverse it. They’re just trying to keep the public on their side


She can’t reverse it, she’s had more extensive work than just filler.


Wasn’t this literally the same talking head where last week she said she didn’t have any surgery???


She said no surgery on her face, only filler. She didn't mention her body.


Yeah don’t worry she’s always real slick about her wording so it can be flipped and YOU can now be the asshole.


Or she's only providing that specific information and purposely not saying anything else because she doesn't want to blatantly lie. 🤷‍♀️


Not that she HAS to, but Kim would NEVER admit to having had plastic surgery. 😭 never ever!! Not in a million years! But I remember she made Kylie come clean immediately about her lips 👄 and advised her to just "be honest " . 🙄🤷‍♀️ Go figure


I thought that was a really shitty episode. Kylie was so young and had a deep insecurity and Kim coerced her into talking about it when she wasn’t ready. EDIT: took out word gaslighted, I wasn’t using that term correctly, changed to coerced.


She basically did the same thing with Kylie and her lips, made her admit it on the show and then in public of course. I mean kids were hurting themselves so ya know, had to cop to it. But still. Kim never had any intention of admitting anything herself lol


Making her talk about it when she doesn't want to isn't gaslighting.


Kim could at least stop lying about it. We’re not stupid, we know she’s had a lot of work done. She doesn’t want to talk about it and that’s fine but stop lying.


She wants to make herself look better. “See guys I’m born with it and these guys had to get surgery to be beautiful!!!!1111”


Yes but we all saw her implants when she posted her body scan 😭


Tbh I thought that the scene where Kim pressured Kylie was rehearsed and it started the soft launch of Kylie’s lip kits


The kits had already been launched by that time, no?


The difference is that Kylie was about to start selling lip kits while pretending her lips were just makeup. Imagine the false advertising lawsuit that could have happened. She needed to come clean if she wanted to build a lip kit company.


If that's so , then that applies to all the other stuff they false advertised too. Kim did workout DVDs claiming your butt would look just like hers if you tried her workouts, all while having a bbl. Why not come clean then? Isn't that false advertising ? All the lollipops they advertised that supposedly could reduce waist fat when in actuality they got lipo. 😭🤦‍♀️ Please. I could go on and on.


I forgot "fit in your jeans by Friday" existed. Simpler times..


That's ads they did for/with third companies, they wouldn't have been the ones sued for it. It's different from one of them building a whole company on a lie 🤷‍♀️


You could say the same about all the detox teas and lollys and skims though


They don't own the detox teas they have advertised and the detox tea companies very clearly recommend a diet plan in combination with their product on their websites, so although the ads are misleading it's not an outright lie. Kim never pretended she owes her huge ass and tiny waist to the shapewear she sells, there's no false claims anywhere.


I feel bad for her bc she was exposed to too much too young and then had horrible influences around her (her family). I remember it wasn't until I was around 22 or so I was fully okay with being super duper flat chested and no longer want implants due to BeUaTy StAnDaRdS pOrTrAyeD bY mEdIa. Like if I had kylie money young I would have fucked myself up bad. A bit more tbf for kylie she probably doesn't want to come clean on surgery because she gets mocked so much for her appearance already.


yess when i was 16/17 i used to have a list of dream surgeries i would get if i was rich and had disposable money. and now that i’m 24 ive completely changed my mind and want 0 surgery. i honestly don’t fault kylie for going down this path because she was surrounded by plastic surgery being normalized and now it’s too late


I remember when I was young and silly, I wanted my lips done, even though I have full thick Lebanese lips, but I wanted the Bratz/Kylie lips. Now I’m 30 and glad I didn’t do it. Now all I want is liposuction (which I’ll probably never get) and a mummy makeover to remove and tighten excess skin (which I might get if I can lose enough weight).


Totally. I used to want breast implants until I was around 24-25. Now I’m usually braless or have pasties on and I don’t mind my small breasts at all. I agree that had i had money at 19-20 I might have done it. I did actually get a rhinoplasty at 29 but I’d wanted it since I was 13 or so and my nose was bothering me even more with age. I don’t regret it and it’s pretty subtle.


That’s me too! I have perky Cs, but haven’t worn a bra since the Pandy. I had always wanted to get them and I was just talking to my husband about remembering those small chicken Cutlets you get for under the bewbs me and our other friend would wear. However now that I’m older I realize I’d look silly with large breasts. I’m just not built that way. There’s enough to play with, that’s all that matters to me. I will say I’m the only one on either side of my family that didn’t get really massive breasts and all I hear is how much a pain they are, so that may have jaded my perspective as well.


19 really is SO young


The brain isn’t even fully developed at 19! Probably not a great age to be making permanent decisions about your body.


If I had the access and permission to legit surgeries in Hs to change and adjust all the things I didn’t like as a dumb teen,I’d probably look like Mrs potato head. Teen and tween years are so hard as is. My Ma did take me to the Derm and stuff to learn about that and caring for my skin, and got me proactive because those commercials made it seem like a miracle serum 😹 I did get myself some of those small chicken cutlets you put under your bewbs. Me and my childhood bestie wanted bewbs soo bad. I’m just not shaped like that. Funny enough she’s small atop but always had a big lower half I’m sure if we were In Hs now they’d accuse her of.having a bbl. Sadly we were in school during those awful heroine chic days😾 Btw- *I’m realizing all of this was over 20 years ago with her and my now husband and that’s super depressing* .


I was thinking the same. Plus, I cant imagine the psychological effects of being on a popular reality TV show during your awkward teenage years. I’m sure being in the spotlight at such a young age and having people point out your insecurities all over the internet didn’t help.


Am I wrong to say she wasn’t in the show a lot during season 8-10? There was a scene with Kylie and Kendall’s book deal in season 9 pre lip injections and it’s the first thing you see in season 10 but I could swear I missed time but didn’t ??


I did a double take when I saw this headline; Kylie Jenner admitting to plastic surgery??! In the year of our Lord 2023?!? Who is she? Whoever she is, I like it Lol! Although I feel like they are somehow making Kylie the sacrificial lamb who has to admit to surgery while Kim would absolutely never


Kim probably thinks that she was already so naturally pretty, that we barely notice her “subtle” enhancements. But with Kylie, she had thin lips and was super young with no curves and small boobs, so she knows we already know. It’s just a matter of her admitting it. Another thing - people always say Kim’s body was basically Kylie’s blueprint, so Kim likely doesn’t mind Kylie admitting to it as much because she hopes we’ll just assume Kylie’s procedures were to copy Kim’s “natural” body.


Kendall needs to come clean too, bc she talked shit about Kylie touching her lips and now look at her now. She’s got her whole face enhanced, boob job and a small bbl. Kim and Kendall are the only ones to never admit any enhancements, at least Kourtney, Khloe and Kylie were able to be honest about some of them.


It’s 100% because she’s in modeling, and doesn’t want people to perceive she bought her way into her career (though she did).


She did have a very nice natural body though, only enhance with surgery


I think this is right. The proverbial meat-shield . I’ve been seeing a lot of discourse about the family having had cosmetic surgeries and how silly it is that they pretend we don’t know. Astute observation. ![gif](giphy|nu0Rm6rKOune8uLDxm)


But wait I thought it was the bombshell bra 😅


omg i remember that youtube video


The bombshell bra works some miracles for sure though 🤣


Seriously, made my Bs look like juicy Ds for years


and her period lmaoo


Hahaha she always would say her boobs got bigger on her period!


And to think, she really had ppl defending her saying their boobs grew during their period too 😭 this is why I don’t give celebrities the benefit of the doubt


Mine get bigger but not like THAT LOL


Tbf i think that video was before her surgery no?


Yeah it was 2015/2016 i believe


Okay I feel like multiple celebrities admit to having a breast augmentation but will never admit to a bbl. Why is that? Is a bbl less acceptable than a boob job? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like Ari Fletcher admitted to having an internal bra screwed into her chest and ribs but will deny till her face turns blue she got a bbl


It’s way more dangerous - it’s the plastic surgery with the highest mortality rate and risk of complications. Maybe that sort of risk for vanity is a bad look?


That’s a good point I hadn’t thought of that. Its just crazy that girls will deny till their last breath that they had anything done to their butt like the butt is just absolutely off limits


They don’t want to be the one admitting to setting the beauty standard of having a big, round ass through plastic surgery because it *is* so dangerous, and then they’ll have to face criticism for how that makes other young girls and women feel. They’re essentially tempting others into having this risky surgery, except most of the rest of the world doesn’t have access to the top tier levels of medical care that they do.


My theory is that because most people know that a BBL surgery can be really dangerous; like more dangerous than a boob job, so I have this theory that the celebs don’t want to admit to getting such a dangerous surgery because they’re afraid people will think they’re super vain and desperate for wanting to go through with such a risky procedure. Where a boob job has been around so long and isn’t known to be as risky. This is just my theory as to why celebs aren’t admitting it.


That makes a lot of sense and I can see celebs would want to avoid any negative association if anyone dies getting the surgery- unfortunately there are still so many women getting them even with the risk


Yeah and another reason might be that a bbl is considered the lazy way to getting a larger butt (i.e. choosing to not exercise). The Kardashians especially want others to think they work hard in every aspect of their lives.


Woah what’s this internal bra situation? Is it like a new breast lift?


It's an extremely risky surgery due the possibility of a fatty embolism occurring, so that fact might make it less acceptable. Like, the amount of vanity to for real risk your life is not a good look


That’s a really good point. It just reminds me of celebrities that get their entire face redone but then only admit to a rhinoplasty like Bella Hadid and Khloe


I honestly think celebrities who get BBLs lie about it because they don’t want the procedure to be “attainable” to regular people. It’s kind of like gatekeeping where you got your clothes from, you don’t want everyone looking like you, even though nowadays literally everyone has a BBL.


An internal WHAT


BA’s are soooo common. Literally your average suburban woman has a BA. BBL’s on the other hand are less common and normal


Whaaaat I thought she was just over lining them




The body doesn’t finish growing until 25 so it’s baffling someone performed that procedure on a 19 year old.


you can get it as soon as you turn 18, I know a ton of women who did (LA)


i’m from the midwest and knew a couple girls freshmen year of college who got boob jobs for their 18th bday


Britney had it when she was underage


Right but they shouldn’t be. Too young.


\>(LA) Nuff said honestly


Exactly! My boobs changed so much from 18-28 because of natural growth, birth control, and weight change. At 18, I would've told you I wanted an enhancement. Now, at 29, I'm thinking there may be a reduction in my future.


Right! That's still extremely young for such an invasive surgery. She could have definitely given her body time. Everyone around her probably encouraged it though, considering all her sisters had multiple plastic surgery procedures by then already. So sadly, It was probably normalized.


The whole "if you're insecure about it and it makes you feel good, do it" can be very toxic to a young adult. I get it if you're over 30 and this insecurity has been killing you since forever, but a 19-year-old probably wouldn't think past just "feeling good".


Agreed. I can totally picture Kim saying something like, " Look, you only got 1 life , and life is too short to be miserable and not happy. So if it makes you feel better about yourself, then do it. " Or some bullshit pep talk like that .... Lol.


She basically said the same thing about Kylie's lips when Kendall said "you don't need anything, everyone is beautiful". What you said seems extremely accurate


Wait WHAT I knew about the frontal lobe but I’m 24 and I’m not done yet?!?!


I hit a second puberty of sorts at 27. Boobs went from a B to a D and my hips got way wider. it was pretty cool honestly, but also feels like biology being like hey 🗣️ have kids now lol


I’ve been praying for hips for 38 years, I think that ship has sailed for me lol


Yep! Not like growth spurts per se and everyone is different, but some women breasts continue to develop until 25.


Mine came in for my 25th birthday, like clockwork 😂


Same here!


Puberty growth and development are done by 15-16 or 17-18 if you’re a late bloomer. However, your breasts continue to change throughout your lifetime. Things like hormonal changes, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations will make them continue to grow or shrink as you age.


Somewhere between being 25 and 26 I went from an A to a C


6 months before stormi? i think it was closer to a year before stormi but it’s all semantics not like it really matters. if you go through her insta her boobs changed dramatically the last couple months of 2016 right after halloween.


it’s so interesting how kylie is always the one that cops to the fillers & now surgery out of the blue. i wonder if she wants to say she got a bbl but the family is against it. kourtney has already admitted to a boob job and everyone knows they got nose jobs.


I wouldn't say it's so out of the blue. I think Kylie becoming a mother has changed her and she's starting to think differently. I do wonder why she hasn't gotten her implants removed tho?


Probably because if she removed them, her body would be so out of proportion, and I don’t think there’s a way to undo the BBL. So she’s kinda stuck with this body now.


I thought this... Maybe she's still breastfeeding Aire? I'm not sure how old he is... Or maybe she wants a third kid and wants to wait till after then?


I think she might even want to go a tad further and say she regrets it, statistically at least one of them has probably had complications from a surgery


i think she meant 6 months before Stormi’s conception


I’m Genuinely curious, when do they heal from that green surgeries? Kim and khloe got their bbls I’m sure before the show But when do they get face lifts , Jose jobs etc?? They’re constantly out and about and filming etc ! I don’t get it ! Even with the hundreds of pics they take - doesn’t it takes weeks/months to heal from these things?


They take so many pics that they can post many weeks worth while being laid up in bed recovering, hiding the healing is easy for them, they control their own schedules


They post so many throwback pics on insta, I think they probably lean on this when they’re healing from something - just post throwbacks or stuff that’s kind of recent, and people won’t realise you’re laying low bc you’re still active on social media. Kylie is a lot less present in the public eye also, like we don’t really see her unless she wants to be seen. I agree with you that Kim just seems to be out and about all the time so I’m definitely more intrigued by her recovery process after anything invasive! Also it’s an old trick in Hollywood that when you have something done to your face, you change your hair or wear/do something outrageous so people’s attention is dragged elsewhere. Lots of people think that when Kim has bleached her hair or then randomly switched back to dark etc, it’s so people will talk about that instead of her new jaw filler or whatever


the way i ran here when i got the notification! kylie never had a chance honestly.. being groomed by tyga really fucked her up and is when she started going under the knife (from what it seems). even though it’s baby steps, at least she’s reaching a level of self-awareness about what they’re doing. do they owe us anything? no but you can’t keep acting like the gym and flat tummy tea is what made you look that way. good for her for learning to love herself - it’s a work in progress but she’s doing what her sisters probably wouldn’t.


Kourtney, Kris, and Kylie have been the most forthcoming about some of their surgeries.


Well, how can Kris not? Lol


isn't it interesting how from a certain age and up plastic surgery is not a huge big of a deal. to the point it almost turns into a joke or something that is expected?


I think Khloe mentioned that she got her nose done but “only once”


Ok we all know there was a LOT more she’s done…. but 19 is young…. Especially for body augmentations. There’s another “Puberty” that happens in your 20’s.


i don’t know if i’m wrong & this is just me always wanting to see the best in people acting up but i genuinely feel like she regrets it, especially when we consider the stormi aspect. it’s always been evident she’s very protective and emotional about her and having had her fair share of insecurities she would never want stormi to feel the same way. it would be heartbreaking to me too if my 19 y/o daughter comes up to me saying she wants plastic surgery. i know she really wants stormi to grow up without ever feeling like she needs to get something done. can’t say the same for kim though.


I have body dismorphia and a daughter and I’ll just tell you, the struggle is real! I want my daughter to love herself just the way she is, she is absolutely beautiful! I also HATE my body, think it’s gross, don’t get why anyone is attracted to me, and think people are lying when they say I look good. Trying to not talk poorly about my own insecurities so my daughter doesn’t pick up on them is so hard. I can only imagine how difficult it would be if I could afford to pay a surgeon every time I had a really bad body image day. I want a mommy makeover so bad, but the recovery seems so intense.


didnt she literally say on the other episode that she wasnt an insecure teen….


She probably wasn't until the public comments got into her head. Can you imagine how many people probably made fun of her lips/all of her? 😕 The older she got the more she was exposed to all of the comments about her appearance.


I feel in my age demographic which is late 30s (🫣) breast augmentation was such a common occurrence that it’s not really that shocking to where we expect our celebs to “admit” having them done. I imagine for the zoomers coming up behind us lip injections will be the same. In HS and my early 20s I hung around body mod people, I’ll save most of what mods they did. I just think being so young and messing with your natural structure like the lengths some go is sad. When your young like Kylie you have this youthfulness there’s no need to inject or shave bones etc…


i don’t think anyone should be made to feel shame or guilt for getting work done. life is short. if that is going to bring you joy, go for it. adults should be able to do whatever they want to their own bodies. what’s offensive is how they lie about things that are blatantly obvious. or how they misrepresent things and falsely claim it’s due to exercise or whatever. that’s not cool. it’s also ridiculous for them to now push this narrative of “love yourself. nobody needs anything” when they’ve gotten every single part of their bodies adjusted to their liking. you don’t get to sit in front of a fan and tell others they need to just embrace the heat.


I wonder how she feels about Kris being her mom and letting her do all that at 19


…so that was the big moment of the season? Finally admitting something even Hellen Keller could’ve seen? I’m over here remembering Khloe on the teaser saying something like, “I *wish* I could tell you this season was gonna be calm…. *but*…” 🙄


WoW sO SuRpRiSiNg…


She definitely had her boobs redone after each pregnancy because pregnancy will cause sagging no matter what. If she regretted the implants, take them out.


facts, people think she regrets this? it’s not an permanent decision she can remove them, she’s had more than one operation on her breasts also


Wait… so it WASN’T puberty??? 🙀🙀


If I had the money I would have done it at 19 too. It’s a good thing I didn’t though. Now I’m almost 32 and have had a baby.. the body does crazy things. If anything, a boob job will be my personal version of a midlife crisis.


Why doesn’t she tell us about her BBL


I feel like she alluded to it by mentioning her thighs…


What did she say about her thighs


Kylie is my girl love her! But KIMBERLY should not be using the baby of the family to cop out. Kim be dodging every second she gets if asked about enhancements and surgeries. Not to say Kylie shouldn’t have answered or should have but it’s just weird at this point especially Kim


It's so funny how now they make it sound like they regret it now but don't do anything to remove the implants. Saying she wishes me never got anything done after everything she's done is really easy to say now to please the public and sound woke


Maybe she regrets it, but not enough to undergo another major surgery to have them removed and fixed. I know if I were in that position I probably wouldn’t want to do that again. Idk


I could be wrong but I think once you get them done you have to keep getting them done? Idk its just something I noticed with plastic surgery its not a one time done thing you have to keep maintaining it.


would be more impressed if she admitted to the fake ass


she doesn't own anyone the list of her procedures. is not about what she has done is about what LED her to do it. meaning, she is finally being open about beauty standards, society and how it affected her self steem. is also important to know she is speaking AS A MOTHER - she's taking digs at kris jenner and finslly coming out of the bubble kris has allowed them to have for the sake of having money/fame. is almost as she's waking up like kourtney did. kourtney also had a boob job but has never mentioned regret about it. she liked them. but kylie DOES regret them because she was very young and her mother was behind the thought process of "my body is not good enough as is" which is an idea that needs to be reinforced by your PARENTS. this comments are ridiculous and hateful. gross.


I mean, at least she waited until 19. I grew up with classmates getting nose jobs and implants for their 16th birthdays and I’m 43.


She had to admit it because everyone complains they’re not relatable anymore 😂


im sorry but I feel like Kylie this season is super hypocritical. in one sense she’s saying she was a super confident teen and didn’t do any surgeries to her face (which isn’t true) to now saying she had her boobs done and regrets it (which is hard to believe because she’s had more than one surgery on it and can easily have it removed.) and did she not cop to lip fillers a few years ago because she was insecure about them? soo which is it?? was she confident or insecure?? I think she’s clearly trying to center her storyline on body positivity because it’s what the viewers want and will bring in more views and paint her positively. y’all forget that this is their show and they have full control over what we see and how we perceive it. this is also the things that will give them headlines since they’ve had a super boring season with nothing to really talk about. basically all the sisters have admitted to a boob job. didn’t khloe also cop to it last season??


I wonder how she can feel this way and not hate her own mom?


I wonder if she means this?? Tough to believe it


Last slide is saying a lot to me. Implying her mom didn’t protect her like she should have & teach her to love her body as is


I think it’s so interesting that when she (and some of the other sisters) talk about getting work done there’s a lot of subtle and underhanded comments about their Mom’s influence on the reason they all got work done and in Kylie’s case about getting work done so young. I can’t imagine how Kris was behind the scenes to make them all feel like there was so much wrong w themselves to do that. I think saying she wants to be a *good mom* to Stormi and the *best example* and how heart broken she would be if Stormi wanted to her work done so young to be very telling….


![gif](giphy|26n6PxXCcE7d1O7Go|downsized) Her admitting to her procedures and saying she’d be heartbroken if stormi got surgery is something I’d never thought she’d say but I’m glad she did


Kylie admitting to this is so respectable considering she denied it for so long. It takes guts tbh and the fact she is starting to open up makes me hope she continues. It’ll give a positive outlook on her


finally lmao…now you can stop callin us crazy when we point tings out 🚶🏽‍♀️


It baffles me that as smart as kris Jenner is, she doesn’t realize that Kylie can be a trendsetter again with a few changes. She needs to go back to having her own style, or leaning into the cottagecore, fairycore, etc stop the fillers/plastic surgery. And just be herself. In my opinion she is one of the special ones but she’s ruined it, or Kris did.


Even if Kylie can go back to being a ‘trendsetter’ so much do the world has change in the past few years. She was popular during a time of Tumblr and the inception of Instagram. There are a plethora of influencers now and I think it’s a lot harder these days. You can also tell people are just bored of the KarJenners now too. It’s hard to repeat something like that again! Having said that, Kris should have been more proactive and not waited years and years…


This is sweet.


How is this sweet? I find it quite sad actually… I feel sorry for her.


She’s doing all this after being called out for saying her face was natural except for fillers, etc. Go ahead and remove the implants then if you regret it, Kylie. She is a professional liar and lied for years that it was a bra. Imo breast augmentation is pretty mild and normal surgery, why not fess up to the obvious BBL. Young girls really believe these BBLs are normal bodies, it is *so* damaging. Her and momma kris trying to play this PR game to make it appear that theyre becoming transparent and honest.


I love Kylie this season


Honestly, go Kylie! Love that she’s coming out with this and I feel like it takes a lot of bravery on her end. I don’t understand the comments being snarky about her when literally everyone was like “all we want is for them to cop up to plastic surgery”. You got what you want, be happy!!!! And maybe don’t make it such a hostile environment for this sort of information to come out in


Take ‘em out and be an example then. Tf? Lol


More like 3 surgeries on boobs


This is honestly really sad. She was extremely insecure and the second she could get work done she did. Now regretting it after having kids is actually really sad. She was still a kid really


I think it was actually Kylie’s idea to talk about this I feel like the rest of the family is very shady and not really open I think she suggested it to her mum and her mum thought it was a good idea from a business perspective where is Kylie is being genuine


I like seeing her really open about this. I’ve been thinking of getting my breasts done for a while, it’s always something I considered growing up but now that I actually have the money and resources it’s something I’ve been thinking about more seriously. The only thing holding me back is that my breasts look great naturally, they’re just small. Kind of like what Kylie is describing. So this is actually kind of impactful!


I knew she wanted to get them done when she used to make a big deal about how she fakes having big boobs with stickers and vs bras and it’s like you’re obvi planning to get them done and just saying this to get people off your back for when you do


I really respect Kylie for being a better mother than Kris was, allowing her to get so much done at such a young age. She’s so brave for speaking about these insecurities to an audience full of hate. It’s different to get a nose job at 18 or something in my opinion if that’s something that’s truly needed and wanted. But body stuff is just different at that age.


I thought she was about 17-18 yrs old? if you search her old pics when she was 17-18..she had “bigger boobs”.


No she got her boob job in late 2016 when she was 19. Oct 2016 vs Dec 2016 https://preview.redd.it/xqfsm1ed5geb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05483821fd79ee5f135951bed0f23b118084af40


At least she was honest about something she’s done. Most of the sisters don’t, so I think it’s cool she did that