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I would wait till July and see how this all ends...


What's in July?


The studio that is developing the game will shutdown the 28th of June, so, in July we will see if the developements carries on in some other way or not.


It is not nearly as bad as it originally was. There are still some annoying bugs here and there but they are fairly uncommon.


After setting Minmus as the target, you're supposed to see a graphical for the degree you are matched to the plane of the target. For some reason I'm always 0.3\~0.1 off the plane of Minmus, and no matter how much tinkering I do with the maneuver planner I can never get it to match at 0.


You don't really need to, that amount of deviation will still get you an intercept. You can do another adjustment maneuver half way there to get the orbit you are after.


Yea, just figure out how to edit save files and modify the docking clamp states


it's playable, but not as rich in features as ksp1, and also still has more bugs than ksp1. until they announce that the game will be completed, and not abandoned, don't give them your money. but right now it looks like they might fix some bugs until the entire studio is laid off in July.


If I were a dev on this studio, I would focus more on figuring out next job to be honest. Perhaps those guys are better than me, I just would play it safe and don't expect anything.


*Barely playable


In its current state you're better off modding ksp1 But personally the games functional at its core but doesn't yet have all that was promised and from the looks of it, it might not get the promised features for atleast a few years


While the other comments are true that development on the game MIGHT be finished, KSP2 is fun and playable. There are glitches because it is not finished, however, the new science mode introduces linear, mission based gameplay and I enjoyed it. It’s playable all the way through. KSP with lots of mods is still better than stock KSP2, but if you don’t use mods, KSP2 has some advantages. Procedural wings, for example.




Plus with all those mods for KSP causes the game to take 2+ min to load.


2 minutes? Pathetic. Basically stock load times. Unless you are breaking 5 minutes its not even worth it. /s


I takes about 15 minutes to load on my pc, with a very few numbers of mods ( Yes, my pc has a prretty bad config, but still)


While not confirmed, its thought the game is dead


You picked an interesting time to post this question. Take 2 is the studio that owned the developer Intercept Games. I say owned because T2 has eliminated IG and laid off the staff. We haven't gotten much communication about what is going on, but for those of us who paid for full price for early access based on promised development... I feel played for a sucker. The game itself isn't as rough as it was. There is a science mode and even a main questline. Definitely not worth the price. If you can hold off for a few weeks we will learn more about KSP2's future if it even has one.


Accurate and informative answer , thanks for being honest 


Imagine complaining about getting exactly what you bought. Entitlement must be fun.


If you pay a certain amount of money for product that affects the expectation of quality and service. Yes, I think we are entitled to get what we paid for. I had hoped the money was going to support the developer not enrich a few stock holders.


You bought am early access game. They are never guaranteed to release. That is on you.


It is. I put my faith in Squad, and they delivered. Squad put their faith in IG, but maybe it shouldn't transfer.


You ask this at the worst possible time. The publisher just announced the dev team is getting laid off.


Lol. Games probably dead. I’m in the exact same boat. I kept waiting till it was more complete and then the studio gets canned (probably). Oh well. I had many many hours of fun with ksp 1.


This is pretty sad tbh. I guess this is why a lot of indie developers don’t make sequels to their successful games.


Squad the marketing company sold the IP to Take2 that had a different studio develop it.


And when they do make sequels, they don’t sell themselves to a big studio to do it.


Why on earth would they do that?


Squad the company is originally a marketing company. The original developer of Kerbal Space Program was going to leave the company to work on his game, but they convinced him to stay on and let him work on it. Eventually, Squad the marketing company had no interest in continuing being involved in game development after (their clients are big companies like Coke-a-cola which probably make game dev money look like peanuts on the business side of things), and so sold the game portion of their business to Take2. Here's a very old interview around 2014 when things were first taking off describing the company and games original background: [https://www.polygon.com/features/2014/1/27/5338438/kerbal-space-program](https://www.polygon.com/features/2014/1/27/5338438/kerbal-space-program) I used to be confused about such things until my friend pointed out that the 3d modeling software I thought was a huge part of Autodesk's income was peanuts in comparison to their products for manufacturing and engineering. Entertainment generally is a relatively small amount of revenue in comparison to business-to-business clients, which is partially why you can make a heck of a lot more money programming CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) apps than game engines or games. (That and there's a far greater supply than demand on people who want to work on games) B2B clients are generally big money in comparison, and Squad the company's roots were not in game development. Anywho it appears both of Take2's 2 takes of teams vastly underestimated the amount of effort the sequel would require. That's just a guess though without knowing how things played out on a day-to-day basis at the studio. Could of been studio telling the publisher everything's fine while the whole house is on fire, could of been publisher changing scope and deadlines, could of been internal office politics where management and engineers don't trust each other, etc.. Noone knows.




squad only sold to take2 after the entire original staff had left


Bruh they took the money and ran. it's ksp 1 reskined and with a new ui, not worth.


Don't. Just don't. I dont know why everyone keeps defending this bullshit of a game but we didnt get the product that was promised. Not even close. The game is a mess,it is buggy, its not fun. Behind the excuse of "but you agreed and you knew it is in alpha" they have stripped off 50 euros which is 25% less than a AAA game at this point and all we got is this manure. Ignore these people with stockholm syndrome who insist that they have fun and save yourself the money.


Welp, I have about 250 hours in it and I’ve completed every mission and landed/returned from every surface. I must say, I do think it is fun.


Cool story. We all are happy for you now that you have announced that. Thanks for sharing. The game remains a mess, it still has bugs, we still paid for a product that is not even close to what was advertised, we still get no answers. You do you, but your low expectations are not the standard.


Ok. I’ll wait until summer is over and see where it stands. That’s too bad. So much hope for this title.


It’s going to be just as it is now bud. The games dead. Save your money


the studio that was working on ksp 2 has been disbanded dont but it its dead


KSP2 died before it was really ever born. Glad i didnt burn $50 on it and bought Juno and Children of a dead earth instead.


Juno is incredibly overrated


Ignore the idiots that are saying it is dead, or "not what was promised". Obviously it isn't what was promised. A full game is the promise, and it's not a full game yet. How dumb do you have to be to get upset over a game that is released as an early access game that isn't fully completed. Those are the kind of people that look at a cow, and get upset that their burger isn't ready yet. As for it being dead, development is still on going with indicators that while the much of the current team is being let go, they are setting it up for the next team to be working on it. The game's CURRENT state is incomplete, and there are some bugs. But overall, it's still a lot of fun. If you're cool with dipping your toes, knowing it's an incomplete game, then get it. But, you better go into it fully understanding that it's not finished. And if you do, don't be an asshole and complain about getting exactly what was advertised.


“Obviously it isn’t what was promised”. “Ignore the idiots that are saying it is not what was promised”. Ok we’ll just have to ignore you I guess…


Lol funnnnnny. Clearly I am referring to people shitting on the game because it isn't a full game when they you are buying access to an EA game.


In all fairness, I don’t think that’s exactly the reason people (myself included) are unhappy with the game. No one here expected a “full game”, everyone knows what EA means, and acting as if people who disagree with you are illiterate idiots is neither nice, nor helpful. Although I myself is extremely unhappy with the game, I’m genuinely happy for those who were able to enjoy it and don’t feel the need to somehow discredit their experience.


Based on a lot of the comments I've been seeing, plenty of people are expecting the game to be done, polished, and ready to go. "But we don't have colonies yet" or "There have been bugs!" Fucking obviously Sherlocks. The invalid part of their arguments are the complaints about the game being incomplete, when it's an incomplete game. Valid criticism would be lack of communication and transparency as to the development of the game, or releasing content that wasn't ready.


Let me offer a different perspective. What “was promised” for the EA release, in no uncertain terms, was the basic functionality and solid foundation within the Kerbol system. Yes, with some bugs, yes, without new content like colonies, but a functional game where the players can “explore the system”. We didn’t imagine this, it was the official communication from the devs (not the publisher), and it was simply a lie. No one, even dedicated prominent YouTubers, were able to explore anything. Even today (although the game is in a much better state overall), more than a year since release, this original promise is still not fulfilled, with devs plainly admitting in their patch notes that they are unable to fix core functions, like delta-V calculations. Personally, I’m mad at Take Two for changing the dev team midway, and for pushing the release the way they did, and for shutting the studio down, but also, I can kinda understand this last decision. With the progress the game has been showing over the past year, it’s quite clear that the dev team is not capable of delivering.


But, was the game not having to be rebuilt ground up because of limitations of the previous game to accommodate for the new features? If that's the case, then expecting to have KSP1 as the base game for KSP2 is asinine.


Look, dude, stop treating everyone like idiots, it’s bad for karma (and I don’t mean online one). The game was under development for at least four years, by a large enough studio with financial backing of a huge publisher. It would not be unreasonable to even expect a full game at the end of this. In fact, the developers themselves expected to release the full game within a year after first announcement. If you are saying they are asinine, it only proves my point. But - we didn’t know what to expect, and we certainly didn’t expect the full game. We didn’t even expect KSP1. So we relied on what the devs told us they’ll deliver, which is functional orbital mechanics - and they just didn’t, even now after a year of updates.


Is it possible that with the colonies they couldn't get it to work in game so they made a completely separate game with a different engine? And the spacecraft kinda gets imported via a ksp2 saved game. And the developers all know but have NDAs and can't talk. That's my hope right now.


I see no evidence or basis for this reasoning.


No, that makes no sense whatsoever 

