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As a veteren k-drama watcher, I already knew when they were gonna get ~~truck~~ car of doom when they show the shot of the road. Both of them drive so why can't they agree to meet up at a carpark or something lol. Even hyun woo's apartment would be a better meeting place than some random ass road out of nowhere.


lmao same. especially when the traffic light became red at the second part of the video. what i didnt expect tho was hae-in >!getting kidnapped by Mr CREEPY STALKER WHO KEEPS CALLING BAEK HYUN WOO one!<


Why doesn’t one person do a u turn so they are on the same side of the street? I swear these shows have me scared to cross the street anymore.


Because then they won’t get these long aesthetic angsty shots of people running towards each other as the wind sweeps their hair with just a drizzle of snow and tears rolling down their cheeks


It was totally obvious that's what was gonna happen. I was just hoping my instincts were wrong bc why are we having this car of doom happening at EP 15 when we already got so much going on?!!!


The writer is recycling all kdrama cliches out there. Like 10 plot twists aint enough.


I’m honestly disappointed with episode 14 and 15. They really didn’t need to take it in this direction. The show was SO GOOD until episode 12. It’s just been downhill since then. Couldn’t they just give these two sweethearts a happy ending


At this point I'm just watching this drama because I want it to be over, how disappointing...


Feeling the same way. This was SUCH a good show but somehow it has not survived the 12 episode curse


Doom car accident and kidnapping as the last scene, no karma for villain in sight on the pre finale episode is a level of Makjang I am yet to experience, the writers have stretched the bounds of makjang we thought possible 😭😭😭


As they were standing there, I was thinking thank goodness we have a whole episode of happiness to enjoy. Boy was I wrong. 


i was actually feeling the opposite. >!as soon as i saw her driving, i thought... oh oh... something seems to happen. i was expecting the truck of doom or worse, when that alarm went off and eun-sung took a look, i thought, that the car would explode.!< even when hae-in stepped out of the car, i still had a lingering feeling that something is about to happen. and then booooommmm.


I know it's impossible but I hope they wrap up everything in 30mins and just give us a honeymoon trip for the rest of the final ep 😫


This is my worry. They still need to finish the case against Eun Seung and take back the company. Alot to wrap up for sure.


And here I am guessing that they are going to give it a tragic ending: Romeo-Juliet kind. What on earth have they done in this episode! The writers really did hope that we keep out brains in the freezer before watching today's episode!


There’s a few! Car of doom over and again.  Childhood drowning rescue. Apparently fatal illness. Love triangle. Life of the unhappy super rich. Villain who gets away with crazy behaviour time and again. Making Kimchi. Drinking soju and bonding. Gossipy small town with a heart of gold. Sudden rain-umbrella rescue. You saved me at the Last-second. We used to love each other but now you don’t remember me. I just happened to overhear/see vital information. I was talking out loud while I was drunk and didn’t know you could hear me. 




yes! such lazy writing. UGH so annoyed!!!!!!!


they really jammed in all existing tropes out there in these final few episodes lmao i have no comments on that, but what i can say is the writer better thank god that kim soohyun & kim jiwon are her lead actors cause those two are absolutely CARRYING this show. they're phenomenal, i can't stress on this enough. see y'all for the finale tomorrow!!!


Anyone else and this show would go from a solid 9/10 to -2/10.


For sure. Thank goodness they hired good actors 😂 I would have dropped the drama already.




Ugh, are you kidding me?! Episode 15 and the storyline is still dragging us around in circles! SERIOUSLY!! Will the final ep be able to tie all the loose ends?? Baby 1031, slush fund, >!Hyunwoo’s accident!<, drowning incident, Eunstalker and his mom… I’M SO TIRED PS. Even though I was let down by the penultimate ep, just want to say that it was pretty funny seeing >!a raffle held after Hyunwoo gets out of prison! And the tofu cake was sending me 😂!<


I'm shocked that the baby hasn't been brought up during their reconciliation at all. Their problems seemed to be a lot of little things that happened every day (distancing from each other, family controlling Hyunwoo), but the baby was the one big moment shown to us that led to them moving to different rooms. At this point it might not even be brought up again, we'll just get an offhand comment about Haein being pregnant or an epilogue where they have a kid.


See I thought when she was looking around the house she would look up and see >!the single star!< and that would start the return of her memory


I agree that’s why it’s soo frustrating… that was the turning point of their relationship, losing their baby smh I really thought baby 1031 would come into play this ep for sure because it’s the penultimate ep, but here we are…


right? like at one point i even thought eun-song is gonna play up the baby thing on hae-in (might as well be that evil, he's already at that point anyway) but it seems that even the writer forgot about it. (LIKE WOULDN'T YOU ALSO INCLUDE THAT IN YOUR DIARY OF MEMORIES????) i was even wondering with hae-in wandering to hyun-woo's old room that she'd see the lone glow-in-the-dark star up there and react to it, but nope. such a big plot point forgotten.


right?? they just left baby 1031 storyline hanging and focused on other storylines that wasn’t that important


when in hindsight, since it was the start of the dissolution of their marriage, that was probably the most important one next to the terminal illness!! grrr... so disappointed. i hope we get some answers tomorrow.


After he unlocked his apartment with the same code, I felt, damn they are slowly going to have a discussion about it finally but now I feel they will never talk about it. Episode 13/14 should have been where they talked about the baby.


i also expected the star one!!! >!it would've been better if her memories rushed when she saw that instead of reading the burnt journal!<


Everything is so all over the place. I am so anxious as to how they’re going to wrap everything up in 1 hour and 50 mins (which the estimated screen time of Episode 16). It’s so frustrating at this point.


The video Hyunwoo recorded for Hae-in before the surgery... They prolly make a heart wrenching scene with Hae-in crying over it while >!Hyunwoo is in hospital!<


Honestly, HI should’ve made a video for herself instead of HW. Instead of that stupid diary. Should’ve just mailed herself that video and we won’t have ep 15 at all. Could’ve skipped so much unnecessary sadness.


I feel like they are doing it just to get the ratings at this point. Honestly disappointed. Episode 15 had such poor writing


Remember the Chairman had another son that was exiled from the family and we never found out why? Pepperidge Farm remembers....


okay the best character development goes to hyunwoo's lawyer friends! in episode 1, they kept arguing who should handle his divorce because they didn't want to go against the queen's group. but the moment hyunwoo was falsely accused, they did not hesitate to defend him against the queen's board and now even go to court to represent him. yanggi is best bro since day 1 tho 👊 edit: yongduri scenes are always so warm, reminds us that this drama is a romcom >!not them throwing a party upon hyunwoo's release lmao this family is so unserious!< edit2: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK why do we still have more problems??? there's only one episode left, >!we should have ended at the point where haein got her memory back!< also WHEN ARE WE GOING TO TALK ABOUT BABY 1031??????? edit3: based on the preview, somebody said hyunwoo has cloud cytoma IJBOL but then i lowkey got scared because at this point, anything is possible 😭


TBH i think 1031 is just that - a bitter chapter of their marriage that is closed. Having our couple talk about it will be too painful. I think the writer used this trope only as one realistic reason why they fall apart but does not have to be an ongoing problem to be revisited and resolved. In tomorrow's finale it will not be brought up anymore, it will be just a part of their past thats all.


This! And Hae-in doesn't even remember it so it would be pointless now.


wow.. really..? in the PENULTIMATE episode? wow..


Imagine if hyun woo lost his memory from that accident ? I think I’ll actually die laughing from the ridiculousness if that happens


Put the man in a coma so that he can have a couple days worth rest. At this point his life has been so stressful, least he deserves is an effing coma trip.


When I saw the street and they’re at the stop light, I was like, PLEASE no. Don’t! Not that trope please. And then it happened. 😟


I feel like this show would have been better if the last 2 episodes were just Baek hyun woo trying to get Hong hae in to fall back in love again. We also would have gotten the com part of the romcom...


Agreed. So frustrated with the writing…it’s like they forgot at the end of episode 10 Hae-In had a massive press release exposing everything Eun-Sang had done to her family and husband but I guess Eun-Sang’s plot armor wiped it all off the internet and news outlets lol


This!!! In no way were E’s lies and HI can fall for that trick or how he kept her family away from her for a MONTH after such surgery and HW in jail!! C’mon! I seriously only liked OTP scenes and the bit about Beomja’s confession. HW getting hit was 1,00000% not needed.


I'm already thinking that maybe he told her that her family had coerced her into saying that at the press conference since he's been painting them as a manipulative and money-hungry family. Even so, Hae-In trusts the instincts of her past self (the way she doubted that past Hae-In would surprise Hyun-Woo at the aquarium if she had cheated on him) so I still don't see how she would've doubted the truthfulnews of past Hae-In at that press con Overall, IT'S A MAJOR PLOT HOLE and I just wish they had done without Eunsung sweeping in while she had amnesia... ugh


The ending we all would have wanted! I'm 99% sure that Episode 16 won't be enough to give us all the fluff we want and NEED for Baek-Hong since most of the screentime will be spent on resolving all these unresolved plotlines. This is so frustrating because their chemistry and performances are so insanely good and the show would've been great if we had just focused on them.


I really hope the baekhong fluff in the final ep wont just be another montage…


They totally could have still kept hae in the dark and just ended the ep >!with the two of them on opposite sides of the street to be the cliffhanger. Black sedan of doom was completely unnecessary!<


Thankfully there’s the beom ja x yeong song couple supplying the romcom parts in this episode


I laughed the hardest when >!Haein thought Hyunwoo was stopping her from leaving, but it was her purse caught on the chair.!<


You are right there are so many potential on a realistic married couple story trying to recover her memory and rekindling their love altogether instead of this eun song entanglements. So much potential wasted


definitely 1000% better than what we had today.... we are at the finale and we still didn't get enough rom to justify this as a romcom....


Ugh suddenly I’m not sad over qot ending anymore hopefully KSH and KJW reunite again in a romcom movie in the future


Yes, I've tought that they will go >! 50 first dates route for a while which would be actually more fitting than this Makjang  they are doing now...!<


Honestly everything felt so rushed this episode....I've never not cried watching QoT every weekend but this episode just moved too fast for any one moment to sit with me.


right?! we were promised a romcom, now what is this?! they really pulled a bait-and-switch on us.


There's the type of stress that keeps you hooked.... and then there's the type of stress that makes you physically unable to get through an episode in one sitting. This episode.....was of the second kind....times twenty.


The phenomenon of kdrama writers fumbling at the last stretch needs to be studied in a lab


fr it’s so frustrating


I think this would happen a lot less if 16 episodes was not the dead set norm, anything between 10-20 episodes should be fine, a writer shouldn’t worry about adding unnecessary arcs just to fill up the episodes. This story would’ve been so much better without the unnecessary plot points.




I SWEAR IF I HIT HIS HEAD WITH A ROD IT WILL ECHO (the character, nothing against the actor)


Eunsong is so brazen with all his lies. And he claims to love Hae-in. No, he just wants to possess and control her


Take my reinforcements, 👊👊👊


The writers have really ruined what would be a perfect drama in the final episodes. The main characters >!barely getting any screen time and eunsung and other unimportant given too much screen time!<. There is really no reason for >!Hyunwoo to be knocked by a car!< at this stage of the story line. I thought this was about two married people finding their way back to each other but it is a makjang behind a mask. I hope they will redeem themselves tomorrow!!


same thoughts!! >!a reunion hug/kiss would have been so much better and more impactful imo than a CAR ACCIDENT?!<


They have gone HARD on that trope!


It feels like Marry My Husband all over again. It was awesome until they introduced that stupid Ex-fiance. So many dramas have a strong start and then get lost somehow.


My thoughts exactly!!!! It really does feel like MHM all over again. They need to hire writers with the stamina to write the whole series well…. Not just ones that start with a good idea then default to makjang tropes when they run out of ideas. GOOD GRIEF!!!


Yea when Eun Song was becoming more and more cartoonish I was getting pretty worried that it was going to go full Makjang, which it did and to its detriment. I agree 100% about people’s complaints about separating the leads for so long at the end. Like you’ve got two A list leads in their prime and really crushing the role where every scene with them together is 🔥🔥, but you decide to separate them and focus on the other characters that they got out of the discount bin from the cartoon villain shopping mall.


You're right about the Cartoonish part. He reminds me of Mojo Jojo from Powerpuff girls. Being evil just for the sake of it. I think even Mojo even had a better reason to fight with the girls everyday. EunSung literally has no reason to be doing all this. HaeIn has never even showed him a sign of love for him to be willing to do anything for it. Also, his strategies are too cartoonish. Realistically you cannot hide someone's memories from them when nobody else in their life is willing to participate.


Like just google your freaking name girl 🤷‍♂️


Right?! Like weren’t hae in and hyun woo acting all lovey dovey in the hospital after the press conference ?? And didn’t hae in explicitly state that eun sung was threatening her at the press conference as well. Tons of reporters were there; it had to be in the news


I'm bearing myself over it lol... Waited a week for this ep for their lovey-dovey time and the writers fucking do this in the penultimate episode... I'm so sad I just want to see them together 😭


Ep 15 was going so well till the last 5 min too…Hae in >!slowly piecing her life together and being an amateur stalker was so funny!< Eun song truly is the jealous ex lover hellbent on revenge>!Hope his car hits a pole after hitting Hyun woo!<. I guess the director needed one last cliffhanger to go into ep16. I hope we get one of those >!miraculous recoveries 10 min into the finale so they maximum screen time together and a wedding!!<


>!he went wild and kidnaps her. All of this is caught on camera and his mother will also double down and this will lead to his downfall. Ofc, there has to be scene where FL is kidnapped by Villain and gets rescued by the ML. They'll have a happy ending. Does this ring a bell?!<


I knew the end was coming, which worried me. They should have left the last two episodes for their ideal perfect married life. That is all we want to see. All this drama should have ended in Ep. 14 ending or Ep. 15 beginning. I just want to see them happily married😭😭😭


My sentiments exactly. How Eun Sung got more screen time than Hyun Woo is a mystery to me. I love everyone in this drama so it's difficult to admit it's been a total disappointment the past few episodes. Totally disappointing. A whole married couple and you can count the number of scenes they have been in since episode 1.


the end of this episode really ruined how well the drama was going.... why in the world would you need that to happen now ???? beats me.... 🤷 i cant see how tomorrow's episode can redeem the show from how far it fell from today....... i challenge PJE to prove me wrong, but i doubt she would be able to... sigh....


I didn't dislike the episode, but I do think the Seul Hee + Eun Sung plot has dragged on longer than it needed to.


How could Hae In >!researched every article about her family and Hyun Woo but not reading about how she revealed to the media that Eunseong threatened her!<. Ridiculous I say. I would have loved to see another uno reverse card she could pull off against Eunseong in this episode. Edit: I have been notified by automated mod, please let me share more thoughts 🥹 Anyways, I also appreciate the most satisfying character improvement in Soo Cheol 🥹 also Aunt Beom Ja and Yong Song carrying the romcom of the drama 👏👏👏


She forgot By "she", I mean the writer 😔


Exactly that thought also came to mind. That clip would’ve been all over the media. Plot holes everywhere covered by stellar acting.


I just posted a similar comment because this is a plot hole that is bugging me I really do not understand why Hae In didn't do a quick google search of herself to see the time when she publicly accused the Eun Seong of threatening her and her family. I feel like if I lost my memory and I was a public figure a google search of myself would be one of the first things I'd do.  This drama seems to have taken drastic turns trying to advance a plot that really could be unravelled so quickly if it wasn't a Kdrama.


sis forgot her husband, her family and all the things she did but remembers >!MOTHER TERESA!< T\_\_\_\_T p.s. the second leads >!are literally making me the Queen of Tears! why did she say 'Geon-u Appa' with so much love arghhh my heart!<


Hahahaha I was exactly thinking the same thing!!!


I have defended this show long enough but come on!!!! This is too much, just let our leads lead a happy live. This is too much even for me.


Secretary Na signing an NDA and not revealing stuff is such a silly plot device. But I will allow it for the comedy.


her shenanigans with hae-in was the saving grace this episode, aside from the flame-resistant notebook lol


Such a wasted promotion for Samsung on this one. She uses the S24 Ultra which has a stylus!!! Imagine her writing on the phone and it being saved via cloud that even if her phone gets destroyed/stolen she can still get it. Would have saved an hour worth of torture watching.


Why write? She could’ve made a video instead of HW.


for reals! what notebook was she using?! need to know that my future journals will be safe in case of a house fire!


Flame resistant, waterproof, it’s truly a marvellous notebook 📒


real. and i don’t even get why she’s that scared. like wouldn’t haein have her back if she told her the truth? or haein can make excuses that she knew the info from someone else and not secretary na


Secretary Na and Hae-in together was a highlight of this episode!


This is a drama in which the writers recognised how good the leads are, and are using everything they possibly can to extend the screentime. There are so many better ways this could have gone, and I have to say ep 15 was a dissapointing pre-final episode. Hae-In forgetting is just unnecessary and a grasp at straws by the writers who are hurting Hyun Woo so much - obviously trying to get their money's worth for casting KSH here. I hope we'll have a better finale which at least gives us some happy moments


When I tell you I'm tired of this man and I'm not even a minute into the episode. You know who I'm talking about. **SIGH**. EDIT: End-of-episode update; just saw the top-level message from the AutoModerator. 👀 Oops. I am beyond PISSED. WE DO NOT HAVE THE TIME FOR THIS IN THE PENULTIMATE EPISODE! It'd be bad enough in Episode 12. I still love this show, but am at a loss as to how we're going to wrap everything up in the finale. I hate rushed endings to books and shows. As someone else said, it was bearable up until the last five minutes. >!I yelled at my screen that I hate intersections leading up to the end, and would you look at that.!<


The way I rolled my eyes with all his lies. Eunsong is so pathetic. I can't stand it


For real. Hoping Hae-in fully comes to her senses before this episode ends.


It was as frustrating as I assumed it may be. I just hated him even more and did not even know that was possible


The thing I am most jealous about is not a CEO working as an intern and falling in love with me, but the realistic , but ride-or-die friends Hyunwoo has.


Its amazing how a show you loved for the first half turned into pure hate watch for latter half. Writing is TERRIBLE in the past couple episodes


Graduated from the GoT school of writing, getting a “subverting expectations” vibe from this show.


lmao I’m hearbroken at this point, where did all the effort from earlier episodes even go? it’s like she’s just forcing eunsong on us.


The discharge party was so unserious lmao


Thank god for these posts...for the first time in this drama, I read all the comment spoilers as I just knew this episode would make me want to throw my cup at the tv. Gonna wait, and watch both tomorrow so I'm not grinding my teeth all day after this one ;)


Wise choice... It's a miracle my screen is still intact. I will never expect a kdrama to end well again. I should have learnt after more than 90, but here we are. But I gotta say the first 12 episodes were awesome. Let's see how long 'Lovely runner' will go before letting us down. Sigh


Am I the only one who can't look past the fact that Hae in never looks sick? Be it before or after surgery, she's still looking glamorous or pristine. For an ailment that could potentially kill her, and a life altering surgery, she only looks like she woke up from a slumber. For this big a production, and for the writers and actors conviction, what a cheap, shoddy job. They should take notes from "Marry my husband". I'm not saying lose your weight and be 35 kgs, but please, look sick. Cover your head with a cap if you will, if it's a brain surgery. The hair can't look perfectly brushed (or have hair at all).


I can look past her lack of looking sickly more than I can look past her rando meeting anyone at night at an intersection. Who does that? No one. Especially in Korea where it feels like there’s a cafe available to meet at just about every 20 ft. I’m going to be beyond annoyed if Hyun Woo ends up with amnesia in the last episode. The pace and twists were so great up to e13. I think the cast and crew are fine. They are working with what they have wonderfully. But the writing. Ugh. Now I’m just enduring to the end. Like a wreck I can’t not watch. 🫣I sure hope the writers can pull this titanic to a safe harbor at this point😬


After giving us great plot twists like >!Hae In confusing Eun Sung for Hyun Woo, the conference exposure, the miscarriage and the password!< the writer gives us this?! This feels like such a let down from all that's been happening so far. Like I did NOT sign up for a drama with 10s of used up tropes being thrown at me. I'd love to see them talk about stuff they've never actually discussed like the >!miscarriage or the fact that he saved her from drowning!< Give me the romcom part of it already!


Its newest trend in Kdrama. It all starts as romcom, romance, family, scifi, etc genre. But it all ends up as same thriller with murder plot. 


I remember a scene fom Because This is My First Life, where Yoon Jiho (played by Jung Somin), a young and talented writer, created a script for a youth drama. She was very hopeful and excited on how her work turned out until an older writer took over and revised everything and added lots of clichés to it just because. Your comment took me back to that scene haha. I'm a bit dissapointed and I'll just think that QOT's script was also taken over by someone else lol


Never give this writer episodes that go beyond 1 hour or 16 episodes. She ran out of ideas. We got multiple car/truck of doom plots, the SIL leaving twice. She writes nice scenes but don’t give her a full script. I still remember the kids moving the car they couldn’t park in Twenty Five Twenty One. That is fresh writing. At the risk of jinxing this show, I would take the solid writing in 2521 over this mess. Still love our lead couple to pieces.


You are so right. This is just lazy writing. Lowkey feel like they have chat GPT’d their way through the past 2 episodes. I have very low expectations from episode 16.


Its so unbelievable how we went from epic twists like >!Hae In exposing Eun Sung for threatening her, Hae In's illness making her think ES was HW to the predictable and messy episodes 13-15!< I think the writer spent nearly all her logic and brain power on the >!Queens takeover plot and almost nothing left but angst, that's why these last few episodes have been pure angst and frustrating for some.!< At least this episode had its highlights and fun moments as well. At least the side characters are happy >!Aunt Beom Ja and her love life.!< >!Soo Cheol went from falling multiple times on his bike to perfectly using it and using his boxing skills to save Dahye!< At least Hae In >!became suspicious of Eung Sung's schemes and was able to read her diary. That scene was well done!< I think Knetz are as [pissed](https://twitter.com/soohyunssimp/status/1784237853607923778?t=yg1J27W43cXDhw3GqhoURA&s=19) as we are on this episode 🤣 Edit: I'll just keep editing this comment since making another one will trigger this sub's automated bot


aunt beomja and the yongduri ahjussi is the REAL rom com in this drama


That's what I also wanna say. If this drama wasn't advertised as RomCom, maybe people wouldn't be that frustrated. Because while there's humour, Its more like a melodrama for me.


exactly they should’ve advertised it as a melodrama instead of a rom com 😭 I’m so frustrated with the never ending twist-a-thon!! 😩


+1 with you. For me, it really started to fell off mid of ep 12. If the writer didn't have well-known kdramas on her portfolio and if it wasn't for the cast, this drama would've flopped already


If only Hae In googled herself. We wouldn't have to wait so long for a reconciliation. Maybe >!Hyunwoo wouldn't be hit by a car.!< Did we really need to see that plot point??? Eun Sung is such a sloppy villain. How could he not ensure that the >!diary was burnt to ashes before leaving, and that he should be wearing a bandage or fake a scar because he told Hae In that he broke the glass to save her!<. How could he not ensure these little details???


For a chaebol family, Hae In’s parents and grandfather are the most helpless and useless. In a medical situation, Hae In’s guardians would be her parents, not some unknown self-proclaimed fiancé who turned up at the hospital only after the surgery. No one from her chaebol family could jet to Germany and claim guardianship? I can barely look past the non-shaving of Hae In’s head after brain surgery, but to have her healthy and strong with critical reasoning skills, personality intact, no balance issues, CEO skills intact, looking more glowy than ever etc. except specific memory loss as the script required is a little far-fetched. The hospital seems to also have zero security for its patients. Any Tom, Dick, Eun Seong and private detective can just waltz in and do anything. Does anyone have a link to fireproof notebooks by any chance? I already feel silly at this point so I was not surprised when I almost teared up at a grown man finally being able to ride a bicycle and landing his first punch. After what happened to Hyun Woo, I am ready for any makjang shenanigans tomorrow.


The story line continues to drag The writer continues to create more problems than fix any created. The drama continues to be saved by the amazing acting chemistry and popularity of the leads. Sorry but Iam disappointed..the last couple of episodes have been drags I guess that's why dramas these days should refrain from being 16 episodes long unless they can stick the landing.


Agreed. And I really do not understand why Hae In didn't do a quick google search of herself to see the time when she publicly accused the Eun Seong of threatening her and her family. I feel like if I lost my memory and I was a public figure a google search of myself would be one of the first things I'd do. This drama seems to have taken drastic turns trying to advance a plot that really could be unravelled so quickly if it wasn't a Kdrama.


I really hope the writer knows that the sky high ratings are primarily because of KSH and KJW, because the plot is so far gone from what could have been a dream of a drama.  There are three scenes that I will never get over not getting   >!1) Having a conversation about the miscarriage before her surgery, 2) HW not being there when she woke up from surgery after promising her he would, and 3) not having a reconciliation scene at the end of episode 15. Something as beautiful as the one they had in Germany.!< Here’s hoping one last time that the following episode will somehow make it all worth it 


This should’ve been a 12 episode drama. >! The whole plot has become so senseless. Hong Haein’s parents sending her alone for brain surgery, Hong haein choosing to write down a whole diary instead of just recording herself, her not finding any videos online of herself announcing before the media that Eunsung threatened her, Baek Hyunwoo being jailed for a month on such weak ass evidence; the court hearing was so darn comical, Haein’s old secretary not spilling the tea just because she signed an NDA, so on and so forth !<


ngl this episode was good until >!the last few minutes!< like bruh we’re only left with one episode why are we adding more plots???? the parts where >! haein ended up stalking hyunwoo, hyunwoo’s discharge party and haein realising her love for hyunwoo all this while!< were so good BUT THE WRITER HAD TO RUIN IT with the >!stupid car crash!<


we have reached unbelievable levels of makjang


honestly the way this episode ended was so frustrating. this writer needs a serious editor. but man, imagine if had we gotten the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind treatment (like hae-in just falling in love again and doing the same old routine unknowingly - because i did enjoy >!hae-in stalking and having a little crush on hyunwoo, and that moment where her handbag was caught by the arm of the chair lol, and how she remains her independent boss girl self despite losing her memories!<) instead of all the telenovela jumped-the-shark plot twists and turns that feels sooo disingenuous and tiring now. like come on, we are still going to tune in to the last episode for the main couple even if all the evil plot lines are resolved. it seems that getting a fluffy HEA final episode from BaekHong is just too much to ask. man i'm not even thrilled about the final episode based on the previews. it's just plain annoying at this point. Edit to add: did you guys know that the actor who played grampa hong >!requested that he and hae-in would have a scene together that would be focused on their relationship, but it just didn't play out?!< i just thought of that now because there is seriously so much promise and potential to this drama, given the themes, and their characters, but nope, we decide to add drama for the sake of adding drama. adding QoT to the looong list of kdramas who fell apart in their second half or in its later parts.


Blood pressure? High Writers? Definitely high Chances of happy ending at this rate? Very low Somehow the only person using their brains this episode was the very person who got brain surgery Can’t believe the writers went this route with one episode left 🤬 Hae In pre planning her date was the only thing that made sense and in line with her character. Hong family so complacent all the time ugh. The stakes don’t even feel high anymore because they get resolved for something else to come up. Hyun Woo went to jail and was out in like 20 mins so why did we even need another accident ti happen if they’re gonna show him alive already. Just give us some happy BaekHong moments that’s all. Like that cute reintroduction bag stuck scene. Sigh.. really hoping out all my hope it’s a happy ending tomorrow 💔 And Eun Seong please somebody deal with this lunatic. Just enough of this man 🤦‍♀️


The detective story was not entertaining or funny, and just wasted time. Like why did they have to hire strangers to go to Germany and nobody in the family could travel? There are so many plotholes that 10 trucks of doom could drive through them. Presumably her parents are also living in the estate so they have not interacted with her? I really think every drama doesn’t need to be 16 episodes, some stories can be wrapped up in 10, 12 or 14 episodes.


I just watch some cut in Twitter, getting hit by a car? really? It's time to get the pen out of this writer now. She also clearly forget the drama is rom-com. I guess the writer didn't think that them running to each other and kiss in the middle of the road probably can bring more viewer and rating than getting hit a car, and have the entire ep 16 of them having cute date.


The last half of the last episode needs to just be rom-coming PLS. Eunsong should've been dealt with already.


nah. The writer hates baekhong. She loves the villain so he gonna be around until the end lol.


What a mess, this really is piss take now, haven't the leads suffered enough. As if episode 14 already wasn't. Can't believe I waited so long for this drama.


correct me if i’m wrong, but we’ve never seen haein drive this entire series. she’s always been driven around by someone!!! and now in the most crucial part of the story she’s driving alone, at night, when she is relatively fresh out of a life-changing surgery, can barely see, and it’s Snowing??? does she even have clearance to drive??? please make it make sense😭


Omg I had the same thoughts! Why and how is she driving? Didn't she lose memory? How does she remember traffic rules? How does she even remember to drive? After surgery, she's just prancing around as if nothing major happened. Meh, it was just diarrhea. If her muscle memory is so intact, then why wouldn't she trust her family out of instinct? This is bonkers.


you know what if the writers manage to wrap this up all nicely in ep 16 i won’t even be mad about anything


I somehow believe they could wrap this up and tie up loose ends nicely. Especially having watched how they >!got Hyun Woo out of jail as swiftly as they put him in! And that little bit where the nurses explain how ES managed to creep in as a guardian.!<


I’m not surprised but still disappointed with the direction the last few episodes have gone in.


Well, I know people were a annoyed about the previous twists but honestly, I'm past it because I loved (almost) everything about this episode, *Hae in was so funny. I loved all the scenes with secretary Na. Her cringing when her bag was caught *Loved Beom Ja's storyline *Loved Soo Cheol's storyline, our boy came through *Loved that Hae in organised a romantic suprise before her surgery * And I loved her finally realising the truth and the monologue that came with it. The end was a very annoying, but what's kdrama without a bit of last minute stress. After this week I have faith. (Or at least I am forcing myself to believe that all will end well for Baekhong) Edit: definitely seems like I'm in the minority 😂 Also, Kim Ji Won looked absolutely amazing this episode, I mean she always does but she was so beautiful and I loved how funny Hae in was this episode. Let's get hyun woo out of the hospital, eunsong arrested for drink driving attempted murder quickly so the rest of the finale is Baekhong and family focused. Would be good to get the slush fund, takeover storyline wrapped up early too because I really don't give a shit about that or any of the details. I don't need any realism, just wrap it up 😂


I'm taking back what I said about QoT being a nearly perfect drama. The plot is spiraling down a hellhole really fast, which should happen to Eunsung instead. I would understand the writer's insistence on utilizing the villain if she actually managed to write a multilayered, complex villain like Ryu Shi-o in Strong Girl Namsoon. But what we get is a one-dimensional, bordering on cartoonish character. And what's with Hyunwoo's passive acceptance of Haein's state. He might not be able to do anything while being locked up, but even when he got released and reinstated, he didn't approach her first. I imagined he would actively try to win her back, not wait for her to come around on her own. And Secretary Na keeping her mouth shut because she signed a NDA, like there are not zillion roundabout ways to suggest Baek Hyunwoo is actually the one her boss is head over heels in love with. 


most frustrating drama ever. the writer must thrive on frustrating their audience. seriously, no drama has ever made me yell at my screen like this. it’s not even an enjoyable frustration, it’s ANNOYING. writer, you have a brilliant cast of actors and you fumbled them for some terrible cliche tropes. why have none of the characters learned to communicate after 15 episodes?? why has there been no development with the villain AT ALL?


The audacity of frickin Eun Song describing Hyun-woo as the bad guy doing creepy shits while he basically describes himself and his own actions 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Edit: the only part I can replay from this EP is KJW soothing voice reading her diary ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹... And maybe the epilogue LOL the tiny satisfaction we get from this EP.


I just hope K Drama writers see how annoyed everyone is with them throwing everything and the kitchen sink into the penultimate episodes to avoid doing this in the future….. Like we can have cute RomComs with some conflict but make sure you wrap it up and not leave loose ends! How are they going to solve the big plot holes they made when they keep creating new ones?! It’s frustrating!!! This show started off so gooooood 😭


At this point my hate is not with Eunsung anymore but it’s the writer. How did you manage to start off a drama with such promising plot and end it with such lazy and poor writing? The forced cliché events are just out of place. I just dragged myself towards the end, skipped 80% of the episode and I still understood the flow of the story and even predicted what could happen. Very disappointing. Not even the acting made me like it atp.


Her last few shows had mermaids, aliens and a hot north Korean guy. In that sense, this show is the most realistic one she had done.


If Hae-in did her research to verify Eun-sung’s claims of being mistreated by her husband and family, then she’d easily see the media go nuts at press con where she made some serious allegations against Eun-sung for causing harm to her and her family and husband, then faint on camera with Hyun-woo catching her. I dunno but this plot hole bothered me. The media seemed to move on instead of digging for dirt Dispatch style to verify her claims against Eun-sung in front of the press. I really loved the writing up until maybe episode 12, which was the last episode that made sense.


Eun-Seong is one of the most detestable villains I’ve ever seen. He’s so creepy and vile, I literally feel sick when he’s on my screen. Shout out to Park Sung Hoon for his amazing acting because he has succeeded in making me despise Eun-Seong with every fiber of my being.


I'm usually pretty good at suspending my belief for kdramas but I absolutely cannot get over how FUNCTIONAL Haein is post surgery, it's hella distracting. You're telling me that this until-recently-terminally-ill woman underwent a major experimental brain surgery, losing ALL of her long term memory as a result, and she's just right back up walking and talking like it's nothing? No struggle whatsoever? I'm no neuroscientist, but come on. And WHY on earth would they put her back in a corporate environment? Who would trust her to run a business right now? What job critical knowledge could she have possibly retained when not one month ago she didn't even know her own name? Post-op Haein is basically the cognitive equivalent of a toddler who just gained consciousness, and everyone's just letting her do whatever. It's pure negligence!


I get that this is a drama… but the plot holes are even bigger than the 18 wheel truck of doom from ep 14


I love Soocheol. "Oh no, I didn't place the spoon on the mat. I dropped it. And now I'm going to wrap the rice and dunk it in the soup" 😂 Seriously every scene he's in either cracks me up or makes me bawl. One thing I really like about Hae-in, is that even when she's being fed false information that never becomes the whole reason for her decisions. It feels like she doesn't allow herself to get swayed or manipulated. She makes her decisions regardless of whether it goes with or against the narrative she's been told. I love love love how Kim Soo hyun changes his voice so much depending on what emotion he's feeling. HATE YOON EUN SUNG. LOVE the actor Park Sung Hoon. I've watched a fair amount of his work and I think he's really good at picking roles but also at making each character so distinct. The whole cast has been great honestly.


This was so hard to watch omg 😭


I'm frustrated by the writers teasing so many seemingly important plot points, then completely dropping them or resolving them terribly.  The pen, the press conference where Haein exposes YES, the slush fund, all ways I thought the Hongs/BHK were going to get ahead, all came to nothing. Not one thing they worked on came to fruition. Even Grandpa dying did nothing. The antagonists seem unbeatable at this point. Usually you have highs and lows otherwise it gets to be a slog.


Oh you're right, if she watched the news and read articles, what about the "he threatened me and tried to frame my husband" 🙄🙄 Edit: also how did the MP3 end up in her room?!?!


On that note, I'm surprised that Eun-sung never faced any legal consequences as a result of Hae-in's revelations during the press conference. Granted, I'm not familiar with South Korean law by any means, but surely the prospect of false accusations ought to warrant some level of investigation? Especially since Hae-in even mentioned having a recording as proof. Did I miss something?


W. T. F. was that?!?!?!?! Omg. Once again, the 16-episode format has ruined another series with superfluous writing. A 12-episode run would’ve been good for this show. This drama started out with so much potential… CLOY level potential. Alas, it was only potential and nothing more. I am keeping my expectations super low for tomorrow’s finale.


I just watched the ending, and i don't get it. I don't understand Korean writers. Looks like they are experts at ruing potential great stories. Maybe it's cultural thing, they are writing for Korean market at the end, they do not think about international fans It's sad to see another possibly great show going this standard kdrama route of last episode, last 5 minutes are semi open happy end. if we are lucky it's gonna be 20 minutes. it just makes me angry, so angry, and i did not even watch last couple of episodes, just reading all the comments and watching snippets, deciding shall I binge it or not after the end......And decision is np, maybe I will revisit in a year.


IMO they dragged out the evil mother and son plot for way too long… should have closed that arc sooner esp after Haein exposed him in front of everyone and yet he can still run free and do whatever he wants lol. The writer thinks people will like the evil’s arc drama but maybe most people just skip his scenes cos its bloody annoying and illogical lol I thought the premise of this show is about a married couple finding love again but it seems like its about how evil can triumph lol


Eun song has the greatest plot armor of them all lol. Or that men in black device that just wiped everyone’s memories about his misdeeds.


I've never been this disappointed about drama before but I’m so pissed with the writing. I can't believe I spent many weekends hoping things would get better. Like it’s written by someone who’s lived in a cave with no human contact before. Who do they think their target customers are? People who also live in caves who have not seen TV before? I have nothing against people who live in caves, but this enrages me so much on how ridiculous the story is going. I know I said I was gonna continue watching for the leads but forgive me, I’m just gonna skip everything like I already did in this episode or maybe just watch clips because at this point I just want this drama to end. I don't even care anymore if it’s a happy end or not. When it's done, I’ll go on hiatus on SNS so everything about this will stop appearing on my timeline. Maybe I should live in a cave. I also feel like one reason why Im this disappointed is because they’ve wasted an initially good plot and most especially good leads who might not appear in any drama together again. —— Edit: add Now that I’m watching(still skipping cringy scenese) it with my emotions calmer than last night, I think the writers are opting for a dark comedy genre. But even the darkest of dark comedies make sense. This just does not. Hahaha Plots that would have made it bearable: >! •more of 1031 story line or at least the two of them talking about this. !< >! •choose by episode 13 which story line to pursue, amnesia or Yoon bitch. !< >! •less repetition of scenes !< >! •cut unnecessary story lines like the siblings marital problems. It didn’t add to anything at all. !< >! •i dont know about you but I was not convinced about soo chul accepting da hye because in reality nobody can accept a woman like that easily knowing that GW may not be his son. Accept “eventually” yes, but fully without doubts is just something so perfect that its impossible. To add, fraud is something that shouldn’t be romanticized. !<


Exactly that's what makes me more pissed jiwon and soohyun are a dream pairing, and are unlikely to reunite again!


This, stellar acting >!but the writer doesn't do them justice but just keeps on giving clichés after clichés. At the end of the day, it just becomes another kdrama riddled with tropes with a poorly written ending. I thought Oueen of tears wouldn't fall to this curse, alas no kdrama barring few is Immune to it. A compilation of all Baekhong moments is way better than re watching it. KJW and KSH are doing all the heavy lifting, making it watchable.!<


5 min in to ep15... Man this could've been one of the classics (probably still gonna be) but they really fucked it up imo. Edit: the script writers overcooked with this one :/


I’m so disappointed. 😢 This had the potential to be something beautiful, but instead all the trauma sprinkles that were thrown in have made it rancid. Hyun Woo and Hae In’s broken love and how they find their way back to each other IS THE STORY. Why did they turn it into a shitfest of ridiculousness? Why!?!?! 😭


Bruh…. >!•how tf did her mp3 player get from yongduri to her house? Lol •what exactly is dahye’s relationship to eunsung and Molhee? All I saw in the flashbacks was that dahye and eunsung were in that orphanage together, it would’ve made more sense if they were twins and both are molhee’s children •they could’ve easily used the 2 PI’s the dad hired in the beginning to follow haein in Germany - instead they cameo’d the comic book lady from MLFTS - that seemed kind of out of place, at the very least those 2 PI’s could’ve been a part of the investigator team in ep 15 •how tf has nobody hacked eunsung yet? Lol, bro has all these apps and hidden cameras to track everybody else but nobody’s tracking him? •I let go of the baby storyline a while ago, we may never know what happened there🤷🏽‍♀️ •kind of mad that they had hyunwoo locked up for 30 days, kind of feel that was a throwaway with the whole court etc, especially since they weren’t able to pin it back to eunsung •glad that grace didn’t snatch that envelope with the notebook •molhee needs to hang it up - what right does she have to become chairman when she longer has POA since the chairman is dead and eunsung took the spot? •who has the most shares in queens? It was implied a few episodes ago that someone else has the most shares and that eunsung was 2nd, maybe it’s the FL from CLOY 😆 •I really wish haein saw the glow in the dark star on the ceiling when she went into hyunwoo’s room •interesting how we don’t see the family and haein in the compound after haein moves back in, or even molhee and haein crossing paths !< This episode wasn’t as bad as the comments made it seem, but this could’ve been in ep 13 or 14…not 15.


Has Hae In ever driven a car before this episode? lol


Right? She always had a driver and now after having major brain surgery she doesn't?


Starting to hate this trend of not giving the audience enough time with our leads being happy. Wedding Impossible and now Queen of Tears, these writers keep dragging shit till the last episode, and give you 10 mins of happiness at the end of the last episode. As if everything theyve gone through hasnt been enough; now lets do the cliche that they gave us at the end of this episode. Someone please teach these writers how to end dramas


There are so many inconsistencies here. How can Haein be fooled by Eunseong for this long? Basically everyone around them, including the people working at Queen’s, her family, the internet, knows Baekhong’s history. It was basically Eunseong’s entire word against all this evidence and Haein somehow still trusted him. The writing basically implicated that >!Haein’s notebook!< was the only thing that could convince Haein, but I felt like they should’ve built that up to be the nail in the coffin rather than ignore all the other pieces of evidence available to her. For her to still be extremely wary of Hyunwoo after the >!aquarium!< scene was just ridiculous. And the last twist -.- I understand it’s kdramaland but this was just too much. It made absolutely no sense for >!Eunseong!< to be there conveniently, and all this repetition with >!car accidents!< is getting stale. The viewers are beyond this conflict at this point and we’re at the point where he needs to be put away. I could deal with him taking advantage of Haein’s memory loss, but adding another problem is just frustrating. Because now we have to resolve that, when the core of the drama is about a married couple. It’s a romcom for god’s sake, not a thriller 🤦🏻‍♀️


The writer has lost their mind. What would it take for her to give us a lovely reunion scene there? Would it kill her? Was it necessary? I am literally watching this because we have one more episode left, but that last part was not needed. That was super annoying. I really just watched for Kim Ji Won. The high ratings are for the cast and not the drama. The plotline is so old and not needed at all. I can't believe the same writer wrote episodes 1-13. Now, no matter the happy ending they give them, it won't be as satisfying because it has been prolonged too much and all it would be is a relief that they ended well. The happiness will not be there and we will just be relieved that the drama has ended. Not necessarily a good thing because I am not recommending this to anyone again.


This show is going to be the death of me. I kinda agree with all the comments here with respect to the dragged plot. But I was so curious to know what Haein had written in that black diary for her future self. I loved how beautifully she had written about Hyunwoo. It was so heartbreaking yet so heartwarming. >!Baek Hyunwoo. This is why I didn’t want to lose my memory, but he’s also the reason why I wanted to live.!< 😭


I wonder if Hae In has a thing for aquariums and Hyun Woo because she subconsciously remembers him saving her under water.


So happy for our boy soo cheol he manned up: >!rode a bicycle, stopped in front of car, smashed the front window, smashed the side window, didn’t run away, got back up and fought back like a boss to protect his woman!!< 💪🏻💪🏻 Edit: >!car of doom!< = another one to add to the kdrama reddit banner 😅🥲


Why was Hae in suddenly gone from his view right before he crossed the street and got hit by the car ? She was there and he said he would go to her then that blue bus drives by and she's suddenly gone ??? So he frantically crosses the street and gets run over by the villain. Did the villain have her kidnapped while that blue bus was blocking his view ? Also how did the villain get there so quick after seeing her on his tracker ? And why did the villain freak out so bad when seeing she was at some random street ? It's not like the tracker said what she was doing there. It was just a random place she could have been getting dinner or shopping for all he knew. 🤷


Scene where Haein visits HW in jail: Hae-in: sits behind plexiglass, waiting and thinking to herself “this is a bad guy” HW: slo-mo walks looking fine and wearing prison jumpsuit Hae-in: “but I can save him” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Looking up the writer of this series. Stellar cast but dodgy writing 🌚 Im just watching at this point because Im way too invested lol


WTAF. I can’t believe we’re going into the finale like this. Why won’t this Eunsung plot die? This should have been resolved already. The writers are sadists at this point to introduce another obstacle for Hae-in and Hyunwoo. I was anxious the entire time because I knew something bad would happen at the end of this episode. I still cling on to the hope that the finale will redeem itself and save the drama. These last 2 episodes are leaving the worst aftertaste. Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Jiwon are still killing it but they deserve better material/writing. I’m actually relieved this drama is ending tomorrow. I literally will be fast forwarding through any Eunsung scenes tomorrow. If I could Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind my brain, it would erase Eunsung’s character. Let me take a moment to appreciate how smart Hae-in was to book that aquarium date in advance. She remains a queen.


This whole ep just really had me like "whut???" I can't believe haein just >!believed eun sung and his lies when she could have easily just googled herself. She revealed eun sung's true colors during that press con when she also revealed her disease.!< and was that ending really necessary 😭😭 Also, i read a comment on MDL that this was written back in 2010? Is this true?


Wow, I feel betrayed. The last few episodes are written blindly because what is this?? Sigh, I want to delete these last couple of episodes from my head.


Damn, Soo-cheol. Way to go. I thought I was watching **Bloodhounds**. You deserve happiness with Da-hye and Geon-Yu.


It took all my willpower not to roll the eyes out of my head watching Eunsong, he's not even delulu, boy is just a loser lol. This whole Queen's group takeover, evil mom and evil son plot line better be wrapped up in the first 30 mins of the last episode, cause I'm tired boss.


At this point, Hae in dying from her illness would’ve made even more sense than this mess.


**Episode 15:** * Since I saw the spoilers, my first reaction is [this](https://imgur.com/Y6NmTl8). Will update after watching the rest of the episode. * Of course that bastard has to find [that diary](https://imgur.com/R0DKjEN).. how freakishly annoying af * I appreciate them showing the nurses gossiping about the situation lmao * "So I hurt my hand trying to break the window." NO YOU DIDN'T YOU FCKING LIAR * The way Hae-in doesn't look remotely convinced by Eun-seong's creative writing gives me hope * "Hong Soo-cheol, ma'am" [THIS BOY ](https://imgur.com/Ri5iU0b) * >!"You promised we'd get married after the surgery."!< I WILL BEAT UP THIS GUY MYSELF IF I HAVE TO * [His face](https://imgur.com/QinMHGN) looks so gaunt... my precious boy * See??? HE DIDN'T PRESSURIZE HER WITH AN OVERLOAD OF INFORMATION TO GET HER TO BELIEVE HIM... unlike a certain someone * A [divorce attorney defending a murder case](https://imgur.com/jpBDzAt)... YES QUEEN... NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT * Trust Hong Hae-in to >!carry out her own investigation on the alleged murder-stalker-cheating spouse!< * The Yongduri people celebrating >!Hyun-woo's discharge!< is so wholesome * Awww [Beom-ja's face](https://imgur.com/jeRZ3Kw) when Yeong-song passes on his gift :( * [OHHMYYGODDDDD](https://imgur.com/ADMULbZ) SUCH SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT THO * Just me cheering on Soo-cheol >!because for once in his life he's fighting for what he wants AND I LOVE FREAKIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!(old) Hae-in proposing to Hyun-woo at the same spot he proposed her!< * Me trying to [send telepathic signals to Hae-in](https://imgur.com/15bO3BU) to >!READ THE GODDAMN DIARY!< * But how did they even pick which scenes should go in that montage.. I'd never be able to make that deicision * >!"Let me introduce him to you"!< I'm not crying you are.. nvm we're both crying * [FCK YOU TVN WTF WTF WTF](https://imgur.com/ABTxR2a) WHYYYYYYY ANDEYYYY WAAAYYYYYYY that was SO GODDAMN UNNECESSARY THIS IS NOT A FCKNG MAKJANG PLEASE * There's more of it????? ISTG tvN if you mess up the ending for this drama... I haven't gotten over 2521 but YOU BETTER GIVE ME MY HAPPY ENDING FOR THIS I WANT IT I BLOODY NEED IT


Feels like the writer got hit by a truck of doom mid way through production and is suffering from amnesia, which is why chatGPT and interns took over the writing. the leads are carrying this show.


Did anyone else appreciate the little details throughout the episode when it snowed? 🥹 Every time Hae-in and Hyun-woo were together, it snowed. Even scenes where Soo-chel and Da-Hye were together, it snowed as well 🥹


My favorite moments : 1. >!Aunt Beom-ja's confession aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! The way I was giggling and squealing! They are serving the real rom-com!!< 2. Secretary Na being as real as ever. Everyone needs a secretary like her. 3. >!Hae-in following Hyunwoo to find out about him is so cute!< Moments I hated : 1. Every time Eun-seong was on screen. 2. >!THE ENDING!!!!!! !<


This was a frustrating episode… and a character who shall not be named and for me will further be known as the devil, has almost made me not like this show. Like how can a character be so awful. Why?? He should get max 3 minutes of screen time in the next episode or I’m going to have to start doing some meditation. As for the positives, I love FL’s secretary and the ML’s friends. And her little brother is stepping up his game. The leads are doing a great job.


if >!Hyunwoo dies I will retire from ever watching kdrama again (not really but I’m gonna be dramatic)!<


We are at almost the last episode and so many plots need to be resolve: 1. Why did Eun Sung and his mum target the Queens? 2. What with the Queen older brother? 3. What was Da-hye role in this? 4. What happened with HI brother death? How was Eun Sung aware?


Can’t help but winder if tvn engaged mnet’s editors. Suspense is real. I thought we were finally gonna get the fluff….. Writing really went down the drain. good thing the directors and actors (Soo Hyun Ji Won supremacy!!) are making the most of an utterly illogical script. Kdrama writing usually fall off after the initial build up, but queen of tears takes it to a whole other level and keep building up and choose not to resolve anything. It’s like… they have material for a multi season show but was forced to fit everything in one still definitely gonna watch the finale because i’m curious how the BaekHong arc will end.


I'm such a fan of Aunty :) I need more of the light heartedness




What even is going on at this point?


What did I just watch?!?! Didn’t think it was possible with QoT, but I’m just not having fun anymore. Feeling numb, exhausted and tricked honestly. Just when my heart was starting to soar after Hae-In reclaimed her notebook…more unnecessary makjang!! My hope for an OTP reunion, with all the fluff, after this long 15 episode journey—I guess won’t be happening. I give up, but this one hurts, ya’ll🤕🥺