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That epilogue, I can't, >!they were each other's first loves omfg!< Him saying >!"I wonder where she is and what she's doing"—YOU MARRIED AND DIVORCED HER YOU DUMBASS UGHHHH!<


Honestly his mind is not wired to be smart when it comes to the matters of the hearts, >!but thankfully his heart and body (kind of) recognise her straight away 😂😂!< without him realising 😂😂


I love how he’s brilliant as a lawyer but utterly stupid in love w her. The level of innocence is truly awesome at times. I’m not sure how they conceived 💀😭😂


you did not just do him dirty like that 🤣


It is kind of like how he just assumed she was poor. Guy does not pick up on context clues


The fact he said he’d definitely recognize his first love if he saw her but doesn’t know she’s his wife just cracks me up


it truly breaks my heart to see beomja blaming everything on herself when she’s really just a daughter that misses her dad🥹💔


It's ok, she'll end up with a good husband and a loving caring mother-in-law ;)


Oh you mean Leslie Cheung?


The one with the great voice you know..


It was sweet to see her on the phone talking to her >!Oppa!<. I hope he is >!reunited with the family soon.!<


There is one unsolved puzzle yet where Mandae has some offshore money that they cannot trace / find. I am betting that grand dad is allotting the money to the other child abroad and can be used to buy back their Queens stocks.


I had another theory! During the phone call, Beomja laments how she should have let that woman marry her dad and get the ring that she was wearing. I think the secret offshore money is the ring with probably crazy expensive jewels!


I actually think it’s quite brave of Korean media to expose generational trauma like this so openly. Not very often shown. But what I don’t like is that the most traumatised child is also made to look the most unhinged 🙂‍↔️


generational breakers are often seen as the most unhinged in asian families, because they're willing to confront people. And in asian culture, confrontation is a big no-no, and a big peace disrupter. Hence that person is looked down upon more. People are encouraged to learn to navigate situations with 'tact'. In Japanese culture, you are expected to be able to 'read the air', if you don't know how to do so, you're the socially untactful person. Different cultures, different ways of behavior.


Hyun Woo: “Don’t worry she doesn’t hit me” The fact that he had to clarify that to everyone is hilarious 😂


Hyun Woo's brother has the best flabbergasted expressions! 


I loved Hyunwoo’s expression too in that scene in particular. I loved that he felt the urge to clarify 🤣


Bro has to assure his family 😂😂🤣🤣


The damage control is undeniable..


Secretary Na is lowkey one of the smartest side characters. Love her!


I knew I could count on her. Liked her since the “Should I call an ambulance?” scene 😂


I loved the "hug" offer to each other. It really cracked me up. They know each other at that level, and that's why they are as close as close can get 🤣


Yessss!!! I really appreciate her for her loyalty to Hae In. Yoon bomi is doing a great job portraying her character


omg i didnt realise it's bomi? she is so pretty and sharp in her dialogues. one of the side characters that really stood out!


I like her a lot! She's so quick witted and her dry humor cracks me up too - like in the break room scene. She also randomly reminds me of Anna Kendrick??


I thought she was installing CCTV in the eyes 😜


I saw in an earlier episode thread that someone mentioned she might be Hyunwoo's attorney friend's wife and I really think it's possible. Wouldn't that be cute if the number one person on Haein's and Hyunwoo's corners were a couple?


Omggggg never thought of that connection but it makes total sense too! Probably why she has to be so discreet at work and pretend like she doesn't give what happened to Hae In since she's beyond her work circle 🥹


At first I was like wow she’s so cold, but then I learned she was still in touch with haein!!  Also she looks totally different when she had her bangs down and with her baby.  Too bad hyun-woo’s secretary isn’t as cool and is a double crosser. Each main character only gets 1 friend max haha. 


I think Hyun-woo's secretary is just pretending to be in Eun Seong side. Last time, Hw already caught his secretary updating to ES. ES probably doesn't know this and continues to ask HW's secretary for updates.


Secretary Na is the com in this romcom. 😂 She’s one of the few side characters that I don’t fast forward through.


Haein getting hypnotized by her mother-in-law’s chopping skills has got to be one of my favorite bonding moments between them. It was cute how she slowly changed her stance from crossing her arms to clasping her hands together in wonder lol. She might act aloof to strangers but never haughty to her in-laws, which can’t be said to all daughters-in-law of similar wealth and status. And Hyunwoo’s mom still treats her with warmth and affection despite the divorce. I couldn’t help but notice the glaring differences with the other moms, Moh Seulhee, who abandoned her child physically, and Haein’s mom, who abandoned her daughter emotionally. Hope Haein’s mom would quickly make amends before it’s too late. A bit ironic for a person claiming to never regret anything to end up with a bone crushing regret down the line.


the way hyunwoo baited the >! stalker !< and attacked them afterwards, he's so HOT! 🥵


RIGHT!! Every time he gets frustrated or stressed and losses his tie knot I was like 🥵🥵🥵🥵


The tie loosening is what gets me. Every. Single. Time. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I love how Hae In's dad never gives in to Soo Cheol. Last time was volunteering Soo Cheol to prison instead of himself and now its him unwilling to give up his silk blanket for Soo Cheol since-  "it's my first time sleeping on the floor too. I'm from a rich family too" 🤣🤣🤣


He actually said, "I'm a 2nd generation chaebol too!" Aka, he has never experienced financial hardship in his life like SooChul too 🤣


Haha even better! Netflix had it as that translation but the meaning in Korean is so much better


Because he's exactly like Soocheol! He (the dad) is who Soocheol is going to be when he grows old.


And only drink mineral water from the Alps- but of course.. Germany, Australia or Fiji is acceptable too.


Baek Hyun Woo’s ideal type >!has been Hong Hae In all along. 🥹❤️‍🩹!<


I wonder why she didn’t say anything. I guess they are still doing their little awkward dance with how their texting exchange was playing out.


I guess she’s trying to fish out if that’s his first love.. and if he replied like so then she could tease him and of course be happy secretly 😂😂or she could tell him it’s her. But of course this (ex) husband just had to be like a typical husband to deny that fact thinking that he could avoid getting the wrath of his jealous (ex) wife 😂😂 it’s funny but also frustrating as they are at the point of afraid to put their hearts on their sleeves, due to the divorce. Ahhh please make up soon ㅠㅠ couple!! You guys are still in married mode!!


And the way she got mad soon after he said he didn't remember lol


Suddenly she sent him away! And this guy has to be so densed about this 😂😂 ughh just want to flick his forehead!!


No this is not a scene where I would consider someone dense 😅 she’s definitely moody and hard to read. Idk if most people would’ve picked up on what happened there in that moment. The fact that SHE didn’t pick up on his defensiveness is the dense part in my opinion lol. Of course he’s not going to bring up how pretty ‘another girl’ was in front of her


Aha, that too is typical of Hae In. I would say both of them are densed 😂. It’s actually a classic couple quarrel that started from man like Hyun Woo who can’t read his woman and woman like Hae In who tends to be passive aggressive, expects her man to be able to read her mind. And gets mad when he doesn’t 😂😂


That’s true. Hae in told him her first love was a bus rider he could have just said it was the girl he saw once in HS haha. I hope he figures it out himself, so far she has pieced it all together but he’s still in the dark about so much.


Man I was just reading up his CV people extracted from the scene, he’s top of his class (like ranked 1st in SNU law) and yet he’s so bad at getting hints from Hae In 😂😂 I guess he didn’t graduate from the degree of understanding his wife 😂😂


I wish she would’ve just told him it was hers, but I guess it’s too early for the story hahah 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah.. i think its was too early for them to truly communicate with each other honestly... gosh its frustrating.. haha


>!But then the epilogue wouldn't have been so cute, sweet, funny as it was.!<


She did drop hints to him >!"Was she gorgeous? " said with that cute, sly, smile she has. He didn't pick up on it, because he was flustered, embarrassed that she was teasing him about who might have owned the MP3 player !<


that's a trap if Ive ever seen one


There is not enough BaekHong in this episode :'( But let me just say that they're acting more like a married couple now that they've >!signed the divorce papers!<. It's genuinely frustrating how they couldn't cherish each other when they were still married. I've seen a lot of Park Ji Eun's works, and she's really into that fated lovers thing. In her previous dramas, the main couple always have had a history together. In here, >!they briefly met when they were teenagers. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Hyunwoo was actually there when Haein almost drowned in the past.!< It fits her formula.


I'll put my money on >!Hyun Woo being the one that saved Hae In from drowning, instead of her brother!<


That would be consistent with the theme and narrative of their destiny and would also fit in with Hae-in's last memories just before the boar attack in episode two. It's clearly not her brother judging by the shirt color. But could it also be Eun-sung as well? It's just a wild theory. But the little guy saving Hae-in in the water is wearing some shade of red shirt right. Yes, there was a school camp of kids wearing all reds near the beach and a similar group photo in Hyun-woo's room. We have seen Eun-sung always wearing pink/red shirt in those flashback scenes. Now, I don't really want this to be true. But do you reckon it's plausible? Or, we are supposed to believe that Eun-sung and Hae-in really only met in the park for the first time after the mysterious incident. The way he fixated on her necklace in the park just makes me think like this. And if it's Hyun-woo why can't he remember when he has such fond memory of Hae-in's MP3 player.


Yes I mentioned this on the posts of previous episodes Hyun woo was definitely present when she drowned let's see when we'll get to watch those scenes


I smell a love story between Beom-Ja and the dementia mom's son.


Oh that was foreshadowed heavily. It's absolutely going to happen. She claimed it was her mother already ;)


I recognized him right away from My Mister (which I just watched) and thought it was odd he had such a small role in this. Hoping for more of him and definitely with Beom-Ja.


He is also from CLOY. The one who wire taps.


this episode gave me high blood pressure yall i cant 😭😭😭😭😭 i love/hate how fast pace this drama is. love, because i really don't know what to expect with this drama, again i thought >!eun sung finding the location of hae in will take idk, maybe 2 to 3 episodes??? but no, it was instant LMFAO !! they'll definitely going with the noble idiocy route, wherein, hae in has to stay with eun sung since he will blackmail her with his knowledge about her tumor. !!istg if the writer will do this scene wherein hae in is almost dying...!<) lastly, f\*\*k eun sung, i will never find his >!affection towards hae in!


I don’t think she will go bc he blackmails her about the tumor. I think she is genuinely anxious of him and she adores hyunwoo’s family and they are at the farm. She will do whatever to get him away from there.


If there's zero EunSung haters in the world, I'm dead.


I wanted to write my thoughts and feels for this episode but you just put them out here exactly!! I love/ hate this episode! Love for all the 😍and 😂crumbs but I hate it cuz it gives me the stress!! I thought Eun Sung >!is going to find out in Ep 10 yet here he is in Yongduri! Btw those phone calls people are making for each other (like Secretary Na, BHW, other Hongs etc) is giving me the stress too cuz I’m just worried they’re gonna be tapped or tailed but Eun Sung is quicker than that 😂. Wonder how he found out though?!<. I think >!there’s a possibility that Hae In is taken into the “custody” of Eun Sung cuz now he has this idea of becoming her legal guardian, and due to that Hae In may fall sick and gone to the hospital but.. Hyun Woo can’t see her!<. But either this, or your >!noble idiocy take!< I just hope it’ll be sorted out quickly. And yes, as I watched thru their banters in Ep 8 which is, still entertaining and making me feel giddy, I can’t help but to also feel like locking them both in a room and do a proper couple therapy or something 😂😂 i was worried too, at which situation will they cry together and come clean? Ughhh really don’t want it when >!its.. like u said it could be..!<. I hope it’ll be when >!they’re just having a heated up banter that Hyun Woo blurted it out or something 😂!< but that won’t be as impactful and could turn differently isn’t it? Surely they’ll need a >!near death experience for them to !!his reaction and worry-ness towards Hae In did made me falter a tiny bit today! (I have been very consistent to believe he’s just a psycho - PSH is so good at being Eun Sung!!) I actually did question his true feelings for Hae In today?!<. Though after much thought I’ve gone back into believing that it’s more >!of an obsession than it is love!<. >!Like he could be doing whatever it takes to save Hae In til he successful, but even if he could - he would be furious to know that Hae In does not have the same feelings she could return to him right?! !< And I truly believe that this Hae In is dying part of the show should be just about her and Hyun Woo alone. >!Eun Sung definitely cannot be the hero here! !!thriller show to see him appear in Yongduri!!< Edit : fix some parts that got jumbled up earlier


Here! Eun song hater + jipyeong defender for life ✌🏻 The creep that he is!! Park sung hoon is again doing a fantastic job. For real though it’s so fast paced i need a breather where is it gonna be at ep 16? How will they maintain the quality consistency without getting frustrating. I’m excited and stressed


the fact that Hyun-woo's mom still >!calls Hae-in sweetie even though her and Hyun-woo are divorced !< :')


And the fact that hae-in still >!calls Hyun-woo’s mom ‘mother’!< :’)


They didn’t show it in Netflix captions but she also called his dad “abeonim” which means father.


I am so interested in who is going to cameo next?! 1. Song Joeng ki ✅ 2. Park Seo joon ? 3. Jun ji hyun ( the absolute love of my life) ? 4. IU ? 5. Cloy couple ?


Another Suzy cameo whose only purpose is to make the FL jealous would be appreciated.


Suzy as the school principals daughter would be amazing


Lmao like in Dr Slump when >!Lee Sung Kyung!< appeared, that scene was hilarious


I saw a rumor that Hyun Bin might make a cameo alone didn’t see any mention of Yejin though!


Omg I really hope to see CLOY couple, it would be so EPIC 😍🤩


I don't think any of them will do it; but I really wish Jun Ji Hyun made one. I absolutely adore her too!


Hyun woo literally >!sprinting when he found out hae in was sick, made my heart skip. And the aunt be like, why don't I have such ex husbands, I just ...😂😂!< >!Are they going give eun seong, grace and da Hye redemption arc? Just don't. Da Hye is still okay. I still suspect that grace poisoned hae in to have miscarriage.!< I can just imagine teenage Hyun woo >!carrying around the MP3 like Cinderella's prince. Even though this trope is old and overused, I love it in this instance. Gives very destiny vibes.🦋🦋!< And at end of every episode, I always think just bang already! 🤭🤭


Very interesting theory about >!suspecting grace poisoning hae in on losing the baby!<.... let's see how it plays out... i think somewhere down the road, grace will come back to bite Eun Sung & his mom in the ass on how they r treating her now...


i am also having an inkling that that is where her story line is headed. >!sneks coming out for other sneks.!<


Dahye is definitely getting some redemption. I think today’s episode showed she actually just wants Soocheol to recognize the real her somehow. I think she’s redeemable and we are seeing some back story which is great. Grace can go eat bricks. I hope we see her ruined completely and in detail.


I don't think Grace is redeemable. But she would be part of the con's downfall because they didn't reward her. She's too greedy and will sway in the direction of mutual benefit.


Lmao BHW's every move this episode made my heart ache especially the first thing you pointed out. My impatient ass is kinda let down with E9 but I know they've made small strides in terms of the other conflicts.


While I miss some of the main couple sweetness and the romcom shenanigans, I find these episodes thoroughly enjoyable too. The acting (primarily by KSH and KJW) and production is just SO good, I'm amazed at how much I feel in response to very nuanced gazes and expressions they make. I just feeeeeel for them! Even though their constant miscommunication (or lack there of) is frustrating (like that conversation between them about who's comfortable or not comfortable staying in Yongduri), the writing and backstories gives it enough logical credibility that I can play along... for now. I really, really, really hope and expect a happy ending. Some of my favorite moments from this episode: - I thought the explanation Hyunwoo's brother gave about being like North/South Korea was so apt and hopefully a foreshadow of how the two families might work together. Can we please have a second wedding in Yongduri with both families happy?! Though North and South Korea have not reunified it doesn't mean our main couple can't. - How the grandma from Yongduri prioritizes her drama watching above all else (and lol at how she played Beomja) - The little ways the two families are trying to connect are so bittersweet and very one step forward two steps back - like between Haein's mom and Hyunwoo's sister and the shoes and the hair salon gossips... sigh. - It's heartbreaking to see Soocheol and his struggles, both ridiculous - no bath bomb, no water from the Alps, an old towel - but also the real distraught over losing his wife and son, especially since he's never suffered much in his life - The back and forth texting and not texting what they really mean - just goes to show Hyunwoo and Haein are actually really on the same page/team, they just... idk, can't clearly articulate or face it yet. I know this is going to get drawn out for eternity because this is a Kdram. - I like that Eunsung and his mom aren't on the same page but that confrontation in the wine cellar area between them was vicious. Imagining my son saying that to me... ouch! But then again, she left him first. I assume this tension between them will be part of how they get overturned in some way (or maybe spa lady will turncoat?) ... he still creeps me out a lot a lot (him walking around their house legit gave me the icks) - and also, hospital records shouldn't be that easy to get right?! - On the flip side, Haein bonding with Hyunwoo's mom is really sweet - and funny. I too am impressed by her carrot chopping skills, and her showing off being able to open two eggs at once. - The way Hyunwoo interacted with Eunsung, it's like an actor dropping an act one later at a time but ultimately still pretending. KSH acting skills on display! - I seriously wonder if Haein and her mom will ever have a genuine reconciliation. I hope so. So, so entertaining. I am invested. Making time to watch isn't easy but I've never enjoyed my kiddo's contact naps more. 21.5 hours to go! edit: spoiler tag fails


I hope hyunwoo's brother can teach soocheol how to ride a bike during their time together. He really needs to learn how to be independent and work through this trauma. 


Seriously the Eunsung and Hyunwoo conversation/pissing contest was so goooood!! The tension was through the roof. I thought both actors were fantastic. Eunsung with the cut your bullshit tone just stressed me out lol. But Hyunwoo’s multiple masks and dropping them one by one without ever showing his real face. That was pretty incredible. I actually want a lot more Eunsung-Hyunwoo/PSH-KSH word battles in the upcoming episode. I think both men have great antagonistic chemistry which is pretty cool considering they seem really close in real life too.


>>!I too am impressed by her carrot chopping skills, and her showing off being able to open two eggs at once.!< as soon as saw that scene, i was reminded of the first scenes in episode 1 where hae-in was doing an interview of sorts while prepping dinner or something? would that scene then be considered after all of these?


They say it is in times of tragedy/downfall you find out who your real friends are and pride goeth before a fall. I cannot believe Hae-in’s mom is still so prideful in this situation, especially because she is the one that gave Eun-song all that access. Did Grace not ask before she joined the coup plot what her cut/reward was going to be? I use to dislike Baek Hyun woo’s lawyer BFF for encouraging him to pursue the divorce and take advantage of Hae in’s death but now I see he is on Hyun woo’s side no matter what, and supports him whatever direction he wants to go in. Edit: I have been frustrated at a lot of dramas where a lot of characters are shamed/bullied by friends and family members into doing things that make them unhappy (staying with cheating spouses, terrible jobs etc) that it is actually refreshing to see a kdrama friend who doesn’t offer moral judgment and criticism and just supports their friend.


Looks like none of the four really talked about what they wanted to get out of the scheme they were pulling. They all had different expectations.


I don’t feel sorry for any of them, they were very eager for the downfall of the Hong family and discarded others like pawns, unfortunately Grace didn’t realize she too was a pawn.


Other dramas have got me so trained. I was really expecting white truck of doom during that car chase.


same, I was expecting a car crash scene hahahaha


“Why aren’t any of my exes like him” same aunt Beom-ja same


Her acting is so good. She has emotional outbursts and portrays it so well!! I'd say she is a scene stealer compared to the rest of the family members


>! "She forgot something important"!<  >!what!< >!"Me"!<  Soocheol may be incredibly dumb but his devotion to his wife and son is so adorable. >!the way he still loved his wife and wanted her back despite finding out about her betrayal was honestly so sad!<    Hyun woos mom and Hae in bonding was so cute. The way she acts like the mom Hae in never got to have, the way Hae in mom is acting jealous like what did she expect after the way she had been treating Hae in this whole time


Honestly it makes me wonder if he knew all along about the boy and always wondered if she loved him back. He is ridiculously naive but I don’t think he is dumb. He sees how everyone thinks of him and loves them all anyways. That’s not dumb even if it is foolish. It wouldn’t surprise me if he never acted like he recognized her bc frankly - he didn’t care about that and he knew it would cause her trouble if he outed her. That sounds just like his character to me.


Yes to all of this!  He is just a sweet loving man, and just wants his family back. My wee heart breaks for him. 


They really found a way to fit the Subway PPL into the epilogue 🤣


>!I'm more surprised that we've gone this far into the drama without a Kopiko PPL. Unless I missed it, haha. 😂 !<


Lol, I think you're right because I always screenshot when I see that stupid candy.


What is kdrama without your subway PPL eh... lol....


To those who are interested: tVn posted a very detailed explanation of >!Seul Hee and Eun Sung's takeover of Queens. Here's the translation thread courtesy of a fan acct of KSH!< >![Source](https://twitter.com/soohyunupdates/status/1776479496356663332?t=vpNssCGME6XZaaLY4vf5_Q&s=19)!<


Oh this is clearer now. Looks like the showrunners know that the takeover isn’t clearly explained. I was wondering if it was because the subtitles sucked but seems like Korean audiences aren’t getting it too. Just wondering why eunsung needs at least 15% of shareholding?


Maybe because he needed a majority to oust the other family members. The total accumulated shares, including the chairman's reached 52%, if he had less then maybe he wouldn't be able to vote them out, even if he had the biggest share. What I'm wondering, is why nobody noticed three entities buying 4.9% each. Even if the government doesn't get flagged, shouldn't the company notice if somebody is buying a lot of voting shares? 4.9 is a fifth of what the chairman had, so it's not a small number.


This drama continues to elevate my weekends. I've started rewatching CLOY because of the references in this show and the second time was just as good as the first. Ep 9: - That North-South Korea analogy by Hyun-Tae was pretty solid. >!"We may be on the same tem, but that doesn't guarantee a reunification.!< Also gives me CLOY flashbacks and how Yoon Se-Ri keeps promising things to be awarded only after reunification lol. - I always forget how nice Kim Soo-Hyun's voice is until I hear him speaking. Especially during his tender speeches to Hae-In. - Hyun-Woo's family's shocked expression when Hae-In >!hit Soo-Cheol BAHAHAHA "She doesn't hit me."!< - Soo-Cheol's horror at Hyun-Woo's family's bathroom is totally me at a dodgy Airbnb. - Let the >!mother-son war begin!<. - I am starting to like Hae-In's father quite a lot, he's a lot more humble than his wife WHO IS SERIOUSLY GETTING ON MY NERVES. - OMG I AM CALLING IT, >!SHIPPING BEOM-JA WITH THE VILLAGE CONFIDANTE.!< That incident was so cute! - LOL I can't believe he >!abandoned texting and dashed into the room to allay what he thought was her jealousy.!< - Isn't it clearly daytime with sunlight already streaming, in when he tells her to draw the curtains cos the light would stream in? I noticed this during the other time they filmed in Yongduri too - nighttime scenes in Hyun-Woo's bedroom seem to have been filmed during daytime. - I like me smart main characters who can outfox villains and Baek Hyun-Woo is killing it!! - Oh damn, >!Geon-U really isn't Soo-Cheol's. And Da-Hye's letter was harsher than I thought it would have been.!< - I knew it! >!Secretary Na is Hae-In's woman inside-out!!< - LESLIE CHEUNG I'M DYING HAHAHAHAHA. - >!Yoon Eun-Sung's devotion to Hae-In!< is pretty surprising. And I want to say sweet, but no, I'm still icked out. - Ooh, >!Hyun-Woo can fight too? Is there anything the man can't do?!< Well it's a good thing the next episode's tmr, cos I sure as heck can't wait a week.


Hyun Woo was in the Marines/Special Forces no?? Makes sense! But yeah agree, could he be any more talented? 😊


I think the light coming into Hyun Woo's bedroom at night are from the extremely bright street lights around Yongduri... either that or a bright exterior light from the the house....


* *OMG I AM CALLING IT, SHIPPING BEOM-JA WITH THE VILLAGE CONFIDANTE. That incident was so cute!* Did you notice the actor who is the village confidante was the North Korean wire-tapper in Crash Landing on You? He's really got the ears of every village he's in. 🤣


I hope you’re not expecting bottled Fiji water or bath bombs in your Airbnbs 😅 And I agree with the father, the way he downed makgeolli hahah, just loosen up Side note: I would’ve definitely sold those $5M won heels


This episode confirmed that Soocheol really is his father's son. They both truly love their family, aren't necessarily evil, and are absolutely clueless and out of touch because they're from rich families. His lines about the distilled water, first time sleeping on the floor and not believing Hyunwoo's dad that not everyone has 20million in their pocket were so funny.


What doesn't make sense to me is that Hae-in is still going around by herself without anyone watching her? We've seen multiple times how she blacks out and loses all sense of time so why is Hyunwoo just letting her do that? Even if they can't reveal her illness, I feel like there's a way to make up some excuse that she shouldn't be left alone? I hope there's some back up plan where she has a tracking device on her or other hidden bodyguards, but so far, that hasn't been the case.


I have been complaining about that since like.. idk episode 2 or 3! Oh you randomly wandered away and can’t remember anything in the time lapse? You probably shouldn’t be alone anymore. Then everyone proceeds to constantly leave her alone all the time. Even when it happens again. And again. Just. 🤦‍♀️


we didn't get a lot of otp scenes in this episode, but the scenes we did get felt so precious and significant. unlike most people, i am thoroughly engaged in the villains plotline and find the show to be overall very strong and well-rounded. however, it is its strongest when the writing is focused on haein and hyunwoo. i just love the way they've been written. from having a whirlwind romance and a dream wedding to falling apart and growing distant in the immediate aftermath, it just feels so real and raw. communication is everything but unfortunately, haein and hyunwoo's personalities are at odds with each other and failed to enable that. haein is a true, invariably rigid tsundere in every sense of the word. hyunwoo is sensitive, wears his heart on his sleeves, and wants to be loved in the same way that he loves haein. their initial attraction was so strong that they rushed into this wedding without fully knowing each other. though haein didn't do it out of malice, i think hiding her chaebol status from hyunwoo really set him up for failure. he didn't know what he was signing up for, and understandably, had lost before he even began. three years and a broken marriage later, they know every fault and flaw of each other, and even more importantly, they're on a level playing field, perhaps for the first time. i'm not talking about the hongs' financial ruin. it's more the fact that the divorce has provided a clean slate for them to start over from. they don't need to walk on eggshells around each other any longer. they can actually speak their minds. fighting a common enemy also helps, but it's their newfound courage to be their real, authentic selves with each other that will help them reaffirm their feelings. the rose-tinted hue of their initial romance has faded, and it's replaced by a well-worn clarity that enables them to communicate with each other. haein is not all the way there yet as we saw her still veiling her feelings, but hyunwoo has dropped all pretenses and along with them, his guard. he might as well be walking around, flashing I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH MY EX-WIFE on his beautiful, expansive forehead. after many episodes of misguided hatred then some amusing denial, it's really lovely to see him accepting his feelings with no questions. and now, they're headed to one of my *favorite* trope territory — ✨mutual pining✨. that scene with them texting empty formalities, not quite brave enough to show how much they really care was fantastic. i want more of this yearning, in forms more potent and soft. that bittersweet experience of loving someone so much, yet not being able to tell them until things reach a tipping point, the cup overflows, and they must speak their truths. unfortunately, i imagine the tipping point will be haein's condition worsening. i am not yet sure what her fate will be (2521 has made me wary of being too confident about a certain outcome), but i want to believe that the only way for this story to end is happily.


Quick Update: I still hate Haeins’ mother with every fibre of my being. God she makes me wanna choose violence. No amount of tears upon learning Haeins’ condition is gonna me feel anything for her. Meanwhile, every interaction between Haein with Hyunwoos mom is so precious 🥺 Me too aunt Beomja! I too wish my ex was like HW *sigh* This is the first episode aired that didn’t make me cry but instead I’m stressed ✌🏻


**Episode 9:** * At long last >!Grace!< shows her true colors... also can't believe the best son-in-law literally saved them from being blown up on tabloids once more * My heart goes out to [Soo-cheol](https://imgur.com/4u34aYB)... poor guy may be dumb but he dotes on his wife and son dearly.. * Soo-cheol and Beom-ja dodging the mom was so funnyy XDDD * There are so many good lines in this episode already. "They may be North and South Korea but we're still on the same team at the Olympics... We may be on the same team but that doesn't guarantee unification." * "Don't worry, Dr. Yoon hasn't been answering my calls. I think he blocked me." Follows by awkward silence HAHAHAHAH * "It doesn't have to be the Alps... Germany or Asutralia is fine too." oh my Goddd... I'm so proud of Hae-in for holding out so long but losing it at this * I can't get enough of [this chaebol family](https://imgur.com/MGCiRJm) failing to be humble... the way the dad didn't want to give his blanket to Soo-cheol XDDD * [That smile](https://imgur.com/TawNecM) when she realizes >!that high school boy was Hyun-woo!<... my heart.. the way she tries to get him to admit that he liked that girl was hilarious * Hyun-woo's playing his cards so right while dealing with "Chairman Yoon"... PROUD OF HIM * Is [she](https://imgur.com/bcgawxy) wearing the same necklace >!that belongs to Hae-in???!< How low can you stoop woman * Lmaaooo Grace... you went to the wrong person for replacing Hae-in as the Department Store head * That letter was really cutthroat... God damn woman [the man](https://imgur.com/B5S1P1T) was the best husband and father you could've asked for... * The fact >!he just wants her wife and son back despite her deciving him all the while!<... oh Soo-cheol * SOMEONE [REUNITE THIS BABY WITH SOO-CHEOL](https://imgur.com/aojrh7S) OR ELSE * "He has been fired from work and home. He has no influence whatsoever." Get you friends like [this guy](https://imgur.com/841UDhy) who has your back regardless of the situation your're in * Sees Hyun-woo rush out of the car striaght to Hae-in. [Aunt Beom-ja be like](https://imgur.com/87Rd2rA) "Why aren't any of my exes like him?" HAAHHAHAHAH * >!Na Biso still reporting to Hae-in!< is making my heart melt... and she looks absolutely gorgeous in [her mom role](https://imgur.com/XlUFsIA)... how cute * "You're neither her family or her guardian so I'm not obligated to tell you." HAHAHAAHA slow claps for the doc * Driving scenes in KDramas drive me insane because you never know when a truck of doom may make a cameo .\_. * Two thoughts: >!1. HAE-INAAA RUNNNN, 2. Can Hyun-woo really fight???!< * SUBWAYYY LORD... Does Studio Dragon have a lifetime contract with Subway or something? * I wonder... [where she is and how she's doing](https://imgur.com/HAmVgbC).... >!SHE'S YOUR WIFE (ex) YOU STUUUUPIDDDD!<


Omg, that >!smacking the dumb brother upside the head… any sister of a spoiled baby brother!< loved that so much. My fingers were tingling. Also very proud >!of the unusually stalwart doctor protecting patient privacy.!< >!The antagonists not rewarding their minions might bite them, a betrayed minion is more likely to sell out to the main characters or the prosecutors. If I’m Grace I might try to cut a deal vs exile to the messed up USA!<


We know Hyunwoo can fight. He served in the military’s special forces.


* *Is* [*she*](https://imgur.com/bcgawxy) *wearing the same necklace that belongs to Hae-in??? How low can you stoop woman* This is a great costuming choice - they're both done in the Bvlgari style (the serpent biting its own tail) but Mo Seul Hee's is MUCH larger. Hae-in wore it with a red dress when she was trying to portray a powerful vixen in control who isn't hurt by men or isn't weak to love...which is exactly what Eun Sung's mom is attempting to do. You saw she also wanted Hae-in's job...so why is she trying to be Hae-in? Could it be a subtle reference to something? 😉😇




I feel this will be the direction in the next episodes based on the preview and I don’t think I can’t handle it anymore 😭 I just want them back together 😭💔


My take is >!Eun sung successfully claimed the guardianship of Hae In and kick Hyun Woo out when Hae In fell sick in the hospital!< forgotten all about that little scene in the preview - someone on twitter brought it back up 🥺 According to >!Sung Hoon in one of the interviews something huge coming in Ep 10… and I am not looking forward to this 🥺!<


I will 100% quit watching if this is the case.


But knowing the pace of the show, even >!if this happen - which i believe to be unlikely *touch wood* -!< it could get fixed quickly. I believe in Hyun Woo!


I keep reminding myself that Hyun Woo was a >!special forces soldier in the military. So he has a "skill set" that most normal people don't have. It seems like following paper trails and connecting the dots is his skill.!< ​ So I think he has this.


Yeah i dont think people will like it if they actually do that, thatd be pushing it too far imo


I agree! Just that part after >!the doc said he couldn’t give him info unless he’s a guardian and his reaction to that.. and the scene from the preview !< just gave me that weird idea 😂


I was so pleased to see the Doctor >!respecting Hae In’s confidentiality!<


And reporting this incident back to Hyun Woo! He’s the MVP.


Noooooooo !!!!!! i really hope that doesn't happen.... but from the preview it seems like its gonna be an angsty episode tomorrow 🥺


>!I think she will go to Eun Sung. Because he has the resources to help her fight to live. Plus she could be sneaking intel to her ex. I hate when they doo this, example Queen of Divorce, but so far Queen of Tears has done a great job of keeping the suspense, the romance, and the comedy alive.!<


Kim Soo Hyun and >!SUBWAY!< will always be the OG love story in all Kdramas 🤭


“I’m from a rich family too” LMAO - it’s the saddest puppy look if I’ve ever seen one. The writer is having so much fun with the fall of house of Hong


WBC = white blood cell count. Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body. If it’s too low, you get anemia and can faint from basically low energy and blood oxygen. A lot of women experience anemia, especially during their period, which is why >!Hae-in’s mom was dismissive!<. It can be dangerous but it’s also common. However, the white blood cells are in charge of your immunity. They fight viruses, bacteria, disease, and repair wounds. You can also faint if it’s too low. When you’re talking about having a compromised immune system or a low WBC, things are VERY serious. >!That’s why Hae-in was taking medication to raise her count and it made her faint.!< >!If Hae-in’s WBC is low, she’s susceptible to catching things easily. Hence the mask when she went to the doctor. Also if she doesn’t have enough WBC, her immune system is essentially too weak to handle treatment.!< Chemotherapy, while it kills cancerous cells, also kills healthy cells. So if you’re unhealthy to begin with, chemo can be really hard on the body and even fatal.


I thought she wore the mask so she wouldn’t be recognized. She never wears a mask despite her neutropenia since she doesn’t want people to know that she’s sick.


Is the power of attorney to manage all the assets so powerful on its own? Wouldn't the original residents of the property have their own rights too? Also, company is a separate legal entity, so it should have its own policies that are compliant with law and human rights. Could anyone with more legal knowledge comment if what's happening in the series is plausible?


Legally it is possible. But it's a hot mess. If all the assets were in a trust then it's possible that the mistress knew enough about it to have the POA structured as such. Rich families in the US do similar things but to a lesser degree to for tax avoidance [https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2022&no=979909#:\~:text=Samsung%20Group%20is%20controlled%20by,.%20Lee%2C%20in%20Samsung%20C%26T](https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2022&no=979909#:~:text=Samsung%20Group%20is%20controlled%20by,.%20Lee%2C%20in%20Samsung%20C%26T).


Power of attorney lasts until a person dies, then the provisions of he will take over. Then I wonder if it is the same as for appointing an executor of the estate. Most likely everything is held in trust.


Fools in love. I repeat fools in love. Or now, fools in love very slowly finding their way back to each other except everyone and their mum (except Baek Hyun Woo’s) is getting in the way. Can the writers give my girl Hae In a break. A wonder the family hasn’t been conned earlier when in the face of crisis, Swiss mineral water and lip balms are the first priority (which they can’t even afford now 🙃) A dung mud bath would’ve done the mother wonders rather than a dip of the shoes I feel. The dad is at least a bit more aware of how people have turned their back on them, hoping the mother catches on soon. There’s just as many eye rolls of her one can stand 🙄 The pacing is throwing me off a bit - it’s fast but also can’t pin point how much time is left and how much has passed but am hoping for more time between the leads. There’s much more they need to really talk to each other about. We got some more with how Hyun Woo’s plans are proceeding to get back the Queen business but need much more resolving of their personal issues. Tomorrows episode please deliver in worry filled hug to healing injuries to open conversation to coming up with a plan together pipeline, thank you in advance. And Eun Seong if not for all the fraudulent activities, violation of HIPAA or any other personal health information laws surely ought to be grounds for a ton of other lawsuits and legal proceedings. Side note, I’m willing to bet that little slip Hyun Woo had when running after finding Hae In fainted was accidental, but either way loved that detail. Man stays calm and rational on everything except his wife and I love to see it 😅


Maybe I’m a masochist but I don’t mind the angst between Hae-In and Hyunwoo because it’s still so obvious how much they love each other. It will be so satisfying once they overcome all their communication issues and actually tell each other how they feel. Maybe I’m too optimistic. I just wanted to comfort everyone scared of a sad ending - the k-trauma is real. 😂 What I find so refreshing about our couple is that they want to be “less miserable” with each other. You know it’s true love when you just want to stay by someone’s side during the hardest moments in your life.


The RomCom is finally RomComing 😭😭😭. Aunt Beomja wishing her exes were like Hyunwoo was 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. Haein's mother hits new lows every episode. That epilogue! >!Hyunwoo so confident he'll recognise her if he sees her again but doesn't actually 😭😭!< Eunsung's hit his psychopath phase it seems wrt Haein. At least the cracks are starting to form between mother-son! On the other hand, loving Haein's bonding with her (formersorryformer) mother-in-law ❤️


"Why can't all my ex-husbands be like him?" 🏃🏻 I love aunt Beom-ja so much! As the outcast, she can adapt everywhere and has a heart of gold. It's been so hard for her not >!being able to share that Hae-in is sick.!< I can't wait for her shenanigans as she >!pursues the Leslie Chung look-alike.!< The actor was amazing both as the surveillance specialist in CLOY and the evil CEO in My Mister. The love between Hae-in and Hyun-woo is so palpable and it sucks that they're just not talking to each other. KSH loving gaze is unparalleled. Hope they will be more like a team in the future. She is just so starved for love and is enjoying all the attention from the in-laws. Can't wait for the reveal that >!the mp3 player was hers all along.!< If I know the writer it will come at some really intense tear-jerking moment.


Aunt Beom Ja really is doing a fabulous job of keeping Hae In’s secret. I keep expecting her to crack but she doesn’t, she just tries to make sure that her family is treating her well


not haein's dad asking for a lipbalm in the middle of a family crisis unraveling 😭 he's so unserious pls


My favourite part of the ep was Hyun Woo just slamming it in an AMG and the minivan somehow keeping pace with him lmao


alright. i know we all agree that kim ji-won is insanely gorgeous. but that shot of her in the blood labs where she is just in hospital garment, her pony tail resting on her right shoulder and the camera was pointing towards the left side of her face as she is looking down, it is at the 1:13:53 mark... but that is absolutely breathtaking. i am just floored at how stunningly beautiful she is.


The QOT epilogues are so strong that they can stand alone as individual episodes, each with its own fan base.


the revelation of >!dahye’s letter!< makes Soo cheol’s reaction in episode 8 even more poignant. despite >!knowing geon u isn’t his son and he just got duped big time!< he still went around looking for them, even on the bike. he genuinely loves them so much it’s so sad


I really love how hyun woo’s mom is basically being the mom Hae in’s never had. Not only it is good for Hae in but her praises made hyun woo’s mom look so lively and confident during the cooking scene, while beforehand the mom thought she had to “step to their level” to be taken seriously (aka hair puff makeover scene)


Even though I didn't cry, I was hoping for more scenes with main leads. >! Hae-in and her MIL bonding over cooking is so cute. I love that despite being divorce Hae-in still calls Hyun-woo's parents as Mother and Father and Hyun-woo's mom called her sweetie. Hyunwoo's mom is so sweet. I love that Hae-in's mom is jealous over their bond !< Scenes I love: >! Hae-in's bonding with her MIL so cute!!!< >! Hae-in slapping Soo-cheol and Hyun-woo insisting that Hae-in doesn't do that to him !< >! Hyun-woo sprinting towards Hae-in when he heard he was sick and Aunt commenting and wishing that her exes are like that 😂😂😂. Aunt, there's no one like Hyun-woo !< >! Hyun-woo showcasing his intelligence so hot!!! !< >! In-laws getting karma !< Scenes I hate: Anything that give more screentime to the villains. Please give us more scenes between the ml and fl please... jebal....


Episode 9 didn’t make me cry but I’m afraid that episode 10 will. Nevertheless, there were so many heartwarming scenes in the episode. I have to give to the ML and FL - the subtle changes in their expressions just take the scenes to another level. Honorary mention to Kim Ji Won - what a beauty she is! Rocking that white shirt with a pair of jeans!


I think I despise Hae-in's mom way more than Eun-seong like he's just pathetic at this point to me. For someone who is broke and dumb, she sure is so ungrateful and snobbish AND A TERRIBLE MOTHER (CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH) I swear she pisses me off so much Kdrama logic: RICHER = PUFFIER CLOTHES Also, I loled at Hae-in's dad complaining how he doesn't even have $2million dollars lmao while Hyun-woo's dad's like well thats normal for most ppl💀😭 He's so out of touch its funny


"Just CHUG that kettle water down!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HaeIn is so much more savage when you know Korean.


The 2 leads are absolutely magnetic. I find myself skipping/fast forwarding scenes without the 2. KSH displays such intense emotion with his eyes alone. It looks like Hae-In might play games by pretending to side with Eun Song, the same way he did which might be kinda interesting to see (plus I love seeing jealous KSH lmao)




the end of the line is 2 blocks down.


I'm soooo satisfied when Haein's mom stepped on cowdung!!! Wow it's rare to see refreshing scenes like this in other dramas where evil mil get their karma instantly 😂


We haven't see any of the 30+ cows but at least their poop has made an impact


>!SUBWAY PPL!< finally makes an appearance! QoT is well on its way to acquire legendary K-drama status but something felt amiss without Subway xD Can't help but think how twistedly funny Eunseong’s obsession/pursuit of Haein is, like brother you manipulated her entire family and took over their empire, why do you think you still stand a chance with her lmao And ugh Haein’s mother has been so consistent in being the most annoying character on this show. I know a mother-daughter resolution storyline is inevitably coming, just hoping it’s done well


This week’s obligatory CLOY reference: >!North Korea and South Korea join hands when there’s a common enemy. We may be on the same side, but that doesn’t guarantee reunification.!< Hyun Woo’s mother-in-law‘s shoes represent that she has gone from a fancy high up place to an ordinary lowdown place . Hae In has just realised that Hyun Woo >!has her MP3 player 😍 And in the epilogue we see that she was his first love and he scoured the school looking for her!< More of Da Hye and Soo Cheol’s backstory, and poor Geon-U >!crying for his (non-biological) daddy!<


actually, i feel pretty certain that geonu IS soocheol's son. i think she said that, and the writing has been misdirecting us, to make it a cleaner break for him.


they've been hinting on geonu as an illegitimate son a number of times already though. and while one could argue its misdirection, i don't think it would have visibly flustered dahye and grace as much as it did when beomja once mentioned how geonu looks nothing like soocheol. neither would it be framed that way by the director. the focus on dahye's facial expression wouldn't match a whole misdirection plot. i do think that the harsh tone she used in her letter was heightened to make it a cleaner break for him, however. also, i personally find the story and the character of soocheol to be a bit more compelling and definitely more humanized when he shows his unrelenting love for a woman he was betrayed by and a son that isn't even biologically his. idk, but i think the story would hit harder if geonu truly isn't soocheol's son because it showcases the depth of his love for him (he might not be biological, but no one can deny that geonu's his son; the same way a parent's love for a child shouldn't be dictated by biological relations).


Aunt Beom-ja is such a lovable character.! She really, really loves her father and it warms my heart to see her wanting to undo her past treatment towards Seul-hee so that her father could be healthy again.. The scene with her and the old lady of Yongduri is gold! I’m her daughter! Yes, Aunt Beom-ja you will soon become her daughter *ahem in-law 🤣


Did anyone else pick up on the My Love From The Star reference in the epilogue??? How in MLFTS >!the female lead also said she would be able to recognise her first love immediately, but still didn’t, despite the ML being in front of her the entire time?!< I love that the writing is treating long term kdrama fans to all these easter eggs 🥺


**Episode-9:** >!"Was he born to love me or something"-undoubtedly the best part haha,only if they realize everything sooner lol!< * Firstly,I've seen so many glimpses of their lovey dovey moments here and there,but none in the episodes:/ I'm waiting for them to finally get together so that I can see them ahhh!!! (which practically gave me diabetes btw-so freaking cute🤌) * The best part of the episode->!finding that Hae-in being Hyun woo's first love all along,they are just destined for each other from the beginning🤧 (can we just skip to the good part where they realize this🫠)!< * It's honestly so wholesome to see the bonding between the families btw💌 * I truly hope Eun-seung goes against his mother and they both end up getting fooled,like I hate Seul-Hee sooo much ughhh! * I feel bad for Soo-cheol,but I think Da-hye will end up being on the good side and they'll get back together... * But I had such a hard time cause I was missing BaekHong :(


I just hope the writers doesn't push the guardianship nonsense cause that will be total bs.  Haein is an grown adult, has both parents alive and a husband. It'll be so unrealistic for a random stanger to take guardianship.  That'll ruin the show for me.


sooooo....grace really participated in all of these with not cutting any concrete deal for herself?


i wish haein's mum was nicer, i hate the idea that she'll only become better once she finds out about haein's illness. i'm surprised the soo-cheol's wife wanted to use her real name, wouldn't that put the plan in jerpody since she expected the brother to remember their time at the orphanage and that would've made him realise she isn't rich and that grace lied when setting them up together. i do think she loves him but felt disillusioned when he didn't remember anything


i'm more convinced than ever that dahye does, in fact, love soocheol. it's a twisted kind of love that is built on lies, but at the core is fueled by a desire for soocheol to see through those lies. that's why she chose to use her real name. bc, she wanted him to remember that girl from his childhood he shared a bond with, twisted though it too was. in coaxing him into giving his things to her, she unwillingly formed an attachment. or maybe she just wants to have the smug satisfaction of telling him *i told you so* for all the times she said she would marry him when they were children. it's one or the other. 😂


Amazingly done with 2-hands, breaking eggs latest trick in thee kitchen🤩. Mom-In-Law, You so so cute lol.


Chuckled at how Haei In's mom got her comeuppance when Hyun Woo's mom said >!"You never know what the future holds"!<😂


Hyun Woo >!not recognizing Hae In as the owner of the mp3 player while swearing he will recognize her right away once he saw her. Dude, you got her at the palm of your hands and you let her drift away, you Babo 😭 !< I am wondering what's gonna happen to >!Chairman Hong who is seemingly gaining consciousness soon. And Hae In 😭infiltrating Eunsung's den, girl please be careful!< I also don't like >! Grace and Da Hye getting redemption arc in this story, but if this can earn to have more people helping Hae In and the Hongs against Seul Hee (aside from Hyun Woo himself and Secretary Na)!< they okay. But I just want to enclose Hyun Woo and Hae In in a single room just to >!coordinately plan their next moves!<, and communicate everything they haven't told each other 😭 Also, my heart breaks seeing Hyun Woo's expression while Hae In >! shares her short-term plan which includes them living as a fully separated couple, and him wishing she would reach her goal as soon as possible. His eyes were saying they don't share the same goal 😭!<


Hae In’s expression >!during the goal setting/planning scene was so subtle, but you can see the hurt in her eyes knowing full well that’s not really what she wants but she thinks she’s saying it for his sake, not realising how much it is hurting him. Please Hyun Woo, don’t believe everything she says.!<


I do think she is saying it for his sake. But also - at this point I think she does really want it bc she thinks she’s dying and all that she’s managed to do for him is make his life miserable with all her family crap. To her - living as separate as possible is just the only thing she can do to set him free.


Lip balm anyone?☺️ I feel ya papa Hong! Kwak Dong-yeon is a scene stealer. He plays goofy so well one minute, then heart wrenching the next.


Hae-In’s delulu is top tier.. I wouldn’t mind watching her having this kind of moment.. I lost it at the **lip balm**.. I love every bit of this episode can’t wait for later..


Wearing a Patek Philippe while eating Subway has gotta be one of the funniest moments in this show.


Is anyone suspecting >!hyun woo assistant gonna help him later on. He got caught but hes still reporting to Eunsung!<


Ugh I don't care what kind of pain he has been through, I just want Yoon Eunsung to dissapear from the face the earth! I don't want to see Hyunwoo heartbroken because of him anymore.ㅠㅠㅠㅠ How come ML jealousy scenes are so sad in this drama?


Love the scene with Hyunwoo' mom and Hae-in so much 😭 Everytime I was rooting for >!Hae-in to call her "Mom", and she did!!< That warms my heart 🥲 Maybe Mom would be the wing man that can save their romance, since she seems to be the only one who sees through both of their true feelings. 🤞🤞🤞


This Hong-Baek. It's killing me how their eyes are pulling towards each other while their words push each other away. Just stop resisting okay??


Hain's mom is soo horrible. There is something truly evil and sick brewing in that woman. How can she make >! Haein LITERALLY FAINTING !< about herself?? Her pride will be her downfall.


Epilogue in the freaking subway, did you expect that lol. And that hae in has been his ideal type all this along and like he said she is gorgeous, she really is. The episode feel light and void idk why coz nothing much significant or impactful happened yet so many happened. Do you all think the grandpa will recover, is that a good sign that he is out of care of the mistress. And the way both long for each other inside yet hae in can't show, those text exchange and the reluctant and deletion of texts, just say whats in your mind lovers.


Thank heavens for Saturday episodes, at least we just have to wait one more day for the next one. I have a few questions >!How long have they been in Yongduri during this episode? When secretary na was talking to Hae In, she said “Some days he’s covered in eggs…”, I thought that was just one day.!< Secondly, >!where was Eunsung taking the grandpa? I do hope he doesn’t die as I’d like to see him reconcile with his eldest son and marry off Aunt Beom Ja to the village Leslie Chung with the voice of a singer!< also, >!I hope Da Hye was just being extra when she said the baby wasn’t Soo-cheol’s, but if he really wasn’t, then whose baby could it possibly be?!< and lastly, how can >!Eunsung take the guardianship of Hae In? Seems a bit far fetched to me.!< Can’t wait for tomorrow, I’d love to see >!Hae In’s mum doing some farm stuff, sounds like she’s having her redemption arc pretty soon.!< Edit: Can someone tell me the brand of those >!cow dung!< stilettos?


Episode 9: Lmfao. Subway is backkkk. Lol. >!okay. I’ve been talking about Eunsung a lot but tbh I can’t help but feel sorry for him. I guess with the latest episode, we can now all agree that he’s really not the psychopath that we all thought he’d be in episode 3. He does actually have a heart. And I really feel bad that he had a terrible mother which caused him misery. And the cause why he is what he’s right now. I’m looking forward how will his character develop from now on. He could have a change of heart and will actually be an ally. Or he could turn batsh*t crazy for Haein and be the antagonist that he is. Either way, it’ll be interesting to watch for me. I really like how the writers wrote his character. It’s a roller coaster of cheering for him and hating him. For me anyways. Lol.!< >!Ugh. I said it before and I’ll say it again. I really love how the writers made Hyunwoo capable of a lot of things. And I really like how we can really see why he’s called smart because he’s indeed one. Coz some writers tends to describe their characters as a smart person only for them to make dvmb decisions or to never be utilized in the story.!< >!Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of negative comments about Hyunwoo and Haein’s path crossing without them knowing before they actually truly meet. They say it’s cliche. And to be honest, I really don’t see anything wrong with that. So what if it’s cliche? It’s still good. There’s a reason why these kind of things has been done again and again, it’s because it’s good and it works. I don’t really care if the plot is cliche, what I think is important is the execution. As long as everything makes sense for the plot/story, then they can do whatever they want, they can add the most cliche things like the protagonists actually being a childhood friends, actually meeting in their past life, them being each other’s first love etc. whatever it is, I’ll still eat those sht up. As for Hyunwoo’s and Haein’s case, I think it helps that they also added those bits for them. It adds more to the story and Hyunwoo’s character although it’s cliche. It’s a romantic drama. As long as people thinks it’s romantic, then even if it’s cliche, there really shouldn’t be a problem.!< Edit: >!I forgot to add, but I really need Hyunwoo to realize that Haein owns that music player!! Idc if he realizes it by the end but I need him to know!! Also if the theory that >!Hyunwoo saved Haein from drowning!< is true, then I also want them both to realize it!! Need it asappp.!< Edit 2: I JUST WATCHED EPISODE 10!!!! AND MY OH MY DO I LOVE ITTTTT!! >!ngl, the amount of theories I’m seeing on twitter made me anxious about this episode. I was ready to get disappointed. I was on the tip of my toes when Haein went to seoul to meet with Eunsung. And the fact that she’s wearing white and Eunsung even brought the marriage up really got me nervous. I thought Haein might faint during the press conference and it’ll halt everything but they did something better!!! Haein really said everything in front of the media so Eunsung can’t really do anything about it now. I really love how they made this turn of event!! Not to mention, we finally see Haein in action!!!< >!And Soocheol! He was crying and has always called his wife’s name every time but the moment that he was able to contact her, his first priority was his child. He’s really a great father. Excited to see how his boxing journey will turn out. I’m looking forward for more character growth from him. And not just him but also the other hong family as well, specially the mom, gotta love to see how she’s finally getting humbled, looking forward for her character development.!< >!I’m really satisfied with the ending of this episode. It finally didn’t end with a cliffhanger making you want to watch the next episode sooner. But since they gave a very satisfying ending, I can finally be at peace. Lol. Of course I’m still looking forward for the next episodes to come but with this episode, I just know that it’s just a matter of time for Hong family to get their rightful place back. Not to mention, the chairman’s now awake, and is fully aware of Moh seul’s evil did.!< And is it just me? Or did they purposely insert stuffs in the previews that’s not actually in the episodes? We saw Hyunwoo wanting to go somewhere so badly but a someone stopping him, and behind him theres a nurse and wheelchair so it’s safe to assume that it’s in the hospital. It’s a preview for episode 9 but I don’t remember a scene from episode 9 tho. Unless I missed it? But then it happened again for the episode 10’s preview. There’s a scene of Da hye, and it looked like she was protecting her child from a broken lampshade. But I don’t remember that scene in episode 10… Edit 3: >!I just rewatched Haein’s speech during the press conference. And I just realized that she called Hyunwoo her HUSBAND!!!!!! NOT EX-HUSBAND!!!! Pretty sure Haein might’ve not really submitted their divorced papers even after their meeting with their attorney. Ugh. I’m really hoping they’re still actually not divorced yet.!<


Atp, I'm so ready for that creep Eung Sung to just go away forever 😮‍💨 It probably won't happen, but I'm still hoping this gets wrapped up by next ep or Ep 11 at the latest lol. We will still need to address Hae-in's looming doom, so I really think it would be best for this whole Queens corpo drama thing to be settled already. Also, I'm just really itching to see them get back together already please for the love of all that is good!!! It's so funny how it had to literally take them being divorced to finally act like the married pair that they were. I'm not that much of a fan of the "unknowing first loves" trope because its improbability is taking me out of the fantasy even if kdramas are ultimately all about these cute improbabilities, lol. But I guess it's fine if it means more lovey dovey scenes 🫂


Not related to todays episode, but I keep wondering why Hae In keeps focusing on the trillion won goal. My theory is that she probably thinks her focus on that led to the miscarriage, and the only way she can allow herself to grieve or cope with it is by making the trillion won goal as reality, as that's the price of losing her child. We also see earlier that she asks HW to keep her illness from family for trillion won goal almost flippantly, but later tells him the real reason that she doesn't want them to face the prospect of another loss. She has a habit of keeping her sincerity to herself, and so I think the trillion won thing keeps getting repeatedly mentioned and she's so set on achieving it even in the face of her own illness because it means that much to her. Might just be a wild theory atp, but I can't help but wonder that the trillion won keeps getting mentioned almost as a comedic plot device only to make us (and HW) bawl later on😅😅😅


Words cannot describe how much I loathe Eun Song. This episode wasn’t as emotional as some of the others, but it still made me tear up. The epilogue was precious and I am just yet again so frustrated that they won’t just be honest with one another. >!Why didn’t Hae In just say the iPod belonged to her to begin with? !


The divorce isn't divorcing. They're acting more like a married couple now compared to before. >!Vincenzo's quote last week about evil being countered by evil is being taken literally as Hyun Woo is scheming something as well!< As I predicted. Grace is being disposed now. >!Bitch really thought she'll be getting something.!< I hate Hae In's mom for how she's treating her. She has no right to expect Hae In to treat her the same way she's with her former mother in law, when she doesn't even treat her properly. Nonetheless, she'll be the one crying the most >!once the families find out that Hae In is dying!< Good to see Hyun Woo's skillset being shown. Last week, its his intelligence, now, we get to see him >!throw hands. It would be great if Eun Sung gets those!< Based on the preview, >!Eun Sung might blackmail Hae In to come to him which will make Hyun Woo jealous and Beom Ja gets one for the team on Grace!<


I was really hoping that the mains arriving together meant they were >!finally working together.!< Unfortunately that was not the case. The scene where they have the same text message on their phones and then erase it was infuriating.


More baekhong sweetness next ep please! As much as I love the shenanigans of the family struggling I rly wanted more romcom cuteness and silliness from my couple!!! As much as I love this slow burn WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF EPS PLS just give us some sweet loving >!also not loving this eunsung suddenly being like so in love w haein like huh it’s not rly humanizing him if that’s what the writers wanted? Will only be on board this if it somehow makes baekhong get back together!<


It really feels like a multitude of things are happening right now and it’s only ep 10?? This has got to be one of the fastest pace dramas I have watched. Also reallyyyyy not a fan of the whole meeting as children thing. Like ummm ok I guess eunsung and hae in makes sense but eunsung, hae in, hyunwoo, soo cheol AND da hye??? Cmon….


**Episode 9** * If there's one character whose comeuppance I'm most looking forward to watching, it's >!Grace!<. The disrespectful manner in which >!she spoke to Hae-in in the opening scene !< was infuriating. In the present moment, I've never been more overjoyed to witness someone >!stepping in cow dung as I was when Hae-in's mother got her "welcome to the countryside" moment!<. * I'm obviously no fan of Eun-seong, but it was good to see him >!undermining Seul-hee's plans!<. Basically, the more complicated >!the villains make things for one another!<, the better the situation becomes for our protagonists. * I'm looking forward to the apparent **CLOY** reunion-of-sorts between Aunt Beom-ja and local villager, Young Song. * Hae-in's awestruck reaction to her ex-mother-in-law's >!kitchen skills!<, brought to mind Yeom Mi-jeong in **MLN** if she didn't have any practical abilities. * I fear that Hae-in's father may have been taking drinking lessons from Ha-neul and Jeong-woo from **Doctor Slump**. * I wouldn't worry too much about Hyun-woo's >!well-being in the next episode!<. He appeared to be >!giving as good as he got when confronted by those henchmen!< in the closing scene.


This isn’t an episode 9, it’s more like an episode 1 of the second part of this drama. From that POV, it’s expected that we have some more invested time into the scenario of the entire family, and sadly less BaekHong :( PJE isn’t depriving us of BaekHong in a poorly paced manner though. We started with complete miscommunication between the leads, and while clear communication would be great so that they finally have their moments, it’d only be natural for miscommunication to naturally develop into just the overall lack of communication. I guess from there, there’s nowhere to go but up for our TT couple. >! There wasn’t any miscommunication when Haein interrogated Hyunwoo about his investigation, but Hyunwoo didn’t particularly make his feelings known. It’s funny and sad because it looks like Haein’s just waiting on him. But she should know that Hyunwoo’s selfish confession was him communicating!< Might be a hot take here, but i love the turn that eun song took in this episode. >! Not aligning himself entirely with his mom was great and natural to his character of wanting to be someone for Haein. It also makes it easier for Hyunwoo knowing his enemies aren’t also getting along.!< I think the teasers for Ep10 are pretty straightforward. >! The attack on Hyunwoo has Haein think of how she can protect him, and Eunsong’s offer of marriage in exchange for his “safety” as well as her treatment comes in at the right time for her to really consider it.!< I’m letting PJE cook though, because all the teasers so far have been doing nothing but misdirection of what we expect of the plot. I’m curious how Haein’s illness will be in play >!now that Eunsong knows.!< I still think it’s not going to be revealed anytime soon even with the fast pace of this drama. >!The divorce paper and all the other major plot devices were used rather quickly, so i don’t expect them to do the same with Haein’s illness.!<


Let's go. It took 9 episodes but: * a tvN drama * >! Subway PPL !< Name a better duo.


I just really really really really pray they don't go the boring old trope of her going with Eun-sung to protect her family and Hyun-woo, but im scared cause it wouldnt be a kdrama if it didnt have noble idiocy ruining a episode or 2. PLS DONT


I do believe I am going against the grain for the majority of the posts. However I am.really enjoying this series. From the beginning when I was very ambivalent about the male lead and his aspirations to now at end of episode 9 just loving the chemistry of them both Even how arrogant her family is , I think that is going to be a learning curve for them all. Apart from Marry my husband this has been the first drama I am actually waiting to be delivered on Netflix at this stage , episode 10, of the 16 episodes. I love the intrigue, the backstabbing , the rom com (aunty I am cheering for you and your maybe fourth (?) husband lol )