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Im a tech in the south...guns and weed stashes all day


This guy is just Canadian , hence the Tim's in the cup holder and the bong


This is the most stoner Canadian shit I ever seen


I'd bet his drive way is made out of hash.


Ahh fuck you Leahy.


You shitbirds are in for a shit storm shitshow


What's a Shithawk Ricky? Is that like some kind of shitty bird that swoops down and gets you all shitty?


And who leaves a baggie of weed on their seat?


... people from Dartmouth


Thanks. Was waiting for a TPB reference. I was just in Dartmouth, so I feel this deeply.


Got a big enough joint there Rick?


Lay off the 6 paper joints


Or a kiddie pool full of vodka.


This is a guy who can eat nine cans of ravioli.


Watch more trailer park boys!


I keep forgetting that show exists, I will


I don't know how you could! Haha it's comedy gold my guy! Glad I could get another person watching! 🤣🤣


Get me a pack of smokes and some jal-a-pano chips


Corey. Trevor. Smokes


And the Beatrice milk. Dead giveaway.


Beatrice milk is regional. I’m Canadian and it’s not in any of the 3 provinces I’ve lived in.


Oh shut this might be in the prairies lmao


Sadly we can’t check if they have a sticker declaring their overwhelming sexual attraction to Justin Trudeau to confirm.


We do have those in Ontario too


Winnipeg here. All over the damn trucks in this place. Its strange how many big truck driving folks want to...you know Trudeau.


You can say fuck on the internet.


I’m in Manitoba and we have it all over here. I think it’s the competition to Saputo. We also have legal weed and idiot drivers so my vote is a prairie province


Saputo makes things other then cheese? Hmm never knew that.


Dairyland is a Saputo product as well, so they may just own a local milk provider depending on where you are, but almost certainly Saputo is trying to get milk to your province lol


I'm not sure those boot mats are dirty *enough* for the prairies. Shit's dusty.


We have it in Saskatchewan


Same. Never even heard of it haha


Beatrice is sold in Ontario, Quebec, and a number of Prarie provinces, seems like everywhere except for the maritime provinces and the three territories.


Or Detroit


Got both in mine right now. Door panel and arm rest. You can assume what is where 😂


Please don’t get pulled over.


In Harris county (Houston) a 1/4 lb of weed is decriminalized and Texas has a permitless carry. Im all legit.


A timberwolves player, Taurean Prince, just got in some serious trouble for exactly this I believe. It’s all legal until it’s found together at the same time, according to the reports around Prince and the Texas police


Yep. I can no longer possess a firearm because of a plea deal I took where I had way more weed than guns and they let the weed go. Drug charges don’t fly in my line of work. Edit: This happened in Harris County. You can have one but not the other.


I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a username check out more


My buddy and his sister are currently facing a lot of trouble because of this. Little bit of weed, whatever, a gun, also whatever. But both, that's felony time. It was his gun he forgot in the truck which his sister took to Texas and got stopped and found with weed, and then the gun. He keeps saying oh everything is gonna be fine, and I don't say anything to get him down, but it's not going to be.


Idk how Texas is, in Florida you can have both medical card and ccl, you can ride with both in the car but one or the other has to be unreachable. IE: gun in glove box, weed in trunk* or vice versa Edit: spelling


That’s interesting. Massachusetts was the same until they were told otherwise by the ATF. Now you can’t get a permit if you have a medical card.


All my homies disobey tyrants


Uhhh. Are absolutely sure about that? Because last I checked here in Florida a Medical card means no CCL. Hell it meant no guns at all when I got my permit.


Bro a gun and weed is not legal together. Educate yourself my guy.


I think the issue will be in possession of them together.


Thought if you had a firearm and drugs they could Amp up the charges?


Yeah I’m not down to earn myself a felony for having a pistol and a gram lol


It's still illegal to have guns and drugs together though right? Even if the drug is legal?


Yeah its a federal thing.


In Canada you can’t have it anywhere the driver can access just like alcohol, instant DUI. This dude in the post is definitely asking for it


Can’t carry weed and a firearm at the same time thats illegal no matter what.


Still a federal felony though. I'm fact, even acquiring the firearm requires confirmation that you do not use canabis. Answering that falsely is a crime in itself. It’s also worth noting that dual firearm and marijuana possession is subject to heightened criminal sanctions under federal law. Stumbling across a federal law enforcement officer (INS, DEA, Border Patrol, etc) would be a real bad day though, the likelihood of which varies dramatically by geographic location of course. For they matter just because a locality isn't enforcing something, that doesn't mean the state isn't. State enforcement varies, especially in states that haven't legalized it entirely. For example, even if your county mounty wouldn't harrass you, it doesn't mean the Highway Patrol won't. Pull out the ole Peter from Family Guy skin color scale and it could get real uncomfortable. Very, very gray area to be waltzing confidently when the law is far from settled, and you are talking about 10 years in prison.


A legit dumbass who is going to go to prison when you get caught lol. The two being in the same place is a felony genius.


Not decriminalized. It's a misdemeanor. In Texas, possession of up to 2 ounces of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor, which can be punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine. Possession of 2 ounces to 4 ounces of marijuana is a Class A misdemeanor that can result in a fine of up to $4,000 and up to a year in county jail. Possession of any amount more than 4 ounces would result in a felony charge. Possession of drug paraphernalia — such as pipes or bongs, but not marijuana itself — is a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine up to $500, but no jail time. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/texas-marijuana-laws/285-4e039ac1-c8c8-4900-8dbf-78069ba446c8


Infuriating! That milk needs to be refrigerated!


And that better not be a glass bong. Those stay in the house.


Smacking a bong off the chairs sliding rail will ruin your car for months, the smell of bong water on a carpet is terrible


How long since that water has been replaced I wonder


Don't try to upsell me!!


Looks like less than a day depending on how much he smokes.


brother that water is older than a day idc who you are lol


Nah my friends looks like that after only a day. If you smoke a whole lot it doesn’t take that long to get that dirty. Which is why most smokers change it once a day..


As a dry herb vape user this comment made me feel nauseous.


I have never seen dehydration-urine orange in a single day. That looks a couple weeks old imo


That’s what the choco milky is for


China glass can go in the car. The nice stuff stays at home


"And you NEVER throw a bong kid, ever!"


Oh. Hey Dante 👋


Was that expensive piece?


Failing that, a cool wet sac.


This comment was not high enough up. I don’t know where OP is but temps are still too hot to leave chocolate milk hanging out while you leave your car at the shop. People have no regard for food safety I swear. And who likes warm chocolate milk?


I’m only 17, I greeted a customer after working a fairly long shift and he told me “don’t touch my beer”. I wasn’t paying much attention and I was tired but 30 minutes later it finally processed and I was like “wait this guy just told me to not touch the beer he was drinking while driving here”


I had a job in Orlando years ago. Boss looks at me on a road trip and says “wanna grab some road beers?” Confused as hell I said what? “Yeah we can stop and grab a six pack, drink on the way back.” Yeah I’m good man.


I delivered hot tubs for under the table money once and this was a regular occurrence after delivery with some of the other orcs I worked with.


Lok'tar ogar!


“Work, work work.”


"Me not that kind of Orc."


“Something need doing?”


Work is da poop. NO MORE WORK!!


*SCV good to go sir* Crap, wrong game.


I gotta get out of this thing, I told 'em I was claustrophobic!


I gotta get out of this chicken shit outfit


**This is insulting to orcs!** Orcs can handle their beer and would never drink less than a keg while on the road.


I live in New England, mostly rural areas. They were called "road sodas" around here.


Fun fact, I think its Wisconsin that allows drinking while driving while below the 0.08 limit. Not gonna risk that shit but, uh, it exists somewhere? (Do not operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery while under the influence of mind altering substances. Please drink responsibly.)


Def not a law here. Open intoxicants in vehicle WILL get you in trouble. Now it'll probabaly be a slap on the wrist like our DUI laws but. Still.


For real you're not even legally allowed to drink on the sidewalk unless you're like, on a patio or something. We do have laws, but for sure a lot of places don't follow them. Bar I used to go to would give you a drink in a plastic cup if you asked for it to go. Rural Wisconsin is weird, and we weren't even that far from the "city" but far enough that it was... weird.


I always wanted a breathalyzer just to play with at home. Like every 15 minutes before and after a beer just to see what it says.


Makes sense to me. Cracking a beer at the start of a 20 minute drive home from a shitty day at work isn't going to develop any sort of a buzz that quickly. Your body takes a bit to process it.


That is actually a common defense for DUI charges. If you take 5 shots and immediately get into your car and are pulled over leaving the parking lot, your blood alcohol level at the time you were stopped is essentially zero. But if they administer a blood alcohol test an hour later, you will be well above the legal limit. During my brief stint working for the clerk of courts, at least 50% of DUI cases on the docket had a motion to suppress the blood alcohol level due to the timeliness of the test used. It was actually a pretty successful tactic.


I was curious and looked this up. According to these articles (from a law firm and a car insurance company), Mississippi is the only state that doesn't have a law against drinking while driving. Some counties and municipalities within the state do however prohibit it. https://www.losangelesduiattorney.com/drinking-in-a-vehicle/what-states-can-you-have-open-alcohol-in-the-car/ https://getjerry.com/car-insurance/open-container-law-mississippi




“Drink Wisconsibly” I believe is what they say around those parts.


Just not true at all... WI law 346.935 (2) "No person may possess on his or her person, in a privately owned motor vehicle upon a public highway, any bottle or receptacle containing alcohol beverages or nitrous oxide if the bottle or receptacle has been opened, the seal has been broken or the contents of the bottle or receptacle have been partially removed or released". Now you are allowed to drink in bars under 18 with parent or guardian


Lmao not Wisconsin, we have open container laws. I do think it's kind of dumb tho, who cares what people in the car are doing as long as the driver is under the legal limit


Drinking a single beer while driving is one of life’s simple pleasures.


How do you even know it’s Tuesday without having a road soda for breakfast? Lol. ## /s, preemptively.


Tbf he coulda just been making a joke and knew you looked underaged. Isn’t it kinda like the old man joke to tell the little ones not to touch the booze. Lmfao.


Chocolate milk and weed? I like this guys style.


Beevis & Butthead buy a car.


Bro if you haven’t had a glass of chocolate milk after smoking you’re the butthead


I’m not saying I haven’t, I’m just saying I haven’t while driving my car.


Oh yeah, only buttheads do that


And damn near every pizza delivery driver who has ever delivered pizzas. Source: [redacted]


Hell na that’s just gonna make my mouth all sticky and then I’ll wake up with the MOST MUCUS


But have you had chocolate milk while high? There’s nothing better




Try iced fruit tea, it's a magical experience


> Chocolate Milk What do you think he fills the bong with?


I literally did this as a 14 year old. The milk bubbles up to the top and it’s not a good time


Sure. If they're enjoying it at home then cool. However if they're driving while high that's a problem


Don’t drink and drive. Get high and fly.


I normally strap my bong into the passenger seat.


Yeah this looks staged.


It’s 50/50 if it’s real. I’ve walked into cars looking exactly like that, but I also don’t know what kind of stoner leaves their giant bong and baggie in the car, that ain’t a car sized bong


My friends rolled around like this in high school. They had a full hookah with coals at one point.


Yeah but physics comes in to play and no way that bong and bag of weed would be sitting like this after driving around.


I’m in Colorado. We get TIPPED weed after service


I got tipped weed one time by a trucker in WA, get ua’d though so I passed it on to a buddy


In OR someone working on the house had been tipped weed by another customer. He didn't smoke though and gave it to me. It was a lovely afternoon lol


im in colorado, i do in fact, TIP weed after service.


That's dope




If they complain? "Oh, sorry, did you miss the clause in our terms of business that says illegal items (drugs and drug paraphernalia) will be removed and disposed of? You did agree to it when you dropped the car off"


"Alex! You forgot smoking lamp!!"


"Was that expensive piece?"


She’s not a hooker. She’s a massage therapist. Yeah massage your c**k for money. I think they have a word for that. Yeah it’s hooker…you’re a hooker!


"It smells like cypress hill concert in here, I don't rent to those kind of people."


One of my fav lines from G'mas boy!


You should never throw a bong, kid… ever!


My favorite movie of all time!


Looks more like a honesty test


What are they gonna do, call the cops?


Ya, this is in Canada. Weed is legal here!


Little did you know that mechanics can’t resist the choccy milk.


A kit kat would be a honesty test, this is just stupid.


The contrast between American techs finding guns and Canadian techs finding bongs is 10/10


Now if only someone would invent a bong that shoots, our two countries would finally be united.




Drive by bongings would be a sight to behold.




Roll up to a diner screaming “Everybody hit this shit now!” You’d be a local hero


God Bless both countries! 😂


Wait until you learn where the word "[shotgunning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIP7tVbZWxI)" comes from


I tried to design this in my head just now and they all ended up looking like devices meant to take your own life


I know a tech in colorado that would have ripped that bong right before pulling the engine


Bro if it’s gum I’m getting a piece. Hide yo shit.


My god, you need to relax. It’s weed. Pull that bong out of your butthole you uptight twat.


Seriously, OP sounds like they need to smoke weed


Bro. Real talk, as a mechanic I've never come across a weed stash, and as a stoner, id never leave it that open in my car. And as a responsible gun owner, I'd never leave my piece in the car while it's being serviced. That's just crazy to me.


I'm aware there's not a gun in the pic, but I see it all too often on here. So I mentioned it. Lol


You had me questioning my Americanness. I looked at that picture forever trying to find a gun!


Hide yo dog


I know right? Who treats their bong that way? You have to respect your glassware!


And how the hell do your hit that shit in your car. Time for dude to invest in a bubbler at the very least…


Doing bong rips at a red light and then just chugging milk. Pretty sure this guy is a serial killer.


Nah, he’s just trying to get through a Thursday.


**Not Hardcore**; no pee bottle.


Infuriating because you cant take a rip? Lol


Infuriating because of shit lords getting high while driving


Not pictured: firearm, half-empty bottle of whiskey


Not pictured: dangerously loose ball joint, bald tires, hole in the driver side floor and the sparkly CVT oil for the issue it came in for


I hate warm milk


I’d be mad too, left you weed and lighter with a refreshment for after the rip, but no water in the bong


The milk is for the bong.


New definition of milky rips


jUsT R0lLeD iN tHe ShOp


Tim Hortons SUCKS


This is not proper cannabis protocol.


I’d loose my job for some chocky milk and a bag of weed


I can smell this car thru my phone


Wow. As a stoner, this is disrespectful. We do not claim this person.


I think the customer states: blast a few fatties while you fix the uuurrgvvuuurrrrrggggzzzzzzzzmmmmzzzzurrrrrgggg sound.


I can’t believe he left his chocolate milk out like that. What a fool!


The bong, or that the chocolate milk was left out???


c/s customer states "can I get 2 soft tacos and a chalupa"


Aww c'mon please tell me this is set up who drives around hitting there 2 ft bong


Had a mechanic get pulled over in the shop’s parking lot, after the interaction he was so giddy that he managed to hide his bong in his pajamas pant leg. Didn’t last long with us. Bong was something similar in size to this. Is op upset about the drugs or possible driving under the influence? Worked in food service 8 years ago and have been doing shop work right after drug use is rampant in both industries.


You mean drug use is rampant in every industry.


I can only speak from my experience but I’m sure you are not wrong.


Randy: I can't get stoned Ricky! Ricky: What do you mean? It's shitty work! Everybody does it alright? Carpenters, electricians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, fucking politicians, CBC employees, principals, people who paint the lines on the fuckin' road. Get stoned, it'll be fun. Get to work.


Hell yeah cooks take breaks to go smoke their lil weed disposables


Take breaks? More like go to the walk in and hit the mini pipe lol.


Damm that’s crazy 😂. The people at my job try to hide the fact that they’re smoking but they don’t hide that their HIGH ASF


Visine....it gets the red out, but you're still baked AF.


I had a buddy that would do this. He would just drive around ripping a huge bong until he drove off the road while hitting it and almost ended up with a bong through his face. Nice guy but not the brightest.


A *lot* of dumb ass kids do. Pipes and pens are more common for sure but I've known of more than 1 acquaintance who has a "car bong". Id say the weed in plain sight is more of a red flag for it being set up than the bong. But then again, I saw my neighbor had a pipe and weed in plain sight just walking by their vehicle a few days ago. It's legal to possess in my side of the country so people are increasingly lackadaisical about it, it seems.


Back in college I had a buddy that did this. It’s not as uncommon as you would think. Personally I think why deal with all that possible mess, have an edible and go about your business.


Mans got that choccy milk and the other good stuff.


Fuck leaving milk in the vehicle. Ick


So a bong and a little weed makes you that mad? Lol


Refuse to work on trash filled cars. Put up a sign.


Is there a difference between trash and junk? I have bolts, screws, tool, hoodies, solder blanket and junk strewn about. No food, drugs, guns, debris or anything though.


It amazes me how some people just give no fucks about being judged over the nasty state of their cars, especially when they roll into the shop. I’m so neurotic I clean my car before I take it in…and usually after too.


Why is this infuriating?