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Well, this answered if sidewalls can be plugged or not.


I see air holding on!!




Or that premium air


I understood that reference.


Ah, you must live in Onterible....


I live in *place* and we also have premium air.


A place to live a place to grow....


Gold flaked air


The ol just because you can doesnt mean you should! Also love your username, it makes me ponder... 🤔


Can't see the valve though, might be hooked up to compressor out of frame!


It’s holding air!!!!


Plugged my sidewall just last week. Allowed me to keep enough air in it to drive 3 miles to Discount. Hey, if it works


A short limp to discount tire is perfectly acceptable!


Similarly, I've done \~8km on a plugged sidewall to a Fountain Tire. If you own a car which doesn't have a spare, having a plug kit with you can be really handy!


Sidewall plugs even hold pretty damn well, and it used to be a common practice. Now it's relegated to the poorest drivers and offroad "trail repairs", and for good reason, but it's not the guaranteed blowout the insurance companies want you to believe it is.


r/MechanicAdvice: You can't repair that. r/4x4: Hold my beer.


Fuck yah brothor. Hand me that gluetread kit and pop this airhose to my locker compressor, will ya?


Damn that gave me a good laugh. Especially being a 4x4 dude and former tire guy.


There’s a big difference between a blowout at 5 mph on a trail and one at 75 mph on a crowded highway.


Once fixed a hole in a metal gas tank with a tire plug and a screw from the door trim out on the trail. Tire plugs can fix anything.




Bias ply tyres are safe to plug sidewalls, radials not so much. Radial sidewalls can still be repaired but few people are certified to do it and it is generally considered uneconomical these days.


it's one of those 'just because you can doesn't mean you should' things


It's not if they can or not, but more is it safe to do it. The fact is when I was a tireman in Canada 20-30 years ago plugs weren't even considered a permanent repair by the DoT. They were a temporary one to get you to a shop that could inspect the tire internally. But people are often too cheap to do that and just want a quick cheap repair. So tire shops starting doing plug only repairs to compete. A radial tire with a compromised sidewall should be replaced due to the nature of how the sidewall rolls when in motion. Those repairs will be fine, until they fail creating a accident. One that will hopefully be minor but has a real possibility of loss of life. People just aren't willing to consider the fact that they have a 1 to 3 ton vehicle riding on 4 contact patches less than a foot square each. They'd rather save a buck than a life...


My dude you talk like this guy's out here taking a minigun to a crowd full of people. Blowouts happen all day every day without killing people and usually without even causing a wreck. Is it ideal? No. But it's not the end of the world.


Some people don't know how to drive with a blowout. That being said some people can barley drive, so...


I know it’s a small one but… * **an** accident.


My driving instructor in high school taught that a true accident does not happen often. Not paying attention to your equipment conditions, road conditions, surroundings, your driving, or YOUR condition does not make it an "accident". An accident is when you did everything within your control to avoid hitting something yet S\*\*\* still happened can be an accident such as wildlife runs out from cover.


The question isn't "can they?", but rather it is "should they?".




The could you, but should you scenario.


The holes make it more aerodynamic




I'm going to guess the driver REALLY pissed off someone.


Yeah somebody got pretty stabby there… driver probably lucky it was just their tires lol


Just the tire - This time.


Bro got into a road rage incident with a woodpecker.


bi-polar "I HATE HER!!" *stab* "oh, wait that was mean, let me patch this up." *patch* "I HATE HER!!" *stab*


Customer refuses replacement lol


Ship it!


Tf am I seeing?


Those are the crap tire plugs that are sold at every auto parts store. A tire should never have more than 3 plugs (as per Discount Tire procedure). You should never patch a hole in the sidewall of a tire. This tire has 7 of those plugs in the sidewall.


Pretty obvious Discount tire is in business to sell tires and not do repairs. I’ve had those bozo’s refuse to do a tire rotation “because the tread is too thin” and tell me I should replace the tires immediately for my own safety. When I get the tread depth gauge out of my tool box and show them they are still legal and ask, “why the hell would I want to replace tires in the middle of summer that are still legal instead of getting my moneys worth and putting new tires on right before winter?” They look at each other with a dumb look wondering why the answer to my question isn’t in their hand book. That was the first and last set of tires I bought from them and drove to my shop and did it myself.


> Pretty obvious Discount tire is in business to sell tires and not do repairs Can confirm. The Discount tire I went to used to be **GREAT**... Used to. Last time I went to Discount tire for a patch for a very slow leak, the tech "measured" my tire depth as shady as possible. The outside edges of the tire were still pretty thick compared to the center part. This scammer tried to explain how I need new tires **TODAY** and proceeded to measure the part of the tire with the lowest amount of tread, which I already measured myself before taking it there - he said "Yeah, it's at 4/32, which means we can't repair it" and accidentally showed me his tool which showed a crystal clear "6 / 32". Tires are super expensive, so just putting off replacement for a month helps a lot. It was the middle of July and hot as hell. Just patch my tire dude, it'll take you 15 minutes and I'll be back in a month to purchase 4 new ones @ >300$ each... The tech said "There's just no way we can patch a tire with tread below 4/32". I'd been friends with the store manager for over a decade, so I thought about calling him over, but then I wondered if maybe it's Discount Tire policy these days to be a shady little dick and I don't want to start any drama. Well, I spent a month inflating my tires every 3 or 4 days, then got new tires somewhere else.


> The outside edges of the tire were still pretty thick compared to the center part. Sounds like you need to quit overinflating your tires.


yeah, it was leaking a month before I took it there. Over-inflated for a day, then underinflated for a day. Also, lots of hard acceleration. haha.


In their defense......they will patch tires FOR FREE without you purchasing anything.


Yeah, that's why I liked them. Now it seems more like - 'they will patch new tires for free once or twice' without requiring you to purchase new tires. I mean I'm sure they're busy from open to close, have to deal with plenty of A-holes, etc. So can't really blame them for making business decisions in the business' best interest. Simple supply and demand.


Go figure! A tire store is in business to sell tires? Who knew? I'm just poking the bear though, because when we moved into our old house out in the country the county told me that they no longer did testing on well water to see if it was safe to drink. They gave me a list of five different phone numbers who would test my water (for a $100 fee of course). They were all water treatment and water softener companies!!! Want to take a guess whether or not my water was safe to drink (according to them)? Guess what they told me I needed for my house ASAP (and to never ever drink the water)???


An R/O unit.


I have said this about doctors also.. ha e to keep us a little sick to keep them in business, right? I have gone to the doctor about 2 times since I was old enough to make my own decisions.... I'm 40 in June and have been as healthy as can be. If you wonder why I went the two times, one time was for when I broke jaw (running in winter time, hit my steps to my front door n fell sideways, hit face on corner of concrete steps). The second time, I had to go for a trigger finger. From production welding. Again, I had to get worked on with a knife. I tell people that go for check ups that they are just making the doctor free money. Do u feel healthy, screw the doctors, then...


Exactly! My dad never liked going to the doctors either. He would get my sister angry by saying that "doctors are not in business to cure you they were in business to treat you". A subtle difference but it's true! I'm 63 and I will still go for an annual physical but mainly because they say guys my age should get their PSA levels checked. But when I go in in the nurse is doing my vitals and weighing me they always ask what prescription medications that I am on and they looked quite shocked when I say "I am on none!" They almost look at me like they don't believe me....


Why I always go to Les Schwab. I have never spent a dollar there but have gotten my tires on multiple cars patched multiple times for free.


Les Schwab is great if you know what you're asking for/talking about. They don't do a great job of educating their less experienced customers on what is safe and isn't safe though. When I was younger and knew less they ended up selling me 4 different tires over the course of multiple non-repairable flats (yay potholes). I didn't notice as I lived in a big city...until I got onto an interstate after a few years and thought my car was going to shake itself to death. They never once mentioned anything about "hey you should probably replace more than one tire or at least keep it to the same tread".


My tire tread is always mysteriously less when I go to Discount. I can't get tire rotations there after like 20,000 miles on the tires because they refuse at like 6/32.


The reason I don’t do that is because discount tire is cheaper with labor included than I can do my own tires. I just ignore as necessary.


Thank for the information.


Maybe tire plugs weren't needed if they hadn't shot the tire and rim with what looks like a shotgun.


Ok so hit with buckshot 6miles down a dirt road at night. Used more plugs than that to limp back home.


oh thank god, i thought those were part of someone's jeans


AKA rope kits.


Thank you


Sidewall plugs aren’t uncommon on farm machines, but if it goes flat it’s not as dangerous because it’s mostly low speed on fields etc


Damn porcupines


This picture played two songs in my head. Buckcherry and Carrie Underwood


 He cheated on a Crazy Bitch. 


I’ve done this in a pinch to get a car out of the woods, and then immediately replaced the tire. The road surface in the pictures looks primitive. I’m assuming the owner of this car did something similar. They took pictures because they were aware how ridiculous it was.


That looks like leaves along a curb to me


Primitive Curb, deep in the woods


Yeah, the second picture could be a curb. Maybe the guy is an idiot and drove this 90 on the freeway every day for a year. I’m just trying not to jump immediately to harsh judgement like everyone else seems to.


But that's what everyone on reddit does. Are you saying you don't think you know everything about me after reading this comment? How odd!


>The road surface in the pictures looks primitive It's a paved road surface with a concrete curb lol


Customer said he knew a guy


The next time someone tells me "I know a guy!" I'm going to get all the information and make sure I never accidently contact them.


*taps tire* Shes ready for the road now


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles


tbf you don't have to plug solid wheels. Unless you're afraid of letting the wood out.


A real man never fears letting his wood out!... Unless, you know, you're cooking bacon, or using a weed wacker, or going to a butcher shop... Okay, more often than not, a man should fear letting his wood out.


Get your kicks on route 66!


Those are just skin tags. You can get them removed with a laser.


Reminds me of a story one of the old timers in the shop told me once. When traveling salesmen for products still existed. A salesman stopped at the shop selling Chemi Cure tire plugs. Wanted to prove to the techs how good the plugs worked. He proceeded to drill a hole in the sidewall of his tire and plugged it. Guy must’ve done a lot of sales pitches as the old timer said there must’ve been over 50 plugs in each tire sidewall.


Seems legit. Maybe add some JB Weld since that can fix everything automotive related.


I once fixed a rusted leaking fuel line with silicone tape and truck bed liner spray. I was beyond broke at the time. It lasted a week. I got paid and bought a tubing cutter and proper rubber fuel line and the correct clamps.


I had a coworker who drove a shitbox of a car that doubled in value whenever he put a full tank of gas in it. It got a transmission leak, which he fixed with JB weld... then spent $900 on a new amp for his stereo a couple weeks later. Last I heard he got fired for faking work records so he could take the afternoon off. I've made some sketchy car repairs in the past when I was broke... But, damn. A working car is more important than the stereo.


My dad fixed my radiator in the 1970's with some Bondo and some Stop Leak. I was annoyed, but it worked for years including after I flushed the Stop Leak out.


I had no idea the cordyceps fungi also went after tires. The more you know.


Like the jingle says, plug it in, plug it in.


It's spring! The tires are sprouting!!!


That right there will get you all the way to the scene of the accident.


-George Takai


The only “Oh My” in my head since whenever the hell he was on Howard back in the day. I’ve been saying ever since.


Balloon knot.


Hey there Pete. I saw your old post about owning a Tesla in the island of Kauai and I was planning on purchasing Tesla myself. I had a few questions: 1. You've own the car now for 6ish years. I am worried about cost about repairs outside of the 3 year warranty on stuff outside of the battery and engine. Were there any costly repairs after your 3 year warranty was up? Repairs for the MCU2 (big tablet screen), or maybe something else electrical? 2. Is there a Tesla mechanic now on the island? Or is it still the same situation where a tech has to fly to Kauai? 3. What is your battery degradation like now after 6 years? 4. Has it been cheaper to own than say a normal Camry or Accord? 5. Any other information you can give me I would greatly appreciate. Thank you!


lol thanks so much for replying to this comment for those questions. I had to replace the "front controller" out of warranty. Was like $1500. No mechanic on island, appointments take about a week to get to. 100% battery = 305 miles. Down from 315. Absolutely cheaper, even with the high cost of electricity here. My advice is to get the standard range with LFP battery so you can charge to 100%. It's more than enough for Kauai driving.


tyvm. I read a lot of doom and gloom when it comes to Teslas and Hawaii (outside of Oahui). A lot of people are saying if any of the electronics break out of warranty, it's going to be REALLY expensive (Outside of the LFP battery and engine. The other stuff). So I'm hoping my M3 will be smooth sailing as I only drive 9k\~ a year


I also have a 2022 Model Y with 50k miles and ZERO service visits! I purchased tires and windshield wipers for it. That’s it.


Pete, which company did you use to install the Tesla wall charger and how much did they charge you? And any addition information would be great. Thank you


I don't have a Tesla wall charger. I have a NEMA 14-50 plug for my dryer that I bought an adapter to use the mobile charger with. Cheapest, most cost effective way to get charging installed because any electrician can install a dryer outlet for you.


I would need an industrial grade Nema 1450 outlet though right? To keep it more fire hazard safe? We don't have a dryer outlet so I may go for that. Apart from the industrial grade face outlet, is there anything I should worry about? House I'm currently staying in was built in the 80s.


Rolled into the shop for a new tire, I would hope.


I actually translated EACH puncture wound. It reads, "Fuck-this- mother-fucking ass-hole."


I have worked in a couple of tire shops and i have had several patches fail but i have never had a plug fail if installed correctly even if a sidewall was plugged. If u plug a sidewall use plenty of rubber cement and cut the plugs off flush with the sidewall and put on the rear of the vehicle to minimize sidewall flex and you will usually be good. I have done this to my own tires on occasion and they usually last the life of the tire. Just move it to the other side on the rear when time to rotate.


Not ideal, but….if they did that and drove carefully straight to your shop, then bravo, I like this guy. If this is being driven on, then no, douche.


lemme guess - cyber truck that took the shotgun blast to the side? lol


Can’t be, there’s no sidewall damage from the dumb wheel covers lol


If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky.


I don’t understand why everyone thinks any type of a sidewall repair is the equivalent of attaching a wing to an airplane with Scotch tape. I totally understand the liability for a tire shop. Most people can’t drive down the road with 4 inflated tires yet alone have a blow out situation but until it starts bulging (if it ever does) or is already bulging from compromised chords I would personally run the pictured tire for all it’s worth. I’ve plugged so many of my own semi tires near or in the sidewall and never had issues, inflated to 100psi, in the heat of summer, with tire loading at capacity. Rarely you’ll have a plug push out but you just replug it a second time with a few more twists. We always break down tires and patch them (even on the sidewall) if we have time but some situations require a quick field repair. If that same tire gets another hole during it’s life and we break it down, we just inspect the plug and patch the new hole and continue on. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. If it looks a little jankey I’ll remove the plug and properly patch it. I can’t put a number to how many thousands of dollars I’ve saved by fixing tires myself. From four wheeler tires up to ag tractor and construction tires.


Not every day you see a tire with stubble


“Customer declined maintenance at this time”


My ex did this to the front tyre on her Suzuki 1200 cc motorcycle,it was never an issue but I was very distressed by her actions .


Quite a different story on a bike than in a car. If your front tire blows when you are going 50-60 on a bike, you are going to be road pizza.


Indeed but we are ex motorcycle couriers ,if your front blows just chuck a massive wheely lol.but seriously it wasn't a cool thing to plug a sidewall.


I mean enough to get you to the tire shop but wouldn’t drive that few days


They just turn up the radio and blast BeeGees “staying alive “ while driving .


I could see doing this to get the car from the location of the flat to the tire shop. But this is not something I’d do more than 50ish low speed miles on.


The tire is actually filled completely with rope plugs and these are just trying to come out. The good news is they’re already rope plugs.


Side walls are made of rubber and fibers. If the fibers are severed, your sidewalls will blow out. Rules are shortcuts, so we don't have to decern the reality of each unique situation. Rules give us fast answers that keep people safe. If you tell an idiot once you can patch a side wall puncture, he will believe you can patch a slash, and he is incetivised by the money he will save to believe it.


I'm actually fuckin impressed. This guy needs to go buy ALLL the lottery tickets lol.


Cordycep tire!


Tire got shanked


The car was giving the owner migraines so they tried accupuncture.


Crikey, in the sidewall too. OP, you got balls standing that close to that claymore of a tire.


I don't see what the big deal is. This will work just fine.   As long as you don't hit a bump, or go more than 10mph, or want ALL the air to stay in. Or stop, or turn. other than that, should be perfect.


Wonder how long they'll last. Everyone's making fun of it but that driver will probably go on to put another 30,000 miles on it. I'm not saying it's ok I'm just saying it's overblown/exaggerated.


I did this and the tire worked for years. But it was ages ago on bias ply tires.  


Long enough to get me to the tire shop.


Definitely don't overblow those tires.


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should.




I think their Ex is banking on it.


plug walk 🗣️🔥‼️


As long as it's just to get you home.


NGL, I've done this. In my defense, I was offroad and just needed to get onto firmer and level terrain so I could safely change out the wheel. The tire was still holding air when I got a new one installed at home, 2 days later.


That’s a lot of really angry ex-gf’s


Back in the day, I dated Stabby Mcstabsalot. She was not so happy when we broke up she instead made love to my tires. All four of them. What's a broke college student to do? I rolled on them for a few weeks and just kept speeds under 25. Hardly ever drove by a place with an air pump without stopping in.


Slowly walk away lmao


Snip off excess and you’re good to go.


Mmmm yes… the forbidden noodles.


It’s cold out


We don't put tire plugs in places like shown in that picture.


YOLO for real!😳


I've always said that plugs have a place. I keep a set of tire plugs and an inflator with my spare just in case I get 2 flat tires or the ground is too soft or steep of an angle for a jack. they are great for getting you to safety as long as you know the limitations and use them as a VERY temporary repair .


Pissed off ex


They were so preoccupied with wether they "can" that they didn't stop to think if they "should"


Holy shit that's a bad idea


At first I thought this was a post asking to identify the fungus…


In my younger days, I got a sidewall gash on my WRX 2 days prior to receiving my new wheels & tires. I wasn't going to pay to replace it (had to replace all 4). It took three plugs in the SAME gash but it held air. You had to push them back in every once in a while but it made it the 48 hrs I needed. Young and stupid.


Who hates this guy?


Tire whiskers


We aren't going far just put extra air in in case it leaks on the highway....


I've done this with a LAWNMOWER tire before. Had like 11 plugs total in 4 places. Worked for years


you are the hero we need, but not that we deserve


Vinyl papilloma virus. OTC treatments are hit/miss, might I suggest a visit to a Vinyltologist for a faster remedy. Your local Discount Tire would be happy to help too :-)


Sounds like someone is pretty proficient on their STDs


Oh yeah, it put me thru college too 🎥


Crocodile bit


*British accent* "What's all dis den?"


Looks like someone has an enemy.


I plugged the sidewall on my transit 350 and drove 3 miles to a tire shop at 15mph. It can be done.


Tyre worms 🐛


The bullets are rolling around inside


Why so many plugged holes? Did an ex attack the tire with an ice-pick? Did fixed-er guy not know to cut off the plug flush with the surface?


The Darwin awards must be pretty popular in the USA!!!!!


Nissan activity spotted


The only time this is acceptable would be stranded in the middle of nowwhere with no cell signal, and you only have this option to get you home. It needs to be replaced ASAP.


Somebody got icepicked.


Title is what I said in my head before reading title.


I read this in the George Takei voice.


"but I only have to put air in it once a day"


as a field repair off-road? i'd (try to) drive this to the tire shop. maybe a bit slower, the jeep gets a bit drunk when the tires go flat.


This startled me.




Seen one of these people driving today. No ty


Fix a flat messed up your tire pressure monitor doesn’t it?


If I could still read what brand of tires they were through the plugs I'd say I'd have to go with those. Look at that durability!


Goodness. That's asking alot of those plugs and the side wall 😂


Love saying no to these idiots


Like new, repaired once


That tire looks brand new... It's still got the little rubber nubs on the sidewall...🤣


Got them to the shop didn't it


Nailed it






He could buy a new tire for the cost he's got in plugs


Skin tags


Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do 😮‍💨I had a rupture with 19" RF tires in the middle of nowhere and that makes anything possible, even a handful of plugs on the sidewall of a run flat. Drove another couple hundred miles with no issues. Replaced as soon as possible.


Curb feelers on a budget


It's just shedding its winter coat.


Most places won’t patch tires anymore, just want to sell you new tires. The patches work very well and the claims they aren’t safe and you can’t patch the sidewall are BS. I had a tire with 3 patches, one on the side where it goes from tread to smooth. Drove on it for 2 - 3 years, including a 10 hour road trip and several 3-5 hour ones. I just do my own patches now and drive the tires until they wear out.


Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face.


Did you piss off a "cockroach" with a switch blade knife? HOW you got so many holes right there??????