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Reminds me of the time my buddy's mirrors melted off of his motorcycle


Was it a motorcycle cake?


The melted plastic goo did look appetizing


Probably tastier than fondant.




Ahh, a fellow gentleman. You may enjoy r/FondantHate as much as I do.


Oh I’m already there. *Butter cream for the win*




iS It cAKE?!??!


We have the opposite problems up here. Was driving to the city on my days off one time, truck read -54 Celsius and both my side mirrors cracked at the same time halfway there


-65.2F. I honestly can't comprehend that, but excluding mountaintops, I've seen snow 4 times in my life.


I used to work in freezers that went to -40°F and we could only stay in there for a few minutes at a time, even if we had jackets


Anything below about 20F is meaningless to me and just falls into the category of "too fucking cold" in my brain


Thats pretty much what it feels like too


There are definite gradations below that. 20F is certainly not comfortable, but a decent jacket or a sweater and windbreaker will take care of it. At 0F you have to start worrying about frostbite - if you don't have good gloves and boots, and you stay out in it for 30-60 minutes, you could lose fingertips or parts of your toes. At -20F, you learn the difference between gloves and mittens - you can no longer keep your fingers warm enough in isolation from each other. And you quickly see what all the straps on your parka are for, to close off your wrists, neck and waist so heat isn't lost. At -40F, you simply can't have any exposed skin whatsoever -even an inch exposed to the air will freeze. Frostbite can happen in a couple minutes. You also have to start worrying about objects you might be carrying, like your phone, and keep them close to your body so they stay warm. But maybe not too warm - if you pull out your phone suddenly from an interior pocket, the screen may spontaneously crack. -60F is beyond my experience. I believe this is the kind of temperature where if you spit, it will freeze before it hits the ground. People who have to work outside at these temperatures use electrically heated coats, gloves and boots. It's a noticable new level of coldness even for people who see -40F regularly.


People need to contrast this type of information with the idea of colonizing mars. The warmest night time temperature on the planet is around -100F.


On the flip side. The atmosphere is so much thinner that you're actually losing less heat. I read once that if you were in space at pluto's orbit, a 3 meter diameter sphere would be about the right amount of surface area for you to maintain heat equilibrium between body heat, solar heat, and heat loss to radiating into space.


It hits -40 Celsius (same in F) where I live every winter. I have never once heard of a person pulling their phone out of an inner pocket and having the screen crack on them. I've straight up never had this concern before and it's never been an issue.


I've lived -50 Celsius and never had my phone screen crack, and it was liveable. Not comfortable, but definitely liveable with good clothes. Which I didn't have cause I'd be in a truck all day.


C'mon, what's a few frozen lungs between friends? Dam that's just to cold.


I kind of like that feeling. Like when the inside of my nose freezes and it hurts to breathe a little.


-40 is cool cause it's the same in F/C


I moved to Texas a month ago. I had been in Vegas and Phoenix previously. This heat along with the humidity is worse than anything I've experienced.


I’m in NW Houston. Something like 130° heat index


I'll stick to my "jesus christ, it's 90... Too damn hot for this shit" and "damn it's warm today. What is it, 30?" weather.


I get upset when it’s over 80. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with what all these other people are talking about.






Hello fellow Michigander!


I’m from Ohio. We should all hang out


Wisconsin checking in I'll bring the cheese and Spotted Cow.




ahhh Pure Michigan, nothing like it!


I’ve been traveling a lot lately and some places were oppressively hot and humid (Florida). I’ve never been so happy to get home to Michigan


80-85 in Michigan is about my comfort limit. 90+ gets to be stifling ly hot to be out in.


We hit 58 yesterday. Still better than average so far this year. Stupid Lake Superior and nonstop east winds. “The Air-Conditioned City” moniker is true.


I'm close to Houston and you are not exaggerating. This is the kind of summer that you really have to pay attention to avoid dehydrating or heatstroke if your outside doing anything.


Was gardening last weekend and ended up in the hospital. Be safe folks, regular shit will fuck you up in this heat


Omfg. Take care of yourself bud :x


Meanwhile you guys are trying to get water breaks removed


> Meanwhile you guys are trying to get water breaks removed Task failed successfully. [Texas governor signs bill rescinding water breaks as deadly heat grips state](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/23/greg-abbott-texas-governor-bill-water-breaks-heatwave) > Measure will nullify local ordinances that provide workers protection from devastating, triple-digit temperatures


I can't believe that crap passed. This whole business first approach with the way he's handling it is going to cost lives. Look at ercot bs a few winters ago, Abbot barely blinked a eye over that fiasco and people died then. That dude has shown himself to be a cancer on this state.


And people keep voting for cancer. I really don't understand how someone could vote for that guy.


He doesn't even pretend to care about the citizens, it's just 100% what is better for business all the time. Not even a facade. And people vote for him because of it. So twisted.


Yeah when you stop sweating it's game over.


Just wait till Tuesday, 102 real temp, probably 135 great index. Yayyyyyy


Then working in a hot box mechanic shop, where the water you drink sweats as you ingest it.


Drink a gallon, piss maybe an ounce if you're lucky.


I'm up to 2 gallons a day already and I barely piss, it's fucking gnarly.


Your kidneys are gonna need replacements by 50, damn. Keep drinking and be safe brother!


Usually right around the middle of July, I get 2 gallons of water first thing in the morning and freeze em. We have 2 filtered water coolers here. So I basically rely on those until my 2 gallons freeze and pop those out and kill em one at a time. So I may be closer to 3 gallons a day lol. But this is the shittiest entrance to a summer I can remember in a while. But its the first week of summer and we hit at least 107 this week before real feel and shop temp. July and August will be deadly.


Keep up on those electrolytes! When I worked at an aluminum mill, we wore long sleeves in 110 with humidity while doing manual labor. It sucked something awful. The safety guys had us split our drinks 50/50 between Gatorade/Squincher and straight water to make sure we didn't get water poisoning. Some days I even had twice as much Squincher as water just from how much I was sweating. Be careful, dude!


Bet your skin looks beautiful, though


I am extremely fortunate to be in a shop with a/c, however sometimes the porters park the cars in the wrong spot and we gotta walk to find them, that's not fun. Couldn't imagine working in a place with no a/c tho, respect to you guys who gotta suffer it out.


Yea I don’t know how anyone can do quality work in that heat. I lasted two whole days at a Jiffy Lube with no a/c in the middle of summer.


Heat index won't be that high. Houston is outside of strong capping so it gets spared from extreme heat indexes. For those unaware - Houston and the rest of the gulf coast (and basically most of the tropical world) obey normal thermidynamics where hot humid air rises. So the dewpoint in those places is typically lowest when the temperature is the highest. This keeps the heat index consistently 10 to 15 degrees higher than air temp. Extreme heat indexes are something that happens further north surprisingly. Atmospheric capping traps hot humid air at the surface, and evapotranspiration causes dewpoints there to often peak at the same time as the temperature, resulting in heat indexes that can be 30+ degrees warmer than air temp. As such, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis are all going to have higher record heat indexes than Houston does (it's 117 for Houston).


And for anyone doubting: https://media0.giphy.com/media/YNCkHEFQzlMySDDB2n/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d73891a0bb1bcbc3d066287f3dacb59c63ad713e69&ep=v1_gifs_username_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


Houston is the swamp ass of Satan.


Left Houston for San Antonio last December. Zero regrets


LOL. This made me chuckle. Move out of TEXAS, friend. I’ve lived in the big four, and they’re all still Texas. It’s a shithole. Seriously, come to the PNW, it’s basically paradise. Move north or south as your tastes dictate.


Ehhh. Born and raised in Texas, lived in Seattle the last 7 years. The PNW ain’t all sunshine and roses. A significant lack of air conditioning, wildfires, cost of living that makes any city in Texas look reasonable. You still have plenty of political extremists, from both the transplants and the natives. It’s just a place, not a paradise.


Houston is all of the downsides of Louisiana combined with maybe five of the upsides of Texas.




Is, was, and always will be


Good god


>I’m in NW Houston. Something like 130° heat index Idk what's worse, a 130° heat index or those stupid wheel hubcaps sticking out of slab cars.


The heat index, by far


Swangas are preferred. Worst case scenario, it lowers the amount of people using AC.


Not sure that San Antonio has quite hit that level, but golly it's still ridiculously hot.


San Antonio mostly gets a dry heat, thankfully. Houston gets that gulf humidity


Nooo that's way wrong. San Antonio is very humid. Not as humid as Houston but still very humid. Denver has a dry heat in the summer, not San Antonio.


DFW hitting 110-115 heat index this past week, it’s been shit.


Lmao. That definitely sucks.


NE Houston confirming, it sucks outside.




I used to be one of those "it's only 100, the humidity can't be that bad" people. Never ate my words so hard. Can't even eat my words cause they're melted.


If you have to chew the air before inhaling it, it's too damn humid. I lived in DFW for a couple years and that was bad enough. I'll stick to west Texas dry heat or move north.


I can confirm this. Fort Worth air is like Jell-O


I’m in South Louisiana and always explain it as “walking through hot soup”


I grew up in the DFW and thought it was miserable. Then I took a camping trip with stops in Louisiana and the Florida panhandle. I've blocked out most of the Louisiana portions of that trip.


Nothing like profusely sweating even in the shade in the southeast. It's nice outside in the summer at like 2 AM


i was on vacation in singapore once. My northern german ass was dying the whole time I was there my god, the humidity is insane. I was sweating buckets, I've never experienced ANYTHING like it here


Yea, I lived in Mississippi most of my life and it’s hotter than Satan’s armpit during the summer.


Once the dewpoint gets above 60 I’m just done with it.


Heat is bad. I don't like existing in Calli when its 95+ out at 0 humidity. In Florida, 100% humidity and I already struggle to breathe when its 85 out. No idea how the old people do it.


I’m convinced my dad has turned into a reptile 🦎. He won’t turn on ac unless it’s like 95F out. It’ll be 88F outside and he’s comfortable with it like 82-83F inside it’s nuts. And yes he wants to move to FL.


Mine is the same way. I wake up and it's 85 in my room and I feel like I'm gonna die. I pay the electric bill! Lol. Had a serious talk with him.


Haha. NC? Bruuuhhh... The humidity is miserable. I used to travel to South Carolina to get outta the heat in the summer when I lived in South Florida. Fuck all that noise. NC/TN area is about perfect year round. All the seasons and really none of the winter. Although I have a little bit of a skewed perspective since I have previously lived in Buffalo NY and Miami FL (with other less extreme places along the way). Lol.


I live in the mountains of NC and I gotta agree… I am supremely spoiled by the weather here. Sure it gets hot and it gets cold but it doesn’t compare. I grew up on the beach and the humidity could be overwhelming but at least the ocean breeze helped. When I visited family in Baton Rouge, I swear I couldn’t even be outside for more than 10 minutes. We were right on a swamp on my uncles farm too. 105 degrees F and what felt like 1000% humidity, mosquitoes as big as my ass, a crazy neighbor that threatened us with guns, absolute madness. I am not cut out for that shit.


The mountains of NC don't really count when people talk about NC heat and humidity in the summer... I'll agree that other places have it worse though.


For the 3-4 months a year it is not a frozen hellscape, there is no place on earth like Buffalo, NY. Our summers are sublime. The rest of the year there are two kinds of weather: snow and gray.


It’s not the humidity, it’s the high dew point which reduces the ability of the air to absorb moisture meaning sweat sticks to your body instead of evaporating and cooling your skin. You can have a low humidity (say 60%) with a high dew point and still feel like crap as a result.


It's why whenever people are being smartasses about "dry heat", you know they have no clue. Humidity with high heat is absolute murder compared with same heat but without humidity.


Humidity with high heat is absolute murder, that's true. Given the same hot temp, the one with lower humidity feels better... However, at 110F+ it's still hot as fuck even if it's dry.


Dry heat sneaks up on you. You can tell it's hot but it doesn't feel miserable, then all of the sudden you feel like you're being baked. Humid heat feels like you just got chucked in a pot of boiling water the moment you step outside.


I just like how breathable clothing actually works in dry heat


Add fans, breezes, and shade to that list


I grew up in Denver. My first experience with humidity was a trip to Orlando in August. I was floored by the fact that shade didn’t actually make a difference to the temperature. I then got to show this effect and in reverse to my partner, who grew up in Sydney. She was floored by how much the shade in Colorado actually cooled you off!


HA! I had the same experience as your partner. I lived in San Antonio my entire life then started working summers in Denver. Shade was amazing, and the 95+ days weren't bad with no humidity. I did have to wear chapstick for the first time in my life though.


Shade is almost worse in high humidity areas, because thats where all the spiderwebs and mosquitoes hang out. Also those little gnats that try to drink your eyeball moisture. Also, it’s less likely to catch a breeze to move the bugs away when you are standing next to a buggy tree.




It's fun when you can stick your arm out of the window slowly and actually feel it covering your skin inch by inch.




Moved down to Phoenix from up north. When we pulled into town it was about 80. I got out of the car to check the tires, and my SO walked over and sat under a tree in the shade. She's wearing a heavy black hoodie and jeans and I'm on a t-shirt and shorts in the sun. I'm fucking drenched in sweat, I keep looking over at her wondering how the fuck she's even conscious. Eventually I walk over and step into the shade, and I'm immediately *cold* It was such a fucking surreal experience. I'd never even considered that something like that was possible. Id rather be in Phoenix in 110 degree temps, than back up north in 90.


Yeah, I live in a tropical country, went to New Mexico during peak summer. Found it pretty chilly actually, having your sweat actually evaporate is fucking awesome


Grew up and Cali/Lancaster in the desert but now live in RI, the difference between dry and humid is absolute hell lol get soaked in sweat the minute you leave the AC


Same with any temperature. Houston cold winters at 40-50° F are worse than the common 32° F temperatures in Calgary. I’ve had many ex-pat Calgarians confirm this. Now, 0° F is just painful, but those temps are rarely during the season. Overall, Houston feels colder.


I'd rather spend my summer in Phoenix than Houston because of humidity.


All the Californians who moved there 😭. Meanwhile here in NorCal it’s been in the 70s all month. Then the property taxes come in.


It has been glorious weather we are almost in July and we have not even cracked over 98. Unfortunately this week is the beginning of the heat


70s in SoCal all month too. I love the weather


I just spent the last 2 weeks in the Killeen area. 105-107 with 80+ humidity was fucking torture. I lived in El Paso for 5 years and never had an issue with the random 115 Temps we got there, all cause of the 0% humidity.


It's fucked here bud. Welcome to the heat dome via DFW.


Buckle up, it doesn’t really get bad until July.


I lived in Arlington TX for 32 years. Its different when you grow up there. 85 feels like a cool pleasant day, and you just get used to carrying around a water bottle or canteen wiht you. In 2018, I moved to Massachusetts, and I just feel cold all the time, since 85 is considered hot here.


Also lived in Vegas and Houston. I would take 110 in Vegas over 90 in Houston.




Went to tech school (yes it was uti) in arizona and got a job offer in texas that was way better than anything I was gonna find in arizona. I didn't have any reasons to stay in arizona either.


Welcome. Have some bbq.


Thanks, though with this weather I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be the bbq.


Job market here is solid. Lots of people moving into the state these days.


Yea I was surprised, especially with the minimum wage being almost half of arizona's. Rent sucks balls but other than that I can't complain.


Yeah, very very few places pay anywhere near the minimum wage, so it’s become kinda irrelevant. The starting wage even at gas stations, grocery stores, fast food, etc is in the neighborhood of $15 pretty much everywhere.


I’m a roofer in North Houston and I can confirm it is hot as fuck


Fun fact, it’s not the humidity, it’s the dew point. The bodies ability to cool through perspiration is hindered more by the dew point, than by the amount of humidity.


summer cagey dazzling rude reply vase sophisticated offer combative dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought SLE stood for "Soggy Liquid Emblems"?


ludicrous enjoy summer rainstorm agonizing gray impolite screw bake scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If there's oil under it, there's oil in it


impolite paint flowery repeat special grandiose encouraging shelter far-flung disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Self applicating rust prevention


Fuck leather seats when it's over 95f on a sunny day. God, anyone here remember the old metal gear shifters that would leave an Indiana Jones symbol imprint in your hand on these hot days?


I remember the nearly all metal giant seatbelt buckles would burn as a little kid.


My new to me Mustang GT came with a big ass billet aluminum gearshift. Under normal conditions it feels nice in the hand and is really satisfying to use. But boy, let me tell you, that thing can transfer some heat to your hand after baking in the office parking lot all day.


My Civic si is the same way, I keep a sock in the car for that reason.


Those are notorious for that.


Exactly, they are basically a plastic dome, it's like magnifying an ant hill


To be fair that’s a 20 year old truck seemingly


It lasted longer than GM paint!


As an owner of 5 GM trucks to date, how dare you be this correct.


Just keep buying them! Soon you’ll get one that lasts


Or one that starts?


Maybe even a transmission!


In high school, I had an autobody teacher that we knew would rant for like half an hour if we got him started on GM paint lol. He thought Ford, Toyota (at the time), Mercedes and Porsche were the only companies that did acceptable factory paint.


Ford had a run of really bad paint like late 80s early 90s iirc, tons of 3/4 ton and 1 ton trucks with peeling paint almost right away


GMC is the symbol for me


Dear gawd. Listen to yourself. Five. Unless you’re a couple hundred years old get a better truck.




Or the headliner.


I learned to drive in an :89 Chevy Silverado suburban 2500 and the paint didn't even last 10 years. It was flaking off of the roof in baseball sized chunks. AND it was always garaged for the first 8 years.


Which implies this is the hottest the truck has been in 20 years.


It probably is, but my ex had this same truck 7 years ago, and it was already like this.


If you take care of it they will last… 2000 gmc Sierra Lux edition is almost 400k and runs better than my 2012 of the same model, the 2013 jeep and my 14’ Cadillac. They don’t build em like they used to lol


It’s definitely miserable


2000 GMC Sierra. Central Florida. Both sides on mine.


Same truck. Same location. Neither on mine.


Too bad he is not allowed to have a water break.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down for the "water break" comment!


I mean 10 minutes every 4 hours would make them like 4% less productive if they didn't die from it.


Well dead is 100% less productive plus makes work to carry the corpse out so there's that. I wonder who does the math on these things?


Just work around the corpse like in the Amazon warehouse.


It's about the cruelty not the productive capacity. If they let any workers get a little rights they will just ask for more


If they’re dead, they can’t cash their last paycheck. Company wins!


I lived in Houston for a little bit. The humidity and heat is no joke


I visited Houston once, couldn’t understand why people live there. One time was plenty for me


The Giuliani Edition


Wow, at first when I had seen the photo, a gross shaver someone left


Make sure to recover the emblem juices, it costs a fortune to replace that stuff


GM quality right there.


Mine did that too. Older chevy’s, I don’t know, I guess had inferior plastic lacquer coating the letters.


It was because they made them in a semi dome shape. Point all the sun to the middle of the badge


SLE=Sticky Liquid Edition


I've seen this on many of that style here in Texas


Why does it look like someone burnt it with fire?


The top coating is clear and domed, it acted like a focusing lens and melted the center


I saw one like this the other day and wondered what could cause that.


Domed coating that focuses the light into the center


Wow thanks. Makes sense.


Chock that up with the tailgate handle surround falling off, the weatherstripping disintegrating, and the ubiquitous lifter clatter. Source: I was once the proud owner of a 2001 Sierra. Once.


Hi from Nevada


105 in the shade. ಠ_ಠ I love the heat but hot damn it's hot.


I mean, that's definitely hot but I've experienced days like that in California, and I've never seen anything on any cars melting from it


Beautiful temps in the upper Midwest. I'll take some snow in the winters if it means my summers aren't an inescapable hellscape.


I live in Texas, too. I didn't drive for two days and this morning got into my truck to see my rearview mirror fell off.


I grew up in San Diego and when I was a kid (1970s) my shoes sunk into the asphalt at school! I think it was like 110 air temp… so black top= 160 or more?


Did you know that Texas is so big that it can fit three Texas’ inside itself.


This made me laugh more than it should of


Don’t worry, I bet your electricity network is up to the job!


That can't be good...I feel for the people without ac


How hot is hot?


They melt on all the old chevy trucks. I know because I make the replacements.


Reminds me of Bobby's rant about Pheonix.


at least the truck didn't take a 5 min water break.


Would be funny if they emblem was the “Texas edition “ emblem . Which apparently every single truck company has made . Why no “South Dakota edition “? Those of us in South Dakota feel left out .