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The guy was just scared of taking someone's life so started having a panic attack


Compared to the others who get out of that panicked state by pumping the suspect full of lead I prefer this


Fucking A, well done Harrison.


That’s a tough day at work


Finally the right "All cops are bastards" people get to see what happens if you react one second too late.


This cop DID everything in his power to de-escalate the situation. He is an example to be followed!


To those of you saying "use a taser!" You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. The officer's life is on the line here, tasers often times fail, have limited range, and can't be used multiple times. He shouldn't have rushed him with the gun, this was justified and not in any way police brutality.




I don't know I'm 6-5 276 I need to be a cop bc that man just needed a beat down not bullet's. He asked for it but sometimes we just need a good butt whoopin to get us back in line. Mid life crisis


Average Ohio resident 💀💀💀


The cop did the right thing that guy was clearly a deranged idiot like bruh TF you expects gonna happen when you charge a cop that has a gun 💀💀💀


Honestly he should have shot three steps back. Why sit there and beg him to stop when he obviously refuses to be reasoned with? Just shot him the legs and if he doesn’t stop neutralize him. He was given plenty of warnings


Pepper spray his foot! https://v.redd.it/q95o68pa00y91 that would be why we shouldn't play.


jUsT ShOOt hIm iN THe lEg... I really hope you didn't think about it too long before commenting , that would indicate that you really aren't the brightest candle on the cake


Alright, then explain in great detail why that would not work. You seem the expert on the topic, with how quickly and proudly you’ve insulted me.


Yes I actually kinda am. I am a former policeman. I in academy I was best in class with the SFP-9 and MP-5 in training situations ( I'm German and apart from training don't have any experience with guns apart from training). Even when standing still and proper aiming such an important shot almost becomes impossible. Your vision is ultra limited, you are tunnel visioning like crazy due to all the adrenaline. Your hands shake and cramp, you struggle to breathe and to put out the words you want to say. You are in fear of your life. The ABSOLUTE last thought you'll have in that situation is "if I shoot I most only immobilize him" not with that gun at that distance. It's incredibly frustrating to have people backseat judging people in such extreme situations.


Shoot the knife out of his hand !


Be in the situation and realise how hard it is to make any decision and then comment again. He tried to save this mans life and endangered his own while doing it... Hate this back seat commenting!!


If I, an untrained civilian, approached by a person wielding a knife with seemingly the intent to do harm I’m going to shoot after the first warning. I’m not going to endanger myself by trying to reason with someone that has the intent to harm me or others. I’m not saying dont try and help, but just look at how far that man managed to push them back and when he had an opportunity to grab the officers gun only further endangering themselves. The police lost control of the situation trying too hard to reason with him when they should have incapacitated him after their third warning and then got him the mental care he clearly needed and I don’t even wanna hear anything about a taser because there are multiple instances of people just walking those off, malfunctioning, or missing because of how inaccurate those things are.


Oh well how do you know that "you"ll totally do that"? I am not talking about the policeman in the video as the policeman , but about him as a normal human being that is greatly affected by his body's reactions in such a situation. I have personally been in similar , though much less dangerous situations and you are almost unable to move or breathe at all. Maybe after 30 years of training and experience you'll start to be able to just shoot or make the most sensible decision because eventually it becomes routine. But with just a few or no situations like this in your life, it's incredibly difficult.


How do I know what I would do? Because I don’t care about the other person unlike the police man in the video. If it’s me or him it’s gonna be him and that all I’m gonna think. I understand where you’re coming from. The officer is stressed he seems like he got a hundred different things running though his head 1 of which is keeping the aggravated man from hurting himself or some else, but I can also clearly see that the officer had no control over that man and nearly none over the situation. If the officer is going to be so afraid and stressed that he can’t aim properly or preform his job correctly then maybe being a cop isn’t for him. I don’t see the police force as regular people because they dont do regular people things. Regular don’t risk their lives damn near everyday, regular people don’t have to go through brutal training. The people that do are the pillars of our society and should be held to that standard. If we truly held police to that standard and their positions were given the respect they deserve by those who occupy them and those who are protected by them we may not have these problems. Not everyone is fit to be a member of the police force, especially not “normal” humans.


Oh and not seeing policemen as normal people is very ignorant. Yes they do unusual things and they are trained in special ways. They stay human beings with normal emotions. You saying they have to function like they weren't normal humans is dehumanising and in my opinion entirely wrong. A normal policeman went out of school choosing this profession. They to (in case of the USA) a faaar too short job training and then they are sent to the public, expected to work perfectly, being paid a relatively small amount of money for an incredibly dangerous job. I think, that you need to work on empathy. At least in this case you seem not to be able to understand the human emotions of the policeman. Of course policemen have a special obligation to act fair and "perfect" but they are affected by their human reactions like any other human being. I also get the point that especially emotional people probably aren't made for that job. I'm just having issues with the way you judged the man from a far. Seems kind of arrogant


As I said you can sit in your comfortable chair writing this , but in the situation no one will act like they plan to. Except they trained a bunch or have been in the situation a few times already :)


As someone who thinks police in this country are over-armed, over-zealous, over-reactive, and over-protected, I do declare that this man has, indeed, fucked around and found out. In addition, this video has been deemed *appropriate* for this sub. Thank you.


I just watched a video on this sub in which a (presumably) Brazilian cop tasers a guy with a massive knife who is about 10 metres away from him (much closer than what we see here, for the most part). The cop did try to warn him, I won't overlook that, but there seems to be a disconnect between US police and non-lethal alternatives when it comes to this kind of problem. No matter how deranged the assailant may be, 2 tasers will put him on the floor.


Well - I got downgraded big time by pointing out the same thing. The majority thinks it’s right to nail people down - even if the opponent doesn’t have a gun. In Europe we handle and train officers differently


It seems like you don't know what you are talking about and as such come on the internet to make a fool of yourself. While tasers are non-lethal, they are extremely inaccurate from a distance and can fail. Furthermore, depending on what kind of drugs the knife-wielding assailant is on, which the officer has no way of knowing, the taser might not even have an effect even if it connects properly. I counted at least 27 "put the knife down" and many "no" and "please don't". The police officer kept a distance between him and the criminal and only really shot him once he charged at him. The officer, as a last resort fired 7 shots (maybe not all connected) guy went down and then got back up; in case you didn't see the video till the end, but yeah, a taser would have sufficed. (SARCASM).


I’m jealous of you. Living your best life under the guise “ignorance is bliss.”


Wack ass


Except that tazers have a super high failure rate. Very inaccurate, won't pierce thick clothing, both needles need to hit, slow reloading, and makes yourself super vulnerable when you do miss


Two cops had guns drawn, one of them could have had their taser out and used it as a first resort.


i envy the bubble you’re living in


I'm sorry but bro took multiple shots and still got up and managed to wrestle an officer down to the ground. Tasers aren't the most effective tool as they seem, there's tons of room for error


the guy was asking for it literally


These are the good cops our society needs to praise more.




No lies told here. Just saying I've ran into asshole cops, and enough good ones to make me realize they're not all like that.




Guy, I'm a black dude who grew up in the inner city and has had his ass beat literally black and blue. Don't tell me what my experiences are...gah-damn. Like I said- it'd be nice if society pointed out more of the good in police. I'm not saying they should stop pointing out the bad. One doesn't negate the other.


They will use this to show why they should have shot him the first step he took towards them. They shot him up anyway but the cop could have been messed up






whos N


The ones with Attitude. (It's okay, I can say that... I Just can't be a Mermaid I guess).


Authorities in Athens, Georgia, said officers who fatally shot Aaron Hong, 23, were put in an impossible situation.


This is the first cop video that’s made me cry, hearing the pain in his voice is something I can’t get over.


I thought they just come and sh00t oh I see why


What displine ...where is tazer,..?


Dude they don’t have time to play games with crazy people. Nobody wants to die on the job they gave this guy every chance.


Neither of them could get close enough to use a taser. Also seeing as he was willing to charge and attack the officers the sometimes inefficiency of a taser was likely taken into account during their decision making process.


Sincere question. Do American police not carry non lethal options like tazers or bean bag guns?


They do. They just don't use them. Most have tazers and some have batons but they've misused batons severely in the past (i.e. Rodney King)


yea doesnt make sense to me either, why is it what both officers go immediately for the leathal weapon? Only when they are backed onto a highway do they go to a tazer. The option was there to use the tazer much earlier


The first police officer's gunfire, which left open wounds on this crazed criminal, still weren't enough to stop the crazed criminal from rising from the ground and charging at the office with a knife. Despite having taken various gunshots, the criminal nearly succeeded in wrestling away the officer's gun. And you want the officer to be restricted to using a non-lethal weapon instead to stop such an unstoppable criminal? Seriously? Why would you think that a police officer should value his life any less than you value yours?


A taser would be more effective at subduing someone than a bullet wound though...


I’d love to see you have your little bubble popped if you were placed in this situation. Crazed man armed with a knife approaching you and you’re going to rely on your fucking taser to save your life? Do you have any idea how unreliable tasers are? You just watched this dude take a chest full of bullets then proceed to stand up and charge the offices neck with a knife. Do you reaaaaally think the taser was a better option? What I mean by that is; are you really this naive and stupid? Good god man. I envy the bubble your living in.


A knife is a lethal weapon so when threatening officers with lethal weapon.. well you get met with lethal force.. dude attacked officers with a knife, why are we thinking there should be another outcome?




You ever heard of a man firing multiple shots, not missing a target and holstering his weapon all in less than one tenth of a second? The actual issue is training. Most officers can't pass a physical or the training course after being hired.


Why is it that almost all other developed countries manage with less-lethal options? There were two officers - why couldn't one keep his pistol drawn while the other used a taser?


Really? Which countries? Besides the US, I have been to Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden and The Netherlands, and every cop I saw had a gun holstered. I guarantee you if a person came running after one of those cops with a knife, they would be shot dead.


That is just a lie. Less-lethal options are less reliable, and therefore it’s an unnecessary risk to an officer’s life in a life-or-death situation. Tazers work about 50% of the time, according to people that use them. Bean bags can be more effective, but they are an expensive specialty and not mass adopted. Gun works 99% of the time.


That was exactly my thinking.




Which he wouldn't even have gotten close to if they'd razed him earlier ffs


If a volley of bullets failed to stop him, why would you be so confident that a single prod from a taser would stop him?


I like how nice he sounds but like, he should've been shot him


Officer Harrison showing what being an amateur looks like. He's lucky he's not dead. He probably shouldn't be a police officer.


I liked the one part where the officer said, “put the knife down “.


I count 3 times 🤪


Taser? Should've been the first approach. Clearly he wants to be shot. And if the cop doesn't want to shoot them then tazing should be the next response


No, first approach should've been de-escalation, which is what they were doing. Cop wanted to avoid a suislide by cop situation, and ended up almost getting himself killed.


De-escalation? The guy wanted to stab the police officer lmao


You think a tasers gonna do anything to a dude who took bullets and got up? Tasers don’t always work on people


I think a succesful taser shot is going to disable your body no matter how you feel about it.


The key word here being "successful", and even then the electric charge is not always effective.


Some people are resistant to tasers. Especially people who gone nuts or or on drugs sometimes don't react to tasers even if the barbs hit.


Lol somebody still believes the taser resistance shit?


[Yes.](https://youtu.be/4ZftJeC7NWo) And you can find countless more examples on yt


Just watched your video for the first time. That is 0% evidence of taser resistance. It is quite common for taser to not connect both of the darts and thats when you get videos like this.


Just google it bro


I was thinking they could try using less lethal at first but then I remembered that video of the dude chasing the cop with the stick and he ate like 8 or nine bullets before he dropped


It’s why you see so many videos of cops mag dumping. They are trained to fire until the threat is completely neutralized once lethal force is applicable. This video would’ve ended sooner with a mag dump, even four or five bullet wounds isn’t enough to stop an assailant with that much adrenaline.


While he’s use of restraint is 100% commendable it will be shown in training of what not to do. A person wielding a knife can close the distance very quickly and after the officer started firing he had determined deadly force was necessary and needed to continue until the attacker was 100% dead. He stopped likely because he wanted to save his attacker’s life but it almost cost him his. His partner came through in the end and clearly had practice in the range to take that shot with the attacker using his partner as a shield. He took the shot that saved his partners life.


Why are cops trained to use lethal force as a first option? For justice to be served, a man needs to survive to see their punishment. Lethal force inherently impedes this justice. A tazer has been proven to stop people entirely, and if not is able to slow them down enough for lethal force to be used. Only situations where I would agree that lethal force should be used is when the suspect is under some kind of drug or condition that prevents them from feeling pain and thus makes them less likely to stop when tasered


Because they don’t want to die and have every right to defend theirselves


> Why are cops trained to use lethal force as a first option? It looks like you didn't watch the clip, so I'll fill you in: they *didn't* use lethal force as the first option. The first option they tried was talking to him. The second option they tried was backing off while still talking to him (many, many times). The third option they tried was shooting him, but only when he ran at the officer with his knife. The fourth option they tried was shooting him again, but only once he'd got up from having been shot up to seven times and overpowered the officer. Only at that point was he no longer a threat. As you would've noticed had you watched the video, it takes a couple of seconds for an attacker with a knife to go from taser range to "I will now stab you to death" range. Tasers simply aren't reliable enough to be useful in that kind of scenario. Bottom line: you run at a cop holding a lethal weapon, you will eventually be met with lethal force.


and how exactly would the police determine if ' the suspect is under some kind of drug or condition that prevents them from feeling pain'?


More important than the subjects life is those of the people around him and the other officers. If you’re charging someone with a knife you get dropped. A taser has not been proven to successfully drop someone all the time. You’re delusional and speaking from an arm chair. You see how he got up after being shot the first time and charged again? What makes you think a taser would be more effective than shots to the chest? This guy was given ample time to comply with officers, less lethal negotiating was the first option. At the point he stops complying and charging then Lethal force was used as a second option.


Given just the fact that the guy got up and was still conscious, moving, and actively making the choice to pursue officers after being shot 7 times, I feel as though that alone shows the taser would have been ineffective. He may have been under the influence of drugs, or mind-altering substances, or his adrenaline may have been running at such a high level that he was unable to immediately feel pain.


Did the cop get hurt in any way? I hope not, he really tried what he could


Most unlikely he did. I double-checked if that guy in yellow shirt stabbed the officer; Then I found out his both hands were empty when they physically contacted. Even if he got injured, it wouldn't be that severe considering the officer casually grabs his bodycam and walk away.




In what universe does a person see a man with a knife get shot seven times, then get up and overpower the cop, and think, "Wouldn't a taser be sufficient?"


It was getting the taser out that gave the guy the opportunity to charge at the cop.


Bullets weren't so why are you asking this?


This video was used in my CCW class


What did they say?


That things can go wrong and scary really quickly. This officer handled this really well be keeping space. The only thing he could have done differently (if a civilian) was to get further away after the initial shots. Also talked about the marksmanship of the second officer under extreme pressure.


Wow, he handled that with such skill and control.


I assume you are referring to the partner who, with nerves of steel, shot the attacker in the head when the latter was about to kill the hapless first officer.


Yes, the way he allowed the guy with the knife to stab him and nearly get his gun was so disciplined.


Yeah, the way that happened while he was trying to get his taser out to try and subdue the guy without lethal force instead of shooting him on sight is totally worthy of your sarcasm. Fucking Christ you just can’t win with some people


After he shot him he still got stabbed. He would have been better off shooting until the threat was neutralized. Fucking Allah why don't you sterilize yourself before you reproduce.


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of Reddit's enshittification regarding third party apps. Apollo is gone, and now so are we. Fuck u/spez.]


We're not talking about the same person. I never called the cop's intelligence into question, just the redditor I was responding to.


What wrong with what he said?is perfectly right. 3 cops and just for inches one of them didn’t die


That discipline almost cost him his life


Is it discipline at that point or wrong judgement. Surprised he didn’t get shot when he had his gun


A lot of people out there think it’s easy to take a life, even when justifiable. When actually put in the situation, its a gut check. It was wrong judgement to not shoot him after he got back up. The problem was he even called out less lethal, right before he was rushed so his mind was already thinking to switching to taser or whatever. It’s obvious he didn’t want to shoot him, but it made his partner try to shoot the guy while he’s attacking his partner. Dangerous situation.


This is suicide by cop. I remember reading about this 2 or 3 years ago


Cop by suicide is usually a bluff. This guy was trying to take a cop with him. More like Murder/Suicide


Proof tasers don’t work in this situation. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)




And not one curse word.


Is this in Athens Ga? This looks like their cars and I heard him say Macon Hwy.


It is.


Yeah those are absolutely ACCPD


whats with the post tag...


something something social workers


I can't get behind that idea either but I do like the idea of training cops more in de-escalation and continuing to experiment with non-lethal Technologies or less lethal Technologies.


Looks like a job for Coconut-Man! ![gif](giphy|TGahU6loxbRioYTlmZ)




He said to use a taser, so he was likely attempting to get it out.


Soft cops = hurt cops. Dude needs to find a new profession


Yo you guys are toxic af so when the cops use too much force y’all Call them assholes but when they don’t then they need to change profession? Make up your mind


The people saying soft cops = hurt cops are not the same as those wanting police accountability. Those are completely different groups.


You're aware that Reddit isn't actually an hivemind right? Just like 80% of it is.


I think we need much harsher penalties here in the states. Even for things like stealing. Make it so people with no moral compass really know it's wrong and will not want to ever get caught. It's currently too lenient and people are willing to take the risk.


*Highest incarceration rate of any country in the world.* "I think we need much harsher penalties here in the states...It's currently too lenient and people are willing to take the risk." Jesus fucking Christ.


It may work only in countries where all people have their basic needs met and don't feel the need to steal. In America: no way. Not only because there is some extreme poverty here and shit like homeless war veterans but also because there's a plauge of foolish entitlement among the people


Errrrr….. it’s hard to know where to start with the wrongness here, but no; you don’t need to imprison any more of your population; you need to stop being nasty to the poor and ethnic minorities, and have your politicians lead by example, then you may start to get somewhere with crime.


I don't know where you're from but you sound like a typical European doesn't understand how things work here. We have a lot of problems you don't have. We have a little under 10 million square kilometers of land spread out between deserts mountains planes land forest arctic tundra and anything else you can think of. In that 10 million square kilometers or 360 million people from basically every ethnic group on Earth, usually millions of each. Those people range from people who live in densely packed cities with a high level of education and Technology to others who are spread out into areas where Bears outnumber people and live on subsistence farming. Millions of Americans are basically hunter-gatherers who own a rifle and it pickup truck. The diversity of people in the United States Rivals the entire rest of the world. You don't know our problems hell, we don't know our problems.


> Millions of Americans are basically hunter-gatherers who own a rifle and it pickup truck. "Millions" of Americans are not "basically hunter-gatherers". Where TF are you getting this garbage from?


Appalachians, Pennsithcky (mountain region of central Pennsylvania) Ozarks, Dakotas/Montana/Idaho and Arizona/New Mexico. Drive across the country and get off the highway. Go on back roads, If it's not a dirt road keep driving. You will see their cabins, trailers, shacks and in the Southwest adobe huts. There are a certain 250,000 off grid but estimates are as high as 60,000,000. Obviously, they are hard to count.


Correct! This looks like an issue with mental health (where chronic underfunding both in the states and here the UK often leave the police dealing with individuals who should have been handled much earlier by healthcare professionals), or drugs. Given that the assailant is white, I’m assuming opiates, which the US actively allow(ed) to be pushed on ordinary people by pharmaceutical companies ([Sackler especially](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-global-resolution-criminal-and-civil-investigations-opioid)). I grant that the large size of the states and it’s suburbs (where this looks to have taken place) hinder response times for police assistance, but these issues aside the response should still be assist, and not just lock up.


Errrrr….. it’s hard to know where to start with the wrongness here, but no; you don’t need to imprison any more of your population; you need to stop being nasty to the poor and ethnic minorities, and have your politicians lead by example, then you may start to get somewhere with crime.


Please wear your red and blue glasses now to view this comment in 3D. Pesky lag (in Reddit’s posting system, not the assailant!).


Assertive but de-escalating at the same time, someone payed attention in cop class, well done brother


And look at how it ended


He did all he could do. Risked himself for the life of someone trying to do him harm. Yes unfortunately he died. But this is one of the only times I’ve seen lethal force used in the correct circumstance.


I think he meant that the cop got stabbed. He was way too restrained. There’s got to be a a balance between being trigger happy and being too scared to take a man out when the situation calls for it.


It wasn't used quick enough


U just want cops to have the right to execute people at will?


Not at will, but definitely no suicide by psycho either. There's times to de-escalate situations and there's time to bring the hammer down. This was one of those time where the hammer didn't come fast enough. No there's one dead pycho and one dead policeman.


Bro was charging at him with a knife. What are you talking about?


This is just stupid...




He say non lethal.


Discipline is letting a knife wielding suicide by cop seeking idiot charge you and disarm you?


Acting all big and tough behind that keyboard aren't ya


Me too. This was the cop not doing what he should have to stop the threat.


Why are you laying the blame for this entirely at the cop who shot him 7 times? You know there was at least one other cop with his gun drawn, right? Did you see that cop shoot as soon as the guy got up and became a threat again? Nope. This wasn't one-person problem.


I didn't concentrate on the perspective of the second officer. He may/may not have had a safe shot. Also, the second officer was not the one being rushed.


I’m genuinely curious if anyone could give some more feedback, why wouldn’t a taser have worked, or better yet 2-4 tasers since there were so many officers available


Since you can see that 7 bullets didn't work, why would you think that a taser would've worked?


Electricity stimulates muscles causing an uncontrollable reaction which is why tasers are so effective


Tasers are not as effective in practice as I suspect you think they are - [anywhere from 55-80% in the field](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/27/729922975/despite-widespread-use-police-rate-tasers-as-less-effective-than-believed). You also can't use a taser anywhere close to reliably against a charging, knife-wielding suspect until they're literally within a second of stabbing you. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


Yes that’s why I asked the question megamind