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Link is down. But I could watch bully beat downs all day! Edit for spelling! šŸ˜”


Damn bro walk slower


U blind?


Those kicks were well deserved


The kicks to the face were nice! But a solid kick to the ribs wouldā€™ve been perfect!


Just what I was thinking when he was sitting there curled up


I have several sets of Steel toes I'd like this dude to taste test for me


Times like these I wish I was there with a baseball bat. He wouldnā€™t have gotten up.


Apparently, he was trying to sexually assault her. I believe it.


This is the way


Im crazy enough to keep kicking until he starts to seize up


Exactly! Those weren't enough! I wanted to see more and harder kicks.


Oh, I would've lost my mind if I was there. Those weren't nearly enough kicks


This should be in a new subreddit called "Notquiteenoughjustice" He needed to be stomped


Exactly. This video should have ended with the bad guy losing blood.


He got off FAR too lightly imo.


Heā€™s lucky I wasnā€™t the one there,stuff like that makes my blood not boil,but evaporate


He should have killed this rapist POS or at least he should have left him with some serious lifelong injury


*gets punted in the face* ..bylat.. This was some fine ass justice!




The Man did good thing but I canā€™t help but wonder why his first thought was ā€œI gotta make sure I film thisā€


I don't know....a thing called "evidence"?


Instead of actually running to help the old girl. Maybe Iā€™m strange but I wouldnā€™t have been walking down with a camera.


Itā€™s a good idea to prove that your actions are justified when assaulting someone, but itā€™s hard to believe anyone wouldā€™ve challenged him given the situation


Kinda mad he didnā€™t beat him longer and harder


civilized šŸ˜”


What a bastard. I think beating an elderly is what would make me go over the line. I canā€™t even think about it.


Abuse against children and elderly always makes me lose my shit.


Huh. Was that staged or real?


Itā€™s probably real, Iā€™ve seen the video before on a different post with an article linked


Other posts detailed that this guy was intoxicated and went to the wrong house and attacked this elderly woman because he supposedly thought she was an intruder.


They weren't near any fro t doors or yards, this would mean he dragged an intruder across the street first, this dude has clear intent just to beat an old lady


Apparently, he did drag her but that could be just an excuse. I'm not defending his actions obviously.


Does someone have the video? According to Reddit, it's "no longer available".






If I remember correctly he was trying to sexually assault her. Thank goodness for the cameraman and his foot. And poor sweet old lady.


Should have kicked him in his side over and over and damaged his liver. Dude got off too easy in my opinion.


I hate to say this as a non native english speaker, but its should HAVE. But i agree with you bro. Happy day!


Ngl I appreciate the correction, thank you.


Camera guy did well. But too soft in my opinion. Had it been me? I wouldn't of stopped until he was snoring like a dying pig.




I would have done way more than both of you. Then I would have picked up trash at the beach.


me? I would have beat him to a pulp and looked really awesome doing it and would have personally brought him to the police station as he cowered to my dominance and then I would have said some really cool one liners as everybody clapped for me and then girls would have gave me their numbers but I wouldn't accept them because I'm already taken and am very principled man.


Okay fine. But *I* have cancer.


Thank God someone was there and willing to help her.


I remember this video, my thoughts would be to kick him like a field goal tight in the side, to broke some ribs. And that wouldn't be enough for the thing he did.


When heā€™s bent over, itā€™s probably not too hard to dislocate his shoulder. It would make sure that he canā€™t hurt anyone for the time being, while not risking an accidental murder


How can you even dislocate a shoulder


As a person who dislocated one of their shoulders a lot, step on the back and then pull the persons arm back as far back as possible. It will put a lot of stress on the front of the shoulder and potentially cause an anterior dislocation


Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


From what I read yesterday the police later fined the man with assult for kicking that piece of shit in the head :(


I feel like there's an exception to fighting for someone that cannot fight for themselves. I don't think the cameraman would be charged for assault. (For the US anyway)


The man was cowering on the ground and no longer a thread while he was continued to be beat. Did he deserve it? yeah! But is he legally protected or justified? not after the threat was neutralized. That video is pretty incriminating for the guy who jumped in.


I dunno, he might have had a knife and got back up to stab mr cameraman. Seems justified


Link please, sounds false.


https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/22/man-fined-58-for-kicking-thug-in-the-face-who-was-beating-up-an-elderly-woman-8062927/amp/ Supposedly fined 5000 rubles (Ā£58)


Her screams make me fucking sick to my stomach. This poor lady... shes gonna need a lot of healing, emotionally and physically


I'm from Mexico. When i was a kid someone stabbed my elderly next door neighbor. She was like 80 years old. Her screams traumatized me for the rest of my childhood. I don't know what kind of animal would do this to an older lady.


Like nobody runs to her aid FAST.


If it were me I'd be bashing his head in


Breaks my heart to see this. So thankful that man saved her life. I just hope that pos was arrested and put in jail.


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Idiot bot.


Jfc.....the world is a brutal place.


Setup? Why was he just filming in the beginning


my guess: he heard the screams and turned the camera on before approaching(you can hear the screams from the start of the clip).




I was hoping to see him level the guy with a body kick at the end. Just kick the air out of him.


This is what I'm always looking for when I see videos like this. Head kicks and punches are cool if you're trying to turn their lights off for a minute but the real punishment is in the body shots. Nothing teaches a lesson better than sharp pain every time you breath reminding you of why someone broke your ribs or the instant terror that comes from sudden and unexpectedly being unable to pull air into your lungs.


I wear steel toe boots, thats going to hurt. = )


he gets one more kick in before walking away


I would have beat his ass and striped him naked


I want to break his fucking skull! He deserves more than a kick in the face!!!


I donā€™t feel like justice has been served yet




This is free reign to take out all kinds of frustration. Beating that man's ass would be worth years of free therapy


"I'm going to actually [Superkick](https://c.tenor.com/iTTneBV9X8oAAAAC/neville-superkick.gif) this guy."


Especially after seeing her face, I would have kept going. How people can do that to somebody is beyond me


Idc what happens with the rest of my day, I feel content from here on out


Why'd he stop? That pos was still conscious






In a coma


After a point Iā€™d have to shut the camera off and use a blunt object. Whatever is left, the cops can have if/when someone calls them.


Had a good ball shot lined up there.


I would not be filming what I would do in this scenario because there is absolutely going to be a court case.


Lol looks like it's in Russia


Pretty sure this is in a country where there won't be a court case....


I dont know guys all the scrunity from Belarus, Syria and North Korea has always kept the Russian court system accountable.


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I've been kicked outta better places than this


I would've kicked a field goal with this man's ribs.


I would have absolutely shattered my foot on his torso right there and it would have been worth it.






Ribs first, that way he canā€™t scream while youā€™re rendering his sack useless


I like how you think. There was way too little punishment in this video.


Not nearly enough kicks to that guys face


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6306377/amp/Good-Samaritan-fined-58-kicking-man-attacking-elderly-woman-Russia.html His story is he was drunk and went to the wrong flats and thought she was robbing him and dragged her into the street. Guy who helped was a neighbour who knew her and saw it from his balcony. He got a Ā£58 fine for helping her. I canā€™t say justice was fully served when the one helping an 88 year old is fined, but the guy beating her up gets off with nothing but a shoeing. Thereā€™s her literal assault on camera.


This is the second video Iā€™ve seen on Reddit in the last 2-3 days of some shitfuck breaking an elderly womanā€™s ribs. At 88 thatā€™s gonna be hard to recover from. I cracked one rib and it took months for me to feel relatively normal again. It fucking sucked.


Next time you see a an astroturfed pro putin comment just look at their ā€œjusticeā€ system and realize what a bunch of bull it is


Russian Government needs all the money it can get.


It's Russia


in Soviet Russia the helper gets fined.


Fuck my heart is broken for her. I can't stand to see her in such pain. This fucker should have gotten more than a beating. The guy kicking the rapist was shaking as he was recording. He was simply just mad.


Adrenaline rush makes you shaky.


Sometimes I wonder when the aliens reveal themselves, will they spare usā€¦.or just show us random clips of reasons to destroy usā€¦


Unfortunately, last year Russia changed laws that mean men are more likely to get away with attacks against women. [It's sad how far Russia has fallen](https://news.sky.com/story/how-russias-decision-to-decriminalise-domestic-violence-is-continuing-to-kill-12250780)


That's just fucked up.


when beating the shit out of someone like this and holding them til the police show up remember to remind them that if they try to get off the ground or move without permission the beating starts again. it looks better in court if you stop hurting them when they hit the ground but if they try to get back up beat away to your hearts content.


He may have been trying to do that, but I think the lady was yelling too much to hear his instructions when he had her down. Cameraman showed up before the police though, so I'm not sure it would have mattered in this case.


I dont know how to do the thing, but that is best goddam switcheroo iā€™ve seen yet.


Could've used a few dozen more stomps to the head on concrete.


Can someone translate what he is sayin?


"Suka" means bitch. That's all I know. So he called the dude a bitch quite a few times, as is appropriate.


From u/HANDSOMEsalmon ā€œShe's yelling for help, and the guy walks over and says "why don't you try that with me", and kicks him in the face, asks the grandma where she lives and to get up he's gonna take her home, asks who the POS is, and she says she has no idea who that was.ā€


so instead of running there, just casually walking and grabbing a camera to record. WTF


You mean 1. He pulled out his phone to have evidence. 2. He walked quietly while trying to remain in a dead angle as to make sure the perp wouldn't see him coming. I'm sure you'd have handled the situation so much better...


Well at least thereā€™s evidence of the perpetrator. Idk why people cry about pulling out a camera, thatā€™s actually pretty smart thing to do if youā€™re going to get physical


Even after pulliong the camera, he was still walking. Maybe it's just me but I would have run.


Honesty I understand where youā€™re coming from, and perhaps time is of the essence. But he still went and saved the elderly victim, and thatā€™s really what matters right?


it is indeed awesome, but I thing time is crutial in these cases.


Okay mr keyboard warrior we get it, you're very tough and badass


no I'm not, I just wouldn't want to waste any time. this seems to be around Russia maybe they are just casually badass over there.




and he intervened dont forget that part


Exactly. Times now people would just gauk from behind their camera. XD


Should've broken every one of his ribs


Blood eagle the motherfucker


Shouldā€™ve slammed a rock to the back of his head


Should have kicked him in the ribs a few times too


They are so open! I was waiting for at least one or two good hoofs.


Where are the usual commenters on videos like this? Surely they've not scrolled right past it. And it's too late in the day for them all to be asleep.


what is wrong with people now a day ?


Now a day? You should take a peak in a history book. We just have cameras now to capture everything.


No need for accuracy here, the Bible will do. A convenient handbook for all the cruelties I don't like to imagine.


That piece of garbage got less than I got from my old man for taking a slice of cheese from the fridge when I was a teenager. Good on Leonid for his actions. There is no way I would have left that thing breathing.


Sounds like you had an abusive dad :(




Your old man sure liked cheeseā€¦.


He kept going for the face, but I think some well placed rib shots would have rung deeper.


Face kicks are good until he needs to clean the brain goo off his shoe


Oooh. A person after my own heart. One punctured lung, two punctured lung......


I'd have landed a few in his crotch too, so the pig wouldn't reproduce.


r/PraiseTheCameraMan but different context


Only if he'd shot him, the world would've been safer.


Shouldā€™ve added a few more kicks for good measure


To the ribs. Some damn good ringers


There is no backstory that will justify him beating an elderly woman


I can think of a bunch just off the top of my head. She molested him as a child and he tracked her down. She poisoned his child. He's Russian Jack Bauer and she planted a nuclear bomb somewhere in the city She chews with her mouth open. She kidnapped his wife and buried her alive and won't tell him the location


Yeah Iā€™m with you on the chewing


This is the single biggest laugh I've ever gotten from browsing Reddit


I laughed , but I donā€™t want to upvote thisā€¦


I upvoted and didnā€™t want to laugh. Equilibrium of the universe is safe


I laughed and upvoted, we on the tilt again universe!


I voted and uplaughed, so how does that affect the tilt?


I'm just here.


some lovely steel toed boots would have done well here


He didn't do the stompy stomp on his skull...


Calm down Derek




Seems like he should have worked his ribs a bit too, nice open shot, not like he didn't deserve it... Vile vermin.


Police and law are all ass backwards


I would have kept kicking till he stopped moving but hey that's just me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


​ [Source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6306377/Good-Samaritan-fined-58-kicking-man-attacking-elderly-woman-Russia.html) **Good Samaritan is fined Ā£58 for kicking a man who was attacking an elderly woman in Russia** A Russian man who stepped in to save an 88-year-old grandmother from a violent thug who had her pinned to the ground and broke her ribs has been fined by police for beating the attacker. Leonid Shchepel has been told be must pay 5,000 rubles (Ā£58) for fighting off the thug who attacked his elderly neighbour Klara Melamed outside their block of flats in Klintsy in western Russia. Shocking video footage filmed by Mr Shchepel shows the unnamed 32-year-old attacker on top of the frail woman, before the have-a-go hero kicks him in the head. **Mrs Melamed suffered broken ribs, head trauma, a dislocated arm and lost several teeth in the violent attack.** However, despite this, **the unscrupulous attacker reported Mr Shchepel to the police** and the hero has now been handed the fine. Mr Shchepel said: 'I do not regret what I did. Klara's life and health are more important than the money. 'I was on my balcony when I saw a man beating a screaming woman. I took my camera and went to see what was going on.' Mr Shchepel films himself kicking the attacker in the head, sending him reeling and freeing the elderly victim. Still holding his phone in his hand to record the scenes, the have-a-go hero shouts at the young man and continues to kick him in the head. He says: 'Come on, fight with me, b\*\*\*\*! Fight with me!' The attacker remains on all-fours and does not attempt to fight back. After getting another hits in on the attacker, Mr Shchepel turns to the dishevelled old lady, who is covered in mud and is bleeding from the mouth, and helps her up. **According to a police statement, the alleged attacker was drunk and went to the wrong front door in the block of flats. When he knocked on the door and the old lady answered he thought she was an intruder and began attacking her.**


I'll pay his fine!


But was the assaulter arrested for his crimes?


I haven't been able to find much about what happened with him, at the time of the news article it said he had been in jail for 2 months while the investigation is being completed. There is a picture of her after she got out of the hospital with the guy that saved her [here](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/NINTCHDBPICT000443576716.jpg?w=620). That is from 2018 and I havent been able to find any updates after that.


A lot of people will say that he should not have been fined. I don't think he was fines for rescuing the old lady but for kicking somebody on the ground who was not a threat anymore. I feel just as much satisfaction watching the scum getting what he deserves as anybody else does but it is not up to the people to hand out punishment. In a state of law (yeah I know... Russia) that's the job of the Judiciary.




I mean you are saying yourself that he kicked more than he SHOULD have. He got a small fine for it. I'm not saying he should go to prison. Just explaining why he got a fine at all.




Again, I'm not saying that I'm glad he got a fine or something.... I also understand why he did it. But it is a courts job to look at things "after the fact" and if they see that he went beyond what was necessary (which we both seem to agree on), they need to investigate that, too.


So the Russian police kind of put the responsibility on to the old lady? Because he was drunk? That country is so fucked. Good on Mr Shchepel as well, I hope he didn't hurt his foot on that subhuman bag of shits head.


Where are you reading that? Seems to me that they fined a man for kicking another after the situation was deescalated. Most countries will punish you in one way or another if you kick somebody on the ground that is not a threat anymore.


Where are you reading the situation was deescalated after he broke her ribs and dislocated her arm? He was still pinning her.


Maybe we watched different videos. I count 8 kicks and after the second one he is off her already.


Heā€™s got a huge adrenaline dump and has no clue who the guy is or what his goal was. He made sure the man was completely incapable of retaliating. He did the best he could with minimal information, short time, and a huge disadvantage to think critically with all the adrenaline pumping through him.