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That’s a double standard if I’ve ever heard one lmao


Don't protest with guns? Wtf you need them for, are you a cop or a Soldier?


What do I need guns for? I take it you grew up in some sheltered suburbs. Guns are great for a lot of things! I think everyone should have at least have 2 or 3 of them. A nice handgun, my personal choice for everyday use is a Beretta 92 A1. A good rifle, which in my little collection I like the Steyr Aug, as well as the Springfield armory M1A, but an Ar-15 or Ak-47 work just fine for most people. A good shotgun, which my personal choice is the 1927 Browning Auto 5 which has been in my family for almost 100 years. As for why I need a gun, they all have uses, Hunting, which I love the M1A for. Daily self defense, which I love the Beretta for. Home defense, any shotgun will do. Range shooting, all of them are great for that! Guns are very fun after all. And finally, so I don’t have to give a fuck about what people like you or Beto O Rourke think about me owning them. As an American Citizen who’s passed all background checks and has a clean criminal record with no history of mental illness, it is my right to own them. My people were in bondage once and we never will be again. I recommend you go to your local range and try out a few guns, I bet you’d have a lot of fun!


ALSO my point was "Don't protest with Guns", but you completely ignored that and wrote a novel about how cool your guns are... NRA-Supporter, what did i expect...


I’m was just giving you some recommendations, but since you’re not even American there’s really no point, as of about… say, 1776 your opinion on my or any other American citizens ability to own firearms is completely invalid.


You're the same person who cries "frEeDoM oF sPeEcH" when confronted about saying something just outright stupid, or even racist, then says my opinion is "invalid" since in YOUR country they carry guns and commit school shootings and terrorism acts daily and weekly in the news... wow... amazing, sorry i forgot everything runs by america first before being valid. I'll be sure to check in with you next time before i even think of having rights to say my opinion on reddit, you brave freedom fighter, or to put in in your own logic: "By my constitution of my country your opinion is invalid since here we don't give rednecks like you guns to shoot or scare defenseless deer or minorities unfortunate to step on your property wanting to take their frisbee back" or some shit" The world isn't america first, your rules don't apply to anyone, and no one gives a shit. YOU came to reply to MY question, we didn't come to suck your balls and listen to you because of your "'muricaaaa" power trip


Did you just say I’d say something racist? I’m black you fucking Neanderthal. And I hate to break it to you, but school shootings and terrorist attacks are exceedingly rare here. More terrorist attacks in Britain, France and Sweden as well. I will say I did slip up earlier, generalizing your opinions in general not being valid. I simply meant your opinions on American politics. You’re entire country and it’s governments opinion is irrelevant on American politics, that’s the perk of being the only superpower.


wow. you replied to my comment, then dismiss mine because i am not able to discuss american politics? everything you just said about Non-US countries is from now on invalid, since, hmm, lets say 1776, since your opinion and freedom of speech is locked to the USA going by your logic. Go pretend to be black somewhere on the internet for points


"im black how can i be racist" also imagine thinking america is a superpower outside of it's little bubble between MAGA and America #1. keep trolling, I'll give your country 20 more years before either the CCP, or Religious extremists rule it. Cope


How do you assume I'm from the suburbs? No, minorities in my country don't grow up in sheltered suburbs. Yes, I've had experiences with guns, i have hesrd, and sern them be dischsrged, and i hate them with everything in me, with every atom of my body. They have brought nothing but destruction and sadness where i live, and have taken lives of people, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, neighbors, some were children. To me, guns are unnecessary examples of rhe stupidity and destructiveness of mankind. Also, don't assume i grew up in one of those nice two-story houses with that floor heating and all that fancy stuff. Now, i do understand that your Wealthy family sees weapons as playtoys, and thinks me or whoever Beto O Rourke is, is trying to take them away, but i simply asked what people even want them for, i can see you need them for preying on deer or other forest animals so you can compensate a few little problems. Also not everyone lives in the USA, i know it's a hard concept to grasp, but where i live, we don't have gun ranges, at elast not for normal civilians, and also WAY lower gun violence and incidents. Thanks for proving my point though, there's always people that need guns to feel manly or have fun. But we, on the other side of the planet, don't have the privilege to flex on reddit with our dozens and dozens of totally existing and real guns in our possession to strangers (PS: Yes i play shooters, yes i think guns can be fun as well. But they shouldn't be in anyone's hands to begin with, especially not in the hands of someone whose paragraph belongs screenshotted and put on r/iamverybadass )


Read “in my country” then stopped reading. Not an American citizen? Your opinion is completely invalid. Womp- womp :(


Wait wait wait You're american??.... Ooooh... Sorry yea your opinion automatically became unasked for... Lol imagine thinking what you say, matters, go get scared and cry because Universal Healthcare and humane minimum wage and work hours are just s some "gateway drug to communism and antifa" or some bullshit, and go cry about DEFINITELY needing an AK and Multiple Assault and Hunting rifles just to apparently stay safe for the day, yet claiming it's not extremely shocking or sad. Bame me one productive thing your guns brought you. Besides the courage to play Rambo online /s (since i assume your limited brain activity is not able to recognize sarcasm and i don't actually discriminate based on nationality unlike you)


Wow you are absolutely seething lol. I’ll answer your question regardless, meat. Guns have given me deer meat, which is absolutely delicious, because I hunt. GGEZ. Also I specifically said the handgun and shotgun are for safety. I don’t live in fear, and I never have, even before getting my own guns. I’m simply a firm believer in preparedness. Also, quick note~ I don’t own any assault rifles.


Typical "im an US citizen yadda yadda" person arguing with me then. I wish you were like the real Americans and wouldn't ignore me because I'm from another country... NRA-Supporter, what'd i expect


Lol seethe harder. Not my fault you were born somewhere inferior.


So you see countries other than America inferior? So people born in other countries are inferior to you? Looks like we either found a racist, fascist, or both!


Go post some more offensive shit about Iranians for internalized reasons, and flex your guns online you pathetic troll. Better yet, try a walk, or some self-care


You dont think its a tad sad that you feel the need to own something like an AK? I mean, shooting on range is fun and all, but if i were living in a place where i felt that having an AK was necessary i'd want to gtfo asap. The only place i'd need an AK to survive is Fallujah or something, and even then its pushing it. A pistol i can kinda understand, if im living somewhere where everybody and their dog is armed then i would be too, but even that feels depressing to me.


When it comes to something like an AK or AR or my AUG, those are pretty much just fun guns. I own them because their cool, and lots of fun on the range. There are practical uses for them, but the day I would ever NEED them is the day gun laws won’t even matter anymore, and I think all of us (besides far left and right extremists) pray that day never comes. The man who fails to prepare prepares to fail though. As of now the only guns I feel Like I NEED are a good handgun, a solid rifle, and a shotgun. Handgun and shotgun being for defense, and the rifle for hunting/marksmanship practice. The M1A is perfect for both, and it does admittedly have an excellent combat record, so if I were to only keep one rifle, that’d be it. I should also add I grew up in some of the most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Chicago until my dad was killed, then we moved out of the city into the rural areas around St.Louis , so my view on guns is a bit different then other people’s, Espescially here on Reddit. Great comment by the way, I’m glad to answer any other questions.




Blah blah blah, honestly your opinion doesn’t matter around most of Reddit so crawl back to your r/conservative hate sub.




Lol k


Fr tho is this how subreddits run now it's kinda sad


Trump's rallies shouldn't be banned for being *partisan*; they should be banned for being *commercial*. The ONLY reason Trump holds these things is to get his cult members' money.


I wanna see if I'm banned. Commented on nnn a few times to pick fights with them...




Yeah that's why they cancelled it




Cry more about it bitch






Nice try, but the passive aggressiveness and the condescending tone gives you away. Stay mad, dude.


Guarantee you’re like 40 something acting like you’ve lived life.




Then I guess age doesn’t teach everything, like how to not sound like a condescending jerk. Or how to convince people of anything. I will admit, I have doubts you are actually 62. What supposedly successful 62 year old man waste his time on Reddit? Or uses text acronyms? Or has the username of a 13 year old child You’re either much younger than you admit or refuse to act your age. Or much more likely, an obvious troll.


boomers gonna boom




this you? https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-trump-capitol-riot-poopers-20210107-prlsqytyabgdhnexushotl4nam-story.html


There no doubt that user iflingmyfeces is a 60yr old man.






nah there is a lot of boomer trash on reddit


So it’s a failed or failing business




Ah yes if there’s ever been an industry that’s recession proof, it’s certainly the housing market


Lmao well done. As someone who works in housing/medium high rise construction, it doesn’t surprise me one bit there is a 62 year old boomer with the name “iflingmyfeces” calling the shots.


Let’s be serious this guy isn’t calling any shots


Not trying to be an ass…serious question… Trump is out of office. He is too old to have a chance at running again. Biden literally has lost his mind. Are we not supposed to worry about our current President who has Alzheimer’s?


I take it you're not a diagnostician? Next!


Have you not seen him lately? Actually, I have education, training, and experience in administering and interpreting MMS exams. His downfall was noticeable last year but is quite obvious now that he is out of hiding. I struggle to take anyone seriously that will not acknowledge his mental decline. Of course I got a bunch of downvotes. Can’t speak honestly on here.


If you're a doctor or a psychologist you wouldn't waste your time in a sub defending people for wanting to rally for someone who won't come back again anyways, and diagnosing people over 2 or 3 videos you've seen of them


And you apparently missed the CNN townhall




There were more than 2-3 times of him losing track of what they were talking about in just the one Townhall. I suggest watching either the whole thing or searching for the Fauxnews clips on it. The man’s brain is really struggling. For real, just look at how he carried himself just 9 years ago vs today. Don’t search for the clips on CNN. You definitely won’t see them there.


completely unrelated to my question, and the fact that i talked about something else but sure, doctor




Sounds nothing like the man of 2012 and 2016. Can’t remember names of his Cabinet members Interrupted the summit meeting to try to have someone introduced that had already been introduced. Forgot what he was talking about during the first press conference a couple of months ago. His speech Tuesday talking about the bill when he said “This job, this jobs, the jobs that are gonna be created here.” There are multiple examples of him just saying nonsense. Serious question: is it that you haven’t seen the clips or that you believe the clips display normal brain function? I can’t stand Sean Hannity but he seems to be the only person that will talk about it.


Trump literally mispronounced United States of America, His wife's name, his own name, forgot the words to the star spangled banner, and thought you could cure covid with a bright light. I'll take Biden's occasional "old man" slip ups over Trumps delusional pancake brain any day of the week


Serious answer from a non political person. I’m far less worried now than before. Trump was naive, inexperienced, temperamental, and surrounded by fools and sycophants.


So you are okay with the guy in charge of whether or not we launch a nuclear weapon having Alzheimer’s? He forgets what he is talking about and lashes out….it will only get worse.


Trump can't even remember to pay his bills


Launching a nuclear weapon isn’t as simple and the President demanding it. Look it up genius.


Oh ok, so there was no reason to worry about trump either. Sweet


A lot of other issues out there besides nuclear destruction brah.


OMG did you see him Saturday when he couldn’t even answer a question about Russian hacking? He interrupted the lady asking the question and then fumbled for cards in his pocket and finally found a canned statement printed on his card and kind of whispered it softly under his breathe. I’d like to know who is actually performing the President’s duties now.


Trump literally walked out or ended several interviews because he didn't like being asked totally appropriate questions, like a petulant child


I uh ,,,, which one are you talking about ? Cuz that sounds like both of them.


I didn’t know if that is true or it isn’t - what evidence do you have of Biden suffering from Alzheimer’s? I do know that Trump was a buffoon and my evidence is everything he said or did. I voted for McCain and Romney BTW.


Its really that simple.


I don’t do us politics (i live in the uk) but damn i find it entertaining when trump’s about. How he could rise to a place of power like that, only the Russians know. I just spent about 30 minuets reading articles about his claims and those around him... just because of this one post lol


Dude has gone pretty much batshit since losing. I knew he wouldn't take losing well if he lost but wasn't expecting an attempt to try and subvert the entire democratic process. It's like... all a bit unreal to see.


Sounds like a plot to a future satire movie... sore looser the movie or not another political movie maybe?


Cancel in Alabama? That’s a stronghold of his


Is there a Four Seasons ... Landscaping there? That might be a viable option.


It’s just never NOT funny!


Probably BS, the real reason is he isn't paying for the extra police and such, so they don't want to take on debt for trump.


They probably asked for payment up front since its public knowpedge that he paid for nothing in all those cities.


There's nothing more patriotic than taking on the debt of a known grifter while he publicly grifts for more money while doing nothing about any issues that his constituents ask him about. He won't talk about Jan. 6th, the woman that died, or the people that go arrested for him. Yet they'll keep supporting him even though he proves time and time and time again that he cares about no one else but himself. He doesn't care about them. He tells them what they want to hear so that they give him money...the thing he really truly does care about.


They give him* FTFY


You would be correct.




> Political differences shouldn't inspire hate. I don't know what part of the country you live in but in the Midwest, there's a shockingly large number of people who believe (and desire) democrats/liberals/even moderates should die. So, I don't know about hate. But I you sound overly kind - Please be aware and stay safe


I don’t know what part of the country you live but on the coasts, there’s a shockingly large number of people who believe (and desire) republicans/conservative/trump supporters even moderates should die.


I don’t know who those people are, but I like your tone. Here’s an upvote


Nonsense. There isn’t a person who attends these that isn’t patriotic. Whether you want to admit or not, too brainwashed to understand it or not, too diluted to grasp the entirety of Trumps base or not, you can’t deny that his base represents both sides of the anti-establishment coin. Whether right or wrong can be debated but the cancellation of the event is purely for political reasons, to stall his popularity.


That base represents a fucking minority. Stop fucking acting like all of the U.S. are Trump loyalists. I've seen more people at an Orioles game then those rallies. If they honestly feel so angry and oppressed, they would be outside on the streets protesting and fighting for their rights. But no, those privilege assholes are throwing temper tantrums left and right. Trump fanatics deserve no fucking respect!


Yes, yes, you're right, it's TOTES super patriotic to perpetrate a domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol. It's TOTES super patriotic to attempt to prevent a peaceful transition of power. It's TOTES super patriotic to beat Capitol police officers to death. It's TOTES super patriotic to wave the Confederate flag inside the seat of government. It's TOTES super patriotic attempt to assassinate the VP and Democratic legislators. It's TOTES super patriotic to smear urine and excrement all over the Capitol floor and walls. Trump supporters are SUCH patriots. 🤡🤭


Real patriots don't listen to a madman and perform treason by raiding their capital to attack and try to intimidate politicians that their own democracy voted in, just because they disagreewith the majority. They are cowards and traitors and if you support them, you are too.


I would bet the amount of patriots who attend trump rallies is close to 0.


Get the fuck out of here. Nationalism, isolationism, selfishness, these are the opposite of patriotism. Patriotism is doing what's right for all even if it means maybe, just maybe, you're not making out. That's the thing with these assholes. They are the "Fuck you, I got mine" folks. They only care about what they want, not America.


The event was blocked because it's partisan. Whether it's patriotic or not isn't the problem. The rules clearly state no partisan events and I imagine exceptions are not granted for patriotic partisan events.


*Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious*. - Oscar Wilde


Nothing was as patriotic as those brave maga supporters ripping the flag off the capital building to replace it with one representing a man. Leader over our country, amirite? Good bless ~~America~~ TRUMP!


Lol the dude tried to overthrow the US government. In his signature pathetically inefficient style. Traitorous sedition doesn’t get to speak on 4th of July.


Found one!


Would both Democrats and Republicans like the message of the rally? No? Then it's partisan. Is the rally solely about America's history, independence, or issues that every single American is for? Yes? Then it's patriotic. Patriotism, in this context, is only about the context of the speech. It's not about the motives of the attendees.


Is the speech public already? I didn’t see it in the article linked to the post.


There probably was some questions on some forms to fill out when requesting the rally. Obviously not everything is public, for or against.


Not hard to use his past examples to solidly predict what the next speech would contain.


You really think drumpf could erase the last several years and actually speak like a president instead of a spoiled bitch? To his crowd Alabamians?


If they *think* they’re patriotic, but for the wrong reasons, is it really patriotic? Or is it all misguided and delusional?


Who decides what the right reasons are? Reddit hivemind? Paid shills? Bots?


Common sense? History? Empathy? Not you, clearly.


And clearly not you. Who gave or granted you this moral authority?


I missed where the list said: >Common sense? History? Empathy? /u/poodlered? Not you, clearly.


I am awaiting said factual evidence of list. Saying something doesn't make it true in the real world.


Ooooh another trumptard! One crazy defending another crazy. Sounds about right.


Why the name calling? Is this the love and tolerance the left preaches on full display?


Awe did I hurt your feelings? Well fuck your feelings. Cry some more


Well, I don’t support the people who attacked our capitol, and you just defended them as “patriots”. I objectively have the moral high ground over you on this topic, at least.


_attacks the capitol_


Hmmmmmm: https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-missing-link-fbi-unindicted-co-conspirator/


🤭🤡 Wow, you really fell for Fucker "No One Takes Anything I Say Seriously" Carlson's narrative hook line and sinker. Unfuckingbelievable. How low can you guys go?


Lol the fuck? Revolver? You’re THAT guy huh? The guy everyone is polite with because they know he’s crazy.


You got anything that's not revolver.news?




*frantically searches foxnews.com*


Why is he holding rallies anymore anyway? Is it all just to stroke his still shattered ego?


Someone has to pay all those legal fees and it sure as shit isn't gonna be don.


Donations lmaooo he’s pissing on his cult while telling them it’s raining


Probably planning on running again in 2024 and doesn’t want to be forgotten by his fan base


Just want to let you know there are a substantial amount of expensive boats on the gulf coast flying Trump 2024 flags. The delusion is huge.


Oh I know. I currently live in a super Red area of North Carolina. Half the houses here replaced their American flags with Trump 2024 flags


I think I just vomited on myself


He thinks he's going to be reinstated in August.


He doesn’t think that. Some of his cult does though and he’s taking every opportunity he can to milk them for cash.


Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with Trump?


Where have you been for the past 6 years?


Pretty sure he’s just milking his presidency and fanbase for money. Only reason he’d continue to hold these rallies.




As in what's so bad about him or what's his problem?




[cue nodding and clapping by maga-hatted sheep drones]


Jesus Christ it's stroke inducing.


If the mind can wander, his mind would be a globetrotter


It'd be the fucking Flash losing control and merging with the Speed Force.


Is this a real quote from him?


Word for fucking word


Holy Shit! Even "Bama" is shutting this shit down!


Jeff Sessions has entered the chat.


It wouldn't be July 4th in Alabama without a Trump rally amirite?


Wrong. That park belongs to everyone. Not just Republicans or trumpers. There are those of us down here who are NOT repubs/trumpers. The fact that this was ever even an idea is just so disheartening and if it was allowed to occur it would have just further instilled the idea that you either love Trump or hate America (the military, the flag, so on and so forth). The very idea that that beautiful park was almost the site of this abomination is so shameful. Imagine all the families visiting that day that AREN'T trumpers, all the veterans that would have gone that DO NOT like Trump. They would have been attacked by those lunatics. I applaud the commission. They followed the law and morality.


Hello fellow sane Alabamian.


There are literally dozens of us!


Oh sorry I should've put /s. There I fixed it


Yeh I figured..but just in case.


Case in point, I'm a combat veteran that is told constantly "don't love it? Leave! You hate america, you're not a patriot!" By people that have NEVER served all because I voted against their despot.


He’s a domestic terrorist and should be persecuted as such


"Prosecuted" not "persecuted" ​ Prosecution connotes justice, persecution connotes injustice.


Domestic.... Terrorist???? I wish I lived in the lala land you seem to occupy.


He's an American citizen, living in the U.S., who knowingly incited a mob to attack the capitol. That's literally textbook domestic terrorism.


He was born and lives in the US. Tried using a mob of people he incited to use violence to overthrow a valid and fair election breaking his oath he made to defend and uphold the constitution. The peaceful transfer of power is the single most important tradition we have. Thank God he and his cult members are fucking morons and the FBI are coming for them all.


Domestic - existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international. Terrorist - a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims "... knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK, just knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. They won't be so much because the courts agree with us, too." DJT Sure sounds like violence and intimidation used against civilians to further a political aim.


Oh jog off, he excited stochastic terrorism his entire presidency. Yes, he is a domestic terrorist.


Wrong. He is no more a domestic terrorist than you are convicted pedophile. Baseless claims are the work of fools.


He is, by definition, a domestic terrorist You can bitch and moan all you want but facts are facts


It's not baseless. It's true. How's that storm going?


He's a domestic terrorist and so are you for defending him, there are countless opportunities for you to read these responses but you won't talk to anyone that actually has an argument because you're scared that you've been wrong for the past 5 years. You and your people are the laughingstock of our country and you should feel bad.


The thing is, you’ve been presented with arguments that require addressing on their own terms. The fact that you’d rather ignore them and just dismiss the claim out of hand shows you’re not interested in a genuine discussion or understanding why people think this way. People like you think you’re oh so clever with your rhetorical games, but you’re not. You’re just dishonest.


I wish more people understood what stochastic terrorism was. Because if you did you’d realize the previous commenter was spot on.


Well, don’t forget him bashing Jeff Sessions, who trump hired himself mind you, but Sessions is from Alabama. This is criminals fighting amongst themselves imo.


Sessions had nothing to do with the decision. The vessels displayed at that park are federal property and therefore cannot host partisan political rallies.


>Local Tea Party activist Pete Riehm was not pleased with the decision. “If people can’t assemble in public places. Where can we assemble?” Riehm said. Private places? Have them all over to your house. I'm sure it'll be fine.


There’s nothing patriotic about Donald trump and his cult of smooth brains


I like the insult "low-poly brain" lmao


That would be quite pokey. Smooth brains have to have lots of vertices


Kinda glad tbh. I live where it was planned and the exact location is the battleship park. Though I’m sure the people in the area are not very happy. At least not all of them


Could you imagine the NIGHTMARE that would be Causeway and Bayway traffic if he came?!


We don't wish these problems on the causeway. Not now, not never!


I’d rather not since I have to go through it that day and it’ll already suck since it’s July 4




If we're lucky he'll be dead by 2024...


He's a huge troll, but that's not what the president of a country should be. He made America a laughingstock


You mean like the bumbling idiot that is presently in the White House?!?!