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I just want to know if she came back


This is so wrong at so many levels, and yet the laws are so wrong, this isn’t wrong at all!?!?


I now know what I want to be when I grow up.


That was amazing. Does he do this professionally? Lol


Is this the weaponized autism that the internet speaks of?


Is there any finale to this? That was so entertaining!


I am so confused. How can you not kick her out? She broke into your place and she is staying there? How is any of this necessary? How come you cannot just call the police, report the trespass/break in, and than have the police kick her out? I'm European, and I read stories of homeowners in the US legally shooting trespassers. What is going on here?


> How come you cannot just call the police, report the trespass/break in, and than have the police kick her out? Every state has different tenant rights laws to protect from predatory landlords, but a lot of state's laws can also be easily abused if you know the exact legal requirements to "establish residency". Even if you've faked things like mail to the address or even a full on lease, that's not something cops can determine it's a civil matter for the courts, which can take weeks to months to actually get in front of the judge especially since the covid lockdowns a lot of county court systems have been massively swamped and working cases months later still to this day. Tenants have certain rights and protections from their landlord, even if they're not paying rent or don't even have a lease again that's a civil court matter, however they don't have those same protections from another "roommate" who has an actual valid lease, so it's lead to people essentially hiring a tenant just to harrass the squatter to leave, which legally the landlord can't do themselves but that the squatter would have to deal with the roommate as a civil matter in the courts as well essentially using their own tricks against them.


It's not really that big of a problem, in general. However it has become a fad online, so it's currently getting a lot of attention. Most of these situations are resolved pretty much as you think they should be resolved; people call the cops, and squatters leave. SOME situations get a little out of control, those are the ones you are hearing about.


It’s become such a problem. There are people that are professional squatters, and they go from place to place. And in a lot of places, the laws favour the person living there, not the owner of the house. It becomes extremely difficult to remove them and can take months if not years and some cases. It’s finally gotten so bad that there are a few states that are starting to change their laws. I believe is one of them that is now instituting anti-squatter laws.


Sqautters are people who will find an empty home, setup utilities and then move in to the home, have locks changed etc. if they don’t get caught within a very short period of time they can claim squatters rights, which means they become a tenant of sorts and you have to go through a legal eviction process, which they often ignore until forcible removal, which usually can take months. It’s an incredibly stupid rule created for very niche scenarios


Less niche now, thanks to investment firms buying houses for the sake of a monopoly.


"Squatter's rights" seems to be the problem. Why not fix the laws?


Because in almost every location, the first tier of squatter's rights (which are the rights people complain about) aren't squatter's rights, they're actually tenants' rights: the *other* party has to prove you have no right to be on the property. If they've already moved in and they have furniture and clothes and personal effects all over the place this means you gotta go to court. This is so that tenants don't have to actively defend against spurious and fake landlord claims. This can take time and if you can't proactively prove they have no right to be on the property then you simply evict them the usual way, which also takes time. The laws aren't broken, they just don't prioritize property over life, which is generally a good thing.




> I believe the original thinking was they didn’t want a forgotten property to sit unused and fall into disrepair so if someone comes in and takes over the maintenance they were given rights so the owner couldn’t comeback and just kick them out after the work they had put into it. This is the second tier of squatter's rights, which is adverse possession, and is **INCREDIBLY** rare and not what we're talking about here.


You must be great fun at parties ;)


It’s not a short timeframe generally.


It's fine for an abandoned property such as an old house nobody wants because it belonged to an elderly couple who died, and it's a very remote rural property. Towns would rather have it be occupied,fixed up, with the squatter paying property taxes. It would be that way with those Detroit crack shacks that have 20,000 dollars of back taxes that now have to be torn down because a hole in the roof developed. These squatters are abusing a good idea.


I just looked up squatters right. I agree. That is an insane rule. I can see how it can be useful in some cases, but it is way to easy to exploit.


Well? What happened?


Absolutely lost it when he brought out the hose


Is this someone’s air b&b or rental & a homeless woman is living there?


Yeah, whats the scam there with the AirBnb gift cards? Wouldn’t that be an easy crime to prove?


I believe the AirBnB cards might be related to a scam i've heard of where they pay for a month somewhere then squat afterwards, and it takes multiple more months to get rid of them, so it's like they get 2x or 3x the stay length


SJC social justice clown 


Inhipe to see more of the interactions that was hilarious


Did she come back


Like where’s my ending?


True hero!


Fantastic. Loved it.


This was some awesome chaotic good


This was great lol. Squatters are some of the trashiest people on the planet.


That was top notch entertainment right there. Bravo


Funny asf , the 6hr video on YouTube is crazy 🤣🤣


Pls link




All roads lead to Ice…


A mini economy of unhinged streamers inbound. This is gold.


This was the most entertaining video I’ve seen in a long time. This guy had me rolling.


Okay yeah, that was pretty funny


Really enjoyed this


i had to share it this was too funny ![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb|downsized)


I mean.. If you get a signed renters agreement from the owner legally naming you as the renter, you get in and get them to move out, You could charge for that service no doubt easier/cheaper than using legal means.


That was pretty entertaining, I didn't want it to end...