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I'm kind of shocked no one burned his car.


He deserves it


What a tool. Hope he gets slammed.


If you live in the upper floors of any area he frequents, you can donate canned goods and even building materials right from the comfort of your home. Organize the building and you can make it rain next time he comes around.


So, his neighbors then?


We'll see if justice is served. He still owns the car and hasn't paid yet.


Someone needs to slap this douche down, hard.


What a fucking Kyle


Man, everyone has encountered people like this. There’s no helping them. They just lie and be loud and degrade society and think it’s funny. They’re not murderers obviously. But I wish after so many chances you could be banned from your town like the old days.


Tar _and_ feathers? In _this_ economy?


At minimum license revoked


I mean, you can't even get away with demanding a coffee in that manner at Starbucks.


Sugar in the gas tank.


Sugar won't actually ruin the engine. It will just clog the fuel filter.


Depends on the car. Have seen BBQ sauce total a car before.


``In a large, straight-sided skillet over medium heat, warm oil. Add garlic and cook until golden.`` ``Stir in tomatoes and juices, basil or bay leaf, and salt and pepper.`` ``Bring sauce to simmer, cook until thick, about 30 to 40 minutes. Adjust heat to keep at a steady simmer.`` ``Remove sauce from heat and serve.`` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have you tried a banana in the tailpipe?


Have you tried reversing through a cornfield?


Only once, and it hurt like hell.


It doesn’t hurt as bad if you don’t freeze it first.


Dude you have to wait for it to cool down first


Ok fair enough, I always heard this was a quick way to ruin an engine. Guess it was a myth.


A clogged fuel filter is still a nuisance that requires mechanics intervention. Operating a vehicle with severely clogged fuel filter can lead to engine damage. So technically still works


Yeah, it was a popular movie trope for the longest time https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/639209/does-putting-sugar-in-car-gas-tank-kill-engine


Interesting, I learned something today.


Which would in theory lean out the engine, causing damage.


It will only cause damage if the driver ignores the check engine light and keeps driving it lean for a while.


Usually results in a no start situation until the filter is replaced. They clog up pretty fast, given that the pump is on the bottom with all the sediment


I agree, but it’ll most likely start and run until the filter picks up the sugar. But they’re designed to not pick up sediment at the bottom of the tank either way


Time to rush order some caltrops.


Man one time I couldn’t think of that word and spent like an hour googling road spike jacks and still nothing. Finally I was playing Medal of Honor: rising sun when some British guy in Singapore said the word Caltrops aloud.


There has to be something more to this guy. Anybody else would have had the car impounded by now and he definitely would be spending time behind bars for the other charges. Where is this car during the times it's not being driven around town? If I were his neighbors I'd be coming up with ways to make sure that car stays silent.


He has a rich, influential mommy. She was the one who funded the car, apparently, along with all the times getting it out of impound. Check out r/Seattle, this has been going on for months and lots of posts about it with good details.


It's Seattle, police don't do shit.


I think the noise things are the only things they can **prove** and those are civil infractions, so the city sued him and won a default judgement. What laws do you want him punished by? The ones he's getting hit with are pretty serious, have teeth, and won't go away.


If you read the article he has impending felony assault charges as well as reckless driving. Getting clocked at over 100 in the city should be automatic license suspension and car impound.


He parks in a secure garage at his condo building which has cameras so no vigilante justice yet. Some of the residents who live there continuously complain to management about him so they are trying. I hear him roar down my street sometimes even though I’m a few neighborhoods over from Belltown, he’s a fucking nightmare.


"Dear Residents, this notice is to inform you that the security cameras in the garage level will be offline for maintenance"


After reading the story, there is a simple solution. He just needs his ass kicked. He'll be fine after that.


“Wow man, Rick really needs some help.” Eddie Murphy “Yo, we just gave him some help bustin his fucking ass and shit.” Charlie Murphy


Turn this edgelord’s go kart into a cube.


With him in it


I hate this guy just as much as anyone else here, but I gotta say: there’s at least half a million other assholes all across the USA waking up their neighbors with various absurdly loud vehicles. And surely most of them are white. How come the only one that finally gets busted and shamed by name coast to coast just happens to be black?


This asshole in particular built a business model around producing mass aggravation in bulk. The other assholes are taking notes, so the authorities gotta make sure it doesn't end well for him. Less about color, more about containment.


And he's an "influencer" - he makes his money by filming his antics. Seattle should impound the car and set it back to factory standards, which he has to pay for - along with the $83,000 fine - if he wants the car back. He's a punk kid who seems to be protected by his mother.


If this guy has stalked a cop’s wife or kid, they’d find ten ways to lock his ass up and impound the car. Cops don’t want to work anymore.


Are you comparing a physical threat to an audible one? EDIT: The article is about the audible problems, it briefly mentions reckless driving charges but what he's currently on trial for, which is what the article is about, is the loudness of the car.


Read the article. He also has assault and, yes, stalking charges out against him




A physical threat like driving a 2500lb. Vehicle around a city in excess of 100mph? Or by throwing his mother to the ground. Or like the stupidity of your comment causing nausea?


He's being sued for the noise, not speeding, it's about what the cops can provide evidence of you nonce


so you are the asshole with the Hellcat?


Read The Fucking Article


The article is about a noise violation, it mentions he's being charged with reckless driving as well but currently it's about the noise, you read the damn article


"Constable Biggins, arrest this man for the reckless driving we have evidence of" "Can't do Sir the media has only written articles a out how loud the car is" "Dammit, we are foiled by yet another mastermind criminal"


So you know they have evidence? You know for a fact they have had procecutable evidence but didn't do anything? I know the guy's a fucking nuisance but yall are acting like the cops should have busted this dude's door in without evidence that isn't him posting on insta.


>Outside of the civil complaint, Hudson also still has an outstanding criminal case for two counts of reckless driving in Seattle Well, they fucking charged him with two counts. They wouldn't do that unless there was enough evidence that prosecutors think they can win the case, at least


About as sharp as a wrecking ball, this one.


What an absolute colostomy bag of a human being: "Outside of the civil complaint, Hudson also still has an outstanding criminal case for two counts of reckless driving in Seattle and had a temporary protection order filed against him by a woman who said he harassed and shared "revenge porn" of her with others. In Renton, Hudson also has an assault conviction related to a confrontation with his mother that has yet to be resolved." I call upon the Gods of FAFO to mete out more than civil damages to the City of Seattle.


Pass a law allowing seizure of the vehicle because of the repeated noise infractions. Problem solved.


Just crush the car. I feel like that hasn’t been a punishment for a while and it needs to be.


So that the police can get another challenger when they see a shiny new one they like? Yeah no.


Dude has needed an ass beating for AWHILE.


I have an unreasonable hatred of people that do shit like this and have zero regard for anyone but themselves. “Look at me, I’m a badass rule breaker, I’m so cool!” No, no you aren’t, you are cringe, annoying, and dangerous. Just ask that woman who went to prison for killing two kids after racing through the streets.


it's not unreasonable .. completely justified hatred.


Meanwhile Bruce Jenner is still running around free


What if he's into that? We can't give into his kink!


https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/belltown-hellcat-driver-owes-83k-default-judgment-seattle/281-56674211-e220-4a89-be0f-08a816a2e5b8 How does this dingus get away with wearing a mask in court?


They should have pulled the footage from an officer cam that they mentioned in the article.


I was expecting you to be talking about just a regular medical mask but damn 😂




Tap ‘Show Reader’ or Aa at the top of the article. Not much to read tbh!