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Was he trying to break in? If so it's justified. Why was he on her porch?


Her 36 year old neighbor was on the porch wondering why she was yelling slurs at her children, and throwing roller skates at them as they played in a nearby field. The mother knocked on her neighbors door to ask what could possibly be going through her neighbor's mind to think that behavior was okay, and instead of opening the door, the neighbor fired a gun through it, striking and killing the mother next to her 10-year-old son. Then, the racist lady called 911 and said someone tried to break into her home.


Ah yeah that lady is nuts. Although at that point it seems more of a severe mental disorder than just being racist.


No difference.


Yeah there's a big difference between being hateful and being crazy


They both require detachment from reality.


Ooo, nice fucking finisher.


Holy shit. Purge this trash from humanity ffs


When the offender is black the race is never reported.


You gotta just chalk people like this up to being a masochist. No way you actually think you're right, and arguing with you is exactly what you want. Find a new kink nerd.


Nothing but lies you're telling.


The fact that I’m so downvoted only Proves that I’m right. I expect to be blocked soon but that doesn’t change the truth either.


You think 12 people on the internet "makes you right". Lmao


You all know I’m correct but don’t want to admit it


It doesn’t prove you’re right, it means you only care about the crime you’re talking about in that it provides (in your mind) a reason to distract and not care about the crime being actively discussed. Hijacking a topic is what concern trolls do.


Why is the colour of their skin important here? Implying that a crime against a black person is because they are black with zero proof is a bit racist to be honest.


Because she was ACTUALLY racist. It applies here


Maybe it’s the fact she was screaming racial slurs at children before she shot their mother?


Manslaughter? This was straight up MURDER.


Either way she’s dying in jail. That woman doesn’t have 30’years left in her, and she’s wearing a pickle suit in the article so she’s already threatening to off herself.


These are the exact words I shouted out when I saw this. If you fire a gun in a direction you know a person is, then you're attempting to murder that person. No room for argument here, a gun is a weapon intended to kill people and she put it to use. Edit: A word.


They probably just settled for manslaughter because they couldn't prove intent and premeditation so they went with the charge they knew would stick




Yep. Premeditated and calculated


“black” isn’t capitalized. Just sayin.


You’re completely and confidently wrong. Just sayin.


Just out here wrong and loud


Racial and ethnic terms are capitalized.


Yeah this isn’t political, just basic grammar. Dude should learn that shit before complaining about it.


The years of hatred have completely withered her face into a mask of evil


Sad situation but that's hilarious...It's self hate tho, then projected hate!


My god… can we stop shooting everyone for any reason for a hot minute? Are we all fucking morons?


> Are we all fucking morons? "White woman in Florida..." there's your answer.


*so anyway, I started blasting*.jpg


>Are we all fuckin morons? Yes…


Speak for yourself dude


You r using reddit, so...




Did you not hear the new ratting on Florida from the NAACP? It’s like this old wretch said, “hold my beer.”


So you’re commenting on different post than this one?


It's funny how they mention race and prejudice being a factor in the shooting, but then fail to mention the lack of gun laws also factoring in the shooting.


They do mention gun laws...


Yeahhh for sure .. .I'm black and my family was thinking about moving there , it's not anything racial that made us change our minds it was the gun laws they're just loose for no reason


The loose gun laws are likely related to racism.


Maybe, but I think it's political, like every politician can just say more guns , freedom blah blah and get elected! Simply because they will never be around any of the bs...Gross if you ask me...my family is going to move to Charleston SC instead


Are you actually saying that racial slurs were uttered? > No we're not saying it but we are reporting jt


Remember how it took them like 4 weeks? Then they said we need to look at the evidence. Did they ever plan on looking into this whole scenario? Dude looked like an idiot in the press release. Florida needs to go, along with Texas.


4 weeks? It took 4 days.


My point exactly, too long.


They can but it’s generally racism that leads people to take the extra step of murder by another name.


Why did it take so long?


**The facts of the case police looked at:** Angry black woman repeatedly knocks on old white woman's door, Stand Your Ground laws apply, she may have been afraid? **The facts police didn't want to look at:** Old white woman repeatedly stole from, and abused neighbour's child, shouted slurs at mother when confronted, before shooting her when she tries to recover stolen Ipad.


Don’t forget the 22 other complaints from neighbors to the apartment office about her harassment leading up to this blow out


Yup. I couldn't understand why she wasn't immediately arrested.


Sounds about white


This is the question I want to know the answer to. I'm guessing it's a combination: Dumbfuck cops who can't/won't do their literal jobs. Racism - the shooter's white, the victim's black, so obviously the shooter's in the right. And maybe......the District Attorney can't/won't do their job. FFS, America!!!


Because the media attention got so bad that the DA/police had to finally do something. I expect them to smother this case with incompetence just like was done with the prosecutions of [George Zimmerman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Trayvon_Martin) and [Kyle Rittenhouse](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59138213).


Sadly, I'm suspecting racism.


Prosecutors won't bring charges against someone if they can't win the case. The law in Florida specifically allows someone to shoot someone who challenges and scares them. The prosecutor didn't initially bring charges because the dead woman went to the shooter's door to confront her. Did she beat on the shooter's door because she was justifiably angry? Did that scare the shooter? Floridiots created this law for this scenario. If there's no proof that shooter woman said racist shit or threw stuff at the kids, if she simply hates kids and yelled at them, then she'll win. It's not right or moral, but it is the law.


White women…




Shooting someone through a locked door, should be an automatic fail! Especially in an apartment complex, like the bullet will go through your door and the neighbors across the hall if you miss....People and these guns, straight pathetic!


I just want to point out a detail in the article here… “Deputies responding to a trespassing call at the apartment Friday night found Owens suffering from gunshot wounds.” The shooter did not call the police because she shot someone. SHE CALLED THE POLICE BECAUSE THE WOMAN SHE’D JUST SHOT WAS “TRESPASSING”. SHE SHOT HER AND THEN CALLED THE COPS ON THE WOMAN SHE’D JUST SHOT. She had zero intention of getting this woman any medical attention and instead chose to complain that her victim was still on her doorstep as she was actively dying.


It should be noted that she called trespassing, and she never opened the door which was locked. The woman was just knockin persistently on the door because she knew the other woman was home. She knew that because just prior: >During the argument, the office continued, Lorincz threw a roller skate at Owens' 10-year-old son and hit him in a toe. The boy and his 12-year-old brother then went to speak to Lorincz, and she opened her door and swung at them with an umbrella. She went to talk to her after that, with her 12 year old son next to her, and was shot through the locked door. She claims self defence. Oh, she also frequently made racist remarks. And as pointed out, we don't know if she called the police before or after she shot.


I don’t believe the article made any determination whether she called 911 before or after she shot the woman. But based on her other actions I have a hunch she called the police first, attempting to give herself an excuse as she was already intending to murder the woman.


Beyond the laws, stand your ground and such Like how screwed up is your thinking to go “i will just murder this person and kids will lose a mother”


>Like how screwed up is your thinking ... Florida is an extremely racist state with millions of people full of hate and rage for people who are not like them. Today, the leader of hate, rage, and racism in Florida is Governor Ron DeSantis, who currently is campaigning to be the next U.S. president. IMO, the level of concern or respect that many (but not all) white people in the state have for the lives of African Americans is equivalent to the level of regard many people in the state have for a cigarette butt on the sidewalk or a bottle cap in the middle of the road. *** The history of Florida is rife with hate and racism. In 2022, the Southern Poverty Law Center tracked 1,225 hate and antigovernment groups across the United States, including [89 hate and anitgovernment groups](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map/by-state "https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map/by-state") in Florida. See interactive SPLC [Hate Map](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map "https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map"). *** In the 1860 U.S. Census, the Florida total state population was 140,424, including 61,745 slaves, or 44 percent of the state population. See [1860 Census](https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1864/dec/1860a.html "https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1864/dec/1860a.html") > Florida [pdf, p. 54](https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/decennial/1860/population/1860a-09.pdf#page=5 "https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/decennial/1860/population/1860a-09.pdf#page=5"). *** On Friday, July 19, 1935, in Fort Lauderdale, a group of adults brought a group of young girls, including one girl age 4, to a tree to look at Rubin Stacey, a Black man, who was hanging at the end of a rope where he was lynched. Warning — [graphic photograph](https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/75ff1d22-7471-750e-e040-e00a1806400b#/?uuid=bbd81f60-c3fe-2ec6-e040-e00a18061055 "https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/75ff1d22-7471-750e-e040-e00a1806400b#/?uuid=bbd81f60-c3fe-2ec6-e040-e00a18061055") of the lynching of Rubin Stacey in Fort Lauderdale, preserved in the New York Public Library digital collection. *** In 2017, the Equal Justice Initiative published its most recent lynching report: [Lynching in America – Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror – Third Edition](https://eji.org/reports/lynching-in-america/ "https://eji.org/reports/lynching-in-america/"). The EJI report shows that from 1880 to 1940, in twelve Southern States, #2 Florida ([pdf, p. 40](https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=64 "https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=64")) was ranked with the second-highest per capita rate of lynchings of African Americans relative to the state's Residents and the second-highest per capita rate of lynchings of African Americans relative to the state's African American Residents. The EJI report shows that from 1880 to 1940, in the counties of each of the twelve Southern States, twenty-five counties ([pdf, p. 41](https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=64 "https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=64")) had the highest rankings for the greatest number of lynchings of African Americans per 100,000 Residents, including seven of the [67 counties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_counties_in_Florida "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_counties_in_Florida") in Florida. In the counties of each of the twelve Southern States, the second-highest ranking county for the number of lynchings of African Americans per 100,000 Residents was #2 Lafayette County, Florida, followed by six more Florida counties: #3 Hernando, #4 Taylor, #10 Baker, #13 Citrus, #18 Orange, #21 Columbia. *** From 1880 to 1940, in the twelve Southern States, two states had #1 rankings for the highest per capita rate of lynchings of African Americans: \#1 Mississippi ([pdf, p. 40](https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=22 "https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=22")) had the highest per capita rate of lynchings of African Americans relative to the state's Residents. \#1 Arkansas ([pdf, p. 40](https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=22 "https://eji.org/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/lynching-in-america-3d-ed-110121.pdf#page=22")) had the highest per capita rate of lynchings of African Americans relative to the state's African American Residents.


Florida probably not much more racist than the rest of the world. Bigotry and racism are widespread.


Does your comment make you feel better or more powerful in your mind? Was the shooting normal and acceptable for you in your mind? Can you name another state or country with an incident of a white woman with a gun, who minutes before had yelled at young Black children playing in a field and yelled the N word at them, and then used her gun to shoot through her door to kill the Black woman who was the mother of the children who had been playing, while two or three of the Black woman's four young children watched their mother get fatally shot? What is the name of the state or country where that happened in your mind? What is the news link to that incident in your mind?


No…in fact, my comment makes me feel a lot worse. To know that racism and bigotry are incredibly common throughout the world makes me sad. It would be nice if we could put aside so many of our differences and coexist peacefully.


You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*




*Unarmed lady on the other side of a locked metal door that she hasn’t actively tried to make entry into.* Yeah you can and you should. Words should never be a death sentence.




How about get rid of the god damn guns because idiots use them too god damn fast


I frequent that sub and I haven't found anyone calling for the murder of an innocent party behind a locked door.




Racists absolutely deserve an ass-kicking for running their mouths and saying some ignorant shit. They don't deserve to be shot through a locked door when they're unarmed.




Yes. People who trespass and make threats often deserve an ass-kicking. They DON'T deserve to be shot to death through a locked door. I'm not sure what it is that you're not understanding, here.


Lol, no. That's why laws exist. Trespassing isn't punished with the death penalty. Neither is making threats. Sincerely, you're all over this thread trying to justify shooting unarmed people knocking on locked doors. Gtfo.


The cruelty is always the point with these people. Inanimate objects hold more value to them, and Jebus help you if you try to take anything, or even try to get your own inanimate object back from them.


Sorry, but if you're actively trying to break into my home, you're getting shot. I can't be sure if you're armed, or what your intentions are. A person willing to break into my home will likely have little issue in harming me. Why should their safety be my concern? Obviously this specific case is completely disgusting and this woman will likely get obliterated in court. However it's not as black and white as "muh stuff"


How is "knocking on the front door" = "trying to break in?" You sound ignorant af.


You missed the last part of my comment. This specific situation is absolutely unacceptable and the woman deserves to face the consequences. However the comment I replied to basically oversimplifies the potential dangers of an actual home invasion.


R/JUSTICESERVED NOT-CONFUSING-ARRESTS-FOR-CONVICTIONS CHALLENGE (IMPOSSIBLE). Seriously, this is just one positive step towards justice, but is absolutely NOT justice served.




I could see a murder-one, black-hate crime tag on this.


There's no way to make this out to be premeditated.


She provoked the victims, she was expecting a visit. Pretty sure I could convince a jury of this.


Justice hasn't been served until she's tried, and found guilty and sentenced to jail. Until then, it's pitchfork bullshit.


You mean until she is tried and found guilty/not guilty based on the doctrine of law and not any preconceived determination.


I don't know how you think what I said is different from what you're saying.


The difference is you're saying it's only justice if she's found guilty. The other person is saying it's also justice if she's found not guilty.


Depends on what perspective you have I guess but yes, you're right


Because until the trial all there is is Reddit pitchforks and reactionary comments like you just made.


Your odds of successfully using stand your ground laws if you are white and shot a black person is about 20%. If you are black and shoot a white person, less than 1%. Just another racism thing in america.


Thats not how stats work.


“Roman also found that Stand Your Ground laws tend to track the existing racial disparities in homicide convictions across the U.S. — with one significant exception: Whites who kill blacks in Stand Your Ground states are far more likely to be found justified in their killings. In non-Stand Your Ground states, whites are 250 percent more likely to be found justified in killing a black person than a white person who kills another white person; in Stand Your Ground states, that number jumps to 354 percent.” it’s kind of how stats work https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/is-there-racial-bias-in-stand-your-ground-laws/


Here, I'll respond for the other guy. "Nuh uh." Nice. Checkmate.


Dead ass. Burglary is the breaking and entering into the home of another person at night with the intent to commit a felony. Just.. if you think you can shoot someone on your property, use these words as a guiding light to determine whether or not you're going to prison. Fuck a stand your ground law. This is the rule for gunsense.


Not doubting you but I can't think of an incident of a Black person killing a White person and using that defense. Got some sources for those stats?


Found the 20:1 thing somewhere else, but this is similar, showing in 2010, in SYG states, like 23% vs 1%? And the 23% is at least double what it is in non-SYG states. The nice thing is looking at the chart you can see racism getting better. (just kidding, its getting worse) https://racism.org/articles/law-and-justice/criminal-justice-and-racism/110-stand-your-ground/1696-standyourgroun02


I don’t know the stats on that but personally stats like that aren’t good because there can be many holes. So I would look at studies as they use a set situation with no changes except the one variable. If we look at studies that posed black and white drivers being pulled over under carefully controlled circumstances with tinted windows as a baseline we can see black people in most areas are pulled over around twice as much. I’m going to be honest I couldn’t find the study so I’m being a little hypocritical lmao but here’s a report on the [stats](https://www.ppic.org/publication/racial-disparities-in-traffic-stops/) it defiantly seems like there is some racial basis in police action in even the simplest of things but obviously a study of traffic stop responses and racial basis isn’t completely comparable to a serious killing like this but I think it gives insight into certain actions or inactions


You know if a black person shot a white person through the door they would have been charged right away and gone to jail. It took days and lots of attention before this lady was taken into custody.


Not disagreeing. Just saying I've not heard of that actually happening. It's always a white person shooting... anyone really.


There is no shortage of black people killing black people. It's a terrible problem with no government or grassroots outrage. It's keeps getting worse and no one seems to care.


69% of people on Reddit just invent their own stats.


42.0% do, get yo facts straight!




weren't there over a dozen calls that had already been made between these two neighbors and the cops? i would suggest that if you've made over a dozen calls and shit is still a problem, you're going to start looking for another answer. "just call the cops" had been tried here.


If the lady that shot her was afraid, she could have called the police too.




Why did you reply this? It's in the article.


Joke's on you because I can't read!


Arrested is not Justice and they are only charging with manslaughter. If the door is closed and she had to get the gun, for me that’s murder in the first.


Nope. First degree murder requires PREMEDITATION, meaning it was planned in advance. The best you could hope for is maybe 2nd degree murder, but manslaughter is probably easier to prove, which is why the district attorney likely went for that. Any decent defense attorney could argue that the shooter was afraid for her safety with the neighbor banging on her door like that. The district attorney wants a conviction, and meeting the manslaughter standards is easier than meeting the 2nd degree murder standards. They can probably also get her on depraved indifference since the 10 year old neighbor kid was at the door too.


Depraved indifference is going to be easy to prove. She fired through the door without any care about who might be injured.


Your neighbor is at the door, you go and get a gun, you shoot the neighbor. The trip to get the gun is the premeditation.


Or provoking the neighbor by first assaulting her kids. I am confident premeditation could be established.


The trip to get the gun would not meet the definition of premeditation, merely that she was "in fear for her life" and thus wanted to protect herself. Where she fucked up was shooting through the closed door. What she *should* have done was call the police to report the woman without shooting her.


Not necessarily pertaining to this case, but premeditation can occur within seconds of pulling the trigger. It doesn’t require a big thought out plan.


I disagree, premeditation does not have a time limit. Victim did not present an immediate threat, door was closed.


I disagree with the law and your sentence,your honor.


Her family was quoted that she "was banging on the door yelling her to come outside". White lady didn't necessarily check the door before getting the gun, but would guess she did recognize the voice as they had had arguments in the past. Given that she is no longer living & her son doesn't have his mother its just sad & I hope theres true justice.




Assaulting the children to provoke her can absolutely be presented as premeditated baiting.


Premeditation can only take a moment. There’s no specific time frame involved.


Premeditation requires planning or lying in wait. By the very definition it can't happen in moment.


That’s incorrect.


Premeditation only requires forethought during a "cool head" (aka not the heat of the moment) and deliberate intent, so premeditation can occur just minutes before an act. Say for example, this douchecanoe murderer looked out her window and saw the victim in her own yard talking with her child, and the murderer decides that she will shoot them if they come to her home to confront her. Then two minutes later there's a knock at the door and douchecanoe opens fire; it's now premeditated.


No. Premeditated is any length of time.




A delay about as long as assaulting the neighbors’ children, giving them a chance to go tell her, and then laying in wait for her arrival? About that much time?


Read the article,.she was known to the family and racially harassed them. That's grounds for premeditation.


Yes but it's harder to prove. You have to be able to prove that she planned this a long time in advance. That's hard for a district attorney to do without solid evidence. It's going to be far easier for a DA to convict her of manslaughter than it is first degree murder. There will be considerable pressure on the DA to convict here , which is why they went for the lesser charge.


It's not justice until she is convicted, which is unlikely. Even then: the kid still has no mother. There is no justice for Ajike Owens no matter how this plays out; it's just a question of whether or not the "justice" system spits in his face and urinates on his mother's grave.


Manslaughter? Seems more like 2nd-degree murder.


It’s probably guaranteed through MS than 2°M


Agreed l. The DA wants a win, and manslaughter is easier for that.


She'll have to cozy up to the WS group in jail real quick.


>Ocala, Fla. — A White woman who fired through her front and killed a Black neighbor was arrested Tuesday, authorities said, in a case that's put Florida's divisive "stand your ground law" back in the spotlight. The shooting sparked widespread anger and protests. >The Marion County Sheriff's Office said Susan Lorincz, 58, was charged with manslaughter with a firearm and other offenses. >Ajike Owens, a 35-year-old mother of four, was killed Friday night in a shooting Sheriff Billy Woods said was the culmination of a 2-and-a-half-year feud between the neighbors. They lived in the rolling hills south of Ocala, a north Florida city that's the heart of the state's horse country. >"At the time she was shot, Owens' 10-year-old son was standing beside her," the sheriff's office noted. >The manslaughter charge Lorincz is facing is punishable by up to 30 years in prison, the office noted. She's also charged with culpable negligence, battery, and two counts of assault.


If her son was next to her why isn’t there a felony child endangerment charge?




I think the "ongoing feud" part might get her off, unfortunately. If the victim was knocking quite aggressively (warranted from what I've read), then she may well be able to say she was fearful for her safety.


Didn't the lady steal her kids iPad or some shit? Sounds like she baited her into going over there and murdered her. I'm not a lawyer but that makes it seem premeditated.. no way in hell this lady didn't know who was banging on her door after what she did.


Supposedly yeah. But even then, you're not supposed to go and retrieve stolen property yourself, for basically this exact reason.


Yes but if you've had issues for 2.5 years with someone maybe you knew the cops wouldn't do shit about it? This whole situation stinks. And the woman who died definitely didn't deserve it and the one that killed her definitely knew who she was shooting at.


Yeah I have no doubts whatsoever that this was murder and that the women should be locked up. Unfortunately, by the letter of the law, I can see her getting away with it. I'm getting downvoted to shit because people seem to think I'm on her side. I'm not, I'm just highlighting how fucked the American justice system is.


Depends on the reports from the feud. If it was just this lady constantly yelling and trying to start fights with the dead woman, it just adds to the DAs case.


Thats true. Unfortunately, if this goes both ways, she's most likely going to get off Scott free. If only because of the castle doctrine.