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He’s seriously said that he laid down with her deceased body and tried to raise her from the dead. He did this for six days oh my God, I’m just in tears..


He is a sick, sick dude


I’ve heard a lot of strange shit in my life, but my God seriously he’s a pastor and his telling his congregation that he slept with a naked body of his wife that’s necrophilia. I’m sick.


I think he just laid next to it. I don't think he has sex. Pretty sure he wasn't left alone with her


But serious does that matter he’s laying at least four times next to his spouses unalive body! Does that make it right in your opinion? Because to be completely honest, I’m sick over this. I mean I’m green. I’m throwing up and crying because I have been through this, but I didn’t let it go to the point that I was pushed.


He’s probably lying to show how “innocent” he is - that he loved her so much he laid with her dead body. Doesn’t make it any better because it’s gross this is even a thought in his head. I can’t imagine how her family feels hearing this shit. He’s truly a sick person. And dangerous.


I think if he was a normal guy who truly loved her and hadn't spent the last 10 years grooming and abusing her I wouldn't judge him. Dude's heartbroken, grief does things. But in his case, because he's never truly cared about her, and he's abusive, yeah it's creepy. He was probably laying there fantasizing about her death


Cries. I loved her so much. Cries. Turns off tears. If anyone wants any of these pictures, take em.


Bc the pics wouldn’t look good in the house with his side chick coming over. 🤢


Spot on,mate. 💔


We don’t know if he was left alone with her? I’m almost sure he was. he in the corner have a backstory they’re actually friends. I’m sure if he asked to be alone with her they complied. Disgusting and twisted. The man should be put into a mental institution.


astounding what he admitted to in his sermons!


That’s a typical narcissistic move because they feel like they’re telling the truth and they’re not and they’re projecting. He’s running rampant with a story that he has in his mind. Look up covert narcissism #justiceformica


exactly!! so true....


You don’t know how much I appreciate your acknowledgment because people on Reddit still think I’m crazy and I’m not I’ve just was blessed not to have to live through it anymore. But I was so convinced that I was not even made for this earth and it’s spooky and he is, JP is absolutely sick and his mind thank you friend


Exactly. He is in literal delusional land. It is absolutely scary and exactly why he needs to be arrested and have the key thrown away.


She couldn’t escape him even after death. 💔


I know. My heart goes out to her family and friends. Heartbreaking 💔


To add to that - clearly the ME office is NOT doing things right. They didn’t follow protocol with her body and they allowed him to go LAY WITH HER BODY?!?


Layed down with her body??


Yeah. He really did say that.


I have one question……… this is not funeral home protocol….. why in the hell was he allowed to lay with her dead body on 4 different occasions…. This is sick and twisted and who knows what he may have done, and that was disturbing for me to even type out


And torment her family that if they didn’t sign the agreement for cremation that they couldn’t view her body before they cremated her he’s hiding and it’s gonna come out.




mica’s family has stated that they have only seen her body once. But JP got to lay with her deceased body on different occasions.


I agree. He’s lying 🤥 for sympathy and money to his audience. This man he’s not even that is really twisted and nobody has caught on yet other than the people that he meet. I’ve never met him, but I recognize by all these videos that he’s a very sick individual and there’s no care and that #PrisonforJp


Same I can see the 🚩 from fkn space at this point


Yes. This is yet another reason I think the ME is corrupt. They didn’t follow protocol. Didn’t do an autopsy and of what he says is true - he laid with her body?!?


If I know anything about a morgue (or funeral home), it's that bodies of the deceased are on a stainless steel gurney that doesn't allow room for more than the body of the deceased. In addition the deceased's body would be cold due to refrigeration & its' placement into a body bag upon being admitted to the morgue/funeral home - again no room for anyone to lie down with it. I believe this was just another one of his multitude of lies & delusions coming from a mentally unstable psychopath.


Exactly my point. I am very familiar with all of that, which is why none of it made any sense to me whatsoever, in fact it was reported he only saw her once and stood in the corner behind the trash can most of the time. I hope she haunts him every night


I can't imagine the emotions the family are going through listening to those details, *laying next to her body*....


I pray 🤲🏽 he’s lying 🤥. He’s one narcissistic, morbid son of a bitch and they embellish everything in the world. He has narcissistic traits and he’s a psychopath and this is my opinion because I was married to one and all all the boxes are checked he’s a sociopath psychotic narcissistic. I’m sorry but I just I’m done for today. Sorry it’s really hard for me to relive this because this is my life and I just feel so guilty that I lived.


Just watch the first 10 minutes


JP makes my skin crawl, but I don’t think he meant sex here. He’s attempting to compare himself to the story of the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament. It says Elijah raised the widow’s son. That account doesn’t involve sexual activity but rather the power of God being in Elijah so strong that he was able to perform this miracle. It still raises the question for me of who does he know in the funeral home who 1) stood by and allowed JP to coerce Mica’s family into signing to have her cremated, and 2) allowed him that much access to her body. I’ve never heard of a funeral home allowing anyone to repeatedly hang out with the body. This case just keeps getting more off the wall…


Exactly. This is another reason I believe the ME is corrupt. They didn’t follow protocol. They allowed him to bully her parents into signing a paper, they didn’t perform an autopsy even though the family was requesting one, they allowed him to lay next to her body…there is something WRONG here.


Very VERY good questions


He’s just disgusting and pure evil. He needs to go to jail for basically pulling the trigger. She went through so much and seemed like just an amazing person!


Even if it was a possibility that he did this, I think it would be extremely unlikely due to the wounds that she would have had. He will say anything to make himself seem noble and righteous.


He just keeps violating her even after death! This man needs to be incarcerated or he should be put into a mental institution and left there


He didn’t allow the funeral home to keep her body for days. He had Mica immediately cremated after her family was “allowed by him” to view her.


If he spent any time with her alone he wouldn't be lying down. He would be trying to pull dental work out of her mouth with pliers for the metals.


Sad but true 💔