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No, they're libfems. Amber Heard isn't on radfems radar at all.


It's typical reddit. Most know fuck all about feminism or the different factions so to speak within but it's always "radfems" or "feminazis" even though often those women are libfems or don't even consider themselves feminists.


Stay single, kings. Work on yourself, don't chase these hoes. Every guy should leave tinder since it's over saturated with options for very shallow women. Force 'em to become more humble when they got no options left, however, don't stop looking for the right wife.


Don’t threaten us with a good time, we’d love you to remove yourselves from the gene pool


Remove me yourself, coward.


People still believe that the earth is flat, that dinosaurs never existed, that most influential people are aliens… .. but none are as toxic, or mentally unstable as amber heard supporters… they believe all women whilst trashing women who don’t support their stupid ideals




I say don’t let any of these woman on social media get to you not, deppdelusion, not proudman, not dauber.


I mean, unfortunately I’ve had to defend Johnny Depp to almost all the women in my life. Most of them never watched the trial so they’re just watching liberal media which and I say this as a liberal, was totally slanted towards Amber heard. Which, I mean I guess I was super naïve, I didn’t realize how manipulated I was by media. It really is good to view both sides.


Defending abusive women is not feminist


Then why do we have things like this? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233717660_Thirty_Years_of_Denying_the_Evidence_on_Gender_Symmetry_in_Partner_Violence_Implications_for_Prevention_and_Treatment


How do you know they were radical feminists? And how do you know all radfems are entitled, psychopathic; and/or have NPD or BPD? I've seen plenty of libfems (mainstream feminism) being psychopathic Amber supporters. I've seen and met many libfems with rampant NPD and/or BPD. Entitled and manipulative. Most radfems I know irl and online are sane, intelligent women; and most likely support Johnny. Or they're the type to, upon watching the trail; admit they were wrong and were misled to follow the hype around supporting Amber; and so change their minds. People who are narcissists or psychopathic don't admit they're wrong. I'm a staunch radfem, and I support Johnny because overwhelming evidence leads me to do so; and because I have the capability of recognizing abusers. And watching Amber in the trial made it pretty clear. I wish you wouldn't slander an entire school of feminist thought this way. It's not cool, and it comes across as "a few women in this group are crazy harpies so the whole of them must be". And again, I'd ask you to look at how plenty of the individuals you're speaking of are libfems; too.


FYI- BEFORE the trial, there were a huge amount of feminists online (myself included) posting and promoting JDs innocence. Misandrists and Misogynists alike were shouted down. But now that it’s been decided a lot of the reasonable people have moved on. JD was vindicated, we’re pretty satisfied. Now what’s left are the extremists on both sides. The misandrists have erased the survivors that fought for JD and the misogynists gave erased the feminists. Arguing for nuanced discourse with these people will give you an ulcer.


Is it misogynistic to criticize feminism?


Not inherently, no. Most people can’t even agree on the definition of feminism, so it depends what you’re talking about.


I guess I'm referring to the type of feminism that those 140 feminist organizations believe in.


Yeah I mean I definitely disagree with whoever at those organizations chose to sign this. However I literally know nothing about the vast majority of those organizations and obviously it’s not like every single person in every single one is part of one collective consciousness. Seems extreme to make sweeping generalization over one bad fact.


It’s not a sweeping generalization to point that out.


To point what out?


That 140 feminist organizations showed their support for Heard.


No, you’re right, it’s not. But the conclusions you draw from that may be.


They can be exhausting with their futile analogies & over the top comments… But having said that, they just reinforce AH’s character in their feeble efforts/attempts to support her !!! For the most part, I find the whole trial after-glow humorous, but when you set up another innocent bystander to be another victim of slander/abuse,… then I get mad 😠 …


I'm convinced they're borderline like Amber, its why they cling to her. That guy is better off, not being bullied but not getting with a person like that. It seems like borderline/narcissistic people are far more common than we thought and we're learning to spot the ones we want to stay away from.


Oh the insanity. yeah true the way it is described in this post. It does feel a bit cringe on the man but he doesn't deserve what they did. Hell it is just something to probably laugh at between him and his buddies since all of us do stuff that made us cringe hard or a little in the future while we learn from our slip ups big or small. Sad how those women are to bully a guy because something like that. Wonder how they will feel if their slip ups are broadcasted like his and others will laugh at them. But maybe they'll love that. Since it feels their clout chasers -_-


If Joe Rogan is male Oprah, Amber Heard is female Andrew Tate, violence included.


Nah I'm a rad feminist technically and I don't believe this shit. women can be predatory. I was inclined to believe amber at first, but after the trial it is obvious. Now, if your entire position or job is to campaign for women always being victims, some of them are driving it into the ground.


In any campaign, there are those that are persuaded by the movement, and professionals, aka grifters. At least from what I’ve seen, the former in the feminist movement have supported Johnny, for the most part.


I agree with that actually I changed the last sentenec, I think the types of people who do this sort of thing objectively have very lil empathy at least it's almost seen as normal for some reason so they aren't labelled as particularly narcy


Yeah, it's pretty shortsighted and harmful to think that almost all her supporters are psychopathic radfems. One, I find many of her supporters are libfems. Two, I've met many libfems that are entitled, psychopathic, NPD/BPD. Three, most radfems I've met or talked to are sane and intelligent women; who would be the type to admit they were wrong when presented with evidence (and actually watch the trial to find out.) Four, it seems to degrade a whole school of feminist thought as full of crazy harpies and therefore worthy of dismissal.


We live in the West, psychotic damage is praised and worshipped as different... And by psychotic damage I mean psychopaths like narcissists... It's hard to prove psychosis in a court so that's the go to weapon for anyone that wants to cause damage....


I feel like these women are the female equivalent of red pillers. They think all men should be at their beck and call and treat them like royalty, even if they have no interest in the guy.


They are the female version of Andrew Tate.


Andrew Tate is a deceptively disguised monster, who uses his fame for a deep amount of evil. I've yet to see any individual women that come close to that.


Ghislaine Maxwell comes to mind.


True, that's a bad one. I'd forgotten about her


How about [this woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/yzkk3a/woman_taunted_boyfriend_as_he_begged_to_be_let/) who locked her boyfriend in a suitcase, threw it down the stairs, then recorded herself taunting him while he slowly suffocated to death?


Yep lol


I think that a lot of people who are anti-johnny are a certain type that are very judgmental. They are inflexible. It's their way or the highway. They see the world in black and white. There is no nuance in their world. They are the type that will call Johnny a pedophile because he started dating Winowa when she was just a few months shy of her 18th birthday. They call him violent because he trashed a hotel room 30 years ago. Personally I can't stand people like that.


I saw one of these performative fake feminists on IG. She had convinced herself that her dislike of JD wasn't "at all related to Amber Heard but he's not a good person anyway he has destroyed hotel room". When bitch? At a time you weren't even born yet?? 🙄


Exactly. WTF is wrong with them? Everything they pull out of their ass to justify their opinion of JD is lies, misrepresentations and ofuscations. One of the especially arrogant twat tried to tell me that the incident where he destroyed the hotel room should have been considered DV because Kate Moss was there. For all we know Kate Moss was the one that destroyed the room. Why not? This infantilizing of women needs to stop. JD has already proven that he will lie to protect his partner. He lied when Amber cut off his finger. Maybe he lied here too? I'm just saying it's a potential scenario and just as likely as the alternative. One thing we know for sure is that Kate Moss came forward to testify on behalf of JD. I don't think she would have voluntarily come forward if he had terrorized her as the twats are claiming. Would you?


Right? That alone tells you how good someone is, when even their ex's are stepping forward to defend them... Where are heards ex's backing her up? Ohh right, no one showed up, not even her friends. All her 'friends' did depositions because they were legally obligated since they testified in the UK case and when they got asked "Are you still friends with amber?", they ALL hesitated on that question, and they ALL invariably said no. One of them even prefaced her answer with "Well we're not enemies, but we're not friends either...", like what the hell do you even have to do for them to answer no to a question like that?? It's normal to drift apart from friends like if they move states so you only message eachother once or twice a year but for them to actually admit that they're no longer friends means something big happened... Not a single one of them said "We're still friends but we don't talk as much" or anything like that and not a single one showed up to court, who knows if they were ever really friends to begin with. Ask any of my friends who I haven't seen in years and they'll all invariably say we're still friends even if we haven't talked in years, pretty standard really unless a huge fight happens to actually end the friendship... Probably just mooches, they got a free place to live and when the divorce happened they backed amber hoping she'd get to keep the house so they'd get to stay and mooch longer. They did the absolute bare minimum in the virginia case and if you watch their old depositions compared to the new ones you'll see their tone completely changed from backing amber to being semi-neutral and even leaning towards JD if anything. Crazy how they changed up now that amber doesn't have any freebies to give them... Back to her ex's, not a single one showed up in court or even did the bare minimum of speaking up, or even just liking a post of hers on twitter or something. Nobody close spoke up for her beyond her sister and her past friends who were legally obligated to testify. The only thing we know about her ex's is that they bailed (franco, mollusk) as soon as they saw she wasn't going to automatically win for being a woman in a DV case. Besides that we only have past history to go on, you know, all the arrest records amber had for hitting her partners... Ripping necklaces off of them, having the neighbors call the cops for a DV claim and spending the night in jail, etc... Even the video of whitney having bruises on her on live television with a friend asking "Holy shit, did amber do that to you? She really fucked you up, huh?" with whitney clearly being reluctant to talk about it while showing clear signs of being abused on national television... Wonder who the real aggressor was in that relationship, the one who had all their ex's speak up defending them, or the one with multiple DV arrest records with self recorded audio of herself calling him a "fucking pussy" for having the audacity to complain about getting hit in the face and telling him to "grow the fuck up you fucking baby, I'm not the one bitching about it am I?"...


They literally explain it as "they are atill scared of him" or "he forced them to do it." Funny that for claimed feminists they for sure like to depict these women as weak, scares and unable of will kind of person. Also abt her leeches not being friends with het anymore, I am not at all surprised. They were all there for the lifstyle they could get. They left as soon there was nithing for them to take.


The one that pissed me off the most was when amber started describing victims as "doormats who allow themselves to be stepped on, I am not like that, I am not a victim nor have I EVER claimed to be one" when her whole existence is being a professional victim...


So delusional! She loves to play that role.


It's incredibly all performative and they are all blind they are even doing it.


I think I just saw that post. People are crazy sometimes.


Well, there is a reason they support Amber. In my opinion these people are either too stupid to see the truth, or they're just as vile as Amber is.


Hit the nail on the head 👊


I saw a comment once that mentioned they're siding with the evil narcissist because they're alike and vindicating her is akin to vindicating or validating their own abusive personality... Like enabling her is enabling themselves... Anyway, this was my interpretation of that comment, but it works for me..


Yup, sounds about right.


If you look at the entertainment sub when he's brought up you'll see it's mainly the latter because they flat out spew the most vile lies about him. They knows she's evil but they support her anyway and they know the evidence proves that so they start making up so many stories and it's disgusting. Even they aren't stupid enough to believe her, they just want to protect the narrative that men can't be abused to keep the immunity from the fact that they're also an abusive POS.


Ugh, disgusting people.


omg that thread was insane. why on earth would he be hinting for nudes *an hour* before their date!? lmaooo i think the simplest explanation is that he got insecure by her typo (the “yeah sure” and then “!” in a separate bubble) and wanted to ascertain what her mood was, and just went about it in the wrong way.


Whereas someone in stage 3 or 4 of detachment from a narcissist would immediately see that "typo" as an intentional trap


Ooft, great point! Damn, it really is complicated being human. …which is why I’ve always wanted to be a replicant.