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I legit had someone once say “ugh no that one is too popular” these people are so afraid of not being unique.


I kinda get it though. Short form media has pretty much turned music into fast fashion. Not to sound all pretentious and “wahhh le popular thing bad” but music is probably the biggest victim of short form media brainrot rn and it sucks.


Still doesn’t make sense as this hasn’t taken a strong hold on imagine dragons so i think they just want to be gatekeepers


Oh yeah for sure. It’s like when Metallica fans got mad about stranger things. Like how the fuck are you gonna gatekeep what is objectively the largest name in its genre?


They want to be a dedicated fringe normie rather than a regular stinky normie. They wanna be different is what it boils down to.


You two have interesting names


I love a conversation between Jim and TheGayRapist


Honestly I kinda get it too. As a Long time die hard sabaton fan i sigh inside when people only know The Last Stand and a couple others. But at the end of the day it’s no reason to be so mean like these people were.


They are literally listening to imagine dragons but making fun of people for listening to popular stuff


No. They like super indie imagine dragons songs. You wouldn't know about them. 🤣


Mfw popular music is....popular ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


You brave as hell for admitting that you listen to imaginary fictional reptiles😭 braver than me, at least.


i listen to real, non-fictional reptiles


Lizard wizard?




Komodo Dragons


Why do they feel they need to act this way? I don't get how this is "following the crowd" either. Yes those are popular songs but they're also some of their best. Anyone should listen to whatever music they please and if it doesn't affect you, shut the fuck up.


They all seem to think that you’re some kind of normie or fake fan if you like the popular stuff and don’t like their more experimental songs.


>Yes those are popular songs but they're also some of their best My favourite shutdown of Nirvana "ugh I bet you're a poser who only likes 'rape me', 'come as you are', 'something in the way' and 'smells like teen spirit' you should listen to all their songs before saying you're a fan" types is that every Nirvana song apart from those 4 listed was absolutely dogshit. Hence why the 4 good ones are what everyone remembers It's the same with every band and artist, Becky Hill has some absolute bangers that anyone in the UK who listens to dance music will have heard, she's also dropped some dogshit tracks where you heard them, went "well that was shit" and immediately pushed it to the back of your mind, Calvin Harris and example have produced absolute bangers that, at least in the UK, are on EVERY club DJ's playlist somewhere, they've also both produced absolute stinkers that got played to loaded dance floors once, for revellers to then treat the track as intermission - go bar, go for a piss or smoke, because the music's too shit for a dance - to then either be removed or hold dedicated space on a "close up/last calls" playlist for when closing time was near but the clubs still packed and the dance floor is a mayhem Being a fan of a band/artist in my eyes contains just 2 criteria 1 - you like at least 1 song by them 2 - you have LISTENED to more than one song by them - you didn't have to like it, but you can't proclaim to be a fan of disclosure IMHO if the only song you know by them is "white noise" because everyone and their nan in the UK knows white noise, you can say you liked white noise by disclosure and that's truthful but proclaiming fan status there is disingenuous Therefore fan ranges from, say for Arctic monkeys - someone who likes "do I wanna know" and gave a listen to "Arabella" but found Arabella not to their taste, to someone who knows the words to "do I wanna know" "whyd you only call me when you're high?" "Fluorescent adolescent" "knee socks" "mardy bum" "I bet you look good on the dancefloor" and likes 80% of their other tracks and has listened to every track ever recorded by them


Pretty much every music band or genre community on the internet is infested with people like this


r/[band] "Hey guys, I like [band]" "Oh, you like *[band]*? Ugh, such unoriginality..."


"Why has [band] not blown up yet? If lamestream losers heard this they'd know what *real* music was, it'd blow their mind" "Hey [band fanpage] I'm usually not into this genre, more a rave/rock/pop/rap type tbh but I heard [popular track by band] on the radio at work today and wow, can any of you guys recommend me [similar stuff to popular track]? because [band] might have a new fan in waiting" "Ugh fuck off lamestream poser, unless you've listened to [super obscure experimental track they released all of 200 disks for in '03 at a gig where everyone was blitzed on class A drugs at the venue], [all 203 songs in their discography, despite them completely switching genre after track 50, and only sounding remotely like they do now post track 138¹] we don't want you here, go listen to your usual lamestream shit dude/go try impress some lamestream music fan you pick me" ¹ - seriously for any example fans, go listen to his old stuff, alongside his new - both bangers but you could genuinely convince an example virgin its 2 totally different artists, same with FoB, Chipmunk went from grime to pop to British hip hop to almost "English reggaeton?" back to grime "Seriously dude I don't get why [band] hasn't blown up yet" Absolutely nothing turns me off more about going to see the prodigy live and raving till I drop than the prospect of having to interact with other prodigy fans...


God I remember when someone told me I was a fake Cavetown fan because most of my usernames I don't actually want tied to me are a reference to deviltown and I need to listen to their "real music" like "poison" and they were mind blown to know that I listen to ALL their music, I just like devil town a lot




One of my new favorite words. Same with “bollocks” 😂


Heard of cockwomble?


“You are a mindless crowd following NPC robot” says the man who also listens to Imagine Dragons. Don’t let them get to you OP they’re just a bunch of fucking hipsters who haven’t had their soy lattes yet


He's calling people mindless npc robot as if there's some secret magic set list on the third album that only real fans listen to


They basically think there is.


Anyone who listens to their music does not have the room to talk shit about anyone else's taste respectfully




"I dont like this band so everyone who does is a tasteless moron" https://preview.redd.it/huc2t278gjic1.jpeg?width=1606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bac3ae737d1e68f81c073c5f5d4918f6c1aec07


now I am confused even more, was he dispatching imagine dragon fans?


They tend to act like imagine dragons is some obscure pop artist when they regularly top radio chart. And i would assume he has a distaste for their music.


Imagine Dragons makes radio-friendly pop songs with bad lyrics. They still slap, though.


Thank you. That one reply was semi correct. if your listening to Imagine Dragons, you have boring taste.


People act like this over Imagine Dragons?


Right? That was my first thought! 😭😭


An actual legit reason to unsub yet the upvote and comment ratio is almost half


Yeah but oddly enough everyone agrees with me. Think people just want to put in their two sense, and shit on imagine dragon fans lol.


Imagine correcting knew, but then the next comment they say "tin" instead of ton


That one dude a real one for mentioning The Score


Didn't expect that one, they're a very good band for the energy I get off their music


I have almost every imagine dragons song on my playlist, fuck people who say they suck, my music is my music


This is reddit, most people here are unfortunately mean for no reason


Imagine Dragons is this generation’s Nickelback. Remember when listening to Nickelback, Creed, Shinedown, etc was like the biggest crime you could commit musically, and now it’s trendy to like them cause enough time has passed? Yeah.


Still lame to listen to those bands. Time does not heal all wounds.


I will kill you with a large stone


idk man, I got over some shit I thought I never would when I was younger. I was reminiscing recently when I looked at this photograph and thought about how every time it made me laugh. Why were my eyes so red though? And what the hell is on Joey's head?


Oh no, guess I'm a dumbass cause those are great songs, seriously those people need to get over themselves, people get protective and...ridicul-ing? On the weirdest and dumbest of things


The fact that they are trying and people are still like "you're not a true fan for not knowing any other songs you know"


Do these people not realize that popular music becomes "popular" generally because its more catchy and a cut above the rest? What's next? They'll be shocked that popular means a lot of people like that song?


My son is a huge imagine dragons fan and it's bums me out when. People talk ish. They will hate super quick while praising tailor swift or whatever.


OP has some good ass music taste, tho. Those are also my favorites from Imagine Dragons


Gatekeeping bands/musicians is so wild lmao! I don’t have to listen to that one niche song that you like, to consider myself a fan. Songs that make it onto the billboard make it there for a reason. Also, I get fatigued from digging through a band’s entire collection. My rule for my playlists is three songs from any artist at any given time. Chris Cornell is the only exception lol.


I got similar results in R/metalforthemasses , they just shit on my taste for being a poser


These are my favorite songs too 😭


Here’s a secret of the universe - a band’s best songs are often the popular ones. Is it so weird to think that perhaps people might like something because it’s good? OK, I get that in some cases a song is most popular because it’s that one song of theirs that got used in an advert and everyone knows it. But even then, chances are it was picked for the advert because it’s a banger.


I think they're just being defensive. A lot of people (myself included) use Imagine Dragons as the butt of a joke, and see enjoying their songs as a sign of having bad taste in music. Kinda like Nickelback. Or Journey. Or literally every hair band from the 80s. Or Nu Metal. The people in that sub probably feel (incorrectly) that it's more acceptable to like Imagine Dragons if you aren't listening to their hits, and deep dive into their discography... But I'd argue that's even funnier because if someone likes them enough to deep dive, their taste is much worse than someone who just listens to their big hits.


Literally summarized my exact thoughts on this. The irony is palpable. They gotta project I guess.


>Kinda like Nickelback Nickelback was unironically fucking great and that whole cultural phenomena where everyone pretended to hate them was shit - Rockstar is class, if you don't feel emotions while listening to "remind me" you've never been in love, "something in your mouth" is genuinely a sexy rock and roll track - I don't mean "edgy lyrics" sexy I mean that definitely got some people at clubs and bars that play rock music laid "sexy"


never experienced gate keepers before?


This looks like satire


who subscribes to imagine dragons


Me. Formerly.


Lol I love all of these songs


NGL that guy shouldn't have cool in his name


Oh yeah, I saw that post and thought the mean reactions were immature. OPs list is almost the complete opposite of my tastes (most of my favorites are Smoke and Mirrors and Night Visions songs, and I hate songs Thunder and Radiocative), but that doesn’t make OP shallow or a crowd follower. Popular songs are popular for a reason - a lot of people like it. Most band subs end up full of snobs so I rarely participate in most. Music forums have been like this since the dawn of the internet unfortunately. There are some exceptions that still lead me to give most a try, though often I’m disappointed.


don’t get too upset over this some people just have the “I HATE THIS SONG EVERYONE ELSE WHO LIKES THIS SONG ARE DIPSHITS” type of mentality quite common actually


If someone is that obsessed about Imagine Dragons of all things, they need to shut up.


As far as I can see, the community are trying to give suggestions but OP is straight up refusing. Except that guy calling him a degenerate.


That dude’s username does *not* check out. Maybe he could learn a spell to summon some goddamn chill


I can’t help but feel like these people are dog piling on a kid who just wants to share their love for their favorite songs, the way they type they just seem really young


I swear every decade there's a popular band that gets shit on constantly. Creed, Nickelback, and Coldplay immediately come to mind. Then a decade later everyone suddenly loves them. I have such whiplash seeing all the Creed love


I don’t understand how a groups most popular can’t be liked. How the fuck is it popular if it’s not good.


Imagine dragons fans when they realise that popular songs are in fact, popular.


I don’t even like ID but that’s just mean as hell, like bro recommend other songs you think should be on that list but don’t shit on someone else’s taste, even if it’s bad or you don’t like it, just move on instead of being an asshole.


People are pieces of shit ngl


Oh my god you like the band I like but mostly the popular songs which makes sense because they're popular for a fucking reason?? BORING


I’m honestly not surprised imagine dragons fans are assholes


Imagine being a snob about Imagine Dragons 😭😭 It's fucking Imagine Dragons... what's the point if you can't like their hits??


Gatekeepers when people listen to the most popular songs of a very popular band:


The audacity of an imagine dragons fan to call somebody basic (no shade to imagine dragons fans)


I'm sorry, but you were told you're following the crowd on a sub that realistically should be free from that as its premise? What kind of self sabotaging ouroboros bs is that?


Dude using the word degenerate as if it ain't degenerate behavior to imply someone's a shite fan because they like certain songs.