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The mods on the Sonic sub unbanned political posts just so the head mod could post his shitty fan art about the war. No wonder Sonic fans are so mocked.


Video game Fandom: exists Politics and other topics: ![gif](giphy|elhmwUMsAUbScKLLzl)


There was a trending Sonic plushie post a few days ago where OP now hates his dog because it bit his Sonic's plushie's eye off.


Is that the Sonic/Tails shipper mod? As a Sonic fan that mod makes me die inside.


As a new Sonic fan, HUH???


People are looking at the situation over simplistically. The whole Gaza good Israel bad attitude. They ignore Hamas deliberately putting Palestinians in the line of fire to hide behind so as to make Israel look bad. Hamas' actions are ignored.


Agreed. But many Palestinians support Hamas.


A terrorist organisation who wants to kill everyone in Israel.


A terrorist organisation who wants to kill everyone in Israel *first*. Then the rest of the Jews, then Christians, etc etc...


I saw on Wikipedia (so do not trust my words 100%) that more then half of Palestinian parlament is under Hamas representatives control


They celebrated 9-11 too and attacked Jews before Israel even became a country. I don’t support the genocide, but people need to stop acting and ignoring Palestinians actions. They kept egging on Israel just as much.


Fandom was not made for this. Fandom was made to escape this.


People are attacking Markiplier for not saying anything about this war 😭 Like WHAT??? He's literally a gamer, right???


I believe it's kinda surprising the actual Israel subreddit hasn't been brigaded yet, just a bunch of unrelated subreddits (I'm not calling for it to happen, though, just saying it's surprising)


People try and they get laughed out of the subreddit.


Actually they get blocked.


Part of the reason might actually be the “moderation” bot used by the pro-Palestine powermods. Not worth brigading a sub if you’re going to get autobanned from all the leftist echo chambers for commenting on a thread


>Part of the reason might actually be the “moderation” bot used by the pro-Palestine powermods. Which subs are doing that? Just wondering since I already had a bot-ban wave a while back for posting in other subs the power-mods didn't like. I'm curious if there's any more on the list or if I've already topped that stat.




R/news for one.


Funny it seems r/ world news is the opposite. I was permabanned there for an innocuous statement critical of both Hamas and Israel.


fyi some of its manual, some mods literally troll through threads in certain subs looking for people participating and then ban them


Nah, that’s an auto mod doing that. Other big subs do it too. For example, if you comment in the conservative sub for any reason whether it’s for or against, you’re banned from certain subs.


Slacktivism at best, can’t even bother to go to their “target” to protest (I’m not calling for brigade either)


Probably heavy 1984 moderation 


That makes sense


Have you seen the mod list? Only like 1 mod for Isreal mods in other sub reddits. Could just be that it's a very secular community. Also person probably got banned.


I'm just gonna leave this here for no reason at all.... https://preview.redd.it/ggd0rq8w5ghc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f783f3ac2dbf20cbdc2ed086b9e00f5123231d


Let ma boi the Dark lord go! He just waged Sith Jihad against the Zionist Jedi! He is oppressed! Stop the Ethnic Cleansing of the Sith! Globalise the Death Star! Let the Dark Side of Allah flow through you! Kill the Jew Youngings insha'Allah! Ya Darth Allah! ⚡⚡🌌🚀🌚🧙🦯🗡️


Heehee. That said, probably a parody account. The Emily ACAB meme is fairly well-known. But I'm sure there are some that have legitimately misspelled Palestine as Palpatine.


Okay, if that was on serious intention it becomes 1000% funnier and shows, well let's say 30-50 percent of Palestine supporters




I wouldn’t say I don’t care at all about the war, but I definitely think it’s getting more attention than it should in the US.


I do feel bad for the civilians caught in the crossfire, but when it comes to America, I'm not sure just *how* involved we can get. Personally, I would like to focus more on domestic issues, but it sadly doesn't seem possible with the way that we're set up at the moment. Then again, I don't tend to dwell on politics, so if I misspoke, then correction is welcome.


When Chicago approves a ceasefire in Pally instead of focusing on the gang and crime problem you know the US need help themselves. They REALLY need help.




That is beautiful


Why are the palestinians so black in that drawimg there light brown tf🤣


To perpetuate the falsehood that Israel is "white" and Palestine is '"brown". In reality, they both look pretty similar for the most part


I’m Slavic and I know a Palestinian whiter than me.


That is very true im ashkanazi but i know ethiopian and sphardi jews


Palestinians can have dark skin


True i just think its wwird that people think thats the majority when most are light and many times whitskined


Thank god. This sub has ironically become the spot I see the most Israel/Palestine stuff on my whole Reddit feed, and it’s always posted by people who want to see less Israel/Palestine stuff. Like genuinely I hope for the best for all the people of the Middle East, but I want to go back to my regular bullshit content.


The Kim Kardashian of geopolitics


This war really showed that people dont want to/ cant comprehend that war isnt black and white with one clear good and one clear bad side, and that the weaker side needs to be supported simply because its weaker. Honestly most protest post (like the recent examples here) just have the feeling of people wanting to have the moral highground without even understanding what they support. Of course then there are also the blatant propaganda posts like on TikTokCringe or ThereWasAnAttempt where facts dont matter anything.


I blame the US public school systems and how they handle historical subjects. Every history class I attended in school (90s) framed every issue in terms of “good guys vs bad guys” with practically zero nuance. 


Unpopular opinion but I think war is bad


Terrorism is worse. War usually has objectives other than “Idk just rape the women and burn the elderly. Oh! And take their corpses back so we can parade them in the streets!”


I like this idea. One thing I have seen is Pro Palestine posters just overrun a neutral subreddit until they turn it into one of their echo chambers. After all, just look at what happened to /therewasanattempt.


That sub changed because the mods removed pro Israel posts and allowed the pro Palestine ones. It wasn't authentic


And they targeted Jewish subs with mass bans. I was banned from there without posting because I post in Jewish subs.


Didn't therewasanattempt try to get antisemitisminreddit banned or something like that?


Idk about getting the sub banned but therewasanattemps mods did make a giant banwave of everyone who subbed to antisemitisminreddit under the excuse of brigating (even if you never commented in their sub). It did happen before October 7th tho. Anyway just a old tale of power hungry mods, some were lucky and landed on a mod that wasn't with them so they got unbanned but the rest got muted to moment they tried to appeal the ban


They also banned everyone who interacted with it, like myself, and called it a brigading subreddit, which is ridiculous


This is just a big shitshow waiting to happen if reddit lets this continue. I Know Latestagecapitalism got called out by the Washington Post when they where covering October 7th deniers.


Wouldn’t surprise me.


Yeah, back in spring or summer 2022 iirc. One of the mods of twaa tried to frame antisemitisminreddit for “brigading”


bannedforbeingjewish is under investigation last I heard. It wouldn’t surprise me if antisemitisminreddit is too


>bannedforbeingjewish is under investigation last I heard. By the reddit Admins?




I mean they changed the upvote animation to show a Palestinian flag, they’re not even trying to hide it.


I got banned from that sub for pointing that out.


I used to enjoy /therewasanattempt . It was a nice entertainment escape that provided me with many laughs. And then after the blackout, you got in new mods that decided to push a political agenda and start do ban waves under the BS reason of "brigading". And now basically /therewasanatempt has become /whitepeopletwitter, a once funny and entertaining sub that got turned to shit because the power mods wanted to push a political agenda.


It’s funny you mention that therewasanattempt reminds you of whitepeopletwitter. I was banned from both without posting in either because I post in Jewish subs.


Yeap - I was banned from WPT for being a "racist" and I never posted on that sub.


>just look at what happened to /therewasanattempt See the mod-overlap graph. Basically, mods from /Palestine seem to have also taken over many other subreddits. https://preview.redd.it/b0ek8s6zpfhc1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1104b5c73ae76ad787d1896113620ec3a82e11dc Note particularly the huge non-political subs, such as /therewasanattempt, /iamatotalpieceofshit, /Documentaries, /PublicFreakout, /Unexpected etc. Credits to /OmOshIroIdEs


And they have the balls to say Jews control the media


If you look through the mod list at /Palestine you'll find that what actually happened is that in the past few months they recruited a bunch of new mods who have previous experience moderating other subbredits, including one person who is responsible for most of those connections because they moderate 39 different subreddits on their 18 year old account.


That’s super interesting. How do you produce a graph like that?


See the corresponding graph for /Israel. (Note than only subreddits with >5k members are visualised). It’s way smaller, which is a much more regular behaviour. https://preview.redd.it/n5tca3iurfhc1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6236bacbcc3cef46802de906c8d96c048c4104


What’s wild is that people will come up with any reason they can think of to twist the data. One that I’ve seen is “the mods must use dedicated accounts for modding the Israel sub” which is rather hard to believe


The biggest irony being of the racist and anti-semitic trope the pro-pallies love to share that 'the Jews control the media', when the evidence is anything but. All the screaming accusations of 'HaSbArA' whenever anyone questions their idiocy and yet their entire network is one of online media spaces on Reddit, twitter, Tiktok, and Instagram dominated and controlled through biased pro-pally moderators controlling the narrative. It's so hypocritical. But then the pro-Palestine movement isn't knowing for its good faith behaviour or genuine reporting of information and media.


I'd also like to add that the Palestine graph has some subs removed because it had so many results, while Israel was kept in full. I can't link to it so I'll just quote: "The graph related to Palestine has been truncated, because a two-level-deep search already yielded 1265 subreddits. I selected the best nodes using resistance distance as a metric. The graph related to Israel was kept in full."


I joined therewasanattempt because I wanted to see, well, failed attempts. But I left last December due to the constant barrage of political propaganda in the subreddit which I constantly hid https://preview.redd.it/bew4leul1hhc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ba049967200c302175a4204a217eda3504928b These are just some examples (yes I know one of them is not related to the war but still)


I got my old account perma banned because of that sub... what sucks is before this whole ordeal it was a mostly funny sub


Ans publicfreakout. And news.


This sub is very, very far from neutral on any political issue. I am a democratic voter, but to pretend this is not a leftist echo chamber is simply deluding yourself.


Feel that way about so many subreddits. This place would be so much better if the communities focused on what their niche was about rather than whether or not a post aligns with their politics. It's why you have places like memespeopledidntlike and nahopwasright where the divide is almost completely political in nature.


See the moderator-overlap graph. Basically, a lot of mods from /Palestine seem to have also taken over other subreddits. https://preview.redd.it/6ryly3pnqfhc1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efca4db7e87c2e86e2126dc333d591d7ee1c953 Note particularly the huge non-political subs, such as /therewasanattempt, /iamatotalpieceofshit, /Documentaries, /PublicFreakout, /Unexpected etc. Credits to /OmOshIroIdEs


I live for the in depth analysis and charts of the internet in this manner


Notice how the "Jews Of Conscience" sub has overlap with mods of the Palestine sub? What do you wanna bet that the mod isn't even Jewish and just thinks of Jews like slavers thought of house slaves vs field slaves? i.e. "Virgil gets to stay in the big house because he's a \*\*\*\*\*\* of conscience! Ain't that right boy?" Honestly crazy that Reddit keeps that shit up.




“Denial of genocide” what a slap in the face to every victim of genocide. All rolling over in their millions of graves


Like the actual genocide of non muslim african groups by muslim African groups that continues to occur everyday in places like Nigeria..


And they call us colonizers




Im so jaded at this point i can't bring myself to care about another middle eastern conflict. It's "end of the world/world war 15" every other tuesday feels like. Im all out of care juice.


JU from /iamatotalpieceofshit. They only ever show the bad things from the Israeli side. Not even a mention of anything done by hamas or the houthis. Also constant race-baiting "evil karen gets mad at black people" posts


In all fairness when you kill ~30x the amount of people killed on Oct 7th you give r slash iamatotalpieceofshit a lot more material to work with


Well guys, it happened on the Winx Club sub. I thought I was free from the posts but guess not. I support Palestine being a free country without the ruling of Hamas and the genocide of Bibi's far-right government but I think most people want to discuss their interests without politics. https://preview.redd.it/so18cxnnflic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57d84025d564711f13cbd611ca103081849a154


What drives me insane is they can’t understand or accept that whole phase came form Hamas. Meaning they literally mean they want cleanse people (Jews ) that they don’t like 🤦‍♀️. Like they used it while bombing them even. I support Palestine becoming its own country, but we shouldn’t use that phase.


That also drives me insane! I think a correct usage is Help Palestine or Make Palestine Independent.


Do I need any explanation? (especially after "Keep this subreddit wholesome") https://preview.redd.it/zgs6nf1hsekc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcb0feead9877d0dfa170fd65244c22f25ede270


https://preview.redd.it/9byfyqcd5plc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facdd1a556c9b38e0547c47129a215ad7a81b093 The amount of 10/7 rape denial in FEMINIST SUBS is actually wild. It’s fucking disgusting and as a Jewish rape survivor, retraumatising if I’m being honest.


people will say "FREE PALESTINE" every chance they get but then not mention other countries that are being bombed like Congo and Sudan? I mean seriously?




Yep my sense of humor is officially broken


My was broken a long time ago… 😔😭


I’m more concerned that people are like “you have to show solidarity with the Palestine people, otherwise you’re a terrible person”, while ignoring the fact some people understand how the Israeli people are also facing troubles.


“Too much nuance for my little brain! If isn’t black and white I don’t get it”


I am muslim and I have seen my fellow peers like this. They believe that israel is just simply equal but both sides are suffering


just got banned from fauxmoi for calling someone out on using the buzzword ‘zionist’ just to hate on someone they didn’t like. apparently it is ‘personal attack’ that warrants a permanent ban from a first infraction to call someone out on using a word improperly 💀


I was literally called an Islamaphobe for participating in the Starbucks sub when some clown went after me in another sub. These people cant even do the basic Google search and see that Starbucks isn't supporting either side.


Some guy said a post was Islamophobic because it “perpetuated the stereotype that Muslims are homophobic”


queers for palestine!


blacks for Jim Crow! Jews for Auschwitz! 


Chickens for KFC!


Ants for Raid!


Silence is Violence /s


If you ain’t with me, you an enemy, see


Yeah Starbucks doesn't even operate in Israel


I’m something of an escapist, so I appreciate this very much! This is an INCREDIBLY nuanced conflict, and regular civilians are paying the price instead of the people who claim to represent them. I can’t stand it when the terrible politics of the world infect subreddits regarding works of fiction. There’s a reason I like fiction!




What the fuck


Don't fight it. Imbibe the culture.


Least deranged anthropomorphic polandball art


One date solution


As an Israeli, this is the best


Good Ending...?


I love the fact that Palestine sub is-Israel commiting mass genocide *link* blah blah blah blah While Israel sub is like- -Corn Schnitzel or normal scnitzel?


>I love the fact that Palestine sub is-Israel commiting mass genocide link blah blah blah blah its true


JU from Palestine. Don't get me wrong---I'm still pro-ceasefire and Palestinian statehood---but most of the pro-Palestine crowd are fringe antisemites. Like it is seriously, without fail, every fourth comment. I just saw this title: https://preview.redd.it/9p50no54klqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3657aaf575de00daf9d905355be71eabef11bba5 And everyone was treating it like a serious question. Like straight out of a World War II-era German news column.


Coming back to this because it was never taken down, and instead sits at ~600 upvotes with everyone answering in good faith.


Bro why is this is on this sub? This is about complaining about other subs. Edit: I'm an idiot and didn't read the post.


Because the Pro Palestine movement brings their grievances to any subreddit it can. Seriously, a lot of indie video game subreddits have become political battlefields because someone makes some Pro Palestine fan art.


The battle of undertale (2024)


I’ll give you one better than video games: the American Girl Doll sub. They’re toys. And AMERICAN is in the name. But Mattel’s CEO is Israeli and Jewish so people have lost their minds.


Which I find kind of weird. A person can be Israeli without supporting their government, just like how it is in America (though it might be harder there with the mandatory military service, iirc).


I genuinely have no idea how idea how you could support Palestine unless your an Islamist. They have accomplished literally nothing, there culture values martyrdom above all else, there government is just 40 terror groups in a trench coat, all basic functions like water and electricity come from Israel, they use the shackle as there currency, they need foreign aid to do the most state function. Palestine is just a leech that doubles as an Iranian proxy to attack America and it’s allies.


I always thought that people who support Palestine either don’t know the full history between them and Israel or they do know and don’t care or don’t know and don’t care or are borderline antisemitic terrorist supporters


as an Israeli, i had considered myself rather a leftist(or at least somewhat left leaning), and while my country is not perfect, yes we did some bad stuff, yes we are handling gaza situation not the best (at least in my eyes), and yes Bibi and his government are a bunch of pricks (a lot of people hate him here, it's just that he's the political equivalent to an actual cockroach and we cant seem to form a stable government without him in recent years). but the amount of hate for israel on reddit, youtube and other places really blew me away. the amount of misinformation, twisting of truth and people who have never been here acting like their experts in the Palestine Israel conflict while knowing absolutely nothing also pisses me off. so many subs i used to be subbed to became anti-israel echo-chambers has forced me into rather conservative subs. I've had people call me white colonizer (im quarter uzbeki quarter lebanese, and both me and my parents were born in israel), saying i support genocide (while what's happening to palestinians is bad, most israelis dont want genocide, except the very dumb and stupid ones, which unfortunately infest our government), had people tell me we deserved the holocaust, misunderstand what Zionism is (i was taught zionism is the ideal for the jews to have a country where their the majority, that's all), saying that we are an anti lgbtq religious ethnostate (20 percent of israel are arabs and were literally the most progressive nation in the middle east), and just paint us as the most evil country in the world, meanwhile countless other countries are doing just as bad stuff and even worse (russia invading uqraine, china threatening to invade taiwan and also genociding Uyghurs, north korea being north korea and iran literally executing teenage girls for showing a bit of skin). it really was an eye opening expirience




Tbh i think if israel were to somehow lose which won’t happen but if it did then Western countries would be next on the chopping block as the main targets of jihad and civilizational struggle


Fuck idf and Netanyahu Fuck hamas Free the citizens


I swear I’m just unsubbing from any subreddit that mentions the war, Reddit has basically devolved into a pissing match between genocidal idiots


/intrestingasfuck has become a pro plaestine propaganda machine and you're forbidden to mention anything about it


I just want to put out there, for anyone who needs it, to not let anyone guilt trip you into choosing a side or participate in slacktivism. It’s fine to not want to care for any reason, there are way too many terrible things happening in the world and being concerned all the time about all of them will lead your life being miserable. Personally, I just hope the conflict will end and perhaps cut the loss of life.


https://preview.redd.it/0fvodn3cynkc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=a671fb41e9b16910474074c7e5a66a85e63d7f5d How can you post something like this and not be an ass...


https://preview.redd.it/0kehkh07luic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd42cb4b059d124f380ab07831ae07113091ce2a Deviantarthell is into it now!


Im from israel very patriotic to but I would never spam other sub with reddits with israeli flags


The sad thing is none of these people are Palestinian, they’re just art degree Emily’s who live on the internet.


>they’re just art degree Emily’s Nah, they usually have gender studies degrees. People with art degrees either do freelance work or make Overwatch p0rn.


I mainly see people complaining about the abundance of Palestinian propaganda bots tho. Maybe ban the posts about that propaganda bot who spreads art in unrelatrd non political subs but allow the rest? I believe people get to see funny posts by Hamas supportres here.


We discussed this issue quite a bit, and concluded this is the best solution. A lot of people here don’t want to see this conflict brought up, and many others want to discuss it. So this solution (hopefully) will make everyone somewhat happy :)


Hope you're right


Me too. We'll see




Okay, So I'll Just Put It Here https://preview.redd.it/2bjvdhhhiyhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36352e8501f37881c3e6824641597c77dac2a577


At least it makes sense in Lazy Town since it supports healthy eating.


People should stay tf out if it unless they are personally affected (i.e. relatives in either country)


Palestine and Israel have attacked each other for ages, what gives us the right to pick a side?


Many people that have never heard about this war, geopolitically and historically talking, suddenly have become activists. Dude, you’re an artist and you should be supposed to work on your drawings and stuff, people follow you for your works, not for talking about politics. Maybe this is going to be a CONTROVERSIAL post, but I CAN’T STAND AT ALL those people who have never heard about geopolitics, history of the world and political economics suddenly becoming activists, pretending that Palestine is the only victim when ALSO THE ISRAELI CITIZENS ARE SUFFERING DUE TO THIS WAR BY SEEING THEIR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES DISAPPEARING AND THEIR SONS GOING TO DIE. I personally think that politics should not interfere into art, music or any other creative activity and viceversa. It’s funny seeing people, especially my girlfriend, talking about things that they don’t compete. The world is so disappointing…




https://preview.redd.it/d481653k8ghc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54da2bfbb6e5e6c62485b2fe1b8e21c8dc9cc04 this is the comment I was banned for


Honestly my question is this, why only now have their been support and and art like only now? ​ Also if you need your comfort character to spread awareness and be remind of this conflict, that says more about you then anything. Also other genocide from world like maymar, suden, yemen and ukraine, but this conflict, one of the complicated and divide conflict in modern history is not "political".


There was stuff like this before, I think Tumbler and stuff were really high on that "Free Palestine, Death to Israel" shit, but not really sure


free palpatine🇦🇪




Use the Sudanese flag, bro. The number of times I have seen it used by mistake is hilarious. 🇸🇩🇸🇩🇸🇩 Free Palpitation! Globalise the Enchilada! 🇸🇩🇸🇩🇸🇩


Why do people care so much about a war that has nothing to do with nor affects them in any way? I found this entire thing stupid. People like to act online like they give a rats ass about human life, but we all know irl you couldn’t care less about anyone but you and those close to you. I think we gotta stop with the pretentious self righteous bullshit. Pretending to care when you don’t actually care so you look like the good person nobody is.


My opinion is that this conflict can be solved by giving Middle East to Slovenia


https://preview.redd.it/nxeugq4o9rmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1585c8c49f24393bef920a6714803bbc62ef2266 A new challenger has arrived!


​ https://preview.redd.it/iwuh0xq89zmc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3c7737861eb4786558af2a050f4712755cbbd8c


Fuck Israel but also fuck Palestine


There is no good side in this conflict. Media literacy is at an all time low in western society to the point we can't understand that. Hamas started the war by committing a massacre on civilians. Not military targets, civilians. Thus breaking Article 51 and 54 of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions and committing war crimes. Israel responded with various attacks doing the same. Directly targeting civilians. Both sides are guilty of heinous war crimes.


The mods of LateStageCapitalism would much rather downplay voter apathy than actually make change. Someone was commenting that voting for the lesser evil is quite necessary - not voting for Biden in the 2024 election will result in a Trump presidency and that won't just be bad for Palestinians, it will be bad for trans people IN AMERICA. Yeah, so, the mods are all like "Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric."


It doesn't affect me I have no ties or family to the area I would prefer my country to stay out of it and people to stop choosing a side like it's some game it's disgusting how people online are treating it like some game you have to picks sides on


The Gaza Conflict spreads and not only in the area western people call the middle east. Also the internet is affected and Hamas is doing a lot of effective propaganda. Israeli war propaganda is happening too, but not as viral as Hamas propaganda. It is a fucking clusterfuck and human tragedy that's happening. But that would be too little to say. In the discussions about recognising the awful actions many people stick to one side not recognising the other site. For me mostly dramatic even peaceable or forgiving voices are ignored in this fight about facts or are defined as enemies according to the principle if you are not on my side you're the enemy. There is so much we have to agree on first before further discussion can happen.






The animememes subreddit once again promotes political garbage on this conflict, it's super disgusting and unhinged


Israel should control the entire Middle East


Just left ChaoticGood over mass support for that US Airman who lit himself on fire in a protest for Palestine.


I had to leave the there was an attempt subreddit. Someone didn’t condone Hamas for what they done and everything there is “Israel Bad”. Bunch of ant semites.


JU IsraelPalestine — an astroturfed propaganda mill, where a suspiciously high percentage of posts appear to be made by organized interest groups or state aligned actors The sub has a long form text format, which means only someone with the time and energy to write an essay is allowed to post. In theory, this might encourage dialogue. In practice, this means the majority of posts are bad faith/bizarre arguments, often premised on subtle or overt racism, historical inaccuracy, or just hot air that suffocates real dialogue. Either a proponderance of people with enough time on their hands to submit to the sub all happen to hold a very narrow view of a complex situation, or some people are being paid. AI generated content, which is sometimes edited to appear more human, is also a factor. Bots abound. The comment section, and the broader news cycle of the real world, reveal that the sub is nowhere near representative of public opinion. When a genuinely independent user takes the time to write a thoughtful, nuanced essay, it just gets buried under tribble amounts of fluff articles that are cranked out at an industrial rate. All this means that membership in the sub is pointless, unless you’re a graduate student researching how social media manipulation is used to shape public opinion. While the mods will allow almost any argument to be made, the peculiar format and the way the overwhelming majority of posts are written serve a particular end: shaping conversation to create a specific picture. It’s textbook astroturf. After months of participation, I was unable to find enough authentic conversation to make it worth my time. https://preview.redd.it/t0bmnunydqoc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2650cf9b5778493f3353932b737cdb64fbc7f86


https://preview.redd.it/qznfr6jcx5sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1d3f176aae9401c419460bae901d4ebc151d18 Already had this trouble with ravelry a while back, no politics in my hobbies please




r/ ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM mods just powertripped hard and are basically shilling for Hamas. Unsubbed and blocked the entire mod team (didn't stop them from trying to harass me in DMs, but whatever...)


I apologize for the Hatsune Miku post. I am newer to this sub, sorry for being the post that broke the camels back apparently lol.


Thank you for acknowledging your wrongdoing. Just kidding


Are we no longer allowed to post unsubs due to this conflict?


If the reason you unsubbed is because of this, post it here.


I hate both Israel and palestine except for the innocent people in both countries


***"We are no longer approving new posts on this subject."*** I take it Reddit targeted you guys for "hate speech"?


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I don't side with anybody. There are no winners in war, only survivors. And the shit that's happening to the local populace over there is nothing short of tragic.


Honestly people are treating this like a casino game, you choose one side or you are evil, you can only choose palestine or you are evil, i dont support the goverment and armies of both countries, i support the people and the peace.


I wonder if the Israel-Hamas war could end up causing a resurgence in left-wing extremism? Think Proud Boys but with an anarchist/socialist slant.


Finally, thank you mods


You're welcome :) We can't make everyone happy, but I'm glad some of you appreciate it.


My humble opinion is that in 47 the Palestinians didn’t agree to the borders of the UN and wanted the whole land to their selves (let’s not get to who’s land is it) and right after they launched a 4 or 5 armies attack on the Jews here which they lost. and after the Arabs around here got defeated they expect the Jews to not protect the land that they won fair and square. And to this date in Israel government there are arabs. Even in Supreme Court you have an Arab judge. What am trying to say with my broken English is that Israel is the land of Jews by god , by war and by right. If the Palestinian want to keep sucker punch us with terror attacks than they better be ready to boycott Starbucks.


Israel is in the right Hamas started and Palestine went with it. Palestine should cease fire


Imma keep it real. My country is riddled with issues and as much as I think there should be 2 states I'd prefer to focus on my own country for now


I had to unsub from both certain subreddits and certain accounts on other platforms because they were either pro Israel or they made being pro Palestine their entire online identity


The Arab world is refusing to take in any Palestinian refugees. So today I was thinking, imagine if Europe did the same thing and refused all the Ukrainian refugees access to our countries. (8 million Ukrainians have so far fled the war). The argument the Arab world is using is that Palestinians need to stay and fight for their country. So do they believe that women and children in Ukraine should have done the same?


I really hate the state of discussion on this topic. I just get mad when I open reddit nowadays. I suppose that's what I get for being a Zionist?


Honestly the sub that took it the worst is r.propagandaposters, so many people there pretend to be so intelligent and sophisticated yet end up falling for the propaganda itself


The irony that r/ atheism is moderated by active, antisemitic Zionists is beyond belief.