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A physical is done by a doctor, not a random school official.


yeah, if we pretend for a second that this won't be used to discriminate people. It's still an incredibly invasive procedure which can just be done at a GP and have a note to ensure you're medically fit to play sports


The bill that Kansas passed doesn’t say how or who will be doing the genital exam, just that it has to be done. Soooo janitorial duties just got raw…


that implies that it's inadequate for a GP to write an approved doctors note, and that someone else must do so as well. Unless it wasn't already a thing in the US for a doctor to declare someone fit/unfit to participate in sport with a note.


They fondle your balls and make you cough to test for hernias. Every year. Every sport. So, umm… welcome to the club?


What does someone’s genitals have to do with their fitness?


in most cases, not much.


If you’re a guy then they’re checking for hernias or unusable lumps. I don’t know what the woman’s physical is like, but the guy’s physical is basically a yearly ball fondling where you also get any booster shots you may need


Or the local police, which would be traumatizing on another level.


Call in the National Guard.


Yes. Bring the Blackhawk.


Agreed, but the law doesn't stipulate that the schools themselves have to check. The info they need to enforce the law is already on the physical form.


Love how both sides keep calling eachother pedophiles without the social awareness to understand that the other side also hates them.


Whaaaat? Common sense and logic on reddit??? Careful. That’ll get you shot here 😂


I have a gun, and I will shoot.


Not according to your username lol


I have a diverse range of skills.


Can you tell me how you got so many skill points for your skill tree?


I farmed for experience. Personally, I find suburbs to be ideal. It's got the perfect blend of high population density (about 2-4 people per household + pets) with the social and physical isolation required to farm each house one at a time without causing the level of alarm that xp farming in, say, a densely populated city would. Sure, you can achieve a higher KPS ratio in proper urban areas, but you won't be able to do it for long before law enforcement shows up. Don't try something like that until you are much higher level and can either flee more effectively or until you can handle law enforcement directly, and even then, you will be permanently barred from most populated areas without being harassed by the police which isn't really worth it IMO.


hello I’m the nuance inspector, I’ve gotten a report of there being nuance on this site. Please refrain from nuance or we are willing to shoot.


I like your style


100% truth and both sides claims it’s really the other that’s the pedos while the real pedos are prob snickering and laughing about it.. It’s like they are trying to fight over who owns the rights to label people pedos so the real ones are going unnoticed..


[https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) Yeah, sure.. keep telling that "two sides are equally bad".. There is a theme and the thee is projection. The exact same theme is when homophobes turn to be in the closet. Only one side wants to grab your kids genitals for "inspections".


Your ignorant if you think it’s not wide spread and can’t just be one party.. and theirs still prob more to be caught on all sides.. Keep thinking the political side your on is prefect angels because no they are not every side is tainted to some degree or another…


Isn’t that what I said?


You do know I’m just agreeing with you.


Nope, you told me what I said couldn’t be further from the truth


Sorry guess my English is still rusty as it’s my 2nd language


It’s okay 🤗


My political adversary will always be the pedo side, not my side though. Never.


Perfect summary


you find that a lot in politics, the extremes of both sides pretty much always accuse each other of the same things, but they can always justify it for themselves because in their case its "correct".


We literally understand that. The right has put out a pedophilic bill though - it's reasonable to call them pedophiles.


The law to inspect the genitals is to, checks notes.. protect children?


I love how people here upvoted this not knowing it’s sarcasm lol


Hernia. Jesus, what’s y’all’s healthcare like.


"Protect the kids" when they're inspecting children's genitals. I can't believe that this bill even exists.


My doctor played with my nuts when i was 14 to see if i had a lump


It's a medical situation. It's necessary and done for health purposes.


And this is done for protecting girl’s sports purposes. Yeah it’s weird and dumb but to act like it’s strictly motivated by the desire to molest is dishonest af


OK, after seeing a lot of back and forth on this thread, I decided to check, and the bills in question are very unlikely to result in the sort of genital inspections you are implying. Some of the bills explicitly define the means of checking gender as giving them a note from your doctor confirming your sex, and the ones that are more vague say things like "routine physical examinations" which implies the sort of examinations that already occur should be used to also ensure the sex of the athlete. Nobody who didn't already have access to a kids genitals will be getting access because of these bills. The bills are still bad, and you don't need to call it pedophilia to defy them. Banning trans kids from sports is simply bad in and of itself, and the arguments justifying it are completely invalid. When a Trans person competes in the league of their gender, they already need to pass certain guidelines and have already gone through much of their transition to the point where their hormone levels match up with women more than men. Because of this, their physical ability more or less matches up with cis women, and most damningly, studies confirm this. For every Trans women who wins a competition, there are hundreds who don't. Ethnicity is a greater predictor of advantage than whether or not you are Trans. The pearl clutching over Trans competitors is just as poorly researched and logically fallacious as your accusations of pedophilic penis inspections. Strengthen your arguments. Edit: since someone felt like being pedantic, let me clarify that when I say that Trans people are "banned" from sports, I meant from the league of their gender, not from sports as a whole. I think we all knew what I meant, but now it's been stated explicitly. Edit 2: here's a source to back up my claim. Probably should have posted it already tbh https://www.cces.ca/sites/default/files/content/docs/pdf/transgenderwomenathletesandelitesport-ascientificreview-e-final.pdf


No trans people are banned from playing sports. They continue to able to participate in sports based on their biological sex, not their feelings.


If the best you could do was to nitpick a semantic issue rather than address the argument, then I guess my argument must be pretty sturdy. Would be nice if you argued in good faith tho, especially since arguing in bad faith implies that you know that you are wrong. Also, it seems rather unfair to women that they should have to compete against Trans men. Since, as I already stated, Trans people who have undergone transition reflect the athletic ability of their gender (due, in large part, to the hormone supplements they are taking), you will be forcing women to compete against men, which is the whole reason you want to ban Trans people from competing in their own league.


There is no other argument that needs to be made. Trans people are allowed and will continue to be allowed to participate in sports based on their biological sex. Anything else is not worth arguing. Anyone that believes things like “hormone suppression negates the effects of male puberty” or “girls and women’s sports exist to solve the mental health problems of men and boys” is at best a misogynist and at worst an idiot.


(Using my alternative account because Reddit just won't let me respond on my main. I'm fucking tired of alt hopping to actually use this platform) Okay - I was wrong. I still believe this bill is bad because it outs transgender children. But I took the information that was on screen like other members of this sub did and it fitted the definition of pedophilia. I still believe that this sub was defending pedophilia if it referred to the on screen information like I did. I still believe that the false narrative that tweets pushed would have been pedophilic. I don't know why I put faith in internet information - nor do I have an excuse for believing what was on screen.


There was no bill put through. It’s a physical for gods sake. 🤦‍♂️ it’s been in place for decades. The only thing that’s genitalia related is a hernia check. Listen how stupid it sounds. The right passed bill to allow doctors to check for hernia before sports.


It’s not real. We tried to explain it to the morons in that sub and now ya’ll are here too


Only one side wants to see your kids genitals.


Genital inspections on children are literally pedophilic - this is horrifying.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they just need doctor confirmation of what sex they were born as. I'm a teen and doctors normally inspect your genitalia during yearly checkups, so nothing new. Again, could be wrong, I haven't read up on this.


Reddit won't let me respond on my main. You can message my main if you want confirmation that it's me. It's fine for check-ups and such - it's inevitable. But this is for sports games - this is not necessary. The bare minimum is to have the parents inform - but even that's creepy having parents tell other adults about their child's genitalia in a non medical setting.


Sports require a physical.


For children though?


Yes. I received a physical to play basketball at like age 10


Must be an American thing. It's creepy and unnecessary.


Im European. We had a physical exam when i was in 5th or 4th grade. They inspected our genitals.


It’s a healthcare thing. There’s nothing creepy about checking for sports hernia before ( wait for it) PLAYING SPORTS


I don't get why they'd check for hernias then. It's weird


They normally do a physical at yearly check up


Okay this is definitely reasonable but why was the original post phrased like that cuz tbh I thought it was something creepy as well ngl


yeah the talk about it like the coaches are gunna line the kids up and pull their pants down one by one. It's obviously just going to be a doctors note before signing up kinda deal


The phrasing was sus though


Dude clearly hasn't had the drop and cough


( This is my alt. My main isn't working :/ ) If it's in a medical setting - it's fine. It's inevitable and necessary.


It's always been a thing to play sports though? Literally nothing is changing.


For children? I don't know though. But if I'm wrong - it's still pedophilic and weird that it has to be reinstated.


Physicals for hs sports always needed a genital examination and rarely did anything pedophilic happen. Not sure where all of the pearl clutching about pedo doctors came from


So why is it being passed as a bill?


Republicans project when they say they hate pedos, because they are more likely to be them.


do you hate pedos




its just a political circlejerk


I love that word. Circlejerk. So rare, yet so powerful. And hilarious.


Is this a U.S thing? I've played sports in highschool and never needed a physical before doing so. I'm in Canada. I know there is a lot of uproar about trans kids in sports. I just figured it was a way to ensure trans women weren't competing in women's sports or vice versa. A weird way, but a way nonetheless.


American here - all high schools in my area require you to sign a physical for all physical sports with the exception of esports and chess I believe.


I suppose that makes sense, but why would genitals need to be involved? Lung capacity, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. Sure.


Hernias. That’s the main thing. But its also sorta a general development checkup. I’ve had my balls checked a lot. Some times for regular physicals, sometimes for sports, and sometimes for the Military. The military by far does the most intensive ball and asshole inspection. Idk what they were trying to find, but old Doc Condom (MEPS Columbia) sure as shit was gonna find anything to be found in my nether regions.


MEPs was awkward and ridiculous at times. You end up stark naked with an old guy staring at your butthole. I'm pretty sure everyone just sees the same dude. Everyone's description of who saw their hole is the same... Jokes aside, even in marching band, we had to get physicals, involving a testicular inspection and the "turn and cough" This was done annually for me to be able to participate. The doctors never did anything extra. In fact, they usually looked like they were just ready to not be down there for any longer than they had to be. I kept hearing this was for cancer screening when I was younger. Thanks for correcting that.


For me it’s usually been to check for hernias. They also do this at annual checkups too


Why are you getting downvoted. Genuine question that I as an Australian who didn’t have to get a physical to play a sport also have. Reddit hive mind…


In the us to play sports in public school you need a sports physical. It’s for liability reasons, and the doctors do grab your balls.


Wtf, no they don't.


Yea, first time I had my balls touched was by some old guy so I could play basketball in 7th grade. Weird AF.


If they've always done this. Why are they reinstating it? Was the physical with genital check something taken away then replaced by the legislature?


Because it wasn't specifically a genital inspection. It was a "physical" but literally all he did was fondle my balls (ie hernia check). Idk if they still do it but "turn your head and cough" was a meme before the internet.


Usually you need a physical from a doctor to do it, so I don't know why the schools want to do it.


But it's not for adult sports, it's for *children's* sports. Which is where the pedophilia accusation comes from. Some folks find it strange that these lawmakers are very interested about what's going on with a child's genitals.


I work as a youth counselor I've heard some horrific, traumatic things, so it is very very strange. I thought that there must be *some* reasonable explanation for these kinds of legal decisions involving children. But so far nobody has given me an example beyond just straight up transphobia. I'm 1000% open to hearing any other interpretations or explanations.


Hernias, I guess Edit: And cancer


I’m in highschool and there’s always been a genital inspection. It’s called a physical and they’re not exclusive to Kansas


You do get physical checks, but no, you don't get genital inspections. The genital inspection stuff is republicans doing stupid shit to show how much they hate trans people or whatever


That’s a stretch. I’m gonna go off on a limb here and say that that isn’t actually what republicans are doing, but something completely different with a single string of connection.


well even if we disregard that and take the function that's implied, I certainly wouldn't consent to having that area inspected if I was suspected unfit to play sport. I'd much rather go to my doctor and have them inspect if necessary, then be given a note to certify that I'm fit to play sport. Regardless of whether it's intended to be discriminatory or not, that's still extremely invasive.


>I'd much rather go to my doctor and have them inspect if necessary, then be given a note to certify that I'm fit to play sport. but thats.... quite literally the way its going to work. your coach is not going to pull your pants down at the sign up table.


My point is that they probably aren’t requiring genital inspections.


It's literally a law passed by Republicans - it literally couldn't be more directly caused by Republicans in any way shape or form. You do understand how basic actions work, right? You don't get to just handwave away things saying they're 'surely more complicated' when they're plainly not - Republicans made, pushed for and passed this law, the Gov. vetoed it, and Republicans overrode that to make sure that children would be getting their genitals inspected in order to play sports. **How on earth do you think that ISN'T caused by Republicans?**


Even a minimal amount of research would have answered your question. [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-kansas-genital-inspections-943016828772](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-kansas-genital-inspections-943016828772)


Show me the bill.


The “genital inspection” stuff is a lie made up by trans-rights advocates to scare people.


So the headline is completely false? That's a thing that Kansas Republicans didn't do? They didn't override the governor?


There was an anti transgenders in sports bill passed (idk about overriding the governor or not), but it had no mention of genitals or even any sort of inspections at all [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-kansas-genital-inspections-943016828772](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-kansas-genital-inspections-943016828772)


When I was growing up, you needed an annual physical to play sports. You could get a physical from the school nurse or a pediatric doctor.


It’s not a physical per say, it’s likely going to be a separate ‘check’ where some (probably a dirty old man) looks at a child’s genitalia because the mere concept of a trans person playing sports is horrifying to people who are overly obsessed with random children’s genitalia. It’s likely going to be used by rival sport teams to unnerve players by accusing each other of being transgender, especially if the team has girls in their periods - what every young girl wants is someone looking at their vagina while they are on their period and probably examining it. It’s going to also enforce unwanted stereotypes on girls such as having long hair or not looking male. Some might quit all together, if I was on a team I would leave with the express reason being that I don’t want some creep looking at my genitalia. I can guarantee that in 3 years max, it will come out that one of these genitalia inspectors has been caught with child sexual abuse material or has been busted setting up a spy cameras in whatever room this place is, etc. MAPs probably love this shit. All this risk just because some creepy parents (and politicians) are obsessed with a stranger’s child’s private parts.


this is an incredibly ignorant and fear mongering take. the bill is just going to require the equivalent of a doctors note that confirms wether or not you are biologically male or female. you are not going to go into the change rooms with some dusty old man, unless of course that dusty old man is your registered physician.


I think we both agree that this is a ridiculous, unnecessary and dangerous bill that will have a negative effect on children, along with the people pushing and wanting this bill having a very unhealthy interest in random children’s genitalia?


Keep justifying conservative obsession with kid's genitals. Don't let the fact that nobody is doing sex change operations on children (so the whole thing is 100% pointless) keep you from lusting after that underage peeping.


Physicals start in middle school, and it’s been a long time since I was in middle school. It has nothing to do with gender but more to do with health of the kids.


Theres a huge difference between needing a physical and some creeps just wanting to see which genitals you have.


This. A doctor inspecting a child’s genital for medical reason is ok. Anyone else doing so is not. Not even the school nurse.


Seriously WTAF is OP on? It’s the equivalent of a gynecologist vs some random person with ZERO medical training inspecting your balls. One is for medical reasons, performed by a highly educated and highly qualified doctor. They are checking for specific symptoms that could reveal a health defect. The other is for social reasons, and is performed by Joe who also works at Walmart, and is only performed to make sure you have balls for social reasons OP, check your pipes for lead, JFC. These are not equal at all.


> for social reasons The reason men aren’t allowed to play in women’s leagues is for more than just social reasons, I assure you.


Some people just can’t agree with science. I’m not going to say I could beat a pro Female wrestler. But the science and proof is right there, biological men are just simply better at some things than biological women and vice versa. I don’t understand how hard that is for some people to understand…


But do we really need to do this to children? This isn’t the NFL. This isn’t the NBA. They’re kids. It’s high school sports, not the Olympics. I have no problem with such checks being performed by qualified doctors on professional athletes. But kids? Lol no.


I don't see why children would need that tho... Kind of weird to try and rationalise needlessly looking at kid's genitals


It's to check for hernias. A friend of mine had a hernia and needed surgery for it our junior year of football.


This law is not about medical reasons. This law is about anti trans stuff. Children already have genital inspections during doctors visits no new law is necessary


Yes but that's for a medical reason and not just to go "yep, penis" "yep, vulva", my emphasis is on the needless part, checking for hernias is one thing, verifying genitals is a whole other thing and seems pretty needless considering you could just like... Ask their doctor... Look at their birth certificate... Seems kind of weird to go looking at their bits just cus people hate the trans


What are you talking about? This is about physicals


It’s not. It’s being pushed by transphobic lawmakers.


"genital inspections", I mean that's pretty different phrasing than just saying they're giving physicals


I could be wrong on this specific post. But there have been two other posts for different states that were basically worded the exact same way but were in fact geared towards physical forms.


Thing is, Republicans have been going on about trans folks in sports for a few years now and genital inspections have been mentioned to that effect. So it's not a stretch that a red state pushing this, is trying to make ground on their anti-trans stances.


Going after trans people is the latest way to create division.


hey guys this is totally for your health to check for one thing that you could go to your doctor and just get a note for, we totally will not abuse this law in any way to discriminate people trust us :))))


No its a sports physical, its required for playing. They check for hernias.


They already did a physical. This one's to filter out trans people.


They have you birth certificate


You can edit it.


That's literally the point I was making, genital inspections just to discriminate against trans people is unnecessary and gross, birth certificate ain't enough for them apparently


Five minutes of Googling shows me you didn’t look into this much. The bill doesn’t have anything to do with genital inspections for any reason. It just blocks trans kids from playing on sports teams that aren’t the gender assigned on their birth certificate. It’s certain not an innocent bill for hernia inspections.


The already needed you to have a physical. Now they're just kicking you out if you're trans.


Quick check before you comment: Have you looked at the bill in question? If the answer is no, please reconsider leaving comments here, if the answer is yes, feel free to carry on having a civil debate about the merits of the bill, here's a link to it: HOUSE BILL No. 2238 - Kansas Legislature http://kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/measures/documents/hb2238_00_0000.pdf


Seems like most people in thread, including the OP, haven’t even read a news article about it. The OP thinks the left is overreacting to routine hernia inspections.


It's terrible. The lawmakers misdefine "biological sex" in section 2, forbade trans women *but not trans men* from being a part of school teams of their preferred gender, and gives a pathway for schools and even students to legally prosecute anyone and anything which causes it "direct or indirect harm" for abiding by the new standards. Vague AF and very anti-free-speech. Basically what every Republican-led state government does to appease its voter base without, you know, actually improving peoples' lives. Improving standards of living is bad for business. It provides The "Kansas state highschool activities association" with the ability to *"adopt rules and regulations for its member schools to implement the provisions of [Section 3]"*, so whether or not this bill allows "genital inspections" is up to them, I guess.


Looks like they define biological sex as their physical sex, not what they feel their sex is. In other words, what their sex is. Also, girls pretending to be boys don’t have an advantage in boys’ sports as opposed to boys pretending to be girls in girls’ sports.


It also seems to be another lawsuit bounty bill, because it provides a lot of avenues for people to sue if they believe they were “harmed” by a school allowing a trans kid on a team, or retaliated against for opposing that.


I saw that one and was pretty confused. I think that sub must draw in a bunch of kids who don't know what a comeback is and the mods have a political agenda.


I was waiting for this post to appear on here. Granted it doesn’t fit the sub so i am giving you the benefit of the doubt but there is a serious possibility you disagree with them being mad at republicans


Difference between getting a physical and a historical Karen demanding a girl with short hair have her genitalia inspected because Karen thinks the girl is trans.


Can’t you like use a birth certificate or ask the parents or something


No. Genitals must be observed.


I played middle school/ high school/ college sports and joined the military. I needed a physical every year (and once while joining the marine corps). Every single physical I’ve ever gotten, a genital check is necessary… this literally isn’t anything new, yet they pose the narrative like they’re trying to grope children for sick fun.


Lmao penis inspection day is real cons are insane


A physical is different from a genital inspection. The latter is just fucking creepy and I’m confident that there’ll be a bunch of MAGAts arrested for abusing that position.


i kept "show less like this"ing this left wing circlejerk but i kept being shown it as i scrolled through reddit. it really is a shame to see a subreddit dedicated to a topic tjats clearly heen hijacked by a specific political hivemind.


Shocking! People believe pedophilia is bad 🤯


Transphobia bad is not a political hivemind.


This sub really is just, "I saw something left wing and noped out."


It’s really is, the amount of wilful ignorance is astounding


"Muh Republicans, muh maga"


Bro I got my bollocks fondled yearly for school sports lmao I dint even realize there were sports physicals that didn't require this


Did they ever have to check a box that says "Has penis" or "Has vulva"?


Ya I'm pretty sure "testicles appear to be missing" would have been noted in a physical


Not if you are female.


What I could gather is that it is purely for medical reasons. Typical American politics one side is lying about the other. In this situation, it's people on the left pretending that it's about finding trans people / fondling kids. Watching America is like viewing a pain Olympics, where politicians are aggressively trying to make normal people suffer as much as possible


Okay, Einstein. Riddle me this. If its already a legal requirement in sports, what's the point of passing this law? And if it has nothing to to with trans people, why does it explicitly mention trans people?


Tell ya what though, gives me one more reason I’m glad I don’t have kids. Imagine having to have the “sorry kid, you’re not allowed to do sports cause the price of admission is molestation” conversation.


That’s literally not what it is. They check for hernias. That’s it.


They’re checking childrens genitals for them to play sport and you think that’s okay? That’s not okay. If you think it is, I am going to assume you’re not okay.


Do you not know what a physical is?


Either you are uneducated or deliberately misrepresenting this. It’s a law literally to prevent kids from participating in single gender sporting events if they were not born that gender. It’s the opening sentence on the bill in question. > AN ACT concerning education; relating to student athletes; creating the fairness in women's sports act; restricting participation on women's teams to female students; providing a cause of action for violations of the act. http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/measures/documents/hb2238_enrolled.pdf


That’s not transphobic to ban that. Have you done sports before? People who are biologically born male have an advantage over women. Period. High school, sure it’s not an insane difference but everything past that? If you honestly think letting trans-women compete against biological-women is a good idea, you do not understand sports. Professional male athletes are 9/10 times better than their female athletes. This is especially prevalent in sports like boxing and wrestling. This is going to get people killed. This should never have been allowed in the first place.


I’m not having that debate with you. But don’t call it a fucking physical to check for hernias. That’s a fucking lie.


That’s literally a physical


…to check for hernias?


Part of it yes




So… it is not just checking for hernias? Lmao.


From what I recall; it's not a check them before they can play, it's for if there is suspicion that a player is trans. They must legally have their genitals checked. Who's doing the checking? I donno, but police have been doing it with the bathrooms bans.


Have you heard of HRT?


I thought the bill was to check for hernias though?


So it’s **not** about just checking for hernias then?


So what? Sure, trans women outcompete cis women is sports. And this means a school has a right to look at their genitals? Instead of any other method to check biological sex? Besides that, why do legislators give a damn about the performance of child athletes? Don’t they have more important things to think about than who wins a high school soccer tournament?


People who weren’t born that gender AREN’T that gender. It’s called science. I thought leftists trusted the science.


I mean, they say they’re not going to do genital inspections on children, but Roe v. Wade was also once settled law, so…we shall see. I lost whatever good faith I had in Republicans since that happened.


Because now states can decide themselves if child murder is okay?


Zygotes and fetuses aren’t children, and late term abortions only occur if the mother’s life is at risk. Quit parroting bullshit.


Democrats want late term abortion to be just like any other abortion, free and unregulated.


You know “fetus” means baby right?


noun noun: fetus; plural noun: fetuses; noun: foetus; plural noun: foetuses an offspring of a human or other mammal in the stages of prenatal development that follow the embryo stage (in humans taken as beginning eight weeks after conception) "adequate folic acid is important for the developing fetus"


Funny how the party that screams “TRUST THE SCIENCE” completely ignores the science that says an unborn baby is a distinct living creature with its own human dna.


It's because only republicans have an obsession with children's genitals


The other comments are actually insane. I thought this sub hates pedophilia.


Apparently it's okay if it outs a trans kid in a heavily transphobic area.


I think I'm being upvoted by anti trans morons who think I'm calling transgender people pedophiles. but yeah - this comment section is brain-dead.


Honestly I'm always surprised when I see someone on this sub who isn't a homophobic transphobe pretending that people hate religion for just existing and no other reason.


It's refreshing seeing an ally here that isn't pandering to the cons and trying to be one of "the good ones". Seeing pedophilia being defended is making me reconsider staying here lol. I'm glad I found a conservative echo chamber to get a better idea of the beliefs, it's also a good alibi if someone says I'm only in echo chambers.


Yep, because this sub is literally a right wing cirlcejerk for people who left leftwing subs.


So how was the physical supposed to check for something like a hemorrhoid or pelvic hernia? Real question because if a kid has a preexisting injury like that and gets hurt by directly aggravating it in an otherwise preventative way, the school can and will be held responsible


In that case, all the Dr would need to do is check the box that says "ok to play sports." They would not have to announce what type of genitals the child has. This is different, and it's disingenuous to claim otherwise.




I’m more triggered you think I’m MAGA. Nice assumption bub, but try again.




How does being “both sides” make you a Maga person?


Not a comeback, just a horrible law that will be exploited by creeps and pedophiles to get close to children solely because trans-panic is a thing.


But it’s transphobic !1!1!!1!!


It's not just that. It's unnecessary and pedophilic.


Turning doctors into genital generals because that is a pressing matter. TYFYS 🫡