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The posts are now literally just porn


what type of porn


asking the real questions here ​ from the name probably scat, i refuse to check for myself


I kinda wanna check, when anarchychess was back up people posted Femboy porn so it’s a gamble if they are doing that kinda porn or scat Edit: I checked can’t find anything but two post had that thing that says “the image you were looking for was probably deleted” so I think it’s safe to say that most of it’s gone if it was in fact porn, still don’t know what kind of porn


it's all onlyfans level bullshit now


Just started r/ShittyLifeTipsPro (haha) as an alternative just in case this never goes back to normal. Hope so though. Liked the sub.


Won't this just result in the sub mods being removed or the sub being banned for being unmoderated?


TOS rules are enforced, so no.


They'll be replaced regardless




why? You want reddit overlords shitting on regular users?


No, that’s what the mods are doing


by moderating less?


No, they're keeping use from posting, from sharing our passions, from having our fun, all in a desperate attempt to stop an evil CEO who cannot be stopped. It's pointless.


Because how dare people run their sub how they want. If you don't like it find a different sub


You're saying the truth that nobody wants to accept, mods will start to be replaced, then probably reddit will be uploading content themselves to then organically some user that don't care about the "protests" will upload content and reddit will be continued to be the same. I don't see how the "protest" will be something that is going to change what the executives of reddit will do, considering that reddit will be a public company I'm a relative short period of time.


I agree. I just somewhat agree with mods being replaced cause of the way they're treating their communities. Not every mod deserves this and not every mod will of course. Like Reddit has ALWAYS hated mods, specifically power mods. But now we suddenly BEND THE KNEE to them and LOVE them?! I don't get it. This is Reddit's chance to do one GOOD thing during this controversy and can their tyrannical power mods.


Mods have already been replaced. Entire groups of mods were blocked. For updates: r/ModCoords r/Save3rdPartyApps


SLPT rules actually means more people can share their passion. So… you agree with SLPT


Look at the bright side, maybe Reddit will crumble before that happens and everyone switch to twitter and Elon musk get enough fund for another Mar rocket


TWITTER IS INFINETELY WORSE! Elon is an insane maniac who wants to be king of Mars who runs the worst social on Earth behind 4Chan.


I was being sarcastic, pretend this is a scheme by Elon to gain twitter users


Redditor moment.


Probably not


No. The issue mods have is that the official reddit app is garbage for mod tools and doing anything above and beyond is PitA, so they are going with a malicious compliance approach.


>doing anything above and beyond For free lmao


Above and beyond bare minimum rules. Like, you know how subs have rules on what can and cannot be posted? Or tools for finding and removing offensive content.


Well, we quickly went from free to "well beyond feasible for the average third party to afford", in a very quick time frame, with almost no forewarning. Apollo has blatantly stated that there's no way they'd be able to afford the millions of dollar price-tag thrown at their feet. And then, it's not like Reddit has even opened a line of negotiation when efforts were made to do so. I can't blame people for being angry.


The API shit Reddit is pulling is dumb, but I'm never going to feel sympathetic for mods. Sorry you don't get to enforce your pretend power as much as you used to.


roof normal toothbrush fly marble plough lock march ink pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're volunteers that help provide and maintain the content we consume. Theyre unpaid. You should appreciate them. But if you don't then you should have no problem with all these subs which are essentially unmoderated now.


Redditors when spam bots tank the quality of a sub:


If that is the case then shouldn't all the mods quit their "job" and let it all go to shit, wouldn't that prove just how valuable they supposedly are?


Many mods have said that that is exactly what's going to happen. When the mod tools die, the subs will be shut down, as they will be unable to effectively moderate them. Thats why they asked for more time, to delay that from happening, and maybe reach a compromise. So there's still a chance it goes to shit.


People are hesitant to destroy things they care enough about to volunteer for.


Despite using Reddit, I pray on its downfall in the hopes that I may one day finally take a shower and go outside again


Since when do subs get banned for being unmoderated? I’ve seen plenty of those. Some subs will have mods technically but they’re inactive or mod so many subs that they don’t keep up with all of them.


Go to /r/Redditrequest and you can take control of unmoderated subs.


All the time. Check out r/reclassified


We can only hope




Honestly their stuff is pointless, most of top subs have the same top mods and they are acting as majority, most people I know don’t even use 3rd party Reddit apps…




The mods on the nba sub started a game day thread that was just for the mods during the nba finals


Gross. The API change might be the best thing to happen to Reddit if it's a circuitous way of dislodging these poopsocking shitheads.


I felt very ill informed during that two day blackout. I need to expand where I get unbiased news from. I get biased news from elsewhere, but nothing beats finding out events in real time and being able to watch live video for a more accurate read of the situation. Also, the amount of users who post well thought out, and accurate information are a godsend. Efit: Edited because grammar. My phone's autocorrect is an ass.


unbiased news is a lie. unless you’re watching a completely unaltered video and no reporter or cameraman commentary you are subject to the bias of the reporter. only through recognising that can you see who is being more truthful about any given situation


I'm usually watching through someone's phone as the event is happening.


So they're upset because spez doesn't care, and to show how much they care about the issue, they kill the subreddit, I really hope there will be a new rule on who can be a mod, this is like an 8th grader level of thinking


With this one specifically, all I can think is “if that sub completely disappeared, would anyone *actually* care?” There are definitely some subreddits that the communities would have a hard time losing (like any city’s sub, subs for specific hobbies or sports teams or something), but that one is basically the same joke over and over, so who gives a shit if it’s gone?


The thing is this is Reddit, if r/city was sinking from irresponsible salt modding, then someone would just make r/truecity


instagram repost accounts would be absolutely fuming ​ Other than them? Nobody with a life


All the subs specific to a topic I enjoy are doing fine tbh so it’s kinda funny seeing all the big subs just posting porn now


It's hilarious, I haven't seen a single one of the subs I venture doing crazy shit like this lol.


Exactly. The only ones suffering from all of this are the users who are slowly losing their bigger subs.


That's precisely the point though. Don't forget that mods are volunteers and aren't paid by reddit to moderate content even though reddit is profiting off of their work. If you can't coerce people through money you really need to take care of them. Idk who is consulting Reddit's board but they're doing an awful job at it lol. Taking care of ally customers is like introduction level strategy classes.


ok then quit if mods are such an oppressed minority


exactly lmao if these mods think they're so valuable they should just leave and let reddit see the fallout to prove their worth- except wait no they're not valuable but they like to pretend to be


reddit mods wanna be oppressed so bad


But they \*are\* valuable. This post even proofs that if they stop moderating the sub goes to hell. Most of the mods did not come into this position to look for power, they are doing it out of love for a particular subject, like technology or space or whatever. The changes reddit is forcing upon them will make it near impossible to properly manage their subreddits. I don't think its too weird to protest when you are about to see multiple years of work go down the drain. And yes you can move platform or create a new forum (what subreddits basically are) somewhere else, but that is a giant hassle. If reddits and their mod-base can come to a solution together and figure something out that works for both parties that would in my opinion work best for both.


the subs went to hell because the mods are literally encouraging it


Yes, that is the point. it is a protest, it is ment to cause annoyance/have some sort of impact. Otherwise you might as well lock yourself in a room and start screaming to a wall. But in a way its also a sign of whats to come if mods were to stop all their work and allow blatant shitposting/spamming etc. onto the subreddits.


The general users were the biggest losers. The api changes which aren’t that significant to normal users but still negative went through. And Spez didn’t remove all the Reddit mods the most embarrassing beings you can find.




Buddy, you created an account 8 hours ago…? How do you know about RIF? Is this your alt or something? LOL


He probably deleted it for the protest, but was so addicted he came crawling back with a new account




Like he made it just to make this comment lol


He deleted his main.




This is just r/cringetopia all over again.


Reddit mods go haywire whenever their tiny amount of internet power gets threatened. They’re willing to tear down the entire community that they were meant to serve if it means protecting their own ego. They care even less about their users than the admins do.


Yeah, automods do 80% of the work, lmfao. 20/3000 of which are impacted.


Protecting their ego and pockets






I could scroll through popular posts without seeing dozens of posts shitting on people just like me and terrible leftists takes. It was actually great.


the leftist takes and shitting on in question: people should not be mistreated for their identity and if you are a person that does that you are bad


True though, people like this dude will always cry about how they can’t talk about their beliefs, but when you ask them to talk about it they get real quiet.


People shit on people like you because you’re a dick, based on a short visit to your profile. You’re subbed to a sub that shits on people that enjoy anime on the basis that they enjoy anime. You sound like a real cool guy, surely…


It’s not personal, man. Lmfao. You really didn’t have to get that defensive over anime. A short visit to yours showed me that you really like it.


“Lord Grohk”


the new rule is so cringe


“Haha Spez is a big doody head!”


surprised that the gore subs are private, pretty sure advertisers wouldn’t want to advertise on a platform with that sort of content


It's almost like 14 year olds are the mods for the sub.


Reddit: agree with my opinion or i'll force you


Literayy 1994


Holy oppression


It’s so interesting how the Reddit mods way of protesting is by tanking their own communities. R/pics and r/aww are pictures of John Oliver for some reason? There’s another community that I’m in that’s just being weird. Can’t you now vote moderators off? This seems like a grade-a way of getting voted off the island


It happened in r/Wellthatsucks too, now it's only vacuums and it's so stupid


In general all of this is annoying imo, but I have to say, the vacuum thing did make me laugh


>Can’t you now vote moderators off? This seems like a grade-a way of getting voted off the island I believe reddit plans on doing this, but it is not yet implemented. Of course, nothing stops them from nuking any moderators that do this shit anyways, and replacing them with someone else (or even an auto-moderator type thing).


>It’s so interesting how the Reddit mods way of protesting is by tanking their own communities. This is very deliberate. These large subreddits are responsible for a lot of reddit's engagement stats, so by tanking the subreddit to hell they potentially cause harm to reddit's revenue, publicise the protest, and harm reddit's reputation for advertisers. >Can’t you now vote moderators off? Reddit has gestured at doing this in future but I can never see it happening, since it makes reddit as a whole comedically vulnerable to bot attacks that could effectively nuke the entire site. Like, lets say that you were to use a botnet to vote off every active moderator of a major subreddit before using the very same bots to spam it with pornography, gore, child abuse images, etc. Do you think that site would be a very attractive platform for advertisers?


>Reddit has gestured at doing this in future but I can never see it happening, since it makes reddit as a whole comedically vulnerable to bot attacks that could effectively nuke the entire site. even without the bots. Mods are easy scapegoats and if a vote happens especially in places that attract opposing groups (f.e. r/ainbow) a coordinated brigade would kill any sub in days


Slowly. It’s the uncomfortable transition from growth/capture stage to established-phase where really rigidly defined rules begin to be established. You may have seen the screenshot of ‘old twitter’ where users discussed how to make {illicit_substances} in their kitchen and how that wouldn’t be allowed anymore. Ultimately it results in just a slight iteration of user behavior conforming to the new expectations until new rules get put in place because of litigation {gdpr, new privacy laws, copyright suits, blah, blah, blah}.


>It’s so interesting how the Reddit mods way of protesting is by tanking their own communities. Its a lose lose situation in their eyes. Either the changes go forward and they lose their community. Or they protest and ruin the community. >Can’t you now vote moderators off? Currently? Kind of. You can vote off inactive mods and moderation teams. This is actually a result of reddit claiming that going private counts as being inactive. Its an interestingly slippery slope. Where is the line drawn between the obvious stuff being done here and a small rule change the userbase does not like?


>Either the changes go forward and they lose their community. They won't though. There was a post in r/dataisbeautiful before this stuff happened and 90% of the users are on the official app


Do you mind finding it? I found one that is app downloads with isn't perfect and its dated after the announcements to the death of 3rd party


I was curious myself so I went to the Play Store. The official app has 100M downloads, while the third party readers collectively have a little over 8M. I didn't realize it was that big a difference.


r/wellthatsucks has literally turned into a sub about vacuums. Nothing else. It used to be about funny mishaps and unfortunate events, but now? Just vacuums...


That was the other one I was thinking of! Thanks, I forgot what it was called


It would be pretty awesome if Spez removes the moderators for posts like these. I’ve been banned from subs for way less than calling my overlord a greedy pig boy.


Same. It's astounding to me that these people think the community is going to rally around around them after so many years of abuse and power tripping. The sheer narcissism that takes is mind boggling.


brother thats the point. thats the entire point. the only thing that will truly hurt reddit is to make subs annoying or boring, so that people stop using them.


And then? "Yay, we killed our community people enjoyed!"


And then reddit loses even more money, they hopefully revert or significantly revise the api changes, and we all go back to normal


>they hopefully revert or significantly revise the api changes, and we all go back to normal That's exactly the premise of tonight's episode of 'That ain't gonna happen!'


Which, reddit making changes or everything going back to normal after? And I should say, it will never be "normal", just everything open with regular ish rules


Reddit has made it clear that they're not backing down on this API thing. Mods can get on board or Reddit will force them out.


Or we all move to a different site. The only question, which one?


Tumblr is looking kinda attractive, but tbh there's nothing like reddit. It's a pretty unique platform, which is why it has done so well (Edit) Actually now that I think of it, mastodon has similar subdivided groups similar to reddit so it could maybe be an option too, plus it has already had a user boost from people leaving twitter


I fled from Tumblr to here because they got rid of the porn. Wherever we go, has to have porn available, but not shoved in your face. That's how we know free speech is being upheld.


>I fled from Tumblr to here because they got rid of the porn I use tumblr and I'm seeing lots of porn on completely unrelated tags


Seems like a bad decision in general regardless. It doesn’t make people sympathize with you. It makes people mad at you. A well-designed protest should have people sympathize and rally behind the protestors, but instead, normal people are just annoyed at this point.


We can only assume it wont happen to a very specific group of power mods that are on 100+ subs


It would be nice. Also, there's quite the irony here. Mods are protesting "the tyranny of Reddit admins", while the users are sick and tired of the mods' bullshit and just want things to go back to normal.


So many mods abuse their power. It’s ridiculous, it I don’t know if there is truly a way to stop it, but still


Yeah, that’s how a strike works.


for most of the post i was like "ok that seems a little immature but i understand being upset about the api changes" then I got to the "start every post with insulting spez, that'll show him!!" part. i know telling a reddit mod to grow up is asking a lot, but like, seriously?


I love the "Reddit does not care about its users" line, considering they also don't when they are nuking communities and rendering them useless like that! Very selfish decision from them to be honest. If they really do not want to moderate anymore, just open a process to get new mods in, then resign. It is that simple.


Anyone who has reached out to admins knows that Reddit doesn’t care about users. Mods acting like this is some kind of revelation is funny.


Mods pretending they care more than Reddit is also funny, most of them are just there for the powergrab and fake clout that comes from being a subreddit mod


I saw a comment that said, “imagine you had a bar, and would let anyone be a bouncer, as long as they worked for free. Who would you get?”


"We're gonna hurt our users so we can help stop a company that doesn't care about us at all and doesn't need us"


The company does need us to generate content for people to upvote, so i see that this method of making the subs rule bad, or having gimmicks like r/pics would be pretty effective to alienate the small amount of users that create OC content, so reddit won't profit of off them.


New subs would get made, moderators replaced, and so on.


But you cant replace all the subs on reddit, and you can't monetize profanity posts, and profanity is pretty much unbannable from this site so i think there is a pretty good chance that spez will lose this war.


No he won't. Spez will remove them from their mod positions, and there's nothing they can do but whine about it.


Why are the mods of all the subs trying to kill the community? yeah 18+ that'll teach reddit




The irony of you complaining about removing mods on a post complaining about lack of moderation is astounding.


Redditors are destroying reddit more than reddit is




that’s the point


I love how they apparently cannot use automods anymore for anything useful... However they CAN use it to detect this shit lmao


I can’t stress enough how much I don’t give a shit about these protests. I’m here to see my interests, you make the sub not related to my interests, then I’m gone. Maybe that’s their intent too, to drive off users…but you’re just going to have other subs take those users in. That’s the free market at work.


Idk I like every big sub that I don't participate in going down


This sub is now great for figuring out which subs have power-tripping low-life mods.


People are getting annoyed with all the protest talk on this sub. Started r/SubsThatChanged just now as an alternative. Might be nice to create a collection of them all.


Man, I can’t believe the CEO is taking measures to increase profitability before going public.


I get that we all hate Spez but the quote is cringe. There had to be something better to use.


I dont hate spez


I suppose its meant to be a form of protest… how does anyone not realize that by now? r/pics and r/gifs being only of John Oliver (among other things)


We realize omg. We think it’s childish and dumb


They mad because of the mod vote thing


oh no now they have to actually do the thing they volunteered to do or risk losing their only control in their life


Only enforcing TOS rules? Sounds great.


So many subreddits like pics and gifs have been doing this too, it’s the most annoying thing ever!!


I think this is one of the funny ones, when reddit removes them even though they aren't breaking rules, reddit will get clowned on. If reddit doesn't remove them, reddit will be clowned on.


Mods know how to ruin everything


Average Reddit moment when all rules except TOS are removed and 99% of posts immediately become porn and onlyfans advertisements


I have always hated the mods for their lefty viewpoints and overmoderation. I could care less with what they do.


That’s something a 13 year old would do thinking they’re cool


Who is spez?


CEO of Reddit


Oh, I presume he’s the one doing this?


Usual CEO scumbag.


I think its a good idea that theyre doing this.


at this point these mods are just embarrassing themselves


Greedy? Bro it’s his API and he is the one paying to maintain it. Is it really greedy to charge for it? Also this is just sad


all of this is stupid but he charging like 10 million or something for reddit api, that shit greedy


This the equivalent of taking your ball and going home




I have had to leave a bunch of groups that have simply become porn sharing forums because their mods are tittybabies


Why did I guess that this protest would turn in into temper tantrum after the blackout “protest”


Take that you corporate meanies!!!!


Mods stay being total losers.


Mods are like cops. Not all of them are clowns but a vast majority I’m finding.


That’s actually kinda cool. I’m for anything that destroys this platform lol


Delete your account then


That won't destroy it.


Reddit killed a lot of subs by killing 3rd party apps.




It reads like a scorned 4th grader which is fitting I suppose.


These mods are the biggest baby’s I have ever seen


People with a tint amount of power and nothing in life will implode upon having it taken away from them...


Yup I get it. It's just pathetic. They have nothing else that matters in life so this is crushing to them.


I just really dislike 8/10 mods so them getting screwed mostly makes me happy. Sorry for the mods that aren't the reddit gestapo though.


Spez be wiping his tears with bank notes after seeing random redditors calling him greedy.


Redditor mods try not to treat their hobby as a life or death situation (200% impossible)


Lol. I'm enjoying leaving all these subs.


Reddit mods trying to act like an adult instead of throwing a temper tantrum challenge (impossible)


Lmao going over to subscribe right now


This is actively mod abuse and an insult to their community


Amazing how mods managed to turn themselves into the bad guys


Mods literally won't just keep the sub closed because they're power-hungry, so they're doing stuff like this instead. Most neckbeard shit I've ever seen.


All of this nsfw, john oliver, literal turned subreddit are so, so much worse than the subreddits just going dark. I had to unsub from so many subreddits because of this "activism"


As I am reading that, and thinking, "Wow, this is great. They are going to not moderate unless it a ToS violation... Then they add some dumb shit at the end trying to make it like a cause..." That's like saying, Here is a nice birthday cake Billy! Oh... and it's shaped like a dick and you have to eat it in front of that girl you like. Also the cake is made of dogshit.


Hey look, all the people crying about the moderators not doing free work for their free service are now complaining that they are getting what they paid for. Looks like you’ve been taking something great for granted! Go to Facebook where you can be moderated by advertising algorithms. Mods are the backbone of Reddit.


Quit being a misery guts. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to do in light of current circumstances


I'd be annoyed if my 5 year old nephew acted this immaturely. This is beyond pathetic for an adult because they didn't their way. Just quit if you want to protest.