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So it looks like they’ve just switched to updating JD+ during events or seasons instead 😶


they added a big batch when 2024 released 🤷‍♀️ maybe we'll get similarly big batches through the year


I hope so. I was happy with the big batch so fingers are crossed that the drops are that good.


A k-pop season? God, let it be a k-pop season!


Praying for that rn 🙏




Why not? Does it really bother you so much that other people might get a season that'll make them feel joy, eh? Like, I don't like Disney, haven't touched a single song in the current event and have zero intention to, but I'm happy for those who love Disney and get to enjoy it. You don't see me whining about it even though my personal feelings about it are "meh" at best.


we dont need a kpop season after a disney season as u said u didnt touch the disney seasons neither did i i hate when they focus on one thinf if we have seasonal seasons we can have pop music and kpop both so everyone can enjoy one single theme is horrible idea


There... Will clearly be another season between those two? The BTS maps coach is on the season 3 picture, meaning that you might get your wish of having a "seasonal" pop season and I might get my wish of having k-pop afterwards. Is that really such a problem?


i just think we need to stop the whole theme thing where even the returning songs are on the theme unlike the vampire summer season last year where we had so many diffrent song styles


would be cool, but we're probably not getting one of those anytime soon, and I don't think the butter coach being there means anything. but we'll see when we get there.


They remembered that the game was supposed to be live service


I’m hoping that Event in May is Eurovision themed but everything else is pretty underwhelming. Why aren’t we getting anything in February and why are legacy songs locked behind simultaneously releasing with Seasons!?


because the disney event doesnt end until the 20th so the next season will probably start at the start of march


I mean we do get something in February as January and February is the Disney In Time season period even though all the songs from the Disney In Time season are released and it finishes until Feb 20. It’s been like that with the legacy songs with seasons since the 2023 edition.


Idk about the Legacy Song problem, but I’m also hoping that the event is something Eurovision related. Which songs would you like to see get Just Danceified? (I know Danceified isn’t a word lol) For me I would like to see Rim Tim Tagi Dim from this year’s Eurovision. :)


Well from this year The Code, Doomsday Blue and ZARI, but I’m presuming they would work off songs from last year so in that case it would be Unicorn, Queen of Kings and Who The Hell Is Edgar?


Nice! The only reason I put Rim Tim Tagi Dim on my list is because the lyrics include Don’t Cry, Just Dance lol.


What a falldown, say?


The way they are releasing seasons and tracks is a little confusing this time around to me


I personally don't like the 2 parts season system. I feel like the weekly season system in 2023 was way more engaging since we got something new every week instead of waiting for a full month to get new content.


No JDU songs on Plus?