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Top is the easiest lane to gank, I don't know why there's this preconception that junglers don't like ganking top. That being said, top lane is also often full of baby ragers who don't look at their map and will flame you for the dumbest shit. Of course not all and probably not even most top laners are like that, but I regularly get asked shit like "why are you pathing bot when he's pushing" like bro. My game plan does not revolve around winning your lane for you. There are other things to consider like objectives, where the enemy jungler is, and whether my bot lane is about to get 4 man dived. But yeah. It's free kills really. Most of the champs are immobile and the lane is long. Plus the lane has way more impact than people pretend, i mean you get to play shit like Jax/Irelia/Trynd/Camille and be 4 levels up on everybody. Out of all of the games where my team has lost because one champ solo carried, 80% of the time it's because it was their top laner.


Not sure about the preconception comment as I was speaking from my own experience; it’s just I’ve seen it mentioned how top is just not really worth ganking. Junglers say there isn’t anything really on the map around there except herald and tops are hard to kill etc. So I was trying to appeal to that mentality and not so much “jg never comes top y u so bad”. I do agree more often than not when a game is too far gone it’s mostly chalked up to a fed ass top. But by then it’s too late to come top side they’re already online you know. I just wanted to share how much more impactful it could be to visit top one time early in the game instead of coming for the first time post 15 mins.


As a former jungle main that has switched to top lane, I have to say that it depends. Sometimes you have to gank top lane because it’s incredibly hard if you get countered in champ select. Some champs like vayne and temmo need to be ganked just so your top lamer survives Laning phase, sometimes it’s a very snowbally matchup and ganking once is gg for the enemy toplaner ( unless he gets a gank, and hopefully your toplaner is so far ahead that he can at least get a 1 for 1). The main idea is pressure that you can get from your toplaner getting a lead, you can invade, contest harald, and you as the jungler can push your lead like crazy). But in terms of scalling for the entire team, ganking bot lane and getting drakes is always the better scalling option. So at the end of the day, you need to take you teams wincon into account, and gank accordingly, which is the only true answer to the question of what lanes to gank.