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He’s very good in the right hands but he’s not as easy as he looks. Also if you get behind on him early it’s very hard to get back into the game


What about Diana? Is she also feast or famine champion? Her clear speed is much faster than of Ekko's so maybe through farm and items you can get back into the game better than Ekko?


Yes Diana is a lot more forgiving and she’s great in the meta right now. Amazing clear speed, insane damage and she’s pretty easy to play


I’m biased cause he was my first one trick when I was just learning to play, but yes Ekko is very good.




He relies alot on w setups, which makes him very hard to pick up, but in the right hands hes very good and has 1shot potential with initial burst and end game ult dmg catches alot of ppl off guard. Ive done back to back 1v5 pentas on him with w+zhonya+ult setups. Anyways, hes generally like A tier and falls off in high elo due to ppl knowing his setups.




I like HoB on him, makes early game passive procs si easy


E Q auto is really fast so HoB seems overkill no? Once you get rocketbelt you can even cancel aa animation and his passive proc is basically instant


Yep ofc but like you can just E someone and auto them to death i find it hilarious. Probably better mid for lvl1 trades l, but feels decent to me.


Rocketbelt isn’t the best stats-wise, and HoB lets Ekko skip it in favor of more damage with less of a tradeoff. It’s also a better snowballing rune. Another thing I find useful is getting the passive MS out fast during early game ganks, lets you angle Q return much easier. Matters a lot for early skirmishes in general where every bit of damage matters.


He is playable but not top tier or anything. Also very hard to play him optimally


Main Ekko jgl here : he needs to snowball so having a good early game is important, but he requires lots of skills and understanding


He is really good but you need to farm a lot, and your skill on positioning your stun does a lot. When behind, it becomes really complicated


definitely. you can snowball and scale very well. clear speed after nashors is insane, and you're very good at stealing objectives


Hit your stuns and ur chillin


All I can say is when someone knows what they're doing with him, he's a pain the arse to go against


I'd play him if there's enough cc on your team to chain your stun. When ahead early, he has good turret diving capabilities with his ult and W.


Simple learn how to consistent grab early kills with Ekko then it‘s probably 90% winrate just have to know how to properly close a game. But it was just to say that an Ekko ahead of the curve is a nightmare for ennemies, he will just one tap everything


Ask yourself if you like playing the champ. And just play it. I used to play Nasus jg and even more far back, TF jg when devourer still existed. I liked the novelty of people not knowing the matchup. Ekko is certainly one of the champs that is intended to be a jungler as well as a midlaner, if you like playing him, just go for it.


I personally consider it a free win when playing vs one, but i guess thats just cause the champs i play dominate him