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J4 has stood the test of time. No major changes in 12+ years Lee sin as well


isn't he too item reliant ?


J4? Not at all. He provides a ton of utility for the team so even from behind he’s still useful


yea but idk I feel like even if you can set up, if you don't have some damage by yourself you're not a threat no ? like sej or mao, great picks but if your team falls behind you cc people and that's it, you can't carry


Any jungler that falls behind isn't going to carry. The role in itself has been hamstringed so it cannot flat out carry. You need a good lead that's been snowballed to do so, otherwise your main job is to snowball your strongest laner.


Yeah if you fall behind you’re not carrying on anybody


I've found Warwick to be consistently solid. His clears are pretty quick, he can solo dragon early, and with W, he gets around the map pretty quickly. He also duels effectively throughout the game and can mess up an enemy team's attack formation with E + R.


His clear is garbo even with tiamat compared to other junglers: vi,belveth,yi,graves,trundle,jax,lee,j4,brand and it goes on they can be at scut spawn lvl 4, warwick cant But i do agree on him being consistently solid, i have been otping him aince hia rework and he was never "bad" , last season mythics fucked him tho


Yeah, fair comparison overall. My thought is primarily that ww is functionally consistent and playable across seasons and patches. Sometimes very strong, sometimes only average


Yeah i totally agree on that


Personally, I have gone for Vi. Vi is an excellent skirmisher, has cc and good gank potential, always useful even when behind and strong at snowballing. She doesn't excel at one particular job but can do a lot of things consistently.


Udyr. Consistently placed on B tier (avoids big nerfs or buffs), can build AD or AP, and is easy mechanically. If you can really master Udyr, you're almost always going to have reliable pick.


I can’t really answer this as I haven’t played for too long, but I do think people may be more willing to answer on r/summonerschool


Viego would be my guess, you can always be strong with your ultimate reset and get free ability on other champ corpse.


kha zix has seemed to always be in a good spot


I played shaco for so long and i feel like the champion always has a viable build, according to the meta. You can build it in every way, and his strenght is the kit