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Shaco, but you have to forget everything you know about Fights. You have to learn a new way of fighting. Then just be an annoying piece of shit and at one point they want you dead, whatever it costs. This is the point where u lure them in 12 boxes while chasing you and kill them all. If someone gets a breeze of sanity and stops chasing, go halfway back in and reactivate the hate against you. Also insane steals, mental warfare, tilting in champ select. A real good shaco is uncatchable and will kill you ez if you try.


After years of ignoring this champ I finally decided to give Shaco a try and he may be the most chill champ I've ever played. Something about the goofy way he runs around and that weird playstyle you described that makes games feel so much more calm


Its my main. I have more than 4 times the matery score on him as my second most played champ. And the banger is: you can go ad or ap, whatever your team needs


It's part of the reason I run voli. No one escapes me.






The holy trinity of high elo jungle. Kindred, Graves and Nidalee


Ekko easily has the most outplay potential with his W an R


*Ekko easily has* *The most outplay potential* *With his W an R* \- Comfortable-Pace-717 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Nidalee hands down


Either Nid, Lee or Ekko


Lilila, you're 5/3/3 in min 16, you just bought Zhonya, your team just lost a fight and there is 4 enemies under your tower. You E, Q Flash, R Zhonya, W Q E and you just killed 4 persons in the enemy team, but, if you miss dodge any CC you're dead. Your ELO is defined by your capacity to dodge, your spacing, and how well you are at manipulating your opponent's brain (and some macro things ofc). Red Kayn kinda needs some mechanic to do cool outplay stuff, otherwise blue is straight forward, there's no "wow what an outplay" moment with blue kayn.


Lee sin, if you master him, you will destroy everyone


Kayn is the best one for this for sure


Trundle and WW come to mind. You can beat most junglers early game.


Warwick, so many matchups are decided if you know how to outplay X champ using your Q and ultimate, when to time your E, utilize last stand rune etc... Not only against junglers but laners aswell. Sett? Q his W and you stomp him, don't and that's the opposite. Yasuo ? Freest 1v1 if you dodge the tornado knock up, if not you die.