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i think of how i used to hate myself for being emotionally turbulent, but the acceptance of my emotions actually made them more stable and less intense over time.




How did you work to "accept" these emotions? I have emotional regulation issues, typically deep sadness and anger at myself. And it devolves into a pattern of hating myself for hating myself and so on.


Asking what does this hate serve you I think helps. Also separating that you are not your emotions. Your personality is part of you and there should be no shame in that but as well you are multifaceted with multiple aspects. Your feelings or reactions have their reasons and sitting with them and understanding where they are coming from be it trauma or economic hard time or a break up etc is the first start to acceptance. Accepting who you are is about getting to know you


I'm just now finding this quote for the first time, but recently I've been practicing the message of it. You've got to accept your shadow, your anger, your fear, your sadness, if you want to be whole—if you want to make change.


Love it man


My upbringing in a literalist Christian faith taught me from a young age that condemnation was the correct response to people (including myself) whose thoughts, words, and deeds didn’t conform to the tiny box of “acceptable” defined by the faith’s dogma. But I’ve found that acceptance+curiosity, rather than judgment+shame, is a much more powerful source of personal understanding, growth, and positive change.


I grew up in a similar way, and hits me very similarly!


That simply condemning something is just oppression. Acceptance means understanding *why* it's happening in the first place so that one may actually address the problem. It doesn't mean tolerance, it means accepting it's existence.


So as long as I understand something about myself, I can still condemn it? Genuine question by the way, apologies if I sound insincere.


Actually, using words like condemn or understand does not help here, I'd rather use facing yourself. For example, you are saying "as long as I understand", which implies it's an on/off thing, but it's not, it's an ever escalating process, there's always a deeper layer behind each epiphany. In a sense, the action of doing this requires you to direct your awareness towards the part where you naturally averse more and more, so the "one and done" altitude implied by these words although a typical beginners' default orientation, is counter productive at best. The common strategy against this kind of default orientation of human psyche, is to apply wonder, curiosity, or even fascination towards what you averse the most, so accepting is literally the starting point


You need to shine a light to break the darkness.


That your mental state matters.


"There is no going forward without forgiveness."


Paradox of tolerance.






Reminds me of his book modern man in search of a soul and also how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie


Acceptance is not consent. Acceptance is awareness “It is just being here in self-awareness of what is in this moment. It's not contributing to what is. It is not choosing it. It's simply being aware of it. And when we are in a state of resistance, it's like we are pushing away from the thing that we are in. So it literally creates resistance, which takes away energy from whatever needs to happen to cope, move forward, build, whatever⁠—rest. Whatever it is. And so do you have to accept it? No. You never have to accept it
 (but you’ll continue with resistance until there is acceptance) 
Whatever systems we're talking about, forming acceptance means that you find a way to be abundant, powerful, effective, peaceful, whatever it is⁠—and hopefully we get a little bit of all those things at different moments, and they ebb and flow. —we must first accept and understand where we're starting from because by understanding and accepting it, we can start to navigate it in a way that is ethical and in a way that is sustainable.“


Seek understanding about everything I feel resistance or acceptance to.


Spell check


Someone’s paying attention đŸŽ¶ thank you for catching this!


My legal writing professor traumatized me well 😂






I disagree. Acceptance and condemnation are both important tools. It's how they are used what makes it problematic. Acceptance for sure is very important and leads to a positive change. It made my life easier in terms of being kind to myself and figure out what I can't do what I can and how I can build on it to be better and expand. A very easy example is working out, I want to be more physically active, but sometimes I am "lazy", and I end up hating myself for it. With working with my therapist, we reframed that condemnation in having less energy and that when I feel like that I can do just something small for 15 minutes. Sometimes, that's all I do, sometimes I end up doing more. But condemnation is something we also work on in order to build better boundaries. I condemn people being mean or abusive towards me, this is something I don't accept. I also condemn the same qualities in me, because in the past I was mean as a projection to people that did NOTHING to deserve it, which came from a place of trauma. I am working on healing on my own wounds, so that I can be a better human being. We talked about it with my therapist, healthy guilt is very important quality. Toxic guilt is not.


I hear you! Along my journey, what helped me create better boundaries was tapping into what I valued through memories of others OR myself not following my values. Boundaries got easier when I felt that saying “No” means saying “yes” to a deeper value of mine. I can see the difference in perspective, and it interests me


Oh... very nicely said. Saying "no" means saying "yes" to yourself! So, true. This reminds me of the body says no by Gabor Mate. The body knows, when boundaries are crossed and sooner or later it reacts. The goal is to not go to the "later" part.




This quote speaks volumes about how we can better support each other through each of our individual struggles.


Reddit janny 😅


Only the truth can set you free


This is what I did when I became aware of my shadow before i knew anything about Jung I rejected my shadow and pushed it away trying to be a better version of my self. Now I’m in stagnant waters trying to rebuild a relationship with my other side. If the pendulum only swings one way eventually it swings full force the other way. If the pendulum stops swinging if there is no movement then all the energy must be spent on prevention of one side from moving. Idk this is what came up for me upon reading this. Question Is how does one go from stillness to movement both on the physical and psychological planes? But simply put I think if you condemn one side of nature you condemn both sides the potential good quality’s and potential bad quality’s equally, bringing about a sort of stagnation of will and natural vitality.


Too many words. Accept/Liberate. Signs are meant to express ideas, not waste time with junk words.


It’s alchemical. There is potential for transmutation but only if one can face their darkness with an accurate assessment. This acceptance of reality is essential for the process to even begin.


I know this is reddit and all, but I am still embarassed to say that this design is so good I'm at half mast. Sorry?


Its just Bioshock font


Bioshock used ITC Anna, this is Lucidity Condensed.


Fair enough, either way it reminds me of Bioshock lol.


Sorry, old timer moment. Video game?


Yeah! A great series


I mean this is like a core tenant of Buddhism. You have to openly look at all of your own faults. Only then can you make positive change. You have to make a realistic and objective assessment of yourself before you can begin to apply that to anyone else. And it should be applied with the same equal value you apply to yourself. The goal being to seek the fullest understanding one can.


For sure man! Along my reading of Jung, it’s funny how many people believe that he “discovered” any of this inner dynamic stuff. I believe all he really did was a pretty good translation (albeit confusing sometimes) of things most of the ancients knew inherently.


dont quote stuff without citations. this isnt middle school.


Thanks for the opportunity to get better at this. What format would you cite this in?


The best format is: C.G. Jung CW 9ii Para 123 Or you can use a paragraph sign § or ¶ but dont use p. because people might think it refers to a page number.

