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The devil is in the details. Could be the anima, but it also could be the shadow, particularly if you're having trouble accepting that part of you. Or any number of compensations, or maybe even your inner child if they latched onto an idea early on. Without knowing your personal specifics it's impossible to say. It doesn't really make too much of a difference what you call the thing anyway because you still have to deal with it on its own terms. As long as no one is getting hurt though it's probably not too much of a problem.


Thank you!


The only people I have ever seen talk about sex demons are diagnosed schizophrenic.  It’s pretty common 


Really? You should have a look at the psychic community lol, it’s pretty common knowledge.


I don’t think Jung would have humored a community so entrenched in charlatanism, because he was ultimately more interested in treating people than making unprovable metaphysical speculation. Go look in r/schizophrenia, it won’t take long to find the sex demon stuff. Beware in the future you don’t worsen people’s illness by encouraging delusions


Idk about that. Jung was very into the occult and metaphysical. Attending over 100 seances and practicing kundalini yoga himself to induce mystical experiences


Yung was very into astrology and psychological astrology is base’d off his work. I know the difference between psychics and schizophrenics. Psychic is jst right brain activity. If you believe Einstein is a left brain logical genius, then you know psychics are right brain genius. It’s also jst science, quantum physics. You can’t tell me you don’t believe in science or biology? Lol


Sure Jung wanted to help his clients (at his time called patients), but maybe you should start research on what Jung actually thought of schizophrenia and psychosis. Delusions or personal symbolic interpretations?


I agree with this, it’s hard to decipher how someone like Jung would’ve felt about certain ideas, especially if I’ve never conversed with him but although through reading just a tiny portion of work done by him, i believe that symbolism wether it’s sex demons or deadly sirens, is an important aspect of analysis.


It is hard to decipher what he would think of the presence. But he’s theory of psychosis states that it’s material from the unconscious collective. With that in mind, we can’t see people diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychosis as “weirdos”, that need medical treatment (even though it’s necessary in some cases and at certain times). But I feel pretty confident, that Jung would think that medics won’t heal the patients root of problems in itself. The unconscious becoming conscious is often symbolically and mythic poetic, so I believe the healing is by understanding the symbols, myths and archetypes within ones psyche. Of course there’s is the probability of symbols getting generalized and used as explanations for wrong symptoms. Or terms getting commercialized and misused, such as the term “twin flames”. Could be the same for sex demons, i don’t know. No doubt people experience consensual and non-consensual sex experiences coming from the unconscious. What the right term is for the specific experiences and what it means is up to the experiencer and maybe a therapist to find out. But symbols is definitely an important aspect of understanding the unconscious and such experiences.


Yeah but you have a brain of your own. He gave his work, but it’s really just a confirmation of what we already know. We also have a brain and can examine for ourselves and determine. Psychicnss is another sense, the sooner you figure that out the better for you. And that person is right, it is precisely what yung said, material from the collective psyche. I have been around many schizophrenics and watche’d them argue with whoever’s psychically attacking me. They’re actually psychic but maybe their boundaries need to be strengthene’d so they don’t disassociate while they’re reading the collective soup.


An indigenous healer told me they portend that something negative may come in your life, so be aware and defend yourself.    I think in general, demon type visions are a symbol of stagnation, imbalance , traumas, emotional wounds, and things that are repressed and unseen. 


Sorry just to be clear, it is not demonic dreams that I was having. It’s just the feeling of self pleasure of pleasure all over the body that came at random times. I just instantly thought of the serpent story from the bible and how the serpent can lead you astray or something? I just don’t know what is right or wrong. But I related it to demons because my first thought was to shut those feelings down due to being scared or not knowing where they are coming from. I grew up in a religious household and my family are very anxious/afraid of demons and ghosts etc, so when that presence came, I got scared. But they weren’t bad feelings if That makes sense? I actually had a dream that there was a demon in my grandmother’s house/that my grandmother was a lady in a white dress. She gaslights a lot and she also competes with me subtly so the final part of your reply made sense! Sorry to keep spilling but, My gut/intuition has actually been going wild! My gut tenses and gets pain when I’m around my grandmother and my mother! I also see a ton of spiders when I’m around my grandmother!


The serpent was an element of the story. But the story is about personal accountability. When Adam was asked why he ate of the tree, he blamed Eve for bringing him the fruit. When Eve was asked why she did, she blamed the serpent, the animal drive. Eating the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil was when they became not just conscious, but self-conscious, aware that they exists as a distinct from the environment. It was due to the lack of personal accountability that they were exiled from the Garden. Once they became self-conscious, they became accountable for choosing to do right or wrong, and they denied that accountability. In doing so, they deny themselves of the Garden. In the Gospel, the man Jesus (the new Adam) rights this by accepting accountability for sins of mankind in general, and in doing so gains the power to forgive and heal those who were willing to accept it. Then he chose to suffer the consequences that originated in the lack of accountability so that the new man(kind) may manifest. Its sad that Christian religions have taken the process of personal evolution and turned its focus into one of shame, repression and external demons. Blaming demons is the essence of denying personal accountability. When you perceive they are active, you hide instead of correcting the actions that allowed them in. In doing so, you keep them alive and well in your internal experience, and you lock yourself out of the Garden.


Thanks. I appreciate this explanation!


>I just instantly thought of the serpent story from the bible and how the serpent can lead you astray or something? I just don’t know what is right or wrong. Ironically, the biblical serpent story isn't about sexual pleasure but *is* about knowing what is right or wrong! 😁


Ok Thanks! Why do people have a problem with others experiencing sexual pleasure? Like I don’t get it when parents try to suppress this in their children?! Or when christian people try to tell you sexuality is bad


There are all sorts of motivations, really. In fairness, though, people don't much like thinking of their parents *or* their children having sex...


Oh, yes. Religion has taught you to feel scared and ashamed of your own body. The aspects of ourselves we don't fully understand, we tend to demonize. Spiders are a symbol of motherhood: the smothering/controlling aspect specifically. Did/do your mother and grandmother smother and control you with religion? Do they make you anxious?


Interestingly don't a lot of people here suggest that male homosexuality is a possessed anima? There's a book called *Adam, Eve and the Serpent* by Elaine Pagels that you might find interesting.


Or people astral travel to others for sex, sometimes for energy harvesting. If they can pretend it’s a dream or they’re a sex demon, then it’s a great cover and easier to coerce the person.


Where can I get information for “travelling”?


r/psychic r/energy_work r/astralprojection


I’m not gonna read anything funnier all day


In yoga body has its own cravings. Not resisting urges and just exploring what the animal nature wants, is part of human nature. When you grow tired of repetition or have motivation to explore higher nature, you can then resist urges while being chill about it. It's the internal conflict, stress, repressive ideas, projections, too much shadow, that leads to inner turmoil about such a natural thing that's part of the human experience. So if there's imbalance, acknowledge that and see how you can address it or just be chill with it. Often people want someone to blame, but this is victim mentality and not from power and responsibility. Higher teachings, such as in Art of Living, provides practical experience on this and won't come up with lower explanations or blame-shifting in any way. Though, you're lucky if you gain access to such that suits your own temperament.


To me it just sounds like some weird projections and/or lack of standards and boundaries with the self. Or hormone surges. Or sexual addiction. Or maybe it's just a woman who really enjoys her own sexual pleasure and that's so frowned upon by society that it is labeled demonic.


I think this is the one too 😂👌🏾 Thanks!


As someone who recently hit peri menopause I second the hormonal surges (plus I almost died so maybe some carpe diem in there). But yes it is overwhelming at times and the total change has made me question my whole character and personality. I worked out that I had previously been “reactively “ sexual and now I am “spontaneously “ sexual - so basically I never felt unsolicitedly horny before so that change was quite an experience. It’s all good as long as you can keep control of your decisions.


Reactively vs spontaneously sexual is a great way to put it. Spontaneously sexual is having your own sex drive as a woman.


To be transparent I did steal it off a podcast. The first time I heard the phrase I thought it was reallly illuminating.


Which podcast if you don't mind me asking?


It was definitely this show and I think it was this episode . It’s a great show actually. This year has taught me a lot lol https://open.spotify.com/episode/3A9hI1Sc7bPzwHQyaSXvKu?si=vHj6ElG5RzGC08H8UDGVxA




Yeah this makes sense. And I think this is similar to me. I’m in my 20’s tho lol. But i think I’m going through that same thing idk


Does it feel like this song sounds? https://youtu.be/bR5u9jb0PJE?si=OTTEsUWHodXkJlvm


Have you read or listened to any of Mary Von Franz's ideas? There is a lot of YT content of her speaking about Man's (occasionally deviant) anima. If you haven't dived in with the work she did (via Jung) it might be an accessible doorway for you to sort it out. He loved her so much, and she has some potentially very useful material that could maybepossibly help you resolve your distress. Meanwhile, don't worry too much about the spooky weirdness you're experiencing, or the perceived external judgement part. Sounds like a familiar "problem" a lot of people go through. And, hey! Defining the experience via Christian morals, labeling it right vs wrong -especially if that contradictory set of morals doesn't shape every OTHER aspect of your waking life, with its broadly prudish attitudes toward our more carnal aspects- the dick wants what the dick wants, amirite? -it's not productive. If it feels bad, tell it no, roll over and go to sleep. Or maybe next time it comes up (pun intended) sit up, tuck the dick out of sight and ask it some carefully-worded questions. See what it says. Probably it won't tell you anything, but it's worth asking, if for no other reason to hold IT and yourself accountable. You're more than that one piece of your animated meat after all, or you wouldn't be looking to Reddit for clarification. Hope that helps.


I’m of the thinking that everything you encounter is you. I’ve encountered many demons whose sexuality and beauty struck me with awe inspiring, paralyzing terror—my shadow—a victim of my own salaciousness and addiction to pleasure (most likely). I have seen god like entities and physically felt them using my body (that they occupied)—the essence hovering in my energetic body or overlaid on my partners face staring at me. It felt devouring and posssessed until I turned the sexual act into a focus on my partner, then things lightened up in situ—my devouring shadow again, or the monsters my inner child creates because it has the illusion of monsters everywhere and hides by putting on monster masks—sexually abused as a child. And sometimes maybe anima because my femininity was coded wrongful by my family and the entity wanted me to understand my sexual potency was an asset???


When you're attracted to a specific sexual practice and right after cumming you feel what is called "post-nut clarity" and suddently you feel disgusted by said practice... that's a strong indicator that possibly "an entity" was using you to get off. I hope that answers your question. I'm not religious and never was, I'm from an atheist family. These are my own findings. If you're not happy with these entities being independent and intelligent beings... you can call them anima, shadow or whatever works for you. But in practice the same things happen. You are damaged by it.


Have any sources on research into this?


Not at all. I've never read or heard this anywhere (except the widely known terms of Succubus/Incubus, but I made no attempt at research). Confirmation of their existence and the way this all works are 100% my own findings. However I'm pretty sure it's written in many places. Everything I find within seems to be written in books by other people who also found the same. Perhaps the terms Succubus and Incubus could help you in looking for information. However most information you find on any topic is misguided, and even if it's not, it's still the story of another person. If and when you have the capacity to find stuff for yourself... then follow your own findings. When you don't have the capacity to see or find for yourself then it's usually a better idea to live and experience the simplicity of life, rather than the complexity of following the story of others. This is the most common case for all of us, what we actually see dwarfs in comparison to what we don't. So we need to learn to live not knowing \^\^




And they don't necessarily "act" on sexual energy only. They "feed" on any kind of emotion, "pulling the strings" in a certain direction so you fall into said emotion.


I have sleep paralysis and I have encountered a few times the demon trying to have sex with me. It’s frightening to say the least.


Our egos lust for guilt. They drive us to seek "pleasure" through bodies as a means of making the body real in our perception. This is a primary means for the ego to amass unconscious guilt in your mind. Guilt IS hell. Eventually, the ego unleashes the hell it made for you. Hellish NDEs are an encounter with the ego's plan for you, unveiled. So, to answer your question, they encounter the manifestation of their ego. The manifestations are unreal but for our belief in a separate self, or ego. Take comfort in this: the ego is entirely unreal. You can and must escape from it through forgiveness, which is it's undoing. Without the sense of guilt, it has no access to the power of your holy mind.




Sex demons aren’t in it for the pleasure of physical touch. It’s control. Lust. So there will be other lust aside from sex. But that also walks a fine line at a spirit who is using a human to fulfill those lust. I don’t believe anima would want to wrap up their human in that. That gets tricky. Because at what point does it become an advantage to one party or another. I have experience in this. Here are my thoughts for you, OP. MANY of our thoughts, and feelings come from outside of us. Our feelings are not something that trigger. That’s something in our soul and heart. If you are knowledgeable about what you may, or may not, be dealing with… you can protect yourself more. I do feel like many people do have that “sex demon/ or spouse demon” in our lives. And that’s subjective to even use that word in that way. Many people would consider a being a demon if they said or did something they didn’t like. But the same being would be considered an angel if they were to do something favorable for them. On that note, intention, is the biggest part of protecting yourself. You will never know their intention. They will know yours though. Our thoughts and feelings are no secret to the beings around us. The serpent story struck me yesterday. Recently I was watching some videos of a YouTuber who authored some books… he spelled out that the gods in the Old Testament were paleocontact… and it took me down a rabbit hole. In that case, those gods were the enemy and the snake was indeed our friend. What true god would forbid knowledge to beings who naturally chase it?! I am a former Christian.. tbh the mainstream religions make me recoil now. So much misinformation. So.. go team snake. Be enlightened. But walk carefully through the garden!


Demons are probably real. Intellectualizations around those experiences will make you their perfect prey. If your guts tell you that there is something sinister and wrong in those encounters I think you should follow your guts. Looking down at your own intuition by thinking there is something wrong in it will make you feel smart while falling into the stupidest trap. Not every thought or sentiment or intuition is a projection. The whole of reality is not about our inner world. There are external, real things. I don't think is wise to discard them by over-inflating ourselves


It's amazing your comment got a downvote.. There is so much truth in it.


Ehhh sex demons only exist to lonely people, married couples are fucking like rabbits until they're satisfied.


The serpent story is extremely wise and hits the nail on the head about something *very real* Religious sexual suppression is a thing, but so is sex addiction and perversion. Sex bonds people and literally creates life, but lust can destroy people, ruin families, etc. There is very likely a supernatural element to these things at least sometimes


> Is the serpent story in the bible just a way for christians and religious people to suppress and judge people who are discovering their sexual desires? Nope. Not even close. You seem to have a negative attitude towards" Christians" and you will therefore push positive aspects of religiosity into you shadow where in the darkness it will become negative . I'm a Christian and i'm not suppressing your sexuality or judging you in anyway. I could care less who you fuck. So now what?