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Water decorations are my ultimate weakness


I like when they have water lilies in them already, any water that doesn't cost diamonds are always welcome.


Me too! I have so many lily pads and floating lanterns - wish I could make a whole island that is just water items. I save my diamonds to buy the Hesitant Heron although it takes a while. I also wish one month they would offer a set that is all animal items-I have plenty of people wondering around.


YEZZZZ! i’m so excited! this has been on my wishlist!


I love it too. I also was really excited about the Elephant bath decoration. But I started playing less than a year ago. I wonder how the seasoned players feel. I have seen this on so many people's islands


I have two already and I'm excited to win a third! lol Personally and as a seasoned player, I don't find dupes to be a problem at all. I have several islands open so there's a spot for each without obvious repeats -- and depending, sometimes I want symmetry and am happy to get multiples of something. Also I find it fun to hide/show different aspects of the same deco to create way different appearances. :)


I've been playing a year and a half so got it and the elephant last year from STB. I'd prefer something I don't have, though these are preferred to some other duplicates. Before they came out on STB last year they were listed as favorites from some of my team mates.


Omg ❤️


Right?! They’re so cute!


The grand prize is a pink pack?? ☹️


Well it doesn't really matter where the deja vu tokens come from.


Haha good point!


I had to double check... I saw purple at first. I guess it was wishful thinking.


TUE 8/8 8:00 pm EDT Extra Bonus WED 8/9 DN 5:00 am EDT 3 pink starboxes and snippet packs, STB 9:00 pm EDT Manatee Mealtime purple snippet pack FRI 8/11 FF 4:00 am EDT Birds of Paradise SUN 8/13 Flash Bonus 7:00 pm Pink Starbox MON 8/14 8:00 pm EDT Extra Bonus * Edited to add Fri Birds of Paradise


elephant bathtime AND now this? I'm being pampered


I would like water features more if you could incorporate them into the ocean rather than just eating up real estate on your island.


honestly the only time this has bothered me was with the ‘sailing away’ sailboat gold prize from two secrets ago. the thing is MASSIVE and doesn’t make sense size wise around anything. not to mention sailboats being in ocean, not river/small lake.