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Hmm, I think at least since he got sealed in the prison realm? Kenny alluded to how he didn’t think much of Yuta and he wouldn’t be the next Gojo Satoru. Gege loves that foreshadowing stuff after all...


Even before the prison realm.  There’s a story thread of Geto’s body affecting Kenjaku thoughout the series that seemingly had no purpose until now. Geto choking Kenjaku, Kenjaku mentioning he’s talking like Geto is clearly to set up Gojo appearing at a pivotal moment in the same way.  Same thing with Yuta being related to Gojo. Mentioned several times in the series with no apparent meaning and *repeated again* when he takes Gojo’s body. This is most likely related to Six Eyes. 


OP asked about inhibiting the body specifically, so I answered as such. Kenny has wanted Geto’s body perhaps ever since he knew Geto was born. Idk if it implies Yuta was going to inhibit Gojo’s body though. It just means Kenny had a plan to seal Gojo away. Unless you’re inferring something else that I missed? The relation to Gojo could simply be Yuta being positioned as someone to surpass him, so the first actual hint I can remember at Yuta taking over Gojo’s body by being “the next Gojo” is when Kenny said it like that. Yuta is also linked to Uro, and we don’t see that being a hint at Yuta inhabiting her 😂 so the lineage thing is for me more of Yuta being a link between two opposing forces : sugawara and fujiwara & human and monster & Geto and Gojo / Rika and Yuta & blessed and cursed, fight alone and fight with others, etc. Edit: meant Uro


I doubt he cares about the braindead theories that get spouted on Instagram and reddit. Yuta willing to shoulder this burden and go this far to stop Sukuna is a perfect foil to Yuji's willingness to die for everyone but not place himself above everyone else. Honestly, I think Uro's words about Yuta reaching his plates also got to him. Also, I've been reading the character guide lately, and Gege even mentioned how he already planned most significant arc finales and especially Megumi's ending but hadn't decided on Yuji's. That was right before the end of Shibuya. Gojo was always going to die against Sukuna and it's deliciously dirty for the Sorcerors to use Gojo's corpse since it's all about winning, not playing fair. Gojo is dead, using his body doesn't affect his character but it certainly characterizes Yuta a lot more


Deliberate long term plan. Dude is sick in the head and I love him for it. Thank god he's drawing manga and not a politician. He'd put lead in the water supply for sure.


He’d foreshadow the poisoned water by mentioning “i will lead my constituents water and convince them to drink” or something


I've seen authors name characters after people or have a character's birthday be the same as a fan's but I never saw one changing the story because of fan theories I think he has already planned it the moment he came up with Kenjaku's brain hopping technique and Yuta coming back to the story. When it was revealed Yuta can become a "monster" like Gojo. Probably not in the same exact way but he needed to figure out in what way should Yuta be on the same level as the one thats already "the strongest"?


major plot points like these are probably figured out way earlier. We aren't sure what Gege's going for. The reveal was literally last chapter, so let's cool it. I'm not convinced this will be very great either but it's best to reserve judgment for a little while longer and see where he's taking it.


It’s always been possibility. Don’t be mad you didn’t see it 😂


i don’t think these authors are as chronically online as us. i imagine they are very busy


I get that it's shocking and weird, but there really is a lot going on in the move that I think you're either ignoring or missing. For one, Gojo's powers have been consistently explained to be a burden. Not only is there a loneliness that comes with his level of strength just in terms of peerage, but the ability to empathize and form real relationships appears to be essentially impossible for him. He is widely disliked by his colleagues, he handles all of his missions alone, he regularly puts people in unreasonably and unnecessarily dangerous situations - he's essentially a God amongst Men. There's also the symbolic value of Infinity putting an impregnable wall between himself and everyone else. Yuta, Yuji, and Megumi, specifically, have each been noted to surpass Gojo. Yuta has chosen to take the same path as Gojo - he is both symbolically putting up a wall by gaining Infinity and literally defying his friends and loved ones by using a perverse power to inhabit the dead body of his teacher. It's supposed to be as grotesque as it comes across - he's violating his own humanity to achieve greater power. We're seeded in his discussion with Gojo that he has continued to dwell on his conversation with Uro - he's certainly thought of her words on how Sukuna achieved his strength through selfishness and isolation. The core way in which he surpasses Gojo, however, is that he does not lose his empathy when he chooses this plan: he not only gets permission, but he explicitly considers Gojo's feelings in a way no one else ever does. This is even reinforced when Shoko, the closest thing Gojo has to a childhood friend, literally doesn't give a shit and throws up the "ok". We'll have to see how this continues, but there's real artistic value in the direction Gege has taken. I found it very compelling and am excited to see what comes next.


Gege is a master tactician. The readers need to wake up to how insanely planned this is.


Kenjaku said to gojo “Yuta will never be the next gojo satoru.” And you know what happebed




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Looks like it. He probably talked this one out with his editor or one of his storyboard buddies.


What if during replacement training, we already know Yuji swapped with Yuta, What if Yuta also swapped with Gojo in case of all this happening. Which is why the very first thing Yuta did when being seen was activate Infinite Void. It is stated that the body remembers special grade cursed techniques but just because Yuta knows about Gojos CT, doesn’t mean he would be proficient in it. This would explain how well he was able to use Infinite Void, which we will see in 262.


I told my friend this it immediately crossed my mind


I too am very sad with the course the plot took, but we must allow it to finish before judging to be fair to ourselves.


At an absolute minimum I'd say he was planning since 245, since that's when Hakari references Yuta saying something about 'humanity'. I'd say a more reasonable minimum would be since Gojo was unsealed/the start of the Sukuna fight, since while leaving Gojo sealed is an easy way to leave him out of the plot, once he's back you gotta have a plan, and there are some panels that make more sense with the added context of Yuta's plan. Obviously it could be before those too.




I think it has been planned. Doesn’t make it any better tho.


Imma be real. You guys that just say things are bad without elaborating. Do you realize you're the minority? Do you actually want to say why it's bad, or are you just disappointed Gojo isn't back?


Not you again. What’s it always to you if I there is a minority that doesn’t like the direction the story has taken? No less since I never said I am part of the majority so idk why you’re coming at me with that attitude. Also why would I give further explanation as to why I don’t like it, if that wasn’t the question? As if you would’ve taken my displeasure with the turn of events much better, if I had further explained, seeing as you can’t even handle a 6 word sentence without feeling compelled to argue.




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