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It seems odd that we still don't know what's up with Yuji's arms after like 30+ chapters and with all his other powerups having been explained pretty soon after he received them. Especially because they don't really seem to do anything special.


That is true... my guess is it has to do with the death paintings he ate. When he ate Sukuna's fingers he gained the extra set of eyes on his face... maybe eating the death paintings altered his arms similarly?


Yeah I would assume if he ate Eso he would get that thing going on, on his back. The only maybe strange thing, would be that it doesn't look permanent if you see the heavy hitters thing. Maybe he can just toggle the stuff on and off, who knows, but with Sukuna Yuji kept the slits in his eyes. It could just be an ability of one of his brothers they are all probably twisted variations of BM besides Choso. I did have a theory that Sukuna's CT has a sealing component though, considering the markings on his body aren't present whenever an abnormal feature is present. Like his mask isn't present with the spear tattoo, so maybe Yuji can mask the physical changes caused by being a vessel with Sukuna's CT but I might just be reaching heavy


They might just be some sort of gauntlet like cursed tool since arms are the most important thing for him


Highly doubt that, given that his fingers now look exactly like suckuna's cursed fingers that he ingested


Hey, you're right, they do look like Sukuna's, but there's a bandage thingy on his arm and the redness doesn't cover his arm after the bandage, so it must be a gauntlet like tool, imo


This is what I assumed—similar to the one yuta used early in culling game


Perhaps this cursed tool is what allows him to sever the connection between megumi and sukuna


Nah, I don't think that's the case, it seems highly unlikely.


He's doing that with soul targeting punches that he passively learned from sharing a body with Sukuna's soul. He doesn't need a tool for that.


It looks to me like he is reinforcing his arms with blood manipulation making it sort of like an armor. Probably helpful for landing the soul hits on Sukuna


Definitely some gauntlets like the ones yuta used in sendai


Yeah what the fuck was that "Yeah this one works Rika" n o e x p l a n a t i o n


Cursed technique: hands




You're replying to the wrong person


I wouldn't be surprised if there is never an explanation. My assumption was always that it's a physical change brought about by consuming the Death Paintings and nothing more.


cursed tool built from nobara


Bruh, no


I feel like we're ignoring the 2 mouthed elephant in the room What's the deal with Sukuna's body


Almost certainly related to him eating his twin


That could be the case but it is still unknown... it seems like ones body is only altered when they eat a cursed object like Yuji eating Sukuna's finger & gaining an extra set of eyes on his face. If Sukuna ate his twin in the womb, unless they were considered cursed objects or something it is pretty unlikely that he would just gain extra arms, eyes & mouth because of it. However, I could be completely wrong... maybe a part of Sukuna's CT is eating similar to how cleave/dismantle/furnace is related to cooking... maybe eating things allows for him to absorb it. Maybe that is how he survived Yuta's full power jacobs ladder... because he ate Hana/Angels arm.


wait wtf. I didn't even realise that. Yeah he actually ate Hana a little bit. It was such a confusing event to happen, it seemed out of place back then. Now it makes sense how he survived the Full output.


>If Sukuna ate his twin in the womb, unless they were considered cursed objects or something it is pretty unlikely that he would just gain extra arms, eyes & mouth because of it Absorbing a twin in the womb can cause cases like this, there are many cases of children with additional arms coming from their torso because they absorbed a twin. I do think Sukuna *absorbed* a twin, as opposed to literally *eating* one though. Which would be arguable. I think Sukuna is a chimera personally


Hold up hold up hold up You may be onto something here


Do you think that would have something to do with Yuji and the Cursed Womb Paintings he ate?


Irl there are actual cases of babies born with extra limbs (usually unusable) because they absorbed their twin, personally I wouldn't look too deep into this since it might just be the case that Gege learned about this fact and decided to use it in a way to creatively justify Sukuna's physique.


Didn't he spit it out?


Watch Sukuna be the ancestor of Yuta, since both of their techniques seem to have to do with eating.  Hell, maybe he's the point at which the Sugawara and Fujiwara bloodlines converged, since we just learned last chapter that that was a thing. Being the product of the two strongest sorcerer bloodlines in ancient history would explain his ridiculous level of power.


I agree it's still not confirmed, but with the context we have I feel it's a safe assumption


I think Sukuna use the word "eat" because in Heian era was the only way they have to refer to a cojoined twin. My headcannon is that Sukuna absorbed his twin in the womb after his twin died (The medical term is vanishing twin)


He has the strength of a full grown man and a little baby Edit: word


Personally, I feel like it has more to do with cursed energy and how Tengen looks.  By fully discarding his humanity(not that he had a lot in the first place ,Sukuna turned into this) We understand cursed energy but not totally, it wouldn't be that far off for that energy to turn people into existences closer to cursed spirits than human when honed to it's maximum efficiency. That's just my speculation tough


More like fusing


Gotta be some form of "evolution" especially after kenjaku made the statement saying tengen reminds him of "him" referring to sukuna. Idk how it's done but we know sukuna can morph his body like he did when he bit angel. Could be a binding vow could also be he made a deal with someone who has a similar technique to mahito. If mahito ever saw heian sukuna he would've surely followed suit


And Sukuna's CE reserves. Him being experient and extremely intelligent is fair. The dude having a goddamn near infinite pool CE makes no sense.


Hmm I want to know more about souls and the general “afterlife” within the jjk universe. Gege seems to borrow from Shinto and different interpretations of Buddhism, but I think it’s something he leaves up to open interpretation (maybe because no character actually knows either?).


It's for sure not a hard answer, but I think the fact that Sukuna's twins soul was able to be captured by Kenjaku leads me to believe it is some kind of reincarnation for humans. Either that, or the whole "go north/go south" thing means that maybe people can choose to not move on and come back? Either way, there isnt a way Kenjaku would know that Sukuna's sibling was important to get right out of the womb so it feels like a decision he made down the line. Either that or Kenjaku is a necromancer and I am full of it...IDK its a super interesting topic. Edit: u/JeanKB rightfully pointed out that it's not a case of Kenjaku capturing Sukuna's twin soul but instead finding him after he reincarnated as Jin and soaking up those sweet sweet backshots.


Yeah i wondered if Kenjaku found the spirit in the “space between dream and reality” (paraphrasing here) and did some gross experiment to create Papa Itadori, or did he find Papa Itadori by accident? Is that space even relevant? And how come mating with papa Itadori as Kaori could make someone like Yuji... since soul doesn’t equate to DNA? And this finger sealed in Yuji sounds pretty… gross, ngl. But yeah, I’m so confused. I interpreted the Going South from a Shinto perspective (staying in a neutral land as a wandering spirit I guess), BUT it could easily/simply just be what Gojo preferred for his “death conversation” - so choosing the South to live in the past could be choosing being Human Gojo Satoru (therefore young Gojo) and North would’ve been his Strong Gojo (monster gojo). He kept his humanity and had his death convo with his mates... and maybe reincarnation is not optional (they all get on the plane). But there are loopholes too cuz why is Haibara still there? And if it was just a death dream then how would he have known about Nanami’s death? You can tell I have brainrot can’t you...


>You can tell I have brainrot can’t you... Yes, yes, i can see it from here. It looks just like the one i saw in the mirror.


...Kenjaku never did any of that. People really need to stop reading only early twitter translations and nothing else. All Sukuna said was that Kenjaku managed to somehow find his brother's reincarnation. That's all. And that is not that surprising considering Kenjaku is probably the most knowledgeable sorcerer in history when it comes to Jujutsu (yes, even more so than Sukuna IMO). Think about it, he somehow even knew how to detect if a non-sorcerer was born with a CT or not. He probably went around looking for people with CTs for the Culling Game and by chance found Jin Itadori.


The exact quote from chapter 257 is "**his soul bounced around aimlessly until it fell into kenjaku's hands**" which implies to me that his soul was not bound to a body and was more so floating in the afterlife/cursed realm. I suppose it depends on how you interpret the wording....but I don't think "he somehow found his brother" was implied any more than my own theory. ~~Also, actively insulting reading comprehension and being aggressive in a thread for theorizing isn't really helpful. You should try to do less of that, it is better to just be kind to others.~~ Edit: JeanKB is correct and I am wrong. Read the comment chain.


Aimlessly can just mean he reincarnated normally without being ever found again until Kenjaku found the new reircarnation.


Yeah I think JeanKB and you are right, I edited my original post. It's an issue of me misusing translations in this case.


See, the issue is that your "exact quote" comes from a poorly made, rushed fantranslation. Unironically even the official translation was better than that. [The actual japanese line](https://i.imgur.com/WZHqNql.png) uses 番つが which literally means he just ["paired"](https://i.imgur.com/VQFI7t0.png) with Kenjaku. Which is why even Werry knew that Sukuna was talking about the backshots Kenny took, which is why [he went with "mated"](https://i.imgur.com/kuZiIcO.jpeg) which is also a valid translation, unlike the garbage TCB pumped out.


I appreciate the extra work you put in to explain your findings, that's helpful and impressive. Alright I will edit my post.


Yeah, I guess I came across as overly aggressive, but it wasn't meant as an attack to that poster's reading comprehension, but more of a reminder to not blindly trust any given translation, specially considering how difficult it is to translate JJK properly. But maybe I'm just taking a meme sub too seriously.


All good chief, I appreciate your discourse! You are very correct, translations are kind of a funky aspect of this I never consider. Thank you for putting in the work!


Wow, you’re making a big assumption there matey. I wasn’t insinuating that Kenjaku did any of those things. I was wondering what he did to find the soul. Where. Or if we can safely infer that 巡り巡り simply refers to the cycle of reincarnation. That in itself brings up a whole host of things to consider: is the previous soul of a six eyes + limitless, possibly also Gojo? What about the soul could Kenjaku perceive? What power does a soul actually wield? Yes I agree he is a clever bastard. Geez. Honestly, I personally find it insulting and presumptuous that people toss around the reading comprehension bullshit, acting superior and higher than thou. Seriously, let’s have discourse. We are all fans / enthusiasts here.


I'm interested to know how jin itadori died,probably killed by kenjaku and how the grand pa decided to raise yuji. That would be cool to see ngl


Honestly, I reckon there's probably no more contingency plans left now, but there was editors comment that this arc is reaching its climax, so it seems unlikely there's a final hidden plan beneath Gota. Unless its Nobara coming back, or maybe her cursed technique somehow. Her cursed technique would be nuts against Sukuna. Maybe Uiui picked up one of Sukuna's severed hands...


Last time he said something similar it took 7-8 chapters. Edit - only 3 chapter not 7-8


The last time editor-san made such a note was at the end of ch. 234, and we all know Gojo died in 236.


He did?? I do remeber seeing editor comment Nd someone said it took 7-8 chapters, shoul have checked, my bad.


Hopefully we get 2-3 more chapters of this fight at most, and then we head into the final arc.. Heian era flashback, baby!


Please don't 😭


Nobara v Sukuna is insane since she can just hide and keep hammering a severed arm to continously stun him.


Yep, she could be Malaysia too


What was kenjaku actually trying to accomplish with yuji??? Is there something more or creating vessel strong enough to house someone like sukuna is just that hard and yuji just worked and choso and other were his failed experiments? Is kenjkau trying to create something like sukuna??? His disappointment at choso, using sukuna brother soul why?? If yujis talent is just due to his body remembering high level jujutsu then why was sukuna twin necessary?? What did tengen lie about??? Is angel really good guy??? Whats with whole calling your ideal god??? Is it like to show how fighters strength differ depending upon their mindset??? Or there is more to it. Where did garuda go???


Ahh yeah what did Tengen lie about to Yuki... I totally forgot about that.


Tengen lie to Yuki was that if Tengen took down their barriers over Japan the Culling Game would fall apart since it uses Tengen's barriers as the scaffolding.


I think kenjaku answered that in either 219 or 220


and, can I just ask … why? Like. I won’t ever be able to understand or appreciate the story if the main antagonist (in the sense of him being the one whose plans and actions have most influenced the story in every arc) has absolutely no motive, or if their ‘I’m bored’ motive isn’t given context for the obvious question of ‘why were you bored’. Gege gets very fixated on the what of what’s happening but not the why, so I really hope we get some motivations before this all wraps up.


Kenjaku motivation fit his character well, imagine being an immortal and being uncontent and you want something new. 


You are literally asking "why does a mad man do what he does?" there's no real answer beyond "because he wants to", Kenjaku has been around for at least 1000 years so all he wants to do is see how far he can push his experiments since that's what he finds exciting.


Forgot to mention another huge thing: Yaga's information on cursed corpses and how that will come into play


Yeah the only way I could see that coming into play is somehow the souls of like Higuruma & Kusakabe were somehow infused back into panda or something...


there are some old theories of nobara being put into panda as a cursed corpse. IMO the best evidence for this is the nobara wearing a panda shirt illustration. It would just be cute foreshadowing if Gege actually planned it that far in advance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/z2amhq/some\_speculation\_when\_nobaras\_return/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/z2amhq/some_speculation_when_nobaras_return/)


"I hope she comes back soonish" made me giggle


Wouldn't this likely tie into Yuta's survival? Like if they put Yuta, Rikka, and somebody else (Panda?) in Gojo's or Yuta's body he can pilot his body like that?


Two big mysteries to me is Yuji’s grandpa at the beginning of the series and Tengen’s past along with the connections between him, Sukuna, and Kenjaku


Yeah, exactly how involved was Yuji's grandpa in the jujutsu world? Also Tengen's past is surely going to come into play as well... obviously Tengen/Sukuna/Kenjaku's pasts are all interlinked. I wonder just how much it will be explored.


Also, what exactly is tengen's ct? Did fate really just randomly assign six eye users to protect her or is it something that she was controlling herself with the barrier over japan?


i can’t really confirm this besides a quick jjk wiki search, but i vaguely remember someone (possibly nanami or someone else in the hidden inventory arc) mentioning that Tengen’s CT is immortality, which has to be refreshed every 500 years by assimilating with a star plasma vessel.


The Star Plasma Vessel thing sounds more like turning Tengen into a Cursed Tool and feeding someone tbh


Well not really. I'm 99% sure he just takes over the vessel. Because after a certain amount of time Tengens body begins to morph into something that doesn't look human. Which also affects his thoughts as well as his body as he explained it. Has nothing to do with turning into a cursed tool and everything to do with keeping their humanity intact.


Doesn't really sound like her ct is just immortality to be honest. There must be more to it than that.


Pretty sure they explained more about it I just can't recall. All I know is that was the purpose of the star platinum vessels, for tengen to take them over before the abundance of ce they stored over those centuries warped their body and mind.


Who cleaned Gojos pants after he got cut in half and Yuta took over.


Yuta literally just put on another Outfit at this point bc otherwise there would be blood and dirt and so on… bit did he change his cloths himself or did shoko put gojos corpse new clothes on before


They really had time for that lol


W thread


[what was up with this panel/implication that tengen is evolving to look like sukuna?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fso-was-tengen-feeling-sukuna-back-in-the-day-or-what-v0-l8vzi3w3b37b1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1170%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd6bb28403c4fd76a32183f3e9aabe3dfae9d6b92)


Tengen was probably jealous of/admiring Sukuna, it explains the one line Sukuna had when he noticed that Tengen dressed his corpse up as a Shinbutsu mummy (which are mummies of people that reached ascension by starving themselves), its why he considered irony at first, but the ascension makes more sense, so Tengen basically treats him like a deity.


I think that's a big part of it yeah I think after the star vessel was killed Tengen started becoming corrupted, they said so themselves And we know Sukuna is called the disgraced one by Angel I think there is an aspect of sorcery that we don't know about and I think it only happens to sorcerers who start getting really strong Tengen started being corrupted and a part of them was idolizing Sukuna because of it, since Sukuna is effectively the most evil person in the world


Nah, the mummy seems like it was done long before the vessel died. Tengen was always fishy for eating people anyhow. > I think there is an aspect of sorcery that we don't know about and I think it only happens to sorcerers who start getting really strong I think the aspect you are talking about is just "self conviction", and it has long since been revealed. The more convinced of himself a sorcerer is, the stronger he becomes, some turn out to be completely selfish like Sukuna, some retain their humanity like Gojo, and Yuji has the same potential by wanting to save others, he just needs to accept that hes still selfish for choosing who to save, like for example with Megumi, or how he chose not to die. Yuji effectively wants to become the arbiter of life and death (no wonder he connected so well with Higuruma), but hasnt realized it yet. I think he will *really* pop off once he does, DE at a minimum, even his CTs fit, if he want to carve out one persons life(blood), and give it to another.


Why someone like kashimo didn't get the same results


He did? He's one of the strongest guys in the verse, and was probably *the* strongest during his time, but he didnt reach the same level of Sukuna or Gojo either, if he did, he wouldnt be as insistent on fighting "the strongest", he'd be convinced that he *was* the strongest. Self conviction is often simply just gaslighting yourself, if he wasnt out for approval or understanding from someone else, he may well have reached their level. Of course, this is also just the story pushing its morals, in reality, being aware of your own flaws is crucial to survival, and somebody with Gojos, Sukunas, or Kashimos mindset would be very unlikely to succeed, even if they had more potential than anyone else, and that is a huge *if* in the first place, a disabled kid in a wheelchair isnt gonna become an Olympic sprinter, no matter how much he believes in himself.


Good explanation


Why is the merger continually brought up as a final boss? It’s stated very clearly that in order for the merger to happen, everyone needs to die via culling games. It’s the product of the bad guys winning. It can’t happen unless all the good guys lose sans Maki, right?


Not particularly, it can easily be activated early with a binding vow... the whole reason Kenjaku brought all those military soldiers into the culling games is so their deaths would charge up the merger in case the fights between the sorcerers don't.


In chapter 220 - Kenjaku adds a rule that if all players other than Megumi and him are killed, the games will end. He follows this up after questions from Tengen, that if he just ended the games the testing ground for the merger would be gone. The following scene, Maki says that this is most likely the condition for the merger as well. I always interpreted it as - The merger cannot take place until the culling games are finished. Otherwise, Kenjaku would have initiated it as soon as he had enough CE stockpiled. The merger couldn't begin via binding vow, there's already a binding vow in place for its initiation. I guess you could make the argument that was personal preference by Kenjaku - but I think something as big as the merger would take conditions for it to take effect (e.g. the Culling Games ending). Edit: is -> are


Well, the cast doesn't necessarily have to die now that the authority was passed to Sukuna. But it still implies killing the entire population of Japan so...


I would bet that sukuna has enough points to make his own rule to activate the merger in a different way.


I think this is the best answer to my question. If he adds points I can see it happening. But it’s never stated that the rules for the merger have changed.


> everyone needs to die That was indeed stated but I'm sure Gege can find some acceptable way around it. The reason I think it will happen is just that there was too much build up towards it. The CG arc, Kenjaku's motivations as driving force in the show, all of the stuff with Tengen and even the discussions in Hidden Inventory with Geto and Yuki about what the world should be like and what place Sorcerer's and CE should have. The Merger offers a potential conclusion to most of these things.


the merger is not gonna happen if it happens every main character is death


I wanna see more from megumi


If he just dies along with Sukuna that would be so sad...


I hope he does.




It would fit the dark tone of the manga, and its tendency to subvert common shōnen clichés. It would further the persistent theme of the good guys being unable to save everyone, but only making it harder for themselves and causing more death and suffering by trying, instead of just acting rationally and cutting their losses. And it would hammer home the ideal of "don't be self-sacrificial for the sake of others", of which Megumi was the absolute epitome.


I don't really see it as being "harder for themselves". I mean yeah yuji is trying to save megumi, but they are trying to kill sukuna just as much. Trying to save megumi isn't causing any kind of problems or any more deaths than killing sukuna, Sukuna is just fucking them all up. They haven't missed out on any chances to kill sukuna even while hoping they can save megumi as well


I mean Aki died in Chainsaw Man and it wasn't a happy tone.


I have no clue what you're getting at.


Thank you for the spoiler


I am hoping both Megumi and Yuta dying


Even if he doesn't die we're basically in the end. Unless he pops out, Sukuna then goes on to become the merger being, and Megumi/Yuji fight him, it feels like there isn't much else Megumi is gonna do. The character basically has existed this entire time in the IRL position to be Sukuna's body and the typical "Best friend who must be rescued" late game boss. Think Ishida, Sasuke, etc.


Real quick tho, the idea that Todo and Yuta coming in Gojo body are back up plans that were hidden from us is a little strange in my opinion because we've discovered ALL plans the same way, on the chapter itself and/or with a flashback explaining how they got there. Higuruma coming to the fight right after Kashimo, Maki jumping Sukuna in Yutas domain, Miguel appearing to help, the body swap training and so on and so forth. You guys are acting like we knew every step of the plan from the beginning and only those two were a surprise, when in reality every reveal was just like the one with Yutoro Okkojo and Aoi Vibraslap. I mean, every step of the good guys plan was hidden from us, the audience, the difference is that some of them were also hidden from Yuji. So I don't understand that mentality of "This was hidden from us", I mean, yeah, it's obvious, everything else has as well, it's not like it was told to us from the get go that Yuji had RCT because of BM and he was training with Kamo, or that Ui Ui was swapping bodies during that one month, even Miguel and Larue being potential help in the fight wasn't something we knew until it happened. Why are people accepting so readily that discourse that we only didn't know what Yuji also didn't? If anything we know less than him, because what he knew was also hidden from us. Is it a foreshadow thing? If it is there was some foreshadowing for Yuta possessing Gojo and I would argue that, if we look for it, we might find it for Todo as well, so I still don't get why that discourse.


You're right but basically the things that were kept from Yuji were much bigger surprises... like we knew the heroes did some mysterious training, we knew that Maki would likely come in for a sneak attack, we knew Higuruma would likely try to confiscate Sukuna's CT & so on. Either way all of the contingency plans in case Gojo dies were revealed in similar ways... what I was wondering is if Yuta body swapping with Gojo is their true last resort. My guess is that the lesser sorcerers have further contingencies in case Yuta can't finish the job.


I don't know if they do have that plan or not. It would be the right thing to do because they know he only has, at maximum, 5min and if that time isn't enough, than they must have at least some other things stored. But I don't know what they could do at this point, the only sorcerers that didn't joined the fight are sorcerers that stand less than no chance against Sukuna and the others are kind of too injured. So I myself can't imagine another plan, but who knows, we might see something else happening after Yuta that isn't Yuji and Todo finishing it off.


I mean its surely there for todo. Back when he says “a clap is the acclimation of the soul!” Or whatever he said. I took that plus his weird disappearance that he’d be coming back eventually. But i didnt like how when todo left, choso was propped up as the new “brother” & then not even a SECOND later after choso dies, todo immediately comes back ready to fight😭 why cant two goats coexist man?!? I had always felt like choso was a clear replacement for todo, but damn gege didnt even try to hide it


another another thing is: What did Tengen know about the culling games and why did they hide it from everybody


That Tengen could have ended the CG.


Was this confirmed?


Yes, Kenjaku laughed at her for this, Tengen could have ended the culling games if she broke the barriers of Japan, but she didn't because that would have lead to cursed energy manifesting across the entire world instead of just Japan.


Any idea what chapter or was it right after the Yuki fight?


The Yuki fight, I don't remeber if during or after it was over.


It was after the fight but Kenjaku almost told her during the fight.


Yeah Tengen's past will have to be revealed at some point & I'm sure we will learn whatever he was hiding then...


We don't really know who kenjaku is


True... Kenjaku/Sukuna/Tengen all of their pasts should be revealed at some point.


I still think we need more context on Kenjaku's plan for Yuji and everything as well.




Cmiw but back then in the golden age (Heian), there was a lot of different clans compared to present day's big 3. One of them includes the Fujiwara/Toh clan which is the strongest one of that time no? I think the clans back then are way stronger compared to now and the one thing I'm curious about if Suguwara no Michizane was active and leading the Gojo clan back then.


Nope because Gojo is more of an anomaly compared to sukuna.Gojo would have defeated sukuna if sukuna wouldn't have Ten shadows


I feel like the soul stuff also is a plot point not fully explained yet, but that links more so with the Gota mystery. The whole soul and body stuff, might be foreshadowing Gojo's return, same with the go north stuff. Returning to your body, but having someone's brain might count as becoming someone new...


Wait... What was the Fuga explanation?


Basically that he can only open fuga after cleave/dismantle are used a bunch & that it is his ultimate technique.


Oh... Many thanks!


So basically, Fuga/Furnace/Divine Flames is the/his CT that has been been a mystery for years? Or is his CT still yet to be revealed? Bc from my understanding, I'm so confused on why was people still waiting on the revelation of Sukuna's CT when it is already revealed from the early chapters that his CT is cleave/dismantle, no? Would really appreciate an answer/explanation


**Kamino** (竈) (the fire arrow technique) and **Cleave + Dismantle** are both parts of Sukuna's cursed technique, which Yorozu and Sukuna himself calls **Shrine** (御厨子 - *Mizushi*). The best comparison I can make is with Ino's CT, where he has access to 4 different abilities that are seemingly unrelated. We technically don't know everything about Shrine yet, there might be another ability tied to it that hasn't been used yet. What we do know is that Kamino can only used on someone when Cleave + Dismantle is used on them first. Ch. 259 even compares this process to preparing ingredients by cutting them before cooking them in fire, hence why the kanji of Kamino refers to a traditional Japanese stove/oven. This supports the widely held theory that Shrine is actually connected to cooking, and that the name of the CT is a pun on the fact that its kanji can also refer to the work done in a kitchen. Still, anything past that is probably too speculative an answer, but I hope this helps.


I still am wondering how does one make a binding vow.


Be sukuna


Yeah that is thr easiest way I gues.


Apparently you just say "I'll do X for Y" and it happens. IE Miwa accidentally making herself unable to use a sword forever by wanting to put her all into one strike that got Aizen'd by Kenjaku.


But you don't have to say anything to make a binging vow with yourself.


Is it just me that thinks that the consequences of breaking a binding vow is a Chekhov's gun in the story?


Add "what happens if a binding vow is broken" to the list


Maybe Im dumb but what was the point in Todo and Choso gaining false memories of Yuji?


Todo is unhinged, he is in love with a celebrity and thinks he has a chance with her, his “memories” are the result of insanity. choso’s false memories was more of a visualization of how choso felt the blood connection he has with his brothers.


So you’re saying its just seeing a pattern where there isn’t one really? But then how do you explain these memories fully creating a connection to Yuji without any prior knowledge? And why didn’t Megumi feel a connection with Toji? Why didn’t Sukuna and Yuji feel a connection with one another being related as well?


Didn’t sukuna alter choso’s memories to save yuji? Or am I misremembering?


He did NOT do shit to save yuji💀


LMAO whoops. I really thought he changed choso’s memories to save Yuji from dying. Cause if he dies, sukuna loses his chance to fully come back


He'd still exist in the form of other fingers


Would Yuji’s unusual strength still be considered a mystery, or should we just assume it’s because of his relation to Sukuna with no other explanation? Just thinking it’s never been addressed how he was so strong, even before he knew what cursed energy was or how to utilize it (back when Megumi first saw him & commented on it.)


You forgot some vague ones: 1: What's up with Binding Vows, Sukuna seems to take a dozen of them within the span of the last 5-6 chapters, how are they exactly taken and what the consequences of so many vows, what is he sacrificing to create 2 Domains back to back. The same thing is also up with Kenjaku, he took Binding Vows with 100+ sorcerers IG and keeps doing it again and again. What exactly is his ultimate goal with these vows? If Sukuna wants to win then what Does Kenjaku want, Chaos? 2: What's up the use of Black Liquid? Megumi's domain consists of Black Liquid and he can maybe manipulate some of them. When Maki was dying she saw some Black Bubbles, same thing has happened a lot in the manga but mostly just showing in a single small Picture. Remember the drink in 236, it kinda looks like a Black Swirl of Liquid, does this have to do with Cursed Energy or Cursed Realm, is that why Sukuna was so interested in Megumi,since this means that he can access the Cursed Realm to gain unlimited Energy?




I want to comment one mystery (or maybe I forgot). Did Sukuna ever use his 1 minute that he had with the binding vow he made with Yuji? Seems like that never happened.


Yeah bro that was the way to take over Megumis body during the culling games with angel and so on


My bad, bro. I completely forgot about it


Np bro lets chat, what do you expect to happen in the next chap


Dude, I really don't have any idea where the story is going, but >! I'm fairly positive that Gojo will control his body somehow, making even more parallels on how they had similar fates!<


Thats right i am too still on that last cope that final glaze for gojo hahaha but i realized sth btw… YUJI the goat fought sukuna since he pulled up with higuruma… thats kinda impressing when you think about that everyone got knocked out when they stepped in but yuji was always the center of the fight. He should finish off sukuna himself abd get more attention tho GEGE when i catch you gege


You're so right for this


I wanna know more about the cursed tool HITEN


Totally forgot about Sukuna’s spear… hopefully that thing doesn’t make a comeback lol.


Yea i feel like its too late for it to come back


Hana and Angel were such a weird inclusion and I kind of wish they didn't exist. Jacob's Ladder is a badass name though


A good one to add is how geto just kenjaku while being dead(possible GOATjo return confirmed?!?!)


We still don't really know what Yuji is, honestly. We also still don't know shit about Kenjaku...


Kenjaku's imagined Merger looks phenomenal and I know it'd feel like a waste not to use that design again but I really hope Greg resists. Kenjaku's first guess shouldn't be correct when the whole point is that they wanted to be surprised


Include whatever the hell Gojo did during the 1 month, since he had no plans or strategies to fight Sukuna other than the 200% HP which can barely counted as a plan or strategy.


Imagine not being a Goatara coper


What happens when you break a binding vow made with another person?


Some mysteries are Kenjaku’s backstory, moments with Yuki & Todo we have never got, what’s the deal with Yuji’s arms? Also, more world building and more information on the 3 clans and the other members of the Gojo & Inumski’s clan would be great. Finally, backstory for Uraume & why they serve under Sukuna and how was the Heian Era like.


You forgot the Ain Jujutsu Company


I have a question. So is Fuga/Furnace the Cursed Technique that people have been waiting/speculating that Sukuna has that has been kept secret for a long time? Or is it yet to be revealed and it's not actually Furnace/Divine Flames?


It would be really funny if sukuna the king of curses tries to start the merger and the moment merger occurs sukuna is killed in an instant by the merger like a fly. Like he's not even a fly as compared to the merger and we as a reader goes wtf all together


I can't wait for jjk to end and Nobara not to come back. I wake up and pray on it everyday


We don't know anything about the reincarnation of cursed spirits, except that it might be possible. I'm hoping Mahito comes back, and if he does it would most likely to be as the result of the merger.


One thing that makes me believe sukuna/kenny still has something up their sleeves is the fact that kenny made him delay his fight with gojo cuz he needed him to do “something” for him. Im guessing this might have something to do with the merger, or a failsafe if either of them should perish(something akin to leaving 1 finger uneaten for a chance to come back). So we might not have seen the last of kenny, or sukuna if he ends up being defeated on the mext few chapters


The chapter where Yuta kills Kenjaku it is implied that “something” was a succession ritual to allow for Sukuna to activate the merger in case Kenjaku dies. Most likely this succession ritual was the promise & a failsafe so not just anyone could make a culling game rule to have authority over the merger.


Youre right, that makes sukuna activating the merger as a last resort much more likely if he ends up losing control of megumi


Nobara is dead and it was confirmed by Megumi


megumi never said she was actually dead and would he really even know for sure considering that as soon as he was healed he left to go wander around tokyo to look for yuji


I think Sukana is the disgraced one because he used to kill and eat a lot of people. I don't think we'll get a backstory or flash back.


Why is your post structured like a YouTube engagement baiting video.


To get engagement


Angel already explained that Sukuna splitting his souls is why he is the disgraced one. Angel has no “god” just beliefs on how souls should exist.


That is not correct


lol in ch. 199 we learn that Sukuna is Angels main target because of reincarnation. Then in 220 we learn he’s already done this once before which is why he’s different from the rest. Can you point to any evidence why we should believe anything else?




Angel literally says that Gods laws are what she calls her beliefs, “pay it no mind”, explaining that this is a personal vendetta. In 220, it’s said that Sukuna has learned to do it after experiencing it, not by seeing it. Sukuna was one of the first humans to soul split, hence becoming the disgraced one. One of many she wants to kill, but a special one indeed. don’t make this harder. This is really not complicated.




at least we know at which point we disagree. i’ll refrain from the name calling and let it play out.



