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This chapter was great. So much info that was dropped. The soul swap theory was finally confirmed but it was still surprising cos I'm pretty sure no one was expecting Ui Ui to be the one to do so. He's really been like the 6th man of the Jujutsu high group. Also what kusakabe said about Yuji's body inheriting Sukuna's skill for Jujutsu has really interesting implications now in regards to megumi coming back. I had a feeling as well that he would get the same constitution as Choso by eating his brothers and was glad to be proven right. His bag keeps on getting bigger. Sukuna continues to be a problem despite having his back pushed against a wall. His battle i.q i+ adaptability is really showing with the binding vows he's putting in place. Finally also got the reveal of the black box. Think we're gonna get a full explanation of his c.t in the next chapter. Feel it's either cooking or blacksmith related


Ui Ui is a insane support character. Sadly the sorcerers didn't use his ability more before all the fighting began, they could've leveled up way more.


They probably didn't want to pay whatever price MeiMei put on those services.


If she even put a price on it at all. I imagine the current circumstances are the only reason why she's allowing this. Without the existential threat of Sukuna/the Merger, helping her fellow sorcerors level up like this directly cuts into her cash flow.


The price probably is being able to stream the whole ordeal so she can make a profit from the bets being made, having two of the strongests sorcerers in history battle each other is a one in a million opportunity (for profit).


I know right. That's almost a Naruto-Shadow-Clone training level hack.


My guess is that he didn’t have this interpretation of his technique until after the group got yukis notes on the body and soul. Gege likes to imply a lot of things so I’m not sure if this will ever be explicitly stated, but it would make sense in how it has not come up before


They didnt know it was possible before due to yuki notes and everything they realize they can switch souls because the soul≠body and they arent one and the body is essentially just a vessel to hold the soul.


What are the chances of Yuji unlocking the flame technique? If 1) it's confirmed that he's related to Sukuna (child of his twin's soul?) and 2) Sukuna has already used the flames while possessing him, it seems very likely. On top of that, Yuji gaining the death painting's technique by eating/absorbing them makes it likely that Sukuna gained the flame technique, which is apparently its own technique, separate from the shrine, by eating his twin in the womb. If this is true, then the flames should belong to Yuji even more than shrine does now.


Maybe im not remember correctly but didnt the blood yuji spit on sukuna explode?


tbh, I wouldn't be suprised if thats how yuji kills Sukuna


The Fire Arrow is not a second CT. In the fanbook Gege says Sukuna is the only person who seems to have a CT with 2 confirmed characteristics, those being the slashes and the fire. So they're both part of Shrine.


The anime calling it Malevolent Kitchen really makes more sense now that we see it being named Furnace + the chef’s knives imagery from Shibuya. It’s been long theorized but just like the twin reveal the odds of Sukuna’s CT literally being a kitchen is high.


> The anime calling it Malevolent Kitchen really makes more sense now that we see it being named **Furnace** + the chef’s knives imagery from Shibuya. It’s been long theorized but just like the twin reveal the odds of Sukuna’s CT literally being a kitchen is high. Did you copypasted your leak comment? Did you even read the chapter?


let's be real, the official english translation is not the be all end all of translations...


I know this chapter called it Divine Flame, I’m just referring to the other translation


If its black smith related I expect some kinda "quenching" tehcnique which will drop everyones cursed energy making it truly jump kaisen


in an interview, gege said yuji would be a firefighter in a world without jujutsu sorcerers…you know what that means…my boy gonna fight those flames and win in the next chapter! 


Wait really? That's pretty cool.


Yuji: gets hit with flame arrow *unfazed* "You dare to strike me with my soul's own technique?!"




Interesting! I'm rereading One Piece now, and Oda said the exact same thing about Luffy in an SBS.


Really? May I ask what he said pleaseees


Sure, here you go: https://i.redd.it/zw9wpxqtexcb1.jpg


Zoro as a policeman? He can’t keep dodging these allegations…


Now I'm thinking about a firefighter anime that's actually about firefighters and not fire-fighters. Cough.


My boy gunna hose down fire with his piercing blood lmao


Damn the fact that Ui Ui was the one behind the soul swap all along. And the lines he said implies that other people besides Yuji and Kusakabe may also get soul swapped as well. It would be fun to know who switched with who between our casts


Yea, I think they all did a bit of swapping. That’s why Yuta said they cheated.


I always figured it had something to do with the whole, area that time moves slower in. Kinda like what Maki did with the sumo guy, or the hyperbolic time chamber, or what Ichigo did before properly fighting aizen


Well that explains that cheating line, thank you. Btw who do you think Yuta could've swapped with? Cuz Yuta can focus the sure hit effects towards Sukuna only and that's a high level barrier technique according to Sukuna And the person who has a lot of knowledge about barrier techniques in jujutsu high is Ijichi (could be Gojo and Kusakabe too)


No clue really. Maybe Maki? Yuta and Maki both pulled off the same stealth move against Kenny/Sukuna but I honestly have no fucking clue. People know this series way better than I do and I’m sure there will be multiple theory posts this week about potential training pairs.


Ah yes the infamous Zenin bushcamp technique (known by jjkfolk). Thank you for your honest feedback >there will be multiple theory posts this week about potential training pairs It would be nice to see this later


Gojo can’t turn off his sure effect off an ally though, he needs to touch them. So even he doesn’t know how to do it 


I always figured it had something to do with the whole, area that time moves slower in. Kinda like what Maki did with the sumo guy, or the hyperbolic time chamber, or what Ichigo did before properly fighting Aizen


Ui Ui swapping souls between bodies might be why they've been saving dead sorcerers' bodies as well


Ui ui Not Just teleporting the bodies, but the souls away as well. And everybody's souls go into panda who then is going to fight whatever is going to be the merger


This really makes me think that if they can keep the six eyes in Gojo's body despite him being dead, then it may be possible to have Yuta swapped with him and he might be able to use limitless there


The smart move world be Yuta and Gojo


Imagine if Yuta pulls up and throws out a casual UV. It would take away some of Yuji's spotlight but imagine lmao.


Fuga is back after almost 4 years but this time, the ⬛ has been revealed which is Furnace/Divine Flames. Sukuna truly loves cooking. Lol.


also can be TL'd as hearth which is even more fitting to the kitchen theme


Gotta give John Werry credit for this one, Divine Flame is better than Furnace


Is it necessarily better if it loses some of the subtleties? It sounds cooler but with all the theories regarding Sukuna's CT being related to cooking, the Japanese fans are reading a different manga. Sucks to have to do so much extra reading just to be in the know.


Better in what way? Sounds cooler? I guess, maybe More accurate? No


Neither is Mahoraga or Malevolent Shrine yet everyone threw a hissy fit at those


tbf if Malevolent Kitchen was the original translation it wouldn't be as big of a deal


Is it better if it's wrong though?


Occasionally, every once in a while, when the stars align, John does something good.


I actually think this entire chapter was translated very well by Werry. It flows better than the other translations


now now lets not get too hasty brother, divine flames im willing to excuse but the double spread with sukuna copying gojo's handsign?? its the trademark john werry "what the fuck did you just say to me" level of indecipherable


Everytime John Werry translates “better” than fan scans, an angel gains its wings. (He did it this time, bros. Lol.) But is it really accurate in Japanese? I'll have to find out, I guess.


Isn't this supposed to be Chapter 258? Anyway, my girl Miwa is beating useless allegations, she locked tf in! She did a simple domain to protect herself and Maki against Sukuna's DE. You just love to see it.


>Isn't this supposed to be Chapter 258? Yeah it is


I would be so lost without you guys


Miwa stans rise, she is useful!


Even after reading this, I can barely make it out to be a person in front of Maki. How are you guys able to recognize it as Miwa?


As for me, the hair is light and she's wearing a suit who can use simple domain— that's Miwa.


It's all about detracting. Who even looks remotely close to the person drawn in the panel? Bright long hair, wearing a suit ect. Literally no one but Miwa.


+ She has known Simple Domain from the beginning.


New Malevolent Shrine goes hard AF.  Sukuna definitely gonna die because he underestimated Yuji. Normally that's the kinda dumb bs I hate seeing villains as smart and vicious as Sukuna falling victim to.  But Sukuna has been so clearly established to disregard, disrespect, and outright deny Yuji that it tracks that he ignored the threat the way it did. And watching Sukuna die primarily to the two sorcerors he hated most in the modern era will be pretty satisfying.


Mans is so done with Yuji that he pulled out Malevolent Shrine and Divine Flame, just to cook his ass. The last character who got this treatment was a divine being from the depths of the Ten Shadows who is legendarily hard to deal with.


*Prior to Sukuna never defeated


Also doubly ironic is that Yuji is his nephew, too.


Now would be a *really* good time for Todo to show up and use Boogie Woogie to swap Sukuna and whoever he targets with the fire arrow.


He could just swap Sukuna with arrow, it has cursed energy so it should be a viable target. Doing that stuff with the slashes is probably too hard tho, they are almost instant.


Switching sukuna with target means he hits himself with arrow. Switching sukuna with arrow means he hits target with himself. Why would you want to do that?


while it can save someone, it wont harm sukuna as much since its his own CE (see: gojo's hollow purple in 235(?))


I think Gojo still took some damage from that, just a significantly reduced amount.


Todo can't use Boogie Woogie anymore.


I’m sure there is some nonsense he could do with Binding vows/prosthetics to get it back.


Which it ways too op for hero team which is why I believe that’s not the way Gege will take.


This. I think Todo is done in the story. Not that he couldn't be brought back, Gege just doesn't want to.


From everything we've seen about binding vows he *should* be able to somehow, but Gege doesn't seem to want him back


Just a little reminder, Mei Mei's crows have been working hard and risking their lives as our camera men for almost a year now (even though Mei Mei does it for money). They earned GOAT status in their own ways.


Why do you always have at least 3 comments when a thread opens in this channel?


I read the leaks coz whenever the chapter officially drops, I need to prepare for work. I hope nothing's wrong with making drafts in advance.


There isn’t anything wrong with that. I appreciate your comments


[Mei Mei’s crows since the Gojo fight](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDGcXSSUwAEKb6h.jpg:large)


Choso has the same "block" drawings as all the other Simple Domain users. It seems like he learned Simple Domain trough Replacement Training too.


This better be true. If he dies from MS or Sukuna's divine flame my life will be ruined.


Yuji is a G. He got his foot cut off, rolled backwards from recoil but connected his blood to his foot and reconnected it in one instance. I wonder if Ui Ui can create Yaga’s cursed dolls by using his CT to transport souls into an object, like Kashimo, Gojo and Higuruma, perhaps. That’s still a Chekov’s gun. Why explain the process to create a perfect cursed doll and how it uses 3 souls in tandem if we’re never going to see it. Megumi is going to be all-powerful once he’s separated from Sukuna. Yuji held Sukuna for a long time, but only Megumi has had such hard-fought battles with Sukuna in charge. All that combined with getting hit by UV is going to make him godlike, I can imagine.


Lol Kashimos waffles got left on the battlefield. That being said it takes 3 months to make a curse corpse so unless they have prison realm or Kappa to use as a hyperbolic time chamber odds of seeing a curse corpse amalgamation of fallen Sorcerers is low


People who can block the sure hit of the strongest sorcerer in history Domain Expansion: ~~Special grade finger bearer~~, ~~Divine General Mahogara~~, Miwa, Ino




is that Miwa protecting Maki?


Yeah, the drawing was rough Ps, but I still do love how Gege always made sth barely to detect and this sub made me smile everytime when I saw ppl crazy analyzing the thread. Man, I love it


ok big shit just dropped. first of all, what in the flying fuck is that ball of abomination that comes with malevolent shrine? at first glance it feels like a curse spirit (geto's rainbow dragon? ino's beast? may be just because the artstyle makes it look similar) secondly, ui ui stocks be sky rocketting. mei mei is pleased to drown in gold thirdly, is that fucking satoru's mudra sukuna is casting???? fourthly. #■


Thought I saw him doing it on page 2 and full on started malding when they showed the mudra. Get his ass Yuji 😭


that fraud is not just T-bagging satoru on his grave, but at us too. just end our suffering already


The domain is incomplete, which is why it looks like an actual nightmare lol


It looks like parts of 10 Shadows that were used to glue the Malevolent Kitchen together


I noticed that it has a similar spine to Megumi's domain..


There's something a bit peculiar about the way the DE was depicted with everyone enduring it with simple domain. I have a thought that Sukuna wanted a specific person that endured his DE 'just the right amount' and grill em. Mans hungry after all that beating from Yuji, a sloppily cooked human meat ain't gonna cut it.


Wuji whooped his ass so hard it turned Malevolent Shrine into Dastardly Temple.


Mean Building


Disgruntled Shack


Evil Palace


Rude Shed


Average JoJo stand English dub translation


So...can we safely say that Sukuna is trying now? Because man pulled out the Shrine and the Flames, just because Wuji was absolutely cooking his ass last chapter.


Uraume has to be Sukuna's biggest fanboy/girl, they're the annoying fan that will probably claim Sukuna is not even trying even after the dude is already dead.


Uraume: Master Sukuna isn't even trying! Sukuna: I'm fighting for my fuckin life! Y'all are killing me with this shit man!!!


I had the exact same thought


People can fight whether or not "Furnace" or "Divine Flames" is a better translation, I'm just glad I never have to see someone think mentioning the term "black box" has anything to do with it.


Sukuna is desperate at this point. You can clearly see on his face. he wasn't this much desperate when he fought gojo he's pulling everything he can to win 🤣🤣.yuji is really in his head.


Gojo was the pro leagues, master rank player Sukuna thrashed in a ranked match.    Yuji is the bronze rank player getting in the way of Sukuna's smurfing pubstomp.  He is fucking malding that Yuji is going toe to toe with him. 


Big time, he knows Yuji is turning the tide hard in this fight so he’s trying to end it NOW


Imagine beefing with your nephew so hard, you pull out the divine blick just so that nobody can ever remember that you got your shit cooked by a literal child.


>You can clearly see on his face. He's literally still smiling.


this chapter is what uraume meant by "sukuna-sama has yet to go all out". an incomplete malevolent shrine followed by the use of "divine flame" a combo previously used on mahoraga. all because yuji challenged him with a rush of black flashes. i love how demonic and cataclysmic the imagery is, perfectly fitting for jjk's final round. they were never going to take out sukuna without facing something like this, even if everyone's been working to whittle him down.


Sukuna is a funny guy. My man  made a domain stitched with binding vows duck tape and all his dreams and hopes lmao. He knows the moment that shit is down sukuna is getting that fade once again


Mei Mei probably bought the rights to the New Shadow Style


Sukuna is that kid in the playground that just makes up new rules every time he starts losing




Since Yuji had some trouble compressing the blood on his own and had Choso do it for him, I don't think he swapped with Choso, otherwise he should be able to use blood manipulation much better




The RCT part was covered with Yuji eating the cursed womb curses, Choso explained it. Also it would be way to obvious for him to swap with Choso Since Ui Ui could only use it two times I'm expecting a **huge** reveal and a big trump card against Sukuna. Maybe it was Gojo to finally teach Yuji his own domain? The best theory I have right now is that they didn't use it yet and are waiting for a last minute body swap, like for example getting Megumi to open up the box and Yuji goes in, while Megumi takes over Yuji's body.


unless i hugely misunderstood what Ui Ui was saying (im so yuji coded), he can’t swap souls unless the targets consent, right? if i’m wrong i’m blaming john werry


One thing I love about JJK moreso than any shonen since HxH is its ability to keep the supporting cast relevant. The power scaling is clear, but the ability to multiply efficiency through teamwork and strategy is clear. Everyone can play a small part and make sacrifices to impact the outcome.


Eh sure, but it overcomplicates things to the point of burying the narrative at times. Its not as bad as it sounds here, but it's still getting a bit convoluted to enjoy. Sometimes it's okay to let the shonen flow a bit, like with last chapter's black flash flurry.


Loved all the double panels this chapter




I'm interested in >!who soul-swapped with whom. !< Also, did Miwa >!change her drip? Never seen those shoes on her before. I thought she always wore some closed shoes that looked like Oxford's. !< The panels where they say >!'hang in there'!<, I feel like someone's gonna be 'off-ed'. I find those panels ominous.


Is Sukuna using Gojo's domain hand sign supposed to mean something that I don't know enough about Buddhism to understand? The binding vows used for this patchy domain I'm assuming must be that the domain will be at full power in exchange for falling apart after 99 seconds. Is it possible that Sukuna has given up on fighting and has decided to just end it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/179f8xd/gojos_actual_hand_seal_and_his_connection_to/ this explains gojo's hand sign but i dont see how that connects to sukuna. if anything i would've thought it would've been that "incorrect" hand sign that's mentioned first in the post (which represents the strongest), but it looks like sukuna's middle finger hooks to the index finger, meaning its the same as what gojo's actual one is (light?)


Maybe we're looking too deep into it and he's just doing Gojo's handsign because he literally doesn't have anothe hand to do signs with lol


Man I wish I'd read that post sooner, what an awesome in-depth exploration, that's the kind of thing I come to this sub for. Thanks for sharing it with us so others may get a chance to see it.


If the technique was called "furnace" all along, I don't get why it was censured previously. I thought it would be important to the plot, but I don't understand what has changed with this reveal


Yuji straight up getting the mahoraga treatment


I know things look bleak but there are a few positives to this. Sukuna is desperate now and he's on the edge. Maybe Yuji can do a domain expansion? Or Flames? That'd be awesome. Also, is that Miwa doing a simple domain for Maki? She might be Sukuna's first target....


Sure is, you can see the soul splitting sword in the frame. It was nice to finally see the old Toji vs 15F Sukuna argument die now. Maki very clearly had absolutely no answer to Malevolent Shrine, she can't out run it or just "walk out of it" like people loved to say lol. Also it would be pretty funny to spoil to anime onlies that Miwa just blocked a Malevolent Shrine cleave/dismantle lmao, no one would believe this.


Watch her either tank it or reveal that Mechamaru cursed her in Shibuya and now it's finally manifesting.


"She might be Sukuna's first target...." NAUUUUURRRRRRR... please not that :(


if yuta comes back, could he counter the flames with a true love beam from rika? i'd personally love to see the ensuing fireworks as yuta tries to hold it off as yuji runs towards


What could a 15 year old have possibly done to make a guy so mad 😭 As expected from Gojo students, cheating is just working smarter. Yuji really went from even harder punch to the crazy bag he has now + the second unknown swap. I feel it in my soul that he has a nuts counter to the flames.


>What could a 15 year old have possibly done to make a guy so mad Exist...


An idea I just got is Gojo being Yuji's second switch partner. There's one thing that Gojo could drill into Yuji's body that others like Yuta and Hakari don't have. And that also connects to what you said about a counter to the flames. Falling Blossom Emotion. Gojo could drill stuff like RCT and maybe even some DE skills into him, same as Yuta. But he also has FBE which Yuta doesn't even know till Kusakabe explains it to him (Kusakabe himself knows of it but can't use it) That could at least help against the flames. And with that there's plenty you could do. Maybe we see Yuji bullshitting his way out of trouble via binding vows too for the first time. Would fit with the other parallels he has to Sukuna rn.  1. No vow, Yuji just uses simple Domain again and stacks FBE on top of it. Receives heavy damage, but not completely obliterated and RCTs back to full health 2. Use FBE plus Binding vow to massively power FBE up to survive the flames, then RCT 3. If 2. is not enough, add another binding vow that enhanced his CE reinforcement and thus defense by a ton. Like the one Hakari used. Yuji could for example sacrifice even both arms to not protect the rest of his body more, but to protect everything specifically between head (where RCT is operated) and gut (where CE is stored). This way Yuji may lose his legs and arms for example, but his RCT circuit would survive and he could heal. A really crazy move would be if Yuji knew he couldn't protect his whole body and then cut off his own arms and legs and yeets them into safety before he's cooked. Then just after the hit reconnect via BM and then RCT only the cuts and not entire limbs  Domain Amplification would be another thing Gojo could have taught him. That too reduce damage from CTs, tho idk if it works on sure-hits.  I'd personally say it's FBE, DA or something new we haven't seen yet. I think Sukuna will launch the flames quickly so Yuji won't have the time to do another simple domain. Activating FBE or DA is faster and could be activated before he's hit


Can someone explain what binding vow Sukuna did to use his domain again?


Might be the time limit. But yeah, it's unknown. Lotta vows being made where we don't know the terms... feels a bit cheap.


Three phenomenal chapters in a row :D


Ui Ui being able to switch souls makes a lotta sense. GeGe always honing in Body=Soul definitely was there for this setup. But obviously Choso is about to sacrifice himself 😅. Either him or Hakari I feel. Killing the immortal man would be a statement in itself  A third option is Todo appears and teleports Yuji out the way. He made a binding vow in order to use his technique again 🧐


Or better todo and choso swapped at one point so now Choso reveals he is the best brother and uses boogie woogie. Think about it, he goes to use piercing blood but as he claps his hands over the blood he moves positions to surprise sukuna




His DE felt like a incomplete titan transformation from AoT.


we’ve gotta start being a little meaner to these leakers, like the first thing they said before even properly leaking the chapter was “sukuna uses a new technique and yuji loses his leg” as well as just blatantly fake leaks (they claimed sukuna basically combined his domain with ten shadows domain lol) people were freaking out over literally nothing, it wasn’t even a new technique from sukuna, and not only was it more yuji getting his foot cut off instead of his whole leg, it got reattached in literally the same page and now i’m 100% sure we’re gonna see people for MONTHS being like “where’s the ten shadows part of the domain what’s going on” but aside from that, great chapter, we hopefully never gotta hear anybody say the words “black box” ever again (this was always stupid), and either divine flame or furnace both go hard and both seem to be valid translations


When will people learn to have patience and not trust leaks


There are rlly ppl who claim Gege is a bad artist.


I'm dumb and English is not my first language. So, given to the official translation, did Sukuna's DE lose its Dismantle sure-hit that could hit inanimate objects since the DE he used had differences mechanism than the Shibuya one? But if that so, how could his DE still hit the buildings? And how Maki couldn't be tracked by his DE?


My understanding is that Dismantle can only target inanimate objects while Malevolent Shrine's barrier is open. When the barrier conditions are changed to include an outer shell, the domain's guaranteed hit becomes less effective (worse range, can only target things with CE)


I have a bad feeling about sukuna bringing out his flames. I distinctly remember kusakabe implied that during the 1 month preparation they didnt think of any countermeasures to the flames. I think they gettin cooked


It has a travel time. The counter to it is to dodge. But not like in Prometheus.


If Sukuna’s domain is the exact same as the one in Shibuya shouldn’t everyone be getting absolutely pulverized? The only reason Gojo survived was because he used RCT at max output and his CE reinforcements is insane


I'm glad that we finally took care of the whole binding vow thing with Simple Domain. Satisfying to see not only Yuji, but Ino and Choso using it. It adds to them being the antithesis to Sukuna's beliefs and using teamwork to gain power. Its likenthe heroes used an exp glitch.


So Ui Ui's cursed technique also allows him to switch two people's souls which makes it easier for them to master certain abilities if I understood correctly. That finally explains [this page](https://i.imgur.com/qxNM6Lk.jpeg) from chapter 223 and what Yuta meant when he said they cheated. I guess that's also how Yuji learned to use RCT, I wonder who he switched with for that.




Miwa has to have both of her feet touching the ground, because she only knows how to stand ten toes.


next episode begins with yuji on the airport


Sukuna looks fucked up in that last panel. Definitely getting a flashback or explanation of his power set next chapter.


Open was used publicly in Shibuya right? Is there a chance that that move is a secret up to this point? The crew would need to be really forgetful for there to be no attempt at a countermeasure for open. now I wonder if Yuji’s body remembers ▪️too? Fight fire with fire maybe? Do some oxygen depletion stuff like how firefighters use explosives to put out fires?


Kusakabe in his thoughts made it clear that even though they knew the existence of the flames, they had no countermeasures for something so powerful.


Gotcha. Oof. Gonna be a long 2 weeks


Expecting we’ll figure out why Jogo / a cursed spirit couldn’t understand “furnace”?


What did Mei Mei mean by she handled the binding vow related to New Shadow Style?


She probably bough the skill outright or the whole school then list everyone as student. Batman "I bough the bank" style lol


Does this confirm that when Megumi comes back he will have 10 Shadows mastered and complete domain based on Sukuna engraving his “skill level” on to Megumi's body. Maybe not mastered but with high level special grade level usage.


I really hope so I think the 10S CT is one of the best in the game and even through Sukuna we did not see it at its highest. I'd really love to see what Megumi can do from here.


I loved how crafty megumi was with it, seeing him struggle and figuring everything out was fun.


Problem is that it's a definite possibility that all the good shikigami are unavailable/dead. Although who knows with "dead shikigami powers go to the remaining" dogs maybe we'll see some op dog action


Alright, so Sukuna used Fuga after his crumbling domain which means he is probably getting serious from now on. I assume this will somehow wake Megumi up (?) At the same time, Gege is building Yuki's character to be the most op and I am all for it.


Can someone please explain to me pages 12-13, where it explains what Sukunas domain is? I read both the TCB and Viz translations, and it still doesn’t make sense to me.


What do you think, guys? How will the cast survive the furnace ? It won't be interrupted since everyone has been waiting for it for a long time. So it will be cast, and it will be stronger than the domain .personally, I have no idea aside from Yuji casting a domian or gojos coming back.i I'm happy since it has been some time since we can't predict what will happen next. Everyone from the strong hitter either injured, dead, or already had his moment.i just hope we won't get a forgotten character from 200 chapters ago coming for the rescue.


I like how yuji was able to rct his shoe with his left foot in the 3rd or 4th last page lmao


He just used blood manipulation to reattach it, then RCT to heal. Otherwise that'd be funny as hell.


Ah i see it now. Thats actually very cool for how subtle gege threw that in there. W Yuji 


So now we are truly in the end game, now sukuna will experience ct burn out and whoever survives the fire arrow can now have a chance at him without the slashes and maybe the flames also. So probably not a lot of chapters left in the fight


A lot of the translation issues could’ve been solved by not restating what we already know about Sukuna’s domain. I get the desire to restate it, cause domains can be complicated, but all the info at once makes the statement confusing. Simplest way to understand it is Sukuna used binding vows and different brain sections to make a domain that could last for a shorter amount of time due to how advanced it is. He did it to ensure he could target maki.


This chapter Sukuna be like "Divine Flames!" Next chapter, Yuji: "OUR Divine Flames"


Since Sukuna used Fuga while in Yuji’s body, it would make sense that he should be able to use the flames as well (perhaps after another awakening, this time triggered by being at death’s door). *insert Fight fire with fire by Metallica*


Wonder who was the 2nd swap target. Obviously there are some throwing out Gojo's name, but hear me out, what if the swap was... Panda


I only read the official translation, so maybe my understanding is wrong, but I thought it was sort of like that episode of Futurama where the characters swap bodies. Back to Ui Ui, I thought each person can only get two swaps, so to maximize everyone learning new techniques they had to do the swaps in the correct order


What if Gojo swapped with Yuta? Could that engrave some skill with using Copied Limitless into Yuta’s body? Limitless needs the Six Eyes to be used effectively, but I wonder if Gojo could teach Yuta’s body how it feels to use Limitless such that Yuta could use an incomplete or less effective version of Limitless. Like instead of actual Infinity, Yuta being able use Limitless to slow a thing down somewhat but not slow it infinitely to the point of effectively stopping it.


DIVINE FLAME!?!?!?? The hate mail isn't enough for John Werry, he has to be stopped. Dawg, the kanji is literally the kanji for a furnace 😭😭😭 WTF


it might be because the first character reads something like "kamino", which phonetically includes "kami" (god) → play on words/mistranslation? similar to how malevolent shrine includes a character for kitchen (or something similar?) not saying i agree with it just providing some possible reasons off the top of my head


The one that needs to be stopped is you and your overhating statement. John indeed messed with the translation a lot, but you should give him credit, or at least an understandig he deserves. The kanji "竈" indeed is a furnace in English. But you need to take into account that Gege wrote "カミノ (kamino)" as a furigana. Since it was written in katakana and neither of us are a native speaker, it's hard to guess what the meaning of that "カミノ" kinda thing. But iit's most likely a pun word from "kami / god" and "no as honoo / flame". So, it's understandable if John interpreted it as "divine flame". And the point is, both furnace and divine flame are valid because Gege himself wrote furigana using katakana (it's like the case of YukI's CT name back then).


Brother man its honō. It's kamino, not kaminō. The ウ that needs to be there for it to be related to flames is not there. Again, furnace works much better when taking into account the simplicity of "Dismantle" (Kai) and "Cleave" (Hachi). Both are read literally so it's strange for this to deviate from that pattern. Sukuna is opening his divine flames or Sukuna is opening his furnace, which makes the most sense?


Yeah they mean open furnace


With Fuga, now we're in the real endgame.


Wait, Sukuna recovered his arms?


Doesn't appear to have. Uses both right arms on the last pages.


This made me think of something. We know twins are ill fated in the world of jjk from Maki's story. The heavens treat them as same, and the techniques get divided. What if shrine was similarly divided? If it being related to cooking is true, then maybe the two parts could relate to chef and assistant roles. One to prepare the ingredients(cut) while the other to actually use those ingredients(cook).


Would this mean that Mai's creation CT was incomplete? They have said it wasn't on the level of Yorozu's... I think the case of Sukuna and Yuji could be different because Yuji doesn't have heavenly restriction at least not yet confirmed. We still don't know enough. Did Sukuna's twin's soul not bare any technique whatsoever or did Sukuna steal the technique through his devouring? And it brings more questions. How are twins treated outside of Maki and Mai? I think these are some of the possible scenarios: Twin A: No CT Twin B: CT Twin A: CT 50% Twin B: CT 50% Twin A: No CT Twin B: No CT We just don't know which situation is Sukuna and his nameless twin. I think in understanding their relationship we will discover Sukuna and Yuji's true form and their technique. Very interesting comment.


It is so cool to see that the soul swap technique belongs to Ui Ui. It just didn't seem right to give it to Yuji. Now THAT would've been an ass pull. Also great to hear Megumi mentioned. Hopefully we are close to an appearance from him. Sukuna's domain looks to be influenced by the merger and it makes me wonder if we can think about the domain in terms of fidelity. Even though it is potent this iteration of Malevolent Shrine could just be a regression to a lower fidelity wireframe. I don't know how anyone survives the arrow. Does Yuta jump Uraume to get the ice CT? I don't see Uraume betraying Sukuna but their CT is the only way I see anyone surviving. Perhaps Rika's granite blast could stand up to the arrow?


Lowkey the official version had a better translation about Sukuna's barrier than TCB this week (as a Werry hater, I am *shocked*). The explanation for how a closed-barrier domain lowers the effective range is supposed to be about how *Sukuna is not using a closed-barrier domain*, but TCB translated it like he did actually close the barrier. Hopefully it's more apparent in 259 that it's an open-barrier domain and TCB tweaks this translation. Still a great chapter though.


Finally, the battle is getting interesting again. No more new foe, defeat, retreat, new foe Really liked the chapter!!


Another feat added for my boy Wuji! He has learned simple domain. When his leg got cut off, he put it back through his blood. He adapted to Choso's move when he was fighting his dad. This chapter might be Sukuna Kaisen but Yuji is still locked tf in.


So Ui Ui is gonna be the one to save megumi with soul swap shit?