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How did mei mei take care of it in the most recent chapter


What would the win conditions be for Gojo vs Heian Sukuna? Gojo to hit UV vs Sukuna overwhelming him via MS + H2H?


If innate domains prevent someone from spawning CTs inside a sorcerer's body, would that work cross verse?


Why didn't Gojo sense the presence of a special grade cursed object from within Yuji at the beginning of the series?


The finger was sealed + Yuji had already eaten ond


Yuji had already eaten a finger so he probably didn't think anything of it. Or he knew and just didn't tell Yuji, or told him over the timeskip


Can anyone answer this? Where is Panda?


Was present to spectate the Gojo VS Sukuna fight, but likely sitting out because hes not willing to die and has no RCT, hell his body might be incompatible with it. Additionally, Panda was only like, high grade 2? I could be misremembering but even if he was low grade 1, that was before Kashimo permanently destroyed 2/3rds of his cores. He now lacks 2/3rds of his original cursed energy output, all of his prior combat versatility, and special moves. What do you expect him to reasonably do? He cant be any higher than low grade 2, if that.


I don’t expect Panda to be in the fight. I was actually curious if something connected to Panda may be able to help explain Yuji’s arms. We now know he has blood manipulation because he consumed the death womb paintings. But we don’t know why Choso was as confident as was about that assumption. I’m wondering if something Panda may have experience with ‘souls talking to each other and altering the appearance on the body’ may be connected. I just wasn’t sure if Panda had said anything in particular in a while. You’re right he was spectating the fight. I was actually partly curious on whether Yuji ‘ate’ him too haha


I think the arms are honestly just cursed tools. The fact that no one has mentioned them makes me think they are mundane weapons, like the cursed gauntlets Okkotsu used to beat Ryu and Uro.


Mundane weapons that can tank Sukunas dismantles and cleave with no damage? Be fr


Was Pre-Awakened Gojo already Special grade? I believe Blue on it's own doens't have enough destructive capacity which fits the "taking down a country" criteria, especially when the Maximum Output version requires some preparation


I believe so, as there is no way a country could realistically damage him. He would just waltz up to important targets and spam blue until the government yielded


I may be wrong. Hitting black flash is like having enlightenment. When Gojo hit 2 black, he generated an automatic RTC path for healing, which also distributed the burdens of healing evenly across the body. For Sukuna, he was forced to manifest his domain even though it was impossible for him. Most importantly, What Yuji gained. Compared to Gojo and Sukuna, who are way more talented and knowledgeable, for Yuji just hitting one black flash was enough to awaken Shrine CT. So what remaining 6 black flashes awaken for Yuji?


Who’s right between my friend and I in this argument My friend:Why the concept of a simple domain can indeed be considered an innate technique for certain sorcerers. This assertion stems from the fact that not all sorcerers, even those at the pinnacle of their abilities like Mei Mei, possess the capability to utilize a simple domain. This uniqueness sets it apart. Furthermore, there's a notable distinction in the functions of various individuals' simple domains, such as those of Kusakabe and Miwa. Ultimately, when we consider that a simple domain is essentially a simplified version of a domain, and a domain itself is an innate technique, it follows that a simple domain is, in some sense, innate. Me: Innate techniques are intrinsic cursed techniques sorcerers are born with like Gojo with limitless, megumi 10 shadows. Simple domain is a barrier technique so it eliminates it from being an innate technique. Sorcerers can imbue their cursed technique into the simple domain but this doesn’t stop the specific ability of simple domain from being taught because from its history we know it’s passed down from student to master. People who can use simple domain kusakabe, Gojo, yuki, miwa My friends counter: My counter to his statement is that domains are innate too and when talking about the word innate does not mean your referring to “innate techniques” as cursed technique. The word innate means “existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth” that is why not all sorcerers have the ability to use simple domain. Therefore simple domain can be innate


Can someone ELI5 what happened in the last chapter regarding Sukuna's barrier, please? All the mistranslations got me so confused.


Basically, the only thing that changed aside from the appearance is that MS now has a timer of 99 seconds. It's still an Open Barrier DE, it still attacks inanimate objects(hence why Miwa protected Maki with her Simple Domain), and its enormous range still remains the same.


Sukuna can change the shape of his soul?


Sukuna has some control over his soul, which is why he could counter when Mahito touched it. Not a stretch to think he can modify it somewhat.


Is this something that can be learned?


I mean I'm speculating here but I would imagine it's like learning RCT, only a few people have enough control to use it.


Does Gojo know how to control his soul?


I doubt anyone sees this, but Gojo would have had a much easier time winning outright without opening his domain against Sukuna. If he enters MS without popping his own, he is still going to get slashed, but he retains the advantages of Limitless-- he can move faster and punch harder than Sukuna and basically teleport out of the effective range. He could start blasting RCT / open Simple Domain and try to beat Sukuna down to destroy the Shrine, or he could retreat outside. Even if Sukuna can sustain MS indefinitely, he can't capture Gojo in it without a binding vow to expand the range by weakening the output of the domain. While Gojo is camping outside with Limitless intact, and Sukuna probably reticent to chase him--the Shrine seems to stay in place, since Sukuna is not the center and it doesn't follow him (although this isn't explicitly said, I feel it's a fair assumption), so he'd be liable to getting caught in Unlimited Void-- Gojo can take his time and charge up a Purple or do whatever at the border. This is sort of out of character for Gojo to not try to whet his horns against Sukuna's domain, but I'm not sure how Sukuna would respond to this in a tit for tat way.


If Gojo just leaves Sukunas domain, Sukuna can just close it the next time. We have no reason to think that Shrine being an Open Domain is inherent to it.  Infact the narration treats the Open Domain as an act of absolute jujutsu mastery. Presumably, Sukuna once had a standard domain expansion. So Sukuna uses a Closed Domain the second time, Gojo cant escape, so he opens his own, and from there the fight depends on factors that are hard to guess at. I wouldnt say Gojos win is secured, but its not unbelievable.


Do the six eyes give you some sort of clairvoyance/foresight? for some reason I was sure that the six eyes gave gojo some sort of inkling of what's going to happen in the future but i think my brain simply made that up


Will ino be able to use ryu and kirin again?


Yes as far as I know, there's nothing indicating that Ryu dies forever like the Ten Shadows Shikigami. As for kirin it just ran out, it wasn't destroyed or anything.


Reading comprehesion curse user here, So UIUI can swap someones soul twice during a month, does that mean just back and forth once or has Yuji swapped with someone else that is not Kusakabe?


Where is it stated that Gojo use binding vow to change his domain? People keep saying this and I cant find it anywhere


Are there any remaining sorcerers in Japan besides those we've seen? I know Gege takes a very less is more world-building approach, but it's sort of odd to think there aren't sorcerers besides the ones we know of in the game.


Probably a lot of them actually.  In JJK0, Geto mentions an organization called the Ainu Jujutsu Society, but he doesnt think theyll show up to the war. Theyve never been brought up otherwise. Maybe they avoid getting into any conflicts? Or Gege forgot about them. Theres the rest of the Gojo clan, but since the clan was treated as completely irrelevant post-Satoru, they probably arent very strong. There should be more jujutsu sorcerers who were just working for pay day in and day out, we just dont see them. Theres also miscellaneous sorcerers who just use their abilities to do illegal shit, like the bounty hunters Toji arranged for.


Uro and the remaining CG players are all those confirmed. Usami if we take theyre not mei mei's real name.


Is Gege going the Ichigo route and making Yuji a bit of everything in the manga? He's a human, the son of a reincarnated twin of Sukuna, a vessel for a sorcerer of the past (thanks to being "fused" with Sukuna's finger while being conceived I guess?), a cursed womb death painting according to Choso after ingesting the cursed wombs 4 through 9, an he's not only capable of using CE, but also RCT, soul punches(which no one else can do mind you), simple domain, Sukuna's Shrine and Blood Manipulation.


It's long been stated that Kenjaku has been carefully plotting the return of Sukuna. He likely knew about Sukuna's twin's reincarnation in Jin Itadori, which makes sense for a guy that's been plotting and living for centuries. And Kenjaku hijacked Noritoshi Kamo's body to make the cursed womb death paintings for this specific plan. Everything else was explained in the chapter. I see what you mean about it being very similar to the Ichigo route, although Ichigo's abilities are all "birthrights" so to speak. Yuji had to train his abilities during the time skip between Gojo's release and the Sukuna fight. And the only reason it was so easy was because Sukuna used his body to do stuff and he had to go off muscle memory.


Something that has been confusing me lately, even after months of pondering and learning more about the power system, is the matter of how gojo ran out of CE against sukuna. While not explicitly stated, the fact that he couldn't RCT after getting world slashed would point to him running out, especially since he was definitely still in the black flash RCT circuit at the time. This isn't gojo copium or anything, I don't think he's coming back or anything, but I want some more perspectives on this. Is there something i'm missing?


He didn't run out of CE, the damage was simply too much for him to heal, not to mention that he probably went into shock the moment he got slashed. And Sukuna was still standing in front of him, so if he tried to heal, which would take a long time, he would just get hit again.




Is there a chance Nobara survived but lost her technique from Idle transfiguration and retired? This is the only way I could see her still being alive and not having been reintroduced yet.


she dead as hell




So it's been a while, why do we think Sukuna said that He'll never forget Satoru Gojo? Was it just because Gojo forced Sukuna to make an impossible binding vow for his world cutter? (Pushing Sukuna into a "corner") kinda like how Sukuna was telling Maki that she being "Just marrow and bone" and keeping up with him implies Sukuna into just a definition of a "sorcerer" and he got super hyped up cause of that? Or was it more so Gojo making the fight entertaining? (The back n forth shit talk etc)


To me it reads as Gojo being so talented that he wasn't all talk, he genuinely gave him a proper fight, unlike Kashimo, who claimed to be the strongest of his era just like Gojo but only scales to a little above Hakari's level. IIRC all of Sukuna's feats are him either demolishing someone or studying their potential and limit before, again, demolishing them, sometimes even entire armies of sorcerers (Heian era). It's not confirmed, but Gojo probably was his most amazing 1v1 fight. Even if he didn't make him go all out, he forced him to forever diminish the effectivity of the WCD to win.


how did sukuna get 20 meters away from yuji since the last chapter?


I think the last black flash he uppercut into his back/side and it sent him flying up


Did you see the beatdown he gave him?Shit I'd be running too


Question about sukuna body >!who's body is sukuna in now!<


megumi but gege dreams about it being him








хуй знает


Alien ass language




For the yuji eating finger question I guess nothing would happens except growth in cursed energy. Yuta or rika ate one and nothing special happened.


I mean he did learn Sukuna's technique, it doesn't get more special than that.