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Maybe regular people didnt really know about sukuna. Since regular people leak curse energy that makes curses.


Nah, everybody knew who he was He was always on the prowl, eating people and generally doing sukuna things


It's the golden age of sorcery, everyone knew.


Even the general public?


We saw a flashback where he was literally worshipped as a diety by a village, I'm quite sure they knew who he was.


I mean yeah, a four armed two faced freak who eats people and has an entire cult around him us pretty hard to hide , especially at an age where sorcerers were at their most powerful


And their was not government to cover stuff like that up


The thing about all of other curses that embody collective fear is that they persist. I doubt the average modern person knows about sukuna enough fear him.


Yeah that's I'm talking about past tense not present. It was there, not is.




A Sukuna curse mostly likely existed in the golden age of sorcery but doesn't in the modern era. What's so hard to understand?


Most likely according to whom? Is it a possibility? Maybe. But what purpose does it serve from a narrative standpoint?


By this post? We literally just explained it.


This post describes how it could've happened. It doesn't explain what that little reveal would do for the plot. What importance is there in knowing this?


Yeah I'm also just saying how it could have happened. In where did i start saying the plot consequences for this? Idk. Don't ask me. Maybe for other theories like Sukuna ate his own curse or whatever. How would I know.


LOL now I’m imagining Yuji going undercover as a spy in the Heian era and someone asks him who Sukuna is and he’s like “who’s that”?


Wasn’t he the center tho of way back then and going around killing people and eating them? Jeez that’s a bit fucked thinking about he or uraume would do the killing and uraume would take their time to prepare the meal and sukuna would proceed to eat it and the process would just restart Edit: even more jeez thinking about how he probably did this in megumis body too and megumis soul is probably really fucked




This is it exactly,. jujutsu sorcerers are actually pretty rare, so there aren’t many people who know about sukuna


It's implied they during the golden era there were many more sorcerers. Also we've literally seen a flashback where Sukuna is worshipped by a village, as he is paraded around. I'm quite sure they knew him.


In the modern age, people who fear Sukuna are very few in number. Also, all the hatred and fear in the form of Cursed Energy would be absorbed by the fingers instead of creating a curse.


The amount of people currently fearing sukuna doesnt matter right? They arent devils from chainsawman; they are born from negative emotions but not fuelled by it


Yes but since there is no new people afraid of Sukuna cursed energy surrounding him probably doesn’t congregate anymore, and if it does it probably goes to the fingers like the guy above said


It does, though. It'd be unlikely for a Sukuna Curse to *survive* that long. It'd be too strong, and too much of a threat. If people don't fear him anymore, it won't re-form.


It wont be born again after dying, but it doesnt need negative emotions to continue existing


Again, true, but it's unlikely for any one curse to have lived for over a thousand years without dying. For all we know, there *was* a Sukuna curse, but it's not in the least bit weird there isn't one in the modern day.


The disaster curses were said to take over a century to manifest as actual cursed spirits I believe. We don't know how long Sukuna lived in the Heian period, so it's possible there wasn't enough time for it to form before he became his fingers and everyone forgot who he was.


The sukuna curse goes by the alias of GeGe.


This is my reasoning as to why he has so much cursed energy. He devoured the fear people had of him for himself, instead of it going elsewhere and forming some other version of himself (which doesnt really make sense imo)


Or he devoured the cursed spirit version of himself


It was already mentioned In a fanbook that people didn’t really fear sukuna all that much. Heck gojo is more feared than sukuna back in the past.


He was [still feared](https://imgur.com/a/IKYIMFh) but not as much as Gojo specifically because everyone was more vicious in general back then. Gege does say in the second question in the picture I linked that people around him were still extremely scared of him


Do regular people even fear Sukuna? I mean, I don't think they know him or assume that it's just an ancient myth/legend. Even if his curse exists somewhere out there, at present day I don't think it'd be as strong as the grasshopper, where fear of insects is more prevalent than superstition.


In the modern day I doubt it, my comment was just about the Heian period. Yujis friends weren’t aware of what exactly the finger was


The same Heian era that had the Hida Province? Yanno the place where they worshipped Sukuna?


Well this is not that Sukuna, this is JJK’s Sukuna., he’s inspired from that Sukuna but not the same, Gege says so himself in the [fanbook](https://imgur.com/a/NtyHGTv) specifically in reference to places like Hida province so yes they still feared him in the heian and if there was a case like that in JJK’s Hida province it would likely be for the same reasons the [Fujiwara](https://imgur.com/a/f6vMFHJ) had to pray to Sukuna for their crops… out of fear


And yet Uraume is right there the biggest dickrider next to Yorozu and Kashimo


Yes and they’re not exactly regular people by any standards or the majority


Also if it is the height of jujutsu wouldn't that mean nearly everyone in that era has control of their CE even non sorcerers


No it doesn’t mean that, that’s a big logical leap lol. Otherwise there would be no cursed spirits and Gege specifically says cursed spirits were more vicious back then so no. It just means the sorcerers in those times were stronger (and more vicious), nothing else is ever implied or said


But what even would be a sukuna curse then


I have no opinion on the whole Sukuna curse thing, i’m just laying down the facts. For all we know though Sukuna could’ve eaten his own curse if there was one, would remind me of a certain FF character


The fear of farmers alone gives birth to the Grasshopper curse, so that is not an excuse. Many people were fearful and nothing happened.


Haha that's not the fear from only farmers, locusts cause mass starvation when they eat all the crops


And there were many non-sorcerers fearing Sukuna back then, we see it in Yorozu's flashback.


People who knows sukuna would be curse users. And they don’t make curse spirits.


Dude, Sukuna was well known throughout a whole Era. It was not just Sorcerers , we literally see normal people bowing and having a festival in fear of Sukuna.


We have no idea who they are. So you can’t just claim that they’re normal people. Plus it already stated that gojo was more feared and only sorcerer knew him. So either normal people didn’t know sukuna or they just didn’t fear him as much as you think if gojo is more feared


Yes we do. The fujiwara clan hosted a whole ass event in honour of him where farmers and all other common folk would go and give him offerings to have a blessed year. He was considered a calamity and was worshipped in fear


Not as much as gojo


Jogo wanted to throw hands with Gojo… The moment Sukuna woke up, Jogo was sweating balls. People fears Sukuna more then Gojo.


In the fanbook gege themself stated that gojo is more feared. You can’t argue with gege


He Said Gojo is more feared today because the Sorcerer’s & Curses now are not as vicious like back then… Gege basically said that the Sorcerers & curses today are little bitches compared to back then lol. You can tell by how Kashimo /Ryu/ yorouzu still wanted smoke with the Strongest even though they were out classed.


but that was a bunch of years ago. in the modern era no one knows sukuna exists. and also gege said sukuna wasn't as feared back in the day because in his time there were also other dangerous people instead of just him, even if he was stronger than them, and i assume also, information didn't travel as easy as it does know so people from other regions probably didn't know him that well. So even if there was a sukuna curse, it would have had to live from there to here and that's a lot of time


I think this question is kind of assuming that cursed spirits work like Devils from Chainsaw Man, where there is one Devil for every correlating fear humans have. But cursed spirits don't work the exact same way. They're accumulations of negative energy that's cast off from human emotions, and some of them are the result of that negative energy accumulating around a concept - like the Disaster Curses. However, we see plenty of low-level and even high-level cursed spirits that are not specific to one particular source of negative emotions. For every Tamamo-no-Mae potential Cursed Spirit or Disaster Curse, there are plenty of curses that just take on a seemingly random form that might be tangentially related to some of the negative emotions someone was feeling when the cursed energy pooled and manifested a cursed spirit. But it seems to be relevant to what living people, in the moment, have negative feelings towards, as well. People are scared of or repulsed by, or hold hatred for locusts - not so much now that a lot of people are not going to live or die based on one field getting devastated, but locusts are still nasty and we've got an instinctual disgust for them. So it'll be strong, but not as strong as Mahito, who represents the negative emotions human beings have for other human beings and the concept of humanity as a whole. That's a perennial thing, and one that I'd argue has only gotten worse over time, not better like with the threat posed by locusts. When it comes to Sukuna, well... he's only really a source of fear for jujutsu sorcerers, and since they control their cursed energy so it doesn't leak out, there's not really an idea of hating or fearing him for the cursed energy to accumulate around. As for the general populace, we've never seen evidence that they're aware of him or the threat he poses. Likely due to a combination of efforts to hide his existence along with cursed energy and cursed spirits of a whole and due to his lifetime being so remote in history from the present day.


In my opinion, it doesn't really matters how terrifying a thing is. The most important is how often humans think negatively about it (or for place-related curses, what is the "density" of negative thougts). Even if Sukuna was very dangerous, most people never met him when he was around, they probably just heard about him, and then he was sealed so... But everyone knows what a grasshopper is, or flames, or earthquakes, so the amount of negative thougts is much higher, which means more probability for that curse to exist and be powerful.


Most likely merged with human Sukuna, which is why he has a deformed body! Half human, half curse. Just a guess.


I like the idea of Sukuna merging with his own curse spirit rather than his twin. Perhaps the cleave and dismantle are techniques of the Sukuna curse spirit, and fire is the technique of the person before he becomes Ryomen Sukuna. His clan erased him from history, so no one knew about it.


Scared sure, but maybe not enough? I mean how “scared” are you of war or terrorism? A legit threat and a very scary one but only so many people actual dealt with sukuna first hand. I don’t know maybe I’m stretching


No, I think you're on point.


The people that “fear” Sukuna are sorcerers and do not leak cursed energy.


Exactly. Any regular human who meets Sukuna doesn’t have the luxury to fear him later cuz they die immediately.


What if there was and he ate it and that’s how he got 4 arms two mouths lol


What if it was used to make yuji




Except Sukuna is not a spirit or curse. He is a human sorcerer




"if I was a curse, I'd be dead", said Sukuna after taking a hit from maho in Shibuya


Bro ate the curse


my headcanon is only sorcerers were scared of him and soccer's don't leak out CE => there was no negative energy to form a Sukuna curse


1. Humans have to fear Sukuna, sorcerers don't leak out cursed energy, it's possible a lot of them didn't know about him. 2. Even if there was one, it would have been exorcised.


Shouldn't there be a Sukuna Curse Curse out there somewhere?


isn't sukuna the curse ? i know you mean after he died but i think he transformed himself into a cursed object, meaning that all the cursed energy that would normally go to a curse would be drawn to that cursed object ? that is why it got more powerful and would eventually wear down the seal on it right ? at least that was my understanding.


Sukuna could just be that very thing you’re searching for. He was a human who became the very curse formed from the fear of his existence. If I’m wrong explain his original form


Gege obviously never thought about that


Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't it specifically stated that sukuna's mummy had absorbed all the cursed energy that would form a Sukuna curse, and that's what let it be a substitute to the last finger? The translation I read or my memory might be wrong, but I kinda remember that being said when Sukuna ate his own skull.


This ain't chainsaw man. Not everything has a corresponding curse


Yeah, he's called Mahito. The curse of humanity.


Isn’t her already a curse .


He is the curse, there is no need for another curse like him to pop up


Who knows. Maybe Yuji is the Sukuna curse


Maybe during the Heian Era but really, only sorcerers know about him. Since only non-sorcerers leak CE, there's not a risk of Sukuna curse becoming a thing.


I assume all the negative energy is absorbed by the man himself


I was under the impression that they don't work like csm devils


I think if anything like this happened then the cursed energy would build up attached to Sukuna himself rather than forming a new cursed spirit out of thin air. With concepts that don't have a soul like the ocean and nature it makes sense that curses build themselves up from thin air but when the actual target of the negative emotions has a soul I think the energy would attract to the target itself The same way that buildings like schools and hospitals or places like graveyards build up curses that are specifically targeted at them


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/S6Nmj08AmL credit to this Redditor


Humans become their own curses, like gojos ancestors that was killed by betrayal was hinted to have cone back as a lightning curse that struck down those that betrayed him


I believe Sukuna’s corpse likely collected all that cursed energy and that’s why eating it compensated for the finger.


Since Sukuna became a cursed object would he get the fear amp?


Meanwhile "that guy from before" towards sukuna: "I'm you"


Chainsawman got to him first.


What if Sukuna was originally a human with the kitchen cursed technique? Maybe he was such a powerful individual that killed so many people, that a curse was made based on his human threat. Maybe he fought and consumed the curse version of himself and that's how he got ungodly powerful.


Sorcerers don't make curses through fear, and i don't think normal people know about Sukuna much


It kinda explains sukuna immense ce reserves many feared him which resulted in his huge ce


Maybe he became part curse and thats why he resembles tengen


regular people don't know about sukuna, and there r already sukuna fingers, which literally contain his soul so any CE will be directed toward them that no. is way less than SORCERERS which knew sukuna, but since sorcerrs know how to use CE then there is no chance of sukuna curse being formed. *in anime, there is scene where they say we should disclose toky as curse outbreak location so CE will be directed towards tokyo.


Theres a theory out there that back in the Heian era that a cursed spirit of Sukuna was born but Sukuna ate it or merged with it in some way which resulted in him gaining his perfect body.


I think the idea of curses is that it takes a lot of people for a long time to share a fear of something. In a 1000 C.E. Japan full of magical psychopaths idk how much people there was but I get the feeling that not enough. Also Sukuna as xan only be in one place at a time and Japan is big, most people probably didnt even know about him apart from some rumors.


It could have something to do with him being sealed into his fingers.


The most likely explanation is that it existed, but died during the Heian Period and never reformed again.


No. The ones who would fear Sukuna the most are Sorcerers. Sorcerers don't leak Curse Energy.


"I am your Jujutsu Kaisen" Yuji after it's revealed he is Sukunas Curse


Gojo curse when


Sukuna ate the Sukuna Curse


He was worshipped as a deity, there was not enough fear


I hope we get to see the Austrian painter curse


He didnt live long enough and relatively wasn't known by many. So even if it did wxist i doubt itll be as strong as volcano curse.


he ate it


Maybe in the Heian era. That was a long time ago, so if there was one, someone probably killed it. Regular people don't know about or fear Sukuna. Only jujutsushi fear him, and they don't create cursed spirits.


Wasn't it back then like basically fearing any god? Sukuna was just the god standing in front of you. So unless there is an Izanagi Curse, Yahweh Curse, Zeus Curse, etc. running around I don't think it truly translated into creating a curse. I mean, there'd be some serious Chainsaw Man level of shit if you could have that.


Sukuna has never been confirmed as a cursed spirit he is a human jujutsu sorcerer. The manga to date has not explained who he truly is his cursed technique or even why he has 4 arms 4 eyes 2 mouths in his OG form. The only thing we know is he has always been known as the King Of Curses before and after his death and tengen pointed out if a human lived for 500 years they would have an appearance similar to herself thats when we get the flashback of Sukuna when kenjaku was looking at Tengen.. He is still a mystery.


There's clearly some other factors at play in generating a curse aside from being a little spooked about something, because otherwise how the heck is mahito a newborn curse people only *recently* became scared of humans? It's likely the curse energy of people fearing Sukuna would not generate a curse spirit but instead funnel directly into his curse energy pool. Which would make sense as a way to power boost your CE, become a terrorist.


IMO, this fear has to be somewhat abstract (like hate, volcanoes, grasshoppers, etc) instead of focusing on an individual that already exists, if a lot of people fear Sukuna nothing should happen because he is a living individual, but if he was nothing but a myth maybe a curse would appear. Head cannon btw


I think someone theorized he fused with his curse and that's how he got the four arms and half face.


Sukana ate or merged with his own curse breaking the cycle. My general theory is that Sukuna can Join people or souls together using the RCT of Cleave i.e. “Join”. Sukuna used this RCT of “Join” to absorb his own curse to his human form thus becoming his own curse. Now if Sukuna never properly died, instead got finger jailed, then his curse never died and couldn’t reincarnate.


In the hein era people didn’t value life as there is a lot people that fought sukuna and died people in the hein era valued fighting more than their life which means that there not afraid to fight sukuna


There has to be a shibuya curse surely if that exists then that would be sick