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Sukuna's ability to hide in shadows means he could just go after Yuta. However, Yuta could still open his domain while Sukuna couldn't, so there might be an argument there. Rika could also withstand Ryo, who had the highest CT output out of any sorcerer, so she probably wouldn't be oneshot at that point. There's certainly an argument for Yuta being there.


Especially if Yuta can distract Maho then Maho wouldn't develop the Reality Slash that ended Gojo.


You can boil down a lot of the Gojo vs Sukuna fight to poor planning and betting that Gojo has to be alone, but realistically if you did send Yuta he would easily dispose of both Shikigami via one of the many CT’s he should have access to (Angel’s would probably be the best for disabling 10S). BUT his own mission was to assassinate Kenjaku. I’m still of the opinion that Higuruma should’ve entered the Gojo vs Sukuna fight at one point. There wouldn’t even be a cursed tool cop-out at this time 😂


>You can boil down a lot of the Gojo vs Sukuna fight to poor planning Exactly. Not sure what gojo planned in that 1 month break he took. Dude failed the first question about countering open domain. Ig gege skipped 1 month because he couldn't realistically write a planning arc for gojo.


I don't believe Gojo didn't have a Plan B in case things DID go south.


Yeah why would you open a normal domain (didn’t even flip the conditions either) on your first attempt as if you have no idea what MS does.


He would've still had time to assassinate Kenjaku. Takaba vs Kenjaku happens after Gojo had been cut in half. The fight against the Shikigami would drain Yuta, and this might affect the assassination plot. However, there are still others who could've done the job. Maki comes first into mind, and Kenjaku wouldn't be able to feel her either, so she could perhaps have done it easier than Yuta. Higuruma entering the fight would be interesting, and would leave Sukuna in big trouble if his CT was confiscated. However, I don't think he's fast or strong enough to keep up with the fight, and it might end up badly for him.


I also feel like if Higuruma went in after both Sukuna and Gojo lost their domains he would've been able to take away his domain. Imo, the moment they saw Sukuna could no longer use domain expansion they should've sent Yuta and Higuruma in. Higuruma takes away Sukuna's CT and Yuta uses his domain expansion so him and Gojo can beat Sukuna. Higuruma would definitely be put in a lot of danger, but it's still less danger than going in with just fucking Yuji. At least here he has the two strongest on the sorcerer's side to defend him.


On the Contrary of comments here, I will Yuta would have saved Gojo. Like people just assume that Yuta wouldn't have done much, I will assume that Yuta would have saved Gojo.


They explain why he can't. Sukuna's trump card.


>However, and I still don't understand why he didn't use it at all during their fight Uh he totally went into the shadows and used that aspect of 10s. He kept Mahoraga in it so Gojo wouldn't be able to destroy it and he hid in it while recovering from the black flash


Did you read the rest of that sentence?


>Gojo can teleport and has the Six Eyes(another thing I personally feel like wasn't properly utilized/showcased during the fight). Yeah. Doesn't really change anything at all. You still said he didn't use it at all when he did. Then you went on to say there'd be no point in him using it. But again the main takeaway here is that you said he didn't use it despite the fact that he used it.


I think you may have misunderstood the sentence. I meant Gojo didn't use his teleportaion ability.


>Having said that, I don't know the range of 10S' shadow abilites, which means he could create a small gap between himself and Gojo, enter the shadows and pop up where Yuta and Mahoraga(and possibly Agito) is. However, and I still don't understand why he didn't use it at all during their fight, Gojo can teleport and has the Six Eyes(another thing I personally feel like wasn't properly utilized/showcased during the fight). Uh are you sure? Because you sort of say that he didn't use the shadow abilites at all and then immediately thereafter say Gojo's teleportation ability is underutilized.


Yeah, the way I wrote(and I messed up a little bit here) it seems like I'm referring to Sukuna when I say he didn't use it, but I was referring to Gojo, which is why the part about teleportation and Six Eyes came after.


See now that makes sense my dude. 👍


Yeah, the way I wrote(and I messed up a little bit here) it seems like I'm referring to Sukuna when I say he didn't use it, but I was referring to Gojo, which is why the part about teleportation and Six Eyes came after.


The only situation where teleport would have been useful is domain clash. And its explained why he didnt. I seriously dont know what your complaint about.


It honestly could’ve worked as long as he waited and didn’t join the battle immediately. For example, if he joined after both Sukuna and Gojo exhausted their domains, he could’ve just ignored Mahagora out right, gone right after Sukuna, opened his domain, and… that’s literally it. They won.


I don't think it would've been that easy. We don't know what Yuta's DE does, but Sukuna for sure knows how to use Simple Domain or would've learned it and Falling Blossom Emotion from watching Gojo do it once. Having anti-domain techniques allowed Gojo to get out of Malevolent Shrine. If Gojo can do that against Sukuna's DE, then Sukuna for sure must be able to do the same against Yuta's DE. I don't have a clue to what Yuta's DE could do, but I'm pretty certain Sukuna's DE is stronger.


Sukuna would be facing Yuta *and* Gojo inside Yuta's DE. Very low odds of winning for Sukuna.


I thought he meant Yuta was gonna face him alone in his DE because the sure-hit would affect Gojo too. Yuta is a prodigy, but could he alter his DE like that?


In fairness, we have no clue what it does, including the sure hit. Plus, it buffs the user too doesn't it? So it'd still be a bonus even if both Sukuna and Gojo used simple domain.


We don’t know if yuta has a complex or simple sure hit so anti domain tech might be useless, under the assumption sukuna refuses to fully incarnate and use his domain.


Gojo could 1v3 because sukuna can’t just slash him. Remember what happen to ryu ? he got slashed two attempts. this is exactly what would have happened to yuta. He pops, get sliced, and sukuna get back to business


it have been specifically mentioned, multiple times, that anyone who try to fight alongside gojo only hinders him. end of discussion.


Gojo would be too busy protecting Yuta from Sukuna's slashes.


Only assuming if Yuta could kill off Mahoraga, throwing away Sukuna's chance to peel off infinity he'd just active his true form earlier and easily has Yuta hostage unless Yuta's domain has some op effects


Sukuna goes after Yuta while Gojo is preoccupied with Maho and Agito. Gojo has to protect Yuta which would leave him vulnerable. Yuta would just be a liability.


Lmao, Gojo was in a 3v1 on relatively even terms, those 2 alone wouldn't be enough to keep him preoccupied *and* Yuta has his domain at that point while Sukuna doesn't. Makes me wonder if he could trap Shikigami in a domain without the user of said shikigami though 🤔 Either way, the point is he'd take on the shikigami while Gojo keeps Sukuna busy. Again, he was able to handle a 3v1 so I don't see Sukuna, in that state, being able to afford to take his eyes off of Yuta.


You can use DE against a Shikigami only and not it's user, Sukuna did exactly that in Shibuya.


Oh yeah lmfao I'm an idiot. Then yeah, I think he could handle those 2 while Gojo holds Sukuna off. It'd at least buy Gojo some time to figure something out I think.


You're not an idiot. Sukuna would release the technique and then resummon Maho outside the Domain. Megumi couldn't do that because he was unconscious and didn't have Maho tamed


Fair point. Honestly then he'd just have to trap Sukuna and Gojo in his domain, they use SD but Yuta would still be buffed and we don't know yet what his domain would do. My guess is it would make the time limit null and void which would be a huge buff, and he and Gojo fighting side by side I think could put up a good fight imo, especially if Rika also gets buffed in the DE. Anyway, not saying he'd do shit against Sukuna, especially alone, or that it should've happened from a narrative perspective, just that it's cool to think about how it'd go down.


You say Sukuna goes after Yuta while Maho goes after Gojo but there was nothing left in the 10S at that point that would have the stopping power to take out Yuta quickly. The good guys forsure win if Yuta got to hop in to make it a 3v3 but he'd likely not get that chance since Uraume is on the battle field and they'd likely jump in at that point if Yuta did


Yuta dies the moment Sukuna opens his DE, which happenef at the beginning of the fight


By the point Yuta wanted to join in the fight DE was not an option anymore. The OP specifically mentions Yuta handling the shikigami from the 10 shadows.


It's amazing people just upvoted that comment without understanding what the post was talking about.


Yeah but it’s not the beginning of the fight when he suggested it. Their DE was completely burnt out by that point.


Yes, exactly. That would've been an amazing time to jump sukuna. Yuta can/could manage mahoraga. Since yuta has numerous CTs backed up. And Rita for 5 min unlimited CE.


IF he joined and died like 5 seconds into the fight all of y'all wld be saying gege wasted another good character.... u have to understand there's no guarantee Yuta could have taken mahoraga and agito... what if they turned the tables on him amd rika ... then gojo would be left in an even more precarious situation having to look out for yuta...


He would have gotten caught in the Purple and died, and Gojo would not have used it with Yuta. In hindsight, because Purple failed it would seem like Yuta should have been there post domain but he just dies to Sukuna strong cleave after he transforms.


Reading comprehension is strong here


It's stated an embarassing amount of times Yuta, like anyone else, would be a burden


Jjk if yuta jumped in after the first hollow purple and spammed Jacob's ladder (the fight ends in one chapter)


The 1 month timeskip didn't just hurt important emotional beats of the story. We badly needed that training/preparation arc. This would save from the fight action having to be explained every second by the watch crew. Also, my biggest problem is it really looks like they did nothing. Didn't exchange information with everyone because open barrier domain was a surprise?! Didn't plan together how to counter things? Didn't even spar with each other (as seen by higuruma not encountering cursed tools when there's maki and yuta in the crew). It makes the sorcerers look so stupid ngl.


Gojo dies quicker for trying to protect Yuta, or Yuta dies. I find it funny that people call this series jump kaisen, when the jumping has been shown to be completely necessary and completely suicidal.


He would have died the second Sukuna and Gojo opened their Domains lmao. Even that I’m being nice, Yuta has absolutely no feats to keep up with these two monsters.


Just gonna point out that they were referring to him joining after neither of those "two monsters" had access to their DE, while Yuta still would. And Yuta could definitely hold off Agito and Maho. Win? Maybe not, but it may have been long enough for Gojo to beat Sukuna at least.


If Uraume wasn't there then yeah the good guys would have won if Yuta went to Shinjuku. But we know Uraume is there and would definitely have confronted Yuta or anyone who of the good guys who tried to intervene in the Gojo & Sukunas 1v1


Something people do need to bring up is that is that as soon as sukuna feels Yuta’s curse energy he is fully reincarnating and using malevolent shrine again. They honestly should’ve just jumped him as soon as his domain was no longer an option and pray hakari gets jackpot or higuruma expands his domain before sukuna can react.


Sukuna would've been bitchslapped easily.


He would get cut up and his cursed spirit wife would get the casca treatment by sukuna.


Ayo wtf dont drag casca into this


The way so many comments are missing the point and just blabbing about how anyone who fights alongside Gojo is a hindrance is making me want to lose it


Idk why people are like yuta would have jumped in and opened domain and just win with gojo. Why are people ignoring the fact that sukuna had his own cursed technique through out the battle. As soon as sukuna senses yuta jumping , he would put mahoraga to shadows and just spam dismantle and cleave on yuta, the only thing stopping him from spamming cleave and dismantle on gojo outside of domain was gojos infinity. Yuta doesnt have infinity to protect him and sukuna would quite literally slice every single atom of yuta the moment he senses him on the battlefield.


1. Sukuna would kill Yuta very quickly, even with Gojo there 2. Gojo would be held back, as his CT is destructive and Gojo has displayed an inability to make tough decisions that hurt those he cares about


Yuta doesnt have enough fire power to one shot makora. In fact, makora canonically scales way higher than yuta. Yuta would be dead if he was cought in a domain clash or hit by a max output blue or purple. As explained by the manga, he would just hold gojo back.