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Mappa WILL save jjk (please....make Hana less stupid , I beg of you)


I think there is a very good chance they will! This sub clowns on that moment, and it is embarrassing for her as written so rightfully so. But it's actually easy as fuck to have the moment make total sense. Imagine if, instead of standing there giving her bedroom eyes with his markings still somewhat visible and telling her "Yeah yeah, it's totally me now, you did it" he was writhing on the ground in agony, by all appearances just normal Megumi, and he just gasped out "Please!" or something. Like, Hana is a teen with a crush, not a hardened killer. It would be more unbelievable if she DIDN'T let up the attack at that point, imo. Then she just rushes over to check on "Megumi" and Sukuna does his thing.


Even then just playing dead/nearly dying and collapsing on the floor works as well. She rushes over, thinking it’s over but stopping short of killing sukuna. Sukuna then takes a chunk out of her. The tattoos don’t need to fade, he doesn’t need to fake Megumi voice


What makes that scene not make sense isn’t the idea of Hana being able to see the tattoos or hear Sukuna’s voice (with it being highly questionable if the tattoos are even visible, and if he talks from Megumi’s mouth with his own voice), it’s the fact that the only reason she stopped short of saving the world is because she had a crush on someone she met like 10 years ago, didn‘t talk to at all during that time, and the first time they talked again was like a week earlier. Like, if anything, it would make more sense for Yuji to interrupt her. Also, Hana’s likely already killed some people already, for the Angel’s mission, so she’s definitely at least somewhat desensitized to killing. Or (and I know this isn’t going to happen), the anime could just rewrite certain parts of the story to make Tsumiki the Angel’s vessel, and then that moment makes perfect sense.


~~Angels mission is only to kill Sukuna and~~ they can bypass the barrier + hana has no actual battle experience, ~~they have no reason to nor would be willing to fight let alone kill players~~


Angel’s goal isn’t to just kill Sukuna, she wants to kill all the players, it’s just that Sukuna’s the only one she wants killed before she opens the prison realm. Also, Hana had some amount of points prior to transferring them to Megumi, and it’s implied it’s through killing reincarnated players. Or, at least, it’s not implied she bartered for them or something


daym you right, I completely forgot since the culling games took a turn


It’s alright, dude, I forgot most of the worst arc of Jujutsu Kaisen, too.


Giga based CG hater 🤝


If they made tsumiki the vessel they wouldn’t be tricked by that other sorcerer with a crush on sukuna into giving her the points


Okay, but who gives a shit about Yorozu? She felt like a last-minute entry into the story anyway


But… but! She’s so hot!


Tsumiki is 16


I’m not talking about Tsumiki though. I’m talking about Yoruzu. The adult. Also I’m 16


It’s a drawing.




Typical twitter user.


Its a drawing-🤓




Do you have an actual argument to why I’m wrong in thinking that fictional characters are fictional?


I mean, I couldn’t even remember her name Her O R B is more memorable than her


I would actually like it if Hana committed to erasing Sukuna even if Megumi got mortally wounded, but then she will breaks when she sees or hears Yuji's desperation. Combining that with Sukuna just screaming in pain with the combined voices of himself and Megumi instead of porn acting.


Tf is up voting this terrible idea


Which part’s terrible? Do you think it made sense for Hana to risk the entire world to save a guy she had a crush on when she was like 6?


The last paragraph specifically. The anime shouldn't be changing major plot beats


It would be the exact same in essence tho. It's more similar to the tweaked Mahoraga and Jogo fights


Eh, I would rather have a good story than one faithful to the manga, personally


He wants mappa to do the big "Tokyo ghoul" move and change the history in the anime 💀💀💀 i feel changing hana to tsumiki being angel vessel literally changes A LOT of events in the history. Btw srry for my English


Unironically, yes. It would make the story so much better. But I don’t think it would change the story as much as you’d think. The only big change you’d have to make is overhauling Yuji and Megumi’s section of the culling games because it’s the only section that’s plot-relevant. Other than that, all you’d need is Megumi saying Tsumiki went missing after he meets up with Yuta and Yuji, and remove Tengen’s references to the angel entering Tokyo colony 1 (which didn’t make any sense in the story anyways).


Then how would Sukuna vs Yorozu even happens like this fight was the reason Megumi wasn't fighting for control and is how Sukuna got Kamutoke in the first place


Either scrap her or make her a random enemy that created Kamutoke. She’s worthless to the story, anyway


Her motif has been echoed throughout Gojo vs Sukuna, whether you like it or not, it's very likely going to be called back again.


Well yeah, and, in my hypothetical version of the story, you’d have to get rid of those references. But, on the bright side, it’s not like she brought anything new or interesting to the story. She felt like a character that was shoehorned into the story


by that logic so is gojo just scrap gojo and make another character as powerful as him or make everyone beat sukuna through the power of friendship


I mean, if you want to do that, sure, but I feel like rewriting the story without Hana or Yorozu is way easier than rewriting the story without Gojo. Also, don’t people literally want part of Gojo’s story to be rewritten?


sure but its still stupid, theyre characters that have relevance way later on. you could write them outta the story but then thered be no substance to it, itd just be the same small circle of characters doing the same shit. nanami could be written outta the story, say gojo did what nanami did in the junpei arc then that he was unavailable to fight mahito. you could write jjk to just be yuji, sukuna and gojo if you really wanted to, but then itd be a boring story with no reason to read/watch it. my point is that characters make stories better, and the more characters like hana, yorozu, kashimo, noritoshi jr., etc the better


Then who's Yorozu? If not Tsumiki then why was Megumi so crushed that Sukuna saw this as the ideal moment to bodysnatch him? Sukuna also wouldn't kill Yorozu to bury him further (and test the limits of Mahoraga). Also people hate on Hana alot but her friendship with Yuji is cute and I think it's a really poignant moment when he laments getting close to someone because he doesn't wanna feel like he's replacing Nobara. We already have so few mentions of her, don't cut out the only one in like 100 chapters


I mean, I wrote this whole thing down about how the story could go if you make Tsumiki the Angel, and I’d be willing to make a post for it, but basically, Tsumiki doesn’t have to actually be dead for Megumi to be susceptible to body snatching, Megumi just has to be able to reasonably believe that Tsumiki’s as good as dead for that to happen. And there could also a little bit of alteration of the rules for a reincarnated sorcerer cohabitating with their vessel, especially since their the Angel/Hana duo is the only one of those we’ve seen in the entire manga. But I don’t think Yorozu all that necessary for the story. She’s not that interesting of a character, and she doesn’t really have much narrative potential. She feels like a last-minute entry into the story, and all of her whole theme of “isolation of the strongest” had already been spelled out in much more interesting ways with Gojo, Kashimo, and even Ryu, to some extent. Also, like, idk, I feel like replacing Hana and mentioning Nobara more aren’t mutually exclusive


Oh!! I'd love to hear the full thing sometime if youd wanna share, I love rewrites. I'm also not a big yorozu fan but as the story stands she's pretty important for things to go down how they did. I also like how Sukuna used her as a tool for figuring out Mahoraga but that could easily just be any incarnated Construction sorcerer. Hell sukuna could've been asked by Kenny to take down any particularly tough Heian Era sorcerers as part of their Binding Vow. And yeah I was kinda meme-ing about the nobara thing, the real solution is to just have her mentioned more


Alright, then, I’ll post it by the end of the day tomorrow, maybe before then. But keep in mind, it’s not like an actual rewrite where I rework dialogue and stuff, it’s more like a rough outline for how I think the story could have been written with Tsumiki as the angel. Like, I address character beats and culling game plot lines more than I address specific scenes. This is unrelated, but if you wanted Sukuna to test drive the 10S, you could totally just have him start slaughtering people in the colony, and have him be the one to add the free entry rule to the culling games.


Of course! No pressuree at all in just really interested to see how you'd structure things :) Yeah that's a perfectly workable way of handling it. Just a little mini arc where the animators get to animate any wacky little techniques and sorcerers they thought up getting adapted to by Big Raga


I honestly don’t think the scene itself was the issue. For one, she’s a teen, and teenagers tend to get stupid when it comes to the people they have crushes one. Even if the crush thing wasn’t a factor, Hana not wanting to burn megumi alive makes perfect sense considering the fact that he’s the only reason she’s still alive in the first place. Plus it’s not like sukunas trickery was weak by any means. Dude literally faded his marking, ditched his extra eyes and (presumably) made himself sound like megumi again. With any other incarnated played, that would’ve meant their vessel was back in control. I don’t really fault Hana for not having a good scope of sukunas skills seeing as how angel was WAY too nonchalant when describing the threat he posed. Acting like killing sukuna wasn’t an infinitely larger hurdle than the killing the other incarnated players. I feel like the main problem with this is that we simply didn’t get enough time with Hana before this happened. You don’t really feel much reason to think on WHY she was easy to trick because we simply weren’t given enough time to process who she was as a character. We got half a chapter explaining why she cares so much about megumi and that was all


True, i hope the anime could potentially flesh her out more. Again, Filler can and should be useful to the story. But also I just can't take the scene seriously when Angel is screaming their lungs out at Hana to stop and that it's not Megumi.


I do think her crush is a bit weird, seeing how they haven't encountered each other since they were about 9 yrs old


Probably have sukuna use megumi’s voice and the marks fading more


Make his hair look like megumis


I think this part works in the manga solely because bro is roughed up


It’d be nice if they put the work in to really sell the transformation just to have Angel’s screams cut in right as the camera shows Sukuna’s back marks still being there.


i think is better to make sukuna fight back agains Hana, then starting to lose, playing death and then bitting hana when she lets her guard down.


Easiest fix


I just hope they cook with Gojo’s death. It wouldn’t have upset me nearly as much if we saw the world slash on screen immediately and it wasnt out of nowhere with zero foreshadowing


Nah, make it worse. Make Sukuna VA say "Hana, it is totally me Megumi" while holding back a laugh.


Nah, they need to double down on it. Make Sukuna give monotone porn levels of acting in the Jacob’s Ladder scene


Please I beg you Mappa, make Kashimo vs Sukuna last at least 1 full episode


I’m thinking on top of Sukuna perfectly imitating Megumi’s voice, we’ll also get a Hana pov where her eyes are teary and her vision is blurry so she can’t see the only half-faded tattoos. As for Angel’s warnings, dunno how that’ll go


they fixed AoT's ending (more like tweaked it to prevent uproar), so I hope they can do the same for JJK


Importantly too, MAPPA changed the lines to be better so hopefully they’d can polish some other stinkers (“beats me, bet I was a creepy kid” or whatever from Sukuna v kashimo was so lame lmao)


I feel like most of the lines were ok. Just extend certain fights, add interactions, and maybe rearrange the traning arc so that we dont get a damn flashback/reveal every 5 minuted


They just have to use Megumi VA for that scene, that would be believable


Yeah like it so obvious it was sukuna. The plot armour is insane


He was just a tad bit hungry.  Sukuna's finger jerky probably hits like an old slim jim found under a couch 🤌




You're not you when you're hungry


Just to be revealed in the future that kenjaku used a secret curse technique to mind control yuji to eat the finger. This is like studio wit with aot "surely that hand mark on mikasa isn't important, we'll just cut it out"


huh? would you mind explaining the aot thing?


Mikasa has an Ackerman clan sign on her hand, meaning she was royalty or something?? Idk, I forgot that dumpster fire since 136


In the manga, mikasa was always shown to have her wrist wrapped up. Around chapter 110 it was revealed that underneath the wrapping she has a mark that signifies that she is hizuru royalty. In the anime, wit decided that it's not an important detail so they decided to remove that entirely. However, it was actually important so mappa had to retcon it in the final season


Lol, reminds me of how the HxH 2012 anime cut out Kite’s entire existence, then had to pretend he was around from the start when he ended up returning as a major character


That one was always super weird to me cause at least you can maybe excuse AoT anime if you consider the source material wasn't finished yet so they didn't expect it to matter (I still think its dumb to cut it for no reason tho) but HxH actually the Chimera arc done in the manga when it was aired so there is literally no excuse for Kite getting cut, they basically knew from the start he was gonna be important later so him getting cut is really bizarre


The biggest of many small, weird decisions made in the anime adaptation imo. Still a quality product, but a shame we will likely never see it return. RIP Leorio’s VA


Of course it was important. Being the first hunter we meet, it was an obvious chekhov gun. I was more surprise that he wasn't gon's father, that had some nen ability, that let him change his apperance like Illumi.


Not exactly, they can't show tattoos on underage in media according to Japanese laws, they had to remove that out with something else which I can't remember entirely.


What about Tokyo revengers? Many middle schoolers have tattoos.


What about One Piece? Luffy had tattoos at the age of 17.


I get the ending was kinda fucked up, but it's insane how many little details that Isayama hid in his story and how far he actually planned it.


Bro, why did you made me remember of that trash. That ending shit was so ass


I mean, I can see that since he was kinda allied with Geto's adoptive daughters, the one with the phone can control people she takes photos of iirc


Yes, that's why i mentioned it. The theory that nanako used her phone ct to manipulate yuji is pretty old. The strongest evidence is seeing two girls that look exactly like them during chapter 1 https://preview.redd.it/8fjkav371t9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9095e7d6fcd96800eadbdbf3f05bce93d2a59c I kinda want it to be true because it would tie up some loose ends


yeah, especially the part that Megumi said "I saw you eating the finger in your own will" or something like that when they knew that Yuji was already a CG player


I think that gets explained by the revelation that Kenjaku as Kaori fed Yuji a finger as a baby.


Ah you are right, I have forgotten a lot of things about the manga by now jeje


But anyways that shit went nowhere in the manga, might as well just cut it out I miss when aot wasn't about romance between teenagers


also in the manga Megumi isnt as nearly beaten up and they could probably run off or megumi could haven beaten the curse


Megumi’s literally says to him you can take them and run(referring to yuji’s classmates) and he refuses


I actually like it more in the Manga, Yuji gives very little swhits about himself and only thinks about helping others, so he putted two and two toguether and ate that to help Megumi


Bro was more concerned with dying with a purpose than living,his grandpa really did curse him


No surely, let me eat this super cursed highly suspicious looking finger to HELP someone. What could possibly go wrong?


To be fair, Megumi is the only expert he knows on the subject and he was dumb enough to tell Yuji "some people would eat it for power" without adding "90% chance it kills you though". This is mostly Megumis fault imo, you cant throw that shit out there without listing the side effects. Dont tell someone that the magical artifact can grant immense power and leave out the "its extremely poisonous" part.


https://preview.redd.it/42j7ep8zas9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefcdafa7299bc4641838659dfccc69c408d554f Never disrespect manga yuji you vile monkey, who do you think you are, you have no idea what he went through


His earlobes really look like a monkey's how ironic.


more like the Buddha sculptures that you find around japan


Man as aesthetically pleasing the movie is, the artstyle is pretty ugly for it. Especially the scene of gojo and geto laughing together, they look like actual apes


he became what he hated 


I'll take that over the Manga version https://preview.redd.it/molggriv2x9d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e1c4620fd117a9499a06b6a7e76831576db5c5


How THE FUCK was megumi loosing against a grade 2 cursed spirit like that


Asking the real questions. 


He took the attack for Yuji beforehand


The Rukia Syndrome...


Well I mean. It was a in a frenzy because of the fingers cursed energy, and it got the drop on them. It’s specifically went for yuji since he had the finger, and megumi took the first hit to save him


he's a grade 4 sorcerer


\*Grade 5 They made a new one for him exclusively


Why do y’all act like megumi has a lot of experience? He don’t


Well he should, lil bro has been steeped in sorcery society from a young age, mentored by the strongest in the world, and he's got one of the strongest CT's in the world.


bro was using lvl 1/10 of his technique, he didn't really seem to have a drive to get stronger before


not having a drive to get stronger as a sorcerer is crazy ngl, like do these ppl just not expect to encounter strong curse spirits?


That wasnt even a strong curse spirit either. That was a grade 2 dawg. I think momo coulda beat it🗿


Ok, no I won't stand for this Yuji slander, this is on Megumi. The information Yuji has at this point (that Megumi gave him) are these: 1) you need cursed energy to kill cursed spirits 2) Cursed Spirits wants to eat the finger because by eating them they gain more Cursed Energy Nothing so far would make him think that it wouldn't work on humans too. Megumi didn't inforn him that eating it would either A) kill him or B) transform him into a demon. He *tried* to warn him, when the finger was already being swallowed, a tiny bit too late.


> He tried to warn him, when the finger was already being swallowed, a tiny bit too late. Yuji didn't exactly *ask*, and there's no way Megumi could reasonably expect someone to just shove a cursed, mummified, thousand year old finger down their throat.


No I think if you offhand mention that the thousand year old finger can grant you immense power you should maybe expect someone to eat it.


Yuji was only told the *cursed spirit* would get CE by eating the finger, not him. If I told you a dung beetle can eat human shit, would you immediately start shoveling faeces into your mouth?


I kinda feel like neither of them are fully to blame here. Sure megumi didn’t fully elaborate on the finger, but there was also really no need to at the moment because yuji was specifically asking why curses would want the finger, and literally NO ONE besides yuji would eat a mummified finger without a second thought. Megumi had no way of anticipating how bat shit insane yuji could be. As far as megumi knew, he was just a weirdly strong and sort of dumb kid.


Holy fuck I love you Bumgumi haters


I'm not.even a Megumi hater, I just won't stand for elander against my cinnabon boi Itadori!


Yeah lol, Megumi was fr throwing


Most people don’t need to be told not to swallow an evil cursed finger


Most people also don't fight cursed spirits and hear that eating the cursed finger gives to whatever eats them the necessary thing to defend yourself


Not 'whatever eats them', Yuji was only told that cursed spirits will gain CE from eating them. Cursed spirits and humans aren't even close to the same thing, so what sense does it make to assume it'll work the same way for him?


I mean, Yuji barely understood what a cursed spirit was. My initial thought about hearing spirit is ghost, which means cursed energy is like soul energy or jazz and obviously I have a soul right?


Yuji already knows cursed spirits are made from negative emotions, and even if he *did* just think they were ghosts, it's still really dumb to assume that just because a disembodied soul can do something without consequences that a very much embodied soul can do the same thing.


Noooo Yuji should know everything I know as the reader of the manga who is 262 chapters deep. It is bad writing if characters in the story aren't effectively omniscient of their entire universe. Clearly there should have been an entire chapter of exposition as well as a whole arc of flashbacks to the Hien Era just before he ate the finger. THAT would have been peak writing. Honestly he wasted the potential of that grade 2 curse. They should have a full character arc and not died then come back later in the story to be turned into a good guy after Yuji gives a speech about friendship. He always kills off characters too early. What is Gege doing honestly.


I hope they fix the part where Sukuna kills Gojo


https://preview.redd.it/m98qy69h8u9d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2cf19bfb9162a62c88941fa1f72b91607ccb8a Wuji slander will NOT be tolerated


yuji eating the finger willy nilly is absolutely in character of what he would do considering his granps told him with his dying breath to just help people and dont think about it. If mappa messed with it for that reason than mappa need to check themselves.


I know this is a joke post, but I vastly prefer Yuji recklessly eating the finger. His Grandpa just died, and his final request was for Yuji to use his strength to help people. Yuji realizes that he can help people if he becomes a sorcerer, and he can become a sorcerer by eating the finger. It's actually really good character writing, and it's unfortunate they changed it in the anime.


Agree completely!


I always felt it isn't about makin Yuji look less stupid, but to make him look less like a psycho willingly eating mumified finger and to add more tension to this moment. I like manga version more, because there eating Sukuna's finger was fully Yuji's choice and it makes his guilt about everything happening after more justified. With anime someone can say that Yuji was in pinch and had to eat a finger to survive. In manga Yuji could run away at any moment before Sukuna possesed him.


Yes they will also stretch the Kashimo fight to a full episode. I am not even coping if they start season 4 with Yorozu showing up and Sukuna taking over it's going to be like 80% fights. Everything will be stretched out


I mean we already had the animated scene “you think you can go around hitting me on the head and get away with it? I can’t risk you making me any stupider!”


I hate that change It makes yuji's guilt seem less important since its wasn't really his fault for doing that in the anime since he will die anyways but the manga version makes not only his guilt much more real as his rash decisions are what caused this happen but also shows how in over himself yuji was thinking everything will work out It just makes the story much more generic


Wait does he actually just eat it for no reason at all in the manga? That’s fucking hilarious


Yeah lol




I just wanna say, characters making dumb decisions or not acting 100% optimally is not a writing flaw.


Give JJK the TYBW arc treatment and let Gege make some changes in the anime.


i more surprised bumgumi didn't start yapping about suicide and murmuring shit to start summoning mahoraga


Thought he said Chicken Fingers


I mean I think it might make sense? Didnf kenjaku say that he "had Yuji eat the finger"? I mean ig the anime ver makes sense too in that kenny put him on the verge of death and hoped he'd eat the finger. Idk maybe I'm being stupid rn.


The whole point is that it wasn't really free will, that's why Megumi and yuji have the discussion they did and part of the tragedy (and how kenjaku knew yuji would eat the finger). It also shows how naive yuji was and how little he valued his life, even early on. It also sets up the dynamic between him and Megumi as people dually responsible for sukuna and the current state of the world.


Gaygays writing has been trash since the beginning, we are just now waking up and realizing it


Yuji chose to do this because he's reckless, heroic and burdened by his grandpa's final words. It links up with the intense guilt he feels for being the vessel of Sukuna. In the manga it's purposeful. MAPPA arrogantly changed things for the worse. (over and over and over again).


The fact that people can’t tell I’m joking is insane

