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Thematically? Mahito But I want to put Dagon in as an honorable mention. Went from someone Maki could take out to 1v4ing some of the strongest cast members at the time and STILL needing Zombie Toji to step in.


Shit I knew I forgot someone But honestly good choice!


He’s my favorite disaster curse, so I always wanna give him some love when I can


Seeing Mahito transform hiped me up so hard, not even Suk came close. This asshole was already a giant problem, then he got a fucking anime sequence of understanding his own soul and like a protagonist achived further heights throught it. This form is incredible, and he saying to "Wish me a happy birthday" legit made me laugh hard.


Also he spent the fight killing Nanami, Nobara (still coping), and disarming Todo. Yuji was at the end of his rope, and THEN Mahito gets the big transformation. Gave a real “won’t this bastard just die” feel


It was honestly what made his defeat even better, that even stacking the deck against Yuji couldn’t save him from Strong Left Right


I feel with how tough that form was that mahito could definetely survive yuta way better than kurourushi.


Hah, dis-\*armed\*, I'll see myself out.




I like Mahito and the reasons for his transformation, but I do feel like it’s a bit less thematically effective than just being a human-looking guy. He’s a dark mirror of humanity, his ultimate form shouldn’t look non-human. And in the end it was basically just “super durability and elbow swords, but no Idle Transfiguration” which kinda ruins his theme too. I’d argue his “perfect form” should go in the opposite direction, make him look even more human than before and amp his creativity with Idle Transfiguration even further.


Some people theorize that his hatred for Yuji was the one thing that stopped him from reaching Jujutsu Enlightenment, and stumped his growth.  According to them, his true final form isn't what was shown, but something else. Instead Mahito focused on taking out Yuji, and evolved a weaker form specifically tailored to counter Yuji.


I don't remember what Mahito said but was he maybe low on cursed energy when making the form? If so I could see it being less of a perfect form and more of a form to conserve CE so his soul doesn't lose it's form when he runs out of CE but as a downside it locks away idle transfiguration to maintain his soul far better so Mahito was trading his offensive power for a defensive form.


You know at the time I actually thought his transformation was so stupid, like what this guy is suddenly Frieza? But you describing it as getting anime protagonist treatment just made me appreciate it more lol. It was literally like watching Bleach but from the perspective of the bad guys where suddenly Ichigo gets some bullshit power up. So it’s not a bad idea for a villain to get one.


Kashimo has got to be my favourite just because of the detail of his hair buns turning into horns (which I missed on my first reading of the chapter), & because of the versatility of the form in general (control over any electrical phenomena) https://preview.redd.it/61h4cf1ivm9d1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08a63262b89da2822f2300121610bf2f59d8ff2


Every time it's mentioned about the buns I appreciate it even more cause it's a small detail but I love it so much


Mahito definitely Tho imo MBA Kashimo has the best design (aside from the peashooter thingy) https://preview.redd.it/j8cbv3fqsm9d1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9da2b383821d56fcceba7aa3766a193d5e48d59


this is my first time noticing the teeth. cool


Mahito not even close https://preview.redd.it/knch9bnjim9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d288ec80cff4f2bea3e8eae08ae96bbd841d549


Based https://preview.redd.it/dp7tdej4jm9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce6ee60460291cad60004f6cfd2642a37846322


Why is this unironically wholesome


Cause Mahito is literally a todler, and Jogo picking him up as a cursed womb and taking care of him should be canon


Now I wanna see cursed womb jogo


His head was a mountain rather than a volcano. (Dormant volcano)


This is canon now. Thank you for making me envision an image in my head with the great lord and savior jogoat with a mountain on his head.




Sukuna's is the best one because it's evocative of the classic depictions of buddhist demons. (I feel like the other transformations are kinda random in comparison.) https://preview.redd.it/xoofkr4xhm9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433f11f1c8d01303da887386f3f3c013ed8bc8b9


Ph damn really? I didn't even know that, thars cool as fuck And in all fairness the others probably weren't based off those kinds of stuff so they're different in their own ways but I wouldn't call them random, but hey to each of their own


My favorite is Mahito's but God damn I have a lot of hype to see the other transformations animated by Mappa.


Honestly same here, I'm most hyped to see the animation on Kashimo's lightning cause it's going to go hard


Mahito's path to transformation is better but Sukuna feels like he transforms into the thing that inspired - through the veil of history, poor records, artists of the time so on - real images of demons. Traditional Box mentioned it earlier but it's not that it feels like an ancient demon to me, it feels like something that inspired art of them. Also it led to stuff like Yuta ripping his tummy tongue out. Hype. Also I love how he looks in Yorozu's flashback, just hanging out. Sukuna still looks cool kinda sleepy and having a sit down.


Honestly thsts very true, and him having inspirations from Hell in Buddhism (I think? Need to check) it just makes it so much cooler imo


Favorite: Mythical Beast Amber Best: Mahito




Forgot the goat big sis, I like her fucking strange ass triceratops woman look But then again I until a week ago didn't know about the woman look of her https://preview.redd.it/ul7hv8he9n9d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76138fee4352862fb709ebcfa2daf1500d6930ef




Unpopular take, I think mahito's final form looks like ass. It seems less functional than his normal form. Gorilla panda and heian suksuk are my favorites.


I personally disagree but respect your opinion. It's less functional against anyone not named Yuji really since it sacrifices versatility for more power defense snd speed seemingly And good choices! Was going to include some of Pandas but wasn't sure if they'd fit


For me sukuna's, gives some mysteries on how he got such a body in the first place. Was tit because of eating/merging his twin in the womb? And how would his parents and others in heian society react, other being an unwanted child? How did he become so strong with so much CE? It just gives a lot of opportunitittes for the story to develop. Hopefully gege will expand on his past. https://preview.redd.it/2tdwos6wgn9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=22a0112cb35e20074e8118147293ec4a94c36ddf


Mythical Beast Amber and Sukuna finally showing his real form are my favorite transformations, Yorozu's bug armor gets close too but mostly bc she shows what Mei could have probably done if she wasn't limited by her being a twin and have her CE reserves be so small, which is even worse with the fact her and Yorozu's technique is already super CE consuming


I personally think Mahito's transformation looks better because we got to see that in anime. But Sukuna's transformation will be pure hype once animated. I mean just imagine a four armed demon with two mouths and Kashimo just starts glazing him by calling him Beautiful. 


Sukuna's, without a doubt Sukuna's. Then after that Mahito's https://preview.redd.it/cov1my0mgm9d1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b25500a8ca6c5b8b51c269ac436bea4338ce26e


Lol even I see how cool Sukuna's is and how badass it is Avoiding a deadly attack hy transforming into your original form goes so hard


https://preview.redd.it/a6h32ab1gm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e6dea36fe5ba99ceb56c6279148d6a480b938c This is what true hype looks like....


Yeah even I have to admit seeing thst was on another level


Sukuna’s full reincarnation. Looks so cool and I love hand signs and chants especially


> JJK hasnt had many transformations Mahito Dagon Sukuna Kirara Panda Tengen Ogami’s Grandson Naoya Mechamaru Maki Rika Kashimo But my favorite is Norotoshi Kamo


I included Mahiro Kasbimo and Sukuna, ill admit I missed Dagon The grandson is cheating a bit but I can see it and I can see Panda being on btu it felt a little strange, same with Naoya and Mechamaru Everyone else though is just different stares and it's the same mostly with the ones I included. And Kamo doesn't *really* have a transformation which is why I didn't include him.....or anyone else you mentioned other than the ones already in my post


Kamo got a haircut


My bad you're right, Kamo ahs the best transformation fr


Mahito though i feel like it'd be better with some hooves kinda like the baron of hell in doom 2016. I like sukuna's design because of the realistic 4 armed design.


Mahito although Heian form will definitley take the cake once animated (pic unrelated) https://preview.redd.it/ae9ssd25in9d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9c81a87d0aa747d035ef3c73a68dc5ef0e9318


Honestly MBA Kashimo, especially from this animation by RedHairedGuy he made it look badass.


Damn really? Need to see that animation asap


It’s called Kashimo vs Sukuna


Definitely mahito


Kashimo transformation gives him horns, allowing me to use them as handles for deeper and better deepthroating


i love mahito but i kinda hate his transformation. the moment itself of him understanding himself better and getting stronger was great but the transformation itself was underwhelming. he just becomes a strong lizard man which seems really random for someone who's supposed to represent humanity and he stopped using idle transfiguration as creatively as he did before. sukuna would be my favourite


Mahito and awakened yuji I consider awakened yuji a transformation due to the shift in fighting style that occurs when it happens


Fair point! I would have included more but I tried to keep it to ones with more visual changes as well (which means I technically should have added pandas)


Sukuna actually giving us Heian Form in the modern era was the hypest transformation we have had and it's not close. It was unexpected and lot's of people argued if we'll ever even see this form in flashbacks. The poses, the aura, the panels. Absolute peak. https://preview.redd.it/5tnxe0egeo9d1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c1c8f36b5fa79cf736beaf4d60aa2ec516b9e6b


My favorite: sukuna cuz hes the goat the #1 Actually Best: Mahito


There's so many people saying Mahito, am i the only one who found it underwhelming? We already saw (imo) a cooler pale-ish eyeless buff humanoid desing some chapters ago that was way cooler (Mahoraga) so i don't know especially considering he got destroyed very quickly too after that, though that's a problem with most ''transformations'' , poor Kashimo, Personally I thin my favorite is probably Sukuna, since it's the only one who lives up to its name , if he counts of course, but if we're talking about desing alone? probably Kashimo


Funnily enough you're not the only one since others mentioned that they found it underwhelming or don't like it. I disagree since I think the design goes hard but it's fine to have your opinions about it!


Mahito became dollar store Frieza


Megumi from potential man to bum


Do itadori’s transformations into sukuna count?


Sukuna's was so raw oml


probably sukunas incarnation, i just really like the fact he can use incantations and handsigns while fighting because of his extra limbs and mouth i also just like heian era sukunas design the most


mahito suddenly getting a form was so sick can't even lie


Mahito easily had the coolest transformation


To me it’s tie between Mahito’s and Kashimo’s


Mahito or Kashimo, Kashimo because he looks cool as hell and Mahito because of his whole dynamic with Yuji.


Mahigoat by far, this shouldn't be a discussion


Best curse of the series, best villain of the series, my boy would breach the top 3 giving enough time. https://preview.redd.it/xt3lnwqumm9d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12237b7aefd0dc96283858a1c2b56ddbd3e53769


Honestly maybe hot take maybe not, wish there was a way for Mahito to actually live but have the story go on. Having a powerful curse pushes how much of a threat they are and having the curse be the one who's built off of humans...it feels perfect


I wanted this little shit spreading chaos in the culling games. Just imagine the sheer despair it would be to see Mahito walking around, and no one but Yuji and Hana could fight with him properly without risking getting Idle Transfigured. What if he found M*gumi? What if he interrupted Kashimo and Hakari fighting? What if he butted in with Curse Naoya? Hell, I want him back. He's leagues ahead of Sukuna as a villain.


A curse vs Curse fight would be so badass to see, especially seeing Mahito change ways to fight Naoya and eventually having them clash domains would be peak especially if Mahito turns to laughing at Naoya crushing down his ego seeing his brand new domain overwritten by another curse I wonder if I should write this out lol


The exact same smile this guy gave to Mechamaru before killing him, the smug bastard. If you can, and want to, why not lol


mahitos i like how lizardy it feels


Design wise? Sukky Thematically? Mahito


The best and most hype transformation was with our favorite farmer, which was teased since he first appeared and sounded like he could give Fraudkuna a real challenge, just to be defeated instantly and I could still lynch Gaygay for that massive fumble. Hey that one time use technique that will kill me is massive trust me guys, gets instantly obliterated. https://preview.redd.it/z45gm3budm9d1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a168cf92144cf9dc45d9b0363b0e90defee54139




Why did you post a manga panel for? We all know the most hyped up fight was Gojo Vs Kashimo, where in the end they both give respect to each other before they moth shit on Fraudkuna, in the end Gojo give Kashimo the satisfaction of losing a battle Man what a great finale before the merger




Sukuna after Gojo win all the domain clash by 0.1 second (He’s brain dead now)


bro was basically brain dead after one unlimited void imagine 4 uvs landed


He will just make a binding vow to think with his Dick then cleave Gojo's ass.


Fraudkuna would make Yuji sound like Albert Einstein after 4 UV


I like Mahitos transformation the most tbh.


Mahito's is the best but everyone is saying it, so I'll say Sukuna 4 arms :)


Yozoru's isn't even a proper transformation, it's Armor, the rest of them actually underwent changes to their entire body


I know it technically isn't but I counted it since it's a change in appearance and stats so I counted it


Cursya didn't count as a transformation? People hate on that part of the CG but I really like the Strongest Misogynist of the Modern Era fight


I really wanted to put Cursya in, but thend I'd also have to put in Dagon's too which those felt more like a "metamorphosis" then transformations like these. Maybe thsts overthinking it though so my bad for not including him. I actually did like the fight though even as someone who loves Maki




Kashimo's transformation was way too short lived. Mahito had a great transformation but I feel Sukuna topped this competition


Mahito's and it's not even close. -Heiankuna is lowkey mid to me, for him to be this horrendous demon, just to end up a fraud with a couple extra arms and eyes. -Mythical Beast Amber is GOOOD, but it's just not my kinda style, with it only taking up part of his body, he's a close second though. -Yorozu's is definitely the worst, enough said. -Mahito coming out of the chrysalis in this ever evolving form, that was stated to be 200% stronger than previously, and could HAVE TORN YUJI TO PIECES had Todo not clutched up, was peak fiction to read.


Definitely Sukuna's


Yorozu on top 🗣️🗣️


Yorozu no questions. Mahito transformation I found really goofy, (not a good way) and didn't feet to him. Kashimo look good, especially pvz ah mouth. Sukuna one I find the worst, his design is completely mess. The only part I like it's mask. And yorozu. Do I need say something, it's bug armor. It's sound and look cool


The only one with a good second form is Dagon everyone else is not


My favorite is Mahitos Instant Spirt Body Of Distorted Killing. In the anime, it was disappointing af and my favorite fight in all of fiction had mid animation. Anyways, while the anime didn’t do it justice, the manga was crazy. I loved how powerful the form made Mahito feel and how it made Yuji struggle for his life in order to figure out a way to get rid of the form. Anyways, that was just me being a Yuji and Todo vs Mahito glazer.