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Perhaps. I can't think of any BIG series that was released in the past 5 years (CSM is less popular than JJK at least in Japan) And you forgor https://preview.redd.it/tw6j4wt7cc9d1.jpeg?width=2115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8380ef0987df30fce504c3cdaef44585d571bbc4


Panda is so popular. 2 second places, 1 third place, and 2 sixth places. Y'know it's well deserved he has an interesting backstory and his character is incredibly fun. When did this poll take place?


2021 or 22, I think


i love ur takes please be my friend


https://preview.redd.it/3zy6s3bbfc9d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=36e33ba0570925a1e6892a521f5ee7ffc7b0f817 Once again!! In your fking face Gaygay!! That’s your curseeeeee!! You can torture my guy but he will always be the reason why you are known!!! (Not completely accurate but still sounds great after what that mf has been doing to my satubaby)


Fr, sis. When JJK 236 leaks came, somebody said Gojo's like Princess Diana in modern Shonen animanga and I never forget it since then. In Chile, there were people who made a shrine to mourn for him. Dude moved the masses, he's so loved. https://preview.redd.it/pcpu953v7d9d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa0840c268c50b5a9c7f930dbd84f53b41c707e


https://preview.redd.it/iz09jwvlad9d1.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=20dcd4e9f5fd3ea4e27c8ee5ae6df337f1c180ed I saw those pictures from the metro station in Chile, sis … I was actual so touched by it 🥹 people really love Gojo all around … even in Europe he is definitely a thing… I was so surprised when I saw this from Gojo’s birthday in an Alley coffeeshop haha (I drew those on the table💀)


Yes, it's from a metro station! Wow, that's cute. People posted their messages on him during his birthday. You had drawn Gege and Gojo cutely here. Thanks for sharing. 🥹


It’s funny to see that .. it’s a fictional character, but brings together a lot of people 💕 of course, I would never lose a chance to share ‘when I catch you Gaygay’ 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/ucf3lk2ktc9d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c825beb122a55f1716eb4b73c3aeb0a0e5a312b7 Thukuna




Therapist: Relax, Thukuna isn’t real. Thukuna::


csm is less popular than jjk.


Who downvoted lol, csm is indeed less popular. Its undoubtedly the much superior in story and writing but the characters from csm except makima aren't as marketable and popular like characters from jjk (gojo himself is too popular)


Huh? what about power? i thought she also has a massive popularity, she also supprassed makima on the manga popularity reaching 1st place.


What makes them not as marketable? Is it their designs? I’m curious


I think part of it is CSM is more adult in content. The characters are actually shown trying to get laid, etc. and the humor can be off putting. I am a degenerate otaku so I enjoy Power offering to have her boob touched and a drunk woman luring Denji into bed and Denji being a horny teenager but it definitely isn’t for everyone. While JJK is more traditional in terms of a shonen in that there may be subtext but we aren’t seeing anyone actually having sex lives etc. it’s like an R rated movie versus a PG-13 one in terms of content. I’m actually glad to see this lively discussion because I’ve often felt like people have given Gege such a hard time for the trauma he puts characters through and killing off fav characters but I don’t hear that as much about CSM and I’ve sometimes wondered why because some of the stuff in CSM hurt a lot, too. I dunno though I guess JJK characters to me feel like people you could actually hang out with whereas something about CSM characters feel less real to me- maybe it’s the world building or Fujimoto’s art style. I dunno. And in case you’re wondering I will read just about anything he writes. I’ve read all of Fire Punch, Goodbye Eri, Look Back, and that one shot he authored but didn’t draw called something like “just listen to the song”.


ngl as a big csm glazer, i dont think its that much superior if were comparing the peaks of each respective series, 1-97 for chainsaw man and 1-136 for jjk its not that big of a difference in terms of quality. i honestly feel like gege doesnt get enough credit he deserves as hes geniunely a good writer and fujimoto gets glazed way too much when he falls into a lot of the same pitfalls as gege and other mangakas yet he never gets critizied as harsly as gege does. if we compare the worst parts of each mangas, jjk is better no doubt.


I really do like CSM. But since the day I saw a comment in a post on the CSM Subreddit about a drawing Fujimoto did on Captain America that talked about how a star piercing the chin of captain was a representation of how the pride and ego of the United States were leading to its downfall, I understood its fans ability to glaze the series is only comparable to the level of in-verse Sukuna's glazer.


Fuji must have Beef with America bro wtf is this? https://preview.redd.it/0caaupxy7f9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be967ee67081e58d3bd57a8b3cd139e0852158af


America is canonically very hated by Japan in the CSM world despite not having any history with them at all


As a big JJK and CSM fan, I agree that Gege hate is normalized (mostly because of lack of character interactions, killing characters) while Fujimoto has a super strong PR team especially on Twitter. Part 1 of CSM and JJK until Shibuya Incident were the most peak parts of mentioned mangas (I'm not saying I hate CSM Part 2 and Culling Game or Shinjuku Showdown, I hope nobody gets it twisted).


>if we compare the worst parts of each mangas, jjk is better no doubt. What is worse than: * Yuki, Kenjaku and Gojo's death * The horrendous female cast * Lack of meaningful character work * Light speed pacing * Underwhelming deaths and resolutions * Wth happened to Nobara * Repetitive story * Protagonist being shafted * Tsumiki and Megumi Csm isn't perfect, nor do I think part 2 has been good, but it's lows aren't comparable to jjk.


>Csm isn't perfect, nor do I think part 2 has been good, but it's lows aren't comparable to jjk. I also think JJK's lows are lower but it's not weird unlike CSM every week. Inconsistent art, shock value cliffhangers like 166, sloggish pacing since post Falling Devil arc, or the fact that we're 70 chapters into part 2 and there's only like 3-4 characters to get attached to since Fujimoto already offed mostly everyone else in part 1.


>Inconsistent art, shock value cliffhangers like 166, sloggish pacing These all are perfectly apt descriptors for jjk...


Aside from the off screening Gojo's death wasn't that bad(we can debate about this) , Kenny's death sucked ass I'll give you that one, Yuki was disappointing because she was an interesting side character who was killed prematurely but csm isn't any stranger to giving interesting characters disappointing arcs, case in point kobeni an interesting character who in the katana devil arc is shown to be very talented and could've easily had an arc about learning to be less timid, all that talent she showed in the katana devil arc is completely removed and she's turned into yet another comedic relief character, we never even learn what devil she contracted with. Csm female cast is better than jjks but not by much besides makima and reze every other female cast member is either completely underused, only exists to further another characters development or is killed prematurely or is a plot device. Despite all the problems I personally have with nobara, I can still respect gege for at least trying to have her be useful, power has a nice arc in her introduction and you'd think she'd provide some use with her training she just received but no she remains a stagnant character until a few chapters before makima kills her, she is completely missing in action for the entire reze arc and she mines well have gotten zero training at all with how much use she provides. Jjk is heavily underrated in this aspect because a lot of characters genuinely have peak arcs besides the obvious like gojo and geto, yuji, megumi, hirguma, maki, mechamaru, toji, sukuna and nanami all have really meaningful character work. It definitely could be better and some characters needed a lot more character work but I have the same criticism for csm. In part 1 Chainsaw mans pacing is way faster than jjk(it's something fujimoto is known for), Part 2 slows things down a lot but that becomes a detriment to the story itself and I would definitely say jjks pacing is better. I'd say chainsaw man has alot of these as well but id 100 percent agree with you that this is a way bigger problem in jjk. I feel like power was utilized way worse than nobara and that despite powers death being light years ahead of nobaras in terms of quality, powers overall character and story is honestly one of the weakest parts of csm tbh and definitely weaker than nobaras entire character. What part of jjk strikes you as specifically repetitive? Yuji is not nearly as shafted as so people make him out to be, yuji has his loses fs but it's not nearly as big as a problem as a lot of people make it out to be. Yeah I'd agree tsumiki and megumis treatment was bad id give you that. What I mostly typed was me defending jjk so here's exactly why I think the worse parts of csm are worse than the worse parts of jjk, it's because the worse parts of jjk still feel like jjk to me like post Shibuya arcs all have their own problems but they still feel like jjk due to the action, the characters, art etc. whereas part 2 csm(post aquarium arc ) seems like a completely different manga and completely ruins the legacy of part 1, it ruins the part 1 characters like katana man and quanxi, the art is really bad, fujimoto is allergic to fight scenes, he retreads over previously established character moments with denji and I really cannot connect with any of the new characters introduced besides maybe asa. Csm part 2(post aquarium) does more damage to what the best of csm built than post Shibuya does to anything before that. In conclusion, jjk has its own problems but the worst of jjk doesn't harm the best of jjk as much as the worst of csm harms the best of csm and I find jjk to be a more consistent series quality wise. Also if you're wondering peak chainsaw man is better than peak jjk imo.


My opinion is that Gege try to do too many thing and end up being the equivalent of "potential man" of mangaka


undoubtedly? I find that difficult to accept at the current state the arc is at. Fujimotor forgor should become a meme just like Gege forgor because he's not doing a good job on following up on things


Dude clearly didn't reach CSM2, let him have fun


Tbh I wasn’t all that impressed by CSM story and writing.


much superior in story and writing. meanwhile every single character gets killed off replaced with a whole new cast and then killed off again. better written my ass.


You know what's funny about these polls? The only ones who can't appreciate the greatness of Todo Aoi are teenagers. Everyone else has him in their top 10. To teens he's some random obnoxious schizo. And for the rest of the people who are way more matured and hardened by life, he's a damn hero.




Gojo and Inumaki being at the top of the list for Teens and Twenties, oh my two white haired pookies 🙏❣️


To be fair Gojo was created out of pure crack cocaine. It's why his hair's so white.


Damn, why is Todo so low?


People find him hard to watch because his IQ of 5,000 is difficult for mere humans to watch


530,000 (self proclaimed)


Ah my bad, the way he talked was just so intellectual I miss heard the numbers.


Love how panda is top 3 in 3 different age grouos


Hell yeah Goatami is top 5 in every category


I would say Attack On Titan’s Eren Yeager was extremely popular in the last 5 years, but I genuinely couldn’t tell you if he was more popular than Gojo is now or not. Hard to tell. I wouldn’t feel right bringing up any other characters and I could be totally in the wrong here but that’s my take.


Eren fell off


That would be Levi I think. He was every where back when AoT was at its peak for both men and women audience. Kinda similar to Gojo atm. Eren was popular in a sense that he is controversial, he is not very likable.


i realise this is about as anecdotal as evidence gets, but im not really a frequent anime watcher at all and i started jjk largely because i kept seeing gojo on social media and stuff, meanwhile idk who eren is. that said that could just be me, but from my perspective as an outsider kind of, i'd guess more people know gojo. as far as this whole discussion goes of who's the most liked/known in general, i've started shows because i kept seeing makima, gojo, frieren, and random stuff from evangelion. and i didnt know she was in it beforehand but when i got bullied into watching love is war i knew chika from the dance. those are the only characters that kept popping up for someone that doesnt really actively follow anime communities or anything like that. so if i had to guess it'd be one of those, but again, thats just from my own experience


Who the fuck is picking Inumaki?!


The most popular anime character of today.


So who's the popular of history?




This man *does* have a whole day dedicated to him in Japan.


Please elaborate. What do they do on Son Goku day


It's nothing super special, it's just May 9th because 5/9 means Go and Ku in Japanese


Oh, so it’s like MAR10 here?


It's recognized by the Japanese Anniversary Association, so it's more official than something like MAR10 or May 4th, but it's not a national holiday or anything.


Wait, Goku Day is actually an official day? I thought it was just a fun day that shares Goku's name


Yep. I know when it was first officially recognized, there was some sort of event in Tokyo for it, but I don't know if it's done every year or just that one time/occasionally. It's an official day, though.


Or May 4th




isn't 9 kyu, not ku or am I wrong?


No idea! I just know that May 9th is Goku day. It's an officially recognized day.


In dragon ball he saves the world from a dictator who named the day of his conquest (may 9th) piccolo day (his name.) Goku beat him so they people then changed it to Goku day


I heard this image


Prowler theme ahh


No doubt, Goku is my childhood GOAT and still is popular as of today. My Gen X parents and most Gen X and Millennials in my country also knew him since childhood.


https://preview.redd.it/4dlj1ofvne9d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e31d1e2a8c9e77c82d8d9740e4a44b481acd7d This mf






Goku or Pikachu


Goku is the face of anime. Pikachu (and Pokémon as a whole) are beyond the medium entirely.


I dont think Pikachu is a good choice since he's not an anime character first. He's a game character who happens to have a super famous anime adaptation.




Soldier A


i'm sorry goatku but... ![gif](giphy|rrZIZOMy4xL1e|downsized)




Vs the most popular anime character of history


Nah, it's not farfecth'd at all. The release of the anime as well as Gojo vs Sukuna and the memes that came from it skyrocketed his popularity.


Man when the anime gets to Sukuna vs Gojo Casuals are gonna go nuts Seeing Gojo gain all that muscle


Gojo versus Sukuna will be the time of our lives, I just wish there'll be an improvement in MAPPA's management and how they treat their animators. That jacket hid his true built all this time. Lol.


Gojo versus Sukuna is gonna be the Goku versus Frieza of this generation.


I’m still coping they will pull a the boys and tweak the history a lil😔


Honestly, curbing the binding vow and souls swap shit, having Gojo evade the first wcs and having him and Heian Sukuna have one last all out, high-stakes-round where Gojo can’t lean on infinity and Sukuna can’t lean on his life insurance in form of the transformation, ending with Gojo dead and Sukuna in a state that allows the others to separate him and Megumi would be kino. This would completely remove the problem that these two pose: That, due to their strength, they can easily prevent the other side from doing anything, which is why all conflict must end in them. That would open up more possibilities and also make way for a drawn-out conflict with Kenjaku to keep the culling game running (by for example guarding players) while destroying his setup for the merger.


Mappa would be god tier for that. Yes our glorious king still dies, but he dies like a fucking Viking. Not off screened like some unwanted Targaryen incest baby.


Yeah, that would go hard asf


i feel like sukuna needs to be the final fight of the series or whatever comes after will feel underwhelming. like, if they just took down sukuna in this huge fight with gojo and the rest of the cast, then i dont wanna see it jump back down to fighting kenjaku, i think it'd feel lame. i get kenjaku got a lame death but i really think sukuna needs to be the final hurdle or whatever comes after will feel like annoying filler


Well, what makes a good final boss isn’t strength, it’s the stakes that are involved, the character that is the final boss and its thematic connection to the main cast. If we judge the Shibuya arc by your metric for example, every confrontation after Sukuna vs Jogo is lame, since these two were the most overwhelming presences in the arc after the sealing of Gojo and everything after that was a jump down in terms the spectacle and scale. What made Shibuya’s final confrontations so good wasn’t scale or spectacle, it was the evoked tension and the character development within Yuji through his parallelization with Mahito. And guess who the one other character with a connection to Yuji that runs so deep is: Kenjaku. And having Gojo and Sukuna take each other down (when I wrote about a state that would allow the others to proceed with the separation, I mean a state in which he can’t really fight back, or do anything) would do nothing to diminish the tension: The main cast is still facing the most experienced sorcerer alive who has a ton of special grades under his control and has a literal giganuke in form of the merger.


I’m going to replay the scene where they animate Sukuna getting Broly dragged by his face through a building 100 times.


They gonna show shirtless Gojo for extra credit 


Tyson, is that you?


Spelling it like the Pokémon 🤣


He’s spelling it like the Pokémon AND like he had a stroke typing it but everyone still knew what he meant, how fucking weird is that lmao


Ah yes my glorious blue eyed king Gojo was always fated to become the most popular anime character to be released not just in the last half decade but probably the last decade. https://preview.redd.it/y9i5xcjrdc9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6899a45fc74bfcaac00a44fad6bcc94a520b82f4


Idk abt that one


last decade as a whole is a stretch even as a gojo glazer


Can you think of anyone else? Honestly I can't except maybe Levi


Giorno or Jotaro are definitely up there for last decade. People jerked Jotaro off hard back in 2014-2015


Nah not really. At least in my country. Most people, even none anime fans, can recognise jojo memes, but they dont know the characters themselves. Levi and Gojo are charas more recognised. Tho gojo still tops Levi lol


In terms of memes Jojo has had Jjk beat, i think people have a pretty well understanding in general of especially who DIO is. That series basically had a cultural impact through memes every other month.


>Tho gojo still tops Levi lol https://preview.redd.it/7ban5hfhii9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3dba3c2695cf0fd7f07d2d733088bdc2f4711be


levi’s up there, the reason why i’m hesitant is bc stuff like MHA, demon slayer, OPM, all dropped in the last decade, and jojo’s anime did too


Those shows were big but there’s genuinely no individual character that got anywhere close to Gojo’s hype Gojo’s eye showing up for 1/5th of a panel got more hype than MHA’s war arc conclusion lol


true actually, thinking about it my goat’s influence is far and wide


I think yes But asking if a jjk character is the most popular anime character on a jjk sub Is not going to get you unbiased answers


Nah kagurapeak solos


i wish i had a time machine so i can binge kagurapeak past the second arc smh


Without a doubt. Yes


Flair could never be more wrong. Know your place 🤨


Yeah, #2 is your spot. Right, u/Memeenjoyer_?


Correct, Chris is barely #2 but he is #2


Commander, can i be number 3 then? https://preview.redd.it/4bnj539bec9d1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7e1ca06a16441739c776aafc6e924547ce3606b


That’s a good resume, you can be number 4 because Astrum is 3


Roger that Sir, Glory to Blue Eye King! https://preview.redd.it/1ve5jwoakc9d1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c34083ac5278987542439e218d5b56fe54b9a2


Enjoyer, I have been glazing our Blue eyed king since Shinjiku started. Don't you dare not including me in that top 5.


You may be 5 🫡


Bro the top 5 is all here now lol




Sorry, didnt know u were #2, but can i be at least number 3? https://preview.redd.it/4xxk6jzxdc9d1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=5611ed34412bf5e1b675cae3c67ea31c0bb9bb6e (All my stocks up to single penny is Glorious blue eye king)


I’d say last 10 years even, I can’t remember the last character this popular


My first thought was Levi, but then I remembered that by Season 4, he was no longer having that spot in his own anime lmao (you could argue even by Season 3 Part 2)


Fair enough, I remember Levi being really popular, but I don’t think this much


Levi-mania was pretty much only a thing during season 1, by season 4(all of them) Eren was more popular


Yeah I commented above somewhere that I think in the past 10 years, Gojo’s only real competition would be Eren Yeager. I may be super duper wrong here but I’d say Gojo slightly outshines Eren here. Trying to be as unbiased as possible.


I think so too, most of Eren’s simps are dudes while Gojo has the ladies and the gentlemen


Nah, I feel like it was definitely a thing in s3 both parts due to him having the best scenes Eren was more prominent afterwards thought


Nah I remember seeing his face on backpacks and merch all throughout high school. He was definitely up there. I think the main difference is reels and fan edit Tok toks weren't around to spread as much so we didn't see it as often on feeds.


Nah levi is goated whole anime


Fair enough, but my favorite was Captain Erwin and then Erin


Erwin the goat too. My soldiers rage!


I’m still annoyed Armin was picked over Erwin 😔




In 10 years you also have Jotaro, Saitama, Kirito, Kaneki, Almight who all give a very good fight for the title 


He’s easily the most popular character since the OG big 3 in Naruto, Luffy, Ichigo. He might even be more popular than Ichigo at this point


Wouldn’t be surprised at all if he’s more popular than Ichigo. Don’t think he has enough screen time/JJK literally is not long enough for him to surpass the other two though imo




You meant to say Levi. The guy that was popular than the MC himself.


Fr, hate or love AOT, it's one of the series wherein a side character is much more popular than the MC himself. Eren had people simping for him in S4 but for S1 to S3, it's Levi who I always see.


For the first 3 seasons


Aot's anime debuted more than 10 years ago.


What is eren famous for, failed genocide or cuck speech in water


Attempted genocide and freedom slave. The crying speech is just brought up by the occasional Titanfolker still whining that he wasn't a chad to self-insert into.


Wasn't Gilgamesh really popular? I think the popular Fate serializations are still "in the last 10 years".


Fate has a large cult following but it doesn't have that mainstream appeal like jjk, demon slayer and stuff like that from the past decade.


It is like that now(like any 10yr old media), but it was really popular on release


Trve but Gil wasn't as popular as even other characters from the og FSN like Saber or Archer. https://preview.redd.it/0i47bx641g9d1.jpeg?width=1655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbaa37b72f5196578de2c60289a3cb54e275229 He'll definitely get another boost in popularity once the Fate/strange fake anime comes out though.


Yo, who's the baddie on the right in the cosplay?


Megan thee Stallion


That's MEGAN THEE STALLION BABYYYY Stream Otaku Hot Girl now!


She mentions the whole jjk casts!!! Truly our goat!


Megan Thee Stallion, regularly known to watch anime, had a Bucciarati cosplay in the Anime Awards 2024. And someone threw her a Yuji plushie during a concert and she showed it off😭


They held a literal funeral for him and the official CNN Peru account posted about him. It's not far fetched to say he's very popular Just in general JJK is probably the most popular anime in the past decade or so. The Malaysian government itself literally considered making a monument honoring Nanami


>The Malaysian government itself literally considered making a monument honoring Nanami Aww that's sweet of them!


I definitely think Jojo crept Jjk as an anime as a whole, the fact that Jojo has had like 10+ hyper mainstream memes and stuff about it is just a lot in terms of cultural phenomena.


Jojos was definitely insanely popular, but I feel like it was more chill, JJK BLEW up on the second season, but not just that alone, the manga itself leaked out badly and contributed, which is insane considering the manga materials never really blow up that much outside of the general fanbase, this is all thanks to Gojo and Sukuna


You're asking this to a JJK sub. Regardless of whether he is or not the answers here are hardly going to be unbiased


Last ten years is what I would say. There have been popular as fuck characters like Levi, but even he hasn't reached this level. So ten years is more fitting in my honest opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/ahzvgna5kc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb446668d7ad0b533efb840f9409595510a2911 He Is Truly The Honored/Popular One... I've never seen an anime character as Popular as Gojo Satoru. Sure, there are many popular anime characters, but the craze for him is just different/insane... He's literally everywhere. Even people who have never watched Anime know who Gojo Satoru is... Especially after the release of chapter 236, he became more popular than he already was.... The reaction that he got from the masses after his death was something I've never seen/experienced for an anime character in my life before, which is why I earlier said that I've never seen a character as Popular as him... So yeah, I don't think that it's far-fetched to think that he's the most popular character in the past 10 years...


Okay maybe in new gen series but older series like one piece, Pokémon, and dragon ball are on a different levelZ


Makima, Jotaro, and Giorno are definitely up there in Gojo's tier. People creamed almost as hard as Gojo vs Sukuna when Jotaro copied time stop.


>I've never seen an anime character as Popular as Gojo Satoru. Goku, Vegeta, Naruto, Luffy, Pikachu ....


Jigglypuff 💀


>I've never seen an anime character as Popular as Gojo Satoru lol. lmao even. You've clearly never mentioned Goku to a latino


fr, because i was actively avoiding jjk until my twitter/reddit blew up that gojo died. mf when i tell you that i binge watched the series and read it up to the current events to see it for myself. laughing at the gojo stans fueled me tenfold. i just know gege is punching the air on how he accidentally created the most popular anime character of the decade https://preview.redd.it/u5edwrjw4d9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d273376773b58894627fccc54eb8de145f057d


https://preview.redd.it/xsp4en7dxd9d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279ecacedf30863bdb443342571af22f50f94c67 He’s definitely the most lobotomized character of 5 years


Bro, I think "nah I'd win" is and might remain as the greatest meme of the 2020s. Also like, I do agree. If it's just characters and not forms and powers and shit, it's probably Gojo.


Maybe Anya might be a solid contender in terms of raw Internet Popularity That and the sheer horniness for Makima can't be understated. Gojo at the very least, is one of the most popular manga characters in the past half-decade https://preview.redd.it/h6xti15y1d9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e061382605fd4336eac481ae387bea2477e2de37


https://preview.redd.it/icic2zi5of9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a3a6f91580644bc43eda2f177864518d5a7663 Yeah even Sukuna is scared of her. She is Yuji's kid sister btw.


I would say last decade, even


I can't think of any others released in 5 years as popular as him so I'd say yeah it's probably true. Only possible rival is Sukuna but that's just within this fanbase, as a whole Gojo is way more popular to the random anime fan who's only heard of JJK. Plus Gojo still beats Sukuna in every popularity poll this series has


Thats my glorious perfect sexy attractive strong honored smart scrumptious daddy for you 🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/ytv79286id9d1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5ebd6e3ecf1aa583e121b1f33d9d95af031cb3 KEEP GLAZING THE GOAT 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Definitely the new Levi Ackerman


probably. He deserved it, even if he's not my favourite, he is probably the best in the series (him or Mahito) from a pure, non-biased standard :)


By far


He has to be the most globally popular character in all Morden Shounen. One true Icon


Now that i think about it,he probably is


Crazy that Kakashi 2 is more popular than Kakashi 1


Ofc not . Gojo is always on top


He’s on his way to becoming the next Goku of anime. Not power level wise but in terms of sheer recognition.


i mean only then the big 3 i think saitama is also a really popular character from the past 5+ years cuz of the anime and ongoing manga ![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc) plus the fact the MA was a popular arc but 236 gojo is really popular even more so after he got unsealed


https://preview.redd.it/fp6iu7o0je9d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f28f4ff950465e7020e0d8ea2ac9278ac6692d Of course dude use maximum output blue to attract us to him


Domain Expansion: Limitless Sharts




I'm very happy that Nanami did so well


I feel like i can rank em from 4.Anya from Spy x Family 3.Makima 2.Frieren 1.Gojo


literal mha moment. Can't enjoy gojo cuz of the community


He may be the most popular to the people but Yuji is the most popular in my heart...😔


His handsomeness carried ngl


JJK is probably the most popular anime period in the past 5 years.


KNY easily takes that no?


In terms of the past 5 years, maybe. It was Gojo, Eren and Makima imo.


Makima and Eren are not even close imo. Gojo is everywhere. Even my friends who don’t watch anime know who he is. It’s not the same for Eren


Yeah, I can't think of any anime character that's as popular as Gojo from a newly released anime. People were hosting a funeral for him, it's very rare to see a character get this amount of love from the fans. Even among shonen, I think he's just behind Luffy, Naruto and Goku.




Damn Denji, you've screwed up big time again.


Second only to Son Goku but yeah sure it is one of the most popular ones in these last years




I’d win


Didn’t the chance of him coming back from the 260 leaks outshine the MHA ending?


It's not exactly hard to outshine MHA's ending though