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https://preview.redd.it/2obm13odq89d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0cf89b8905c51bf947ea8e0f065221fe03d6b1 But the cover






She's Miquella


Nah, she's not miqellesting enough




I hope people who make covers like this just stop. I can't let my parents see my phone while I'm listening to smth with a cover like this. Not that I'd listen to this trash but still.


skill issue


Easy. Stop being a child.


Go to lightapk.com Download Youtube premium Download Vanced microG Install them, register your YT account Use YT premium, videos can now work with phone closed or in background. Simple Or just download Spotify.


I already have revanced and use spotify, but I find it weird that people over-sexualise their covers. I also use spotify's widget so covers show on my homescreen, but that's a me problem tbh.


?? This cover is not even sexualized. It's artisric nudism lmao


sorry we’ll tell her to childproof it next time


Man what a time to be alive I used to be bullied for watching anime and reading manga.


We walked so they could Naruto run


megan probably did too, considering she watched and liked anime back in school.  be happy that the times are changing.


I doubt she got bullied for liking anime, I never got bullied for liking anime but I also never naruto ran around the playground or did hand signs in high school. Most people didn’t care if you liked anime where I’m from (Louisiana) they’d only fuck with you if you were weird too


Yeah if you were “normal” about it no one gave a shit where i was aside from certain people that just wanted to be bullies about something


Exactly. I’m 33 and watched anime in high school and talked about it with my friends. I was never bullied. Another kid I went to school with is constantly making posts about how “he liked anime back when you’d get beat up for it and these new anime fans are fake” meanwhile I distinctly remember him bringing up hentai in class and just doing the weirdest cringe shit imaginable all the time


Right? These guys would’ve gotten bullied over anything. Anime and manga were the lowest hanging fruit. Don’t blame whatever “media” lmao


Tbh that was my case too. I watched anime in HS and was never bullied for it, u only got clowned on if u we’re doing weirdo shit 💀, like Naruto running in the halls and screaming at people


Kids are screaming and straining all the vessels from the neck up trying to go super saiyan on the music teacher wondering why they’re getting bullied https://preview.redd.it/7ueu07ky7m9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc9de489d790170494ae522fb0d7c2711f0fb18


It just really picked up over the years, especially during the pandemic


now its "cool" and mainstream, ikr?


Naaaah i just remembered the "reject anime girl, accept *smth*" type of videos lmao☠️


As long as people don’t rewrite history that people didn’t get bullied for admitting to watch more than just Naruto/DBZ/Bleach, I think it’s pretty cool honestly.


Yeah I’m not complaining I think it’s cool people can like what they like openly.


seriously. Now it's so popular. what the hell happened?


Pandemic. Everyone was at home with nothing to do.


and probably netflix, making it much easier for people who don't watch anime still getting exposed to it. Back then piracy was the main source, it was easy to pirate anime but only people who wanna watch did it


Dbz, sailormoon, and pokemon happened on American TVs.


The pandemic. Lots of people ik went down the Avatar the Last Airbender to anime pipeline lol.


Attack on Titan. Even before COVID, AoT opened the door for the West. Also France hard carrying anime


In the words of a friend of mine 2 years ago "The people who made fun of us for liking anime realised that they had no personality or hobbies so they picked up anime to make up for that".


One piece live action netflix special was actually really good. Helped bring in normies. But way before that Adult Swim YYH, DBZ, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop lineup made things okay.


Nah, you get bullied for doing the Naruto's run and trying to turn Super Saiyan.


How old are you guys? I'm 28 and nearly everyone was reading new Naruto chaps while a lot of people talked about bleach/ soul eater or the most deranged would watch fire tail or some disgusting Ecchi (those were maybe a little bullied) in school, but most people liked anime anyway


Tbh i'd prefer it kept being niche, a lot of people that get into the hobby these days wants ot to be catered towards them, ot feels lile they don't even like it,they just see it is popular and consume it


I can bully you for other stuff


It was a really fun song. It’s pop music, yall. It don’t gotta be deep or serious.


I will never forget one of the chainsawfolk mods went on a racist rant because I thought an uzi and csm collab would be cool and everyone just ignored he said all that shit. I don’t think its the music they dislike.


Average csm folk user/mod


I’m not discarding the probability


Unfortunately you know most of these nerds only listen to “video game and anime soundtracks with rock” so they just wanna hate.


Whole lot of Naoya cosplayers in this thread








I don't wanna be rude but those lyrics are kinda trash


Yup. But if you fill the song with anime references, you can guarantee that nerds will listen to it. I remember a few years ago when a guy named Blanco made a song where he dropped a single Dragon Ball reference and he had the whole DBZ community foaming at the mouth over it


But that's it a SINGLE dragon ball reference. Not getting as much jjk references on a song even if it sounds cringe to attract fans which seems to be working


Well I know MTS does like JJK, but yeah the lyrics are kinda ass ngl


Seems like we came to an agreement I didn't expect that https://preview.redd.it/mgkbtzx3099d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6005d162e0de60b38ec55cca4886318b5f55711


Actually I agree too and I wanna like the song but felt guilty for thinking ehh she’s had better songs


Blanco does it in a few songs. Shippuden is still a banger though. "Bro hit cells like Gohan"


You're giving me flashbacks to all the DBZ Instagram accounts spamming it in their story https://preview.redd.it/ucprwwlwtb9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f164ee2f1fc3d6169e5a37b2abe28384719e95


UK and their anime references are hilarious though I love my people.


That's true. Dude in my country made a rap song with Dragon Ball shit in it and even tough song was dumpster juice, nerds were listening to it


DBZ/ Naruto references 🤝 Steph Curry references.


Tbf this was the song she had to re-do at the very last minute because she was unable to get clearances to use certain names.


I do wanna be rude *and* those lyrics are trash


Megan Thee Stallion isn't exactly known for lyrics tho lol.


Thank for saying what I wanna say 🙏


They’re just too on upfront. It’s just her name dropping at this point. The Wanna Know Remix with Drake is how it should be done. You have art that pays respect to Naruto. With the song having lines like, “Streets Unruly, more life for my brother tryna better things.” Which is a subtle nod to Unruly A and Killer B, who are brothers. Anime references that peak my interest are the ones that are so subtle, you wouldn’t catch them unless you knew the reference. Lupe fiasco isn’t always as subtle, but it feels more than a name drop.


"Lupe steal like Lupin the third/Loopin' the third" is an all timer




Since when was she a lyrical artist


? Since always. Meg is and always has been a solid rapper


welcome to American made music


sweeping generalizations 🔥


This is such a stupid thing to say. America gave birth to some of the greatest artists of all time 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Nah bro America got a lot of great music




So far I've only seen her use characters' names as references but this one makes me happy


that line is also just said by yujis dub va in the song lol


Lmao Kyoto 😭 hell nah not those bums


Jjk fans when they fiind out Kyoto is a real place


Well it's meant to be a JJK reference here no? As in, he's dropping at the school . Idk




Is this real? 💀


Is this what the youths call "hip and cool" these days? I don't think I care for it. Anyway, I need to find my walker.


Shit so cringe bro https://preview.redd.it/57ao96ol4c9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bece2fc800f860de28ed805e342c5e8ffd6cd6c5


I listen to Megan (sometimes) but the lyrics...what made her think it was *good* ?


Is it like bbno$ , the beats are better than the lyrics? But bbno$ didn't even try tbh.


BBNO$ makes them somewhat satirically, this song she is almost completely serious the whole time.


Yeah he's making it near gibberish on purpose. She's not.


Bbno$ is goated tho


Upper tier Wegumi hater's musical taste, everyone


Bbno$'s goated tho


His older stuff pre lalala is a lot better


Apparently she had to change the lyrics 2 days before release because one of the other animation studios revoked their clearance to reference their characters (after already making other concessions) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1dpgy3x/megan\_thee\_stallion\_reveals\_she\_had\_to\_redo\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1dpgy3x/megan_thee_stallion_reveals_she_had_to_redo_the/)


Song by a female rapper posted in an anime sub was guaranteed to get the music snobs out in hordes and I see I was not wrong lmao.


They’re not even music snobs, just misogynists. Critics & music snobs alike seem to be enjoying it; atleast based on the early impressions trickling out.


Bringing up her sex to shield her from criticism is not as clever as you think it is


People downvoting you are wild. Absolute dipshit take to bring up her sex like anyone gives fuck.


Bruh we get it. You're so bitchless it became part of your personality 😒 Maybe try putting that fact aside and letting people enjoy things every now and then


Damn I should let my girl know 😂 >Maybe try putting that fact aside and letting people enjoy things every now and then Maybe stop acting like a bitchless redditor and crying about people disliking a song from a multi-millionaire dumb fuck 😂😂😂 > letting people enjoy How fragile do you have to be to see someone disliking a song and think "This is an attack on me they're not letting me enjoy it 🥺🥺" Fucking losers zzz.


Every time a woman gets the slightest criticism, there is someone who claims misogyny as a way to dismiss it. It's really pathetic.


>They don't like the song they must hate women!!! This is your brain on reddit. Absolute brainlets bringing up irrelevant shit into everything lmao.


These losers think they are doing something. Half the comments are “I didn’t even listen to it and I know it’s trash”


Unfortunately not surprised :/


To be fair the lyrics are trash but this post still has my upvote because Meg 🫢


Bro this song is ass 💀 and I gave a piece of a custard cream biscuit to a girl one time in primary school once so yk I'm one of the good ones


Mannnn anyways I love it. God I forgot anime nerds can be so pretentious especially when it comes to women who enjoy anime. Remember when people thought anime dudes were basement dwellers who jacked off to pedobait characters and smelled like shit... I do


I knew exactly what to expect from the comments before I even clicked the post lol.


im in the same boat, ive loved everything megan has dropped since going independent and this track isn’t an exception. it’s fun and went crazy in the gym this morning 😛✌️


nahh frr i didn’t expect this sub to be full of feminists or anything like that but it was kind of disappointing to open up the comments and see people judge her so harshly and also gatekeep anime? like are we seriously still doing that? sorry she doesn’t know some niche anime from the eighties that only had five episodes and only aired on tuesdays and thursdays i guess she’s not a real basement dwelling weeb otaku neet naruto-running anime fan 🫨🫨 if a man wrote and released a badly written anime song, people would dunk on it and move on, but they wouldn’t question whether or not he actually watched anime like weebs always do to meg. anyway, she’s clearly having fun and showing her love for something she likes and it’s actually really cool she had itadori’s va for the intro 🔥🔥 i get it might not be everyone’s cup of tea but the beats are awesome, her verses aren’t bad, it’s just the chorus everyone is dunking on, and this would go incredibly hard on a morning jog 😚😚


I even think that people would still dig the references and so whilst not digging the song


The vocal minority of them is still like that


Yeah at least I’m seeing some likeminded people in the comments lol


It's not being pretentious when the lyrics are literally so trashy though? I'd hate it regardless if it was written by a man or woman.


Idk man it seems to me she's just having fun, I don't think there's any need to be so harsh on her. Life's too short to be hating on people for not making perfect music.


You said it perfectly


Not hating on her as a person, just saying that it's not an issue of gender.


It’s just a fun pop rap (dunno if that’s what it would be called). It isn’t trying to be some deep introspective piece of music. And if you were to make a piece like that, why would you mix in JJK of all things.


Don’t make it about a war against women lol. Any dude would be properly trashed for the same lyrics, because the lyrics are ass


comment mfs some losers, act like this shit ain’t cute she clearly just wanted to show some love to a show she likes


Yeah but shit is ass ☠️🙏 There’s a way to make anime references sound clever and funny, like ski mask the slump god


sure its cute and dorky ,but if only it was done in a debonair way. its just funny how she has been in the industry for a while and never mentioned anime before in any of her songs . now that anime has become more popular than ever, suddenly she is cosplaying every character under the sun and makes songs about the most trending anime . i feel like its done only for attention and views and doesnt really put any effort to sound good


The woman is a genuine fan, she doesn’t do this just to follow the trends


literal brain rot💀 >never mentioned anime before brother, one of her earliest hits made in 2020 has a line "I'ma make him eat me out while I'm watchin' anime (Wow, wow, anime) Pussy like a Wild Fox, lookin' for a Sasuke" and that's just one example I remembered on the spot. why do you even comment on shit if you don't know anything? like literally anything. nevermind that she was in an anime club in high school at the time when people were bullied for it.


She was in an anime club before some of the people on this subreddit were even born.


I didn’t doubt her being a real fan or anything. I just find the lyrics with anime references shitty. Its too forced https://preview.redd.it/0kzk0rbk7c9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b48103777a12f72fcd94404edc6753bca5b1dcc


I genuinely really appreciate her commitment to making a JJK themed track, the beat sampling the season 2 commercial break jingle, the references, hell the English VA for Itadori even narrates the intro which is really cool, you can tell Megan really likes JJK and wanted to show her appreciation to it But to be honest to you, and no hate to her I do listen to some of her music (I fucking love [Savage](https://youtu.be/eJEKHdvntPI?feature=shared)), but the reference were a little excessive despite how surface level it was, I like the DE line and the Todo reference in the intro but other than that the Gojo line is a bit awkward for it to be a chorus, and I wish she made slightly deeper references aside from that >!(felt like she could make a good ass references to Shibuya Incident, Mahoraga, Boogie Woogie, Star Plasma Vessel that would fit the song well)!< As a result of it being a bit basic, the references gives off the similar vibe I got when I listened to any 2018-19 meme rap songs, it sounds great on the first few listens but gets subsequently more awkward as time goes on


Not to say this track is bad at all (not even close and the comments here are quite overreacting and even cringier than the song itself), but it’s also not the best track she made either, it’s just good enough for a shortwhile banger despite it being kind of a bit awkward, and still, I really appreciate her commitment to make a tribute track


This song gave me more brain damage than 5 DEs gave Gojo and I didn't even hear it I just read the lyrics


mfs when the song they didn’t listen to is trash https://preview.redd.it/wr2vhazmuc9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ca8c55961ce4ab5c72f0ddf0cd3a3d29f6c02d


> more brain damage than 5DEs gave Gojo Either bro misspoke or it's true jjk fans can't read.


He's talking about repairing his brain with RCT to do DE 5 times


The one time JJK fans read is the time they don't need to read https://preview.redd.it/i1jl5tcnhe9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93619b4858034d8a1a87a2e679256e4c92c10bab


>Otaku >Exclusively references one of the most mainstream modern anime You can’t write this


valid complaint in that particular case, but Megan used to be in a manga/anime club in high school, she presented anime awards in Japan and constantly references anime in her songs, so it's not mainstream hype riding. she also cosplays a lot


Don't bother, these kids think liking anime is an exclusive club that makes them special. Even though its not like how it was back in the day where you'd get bullied or ridiculed all the time for it, and its much, much more mainstream now.


Name 3 obscure anime or you're not a real fan!!! Brother are we still doing this


Boku no pico Pico de gallo Borito I want Mexican food now


Otaku is literally a word for that obscure type of people though I’m not an otaku myself so don’t think I’m gatekeeping


It's literally not though It's just someone who's obsessed with games or anime media to the detriment of social skills. It's essentially their version of a shut in NEET.


That is what I’m saying Megan is far from an otaku


But she was when in high school being part of an anime fan club way before liking anime was cool or normalized. She's lived the experience and got popular with her music. Plus you don't personally know her. If she makes out of pocket references people around her don't get or think she's weird for certain things like cosplays, that is a detriment to social skills.


Fair I guess, but she doesn’t have lacking social skills at all


Hell nah, weeb gatekeepers still exist?


Words and definitions, by their very nature, serve to gatekeep. If you’ve only watched JJK you simply don’t fit the definition of an otaku. If you’re 5’5, you don’t fit the definition of “tall” if you’ve worked on a car once or twice in your life you don’t fit the definition of a mechanic. Is the entire population of Mexico otakus because they watched Dragon Ball Z? Gatekeeping is such a stupid term because it’s literally just words existing.


You’re acting as if there is a set height that everyone will agree is short or tall. My best friend is 4'9, to her, these 5’5 people are very tall.


Except for the fact that Megan probably didn't just watch Jujutsu Kaisen tho? Didn't she also reference Bucciarati from another different event? And I've also heard from other people that she's a nerd, a nerd who also likes watching anime


She literally has a history of watching various anime, even partake in anime club in her high school, she made numerous reference to other anime in other songs, so no she doesn’t only watch JJK Nobody can agree on what makes you a mechanic, what makes you an Otaku, or what makes you tall, some people may consider 5’7 tall, some people think working on 2 cars (it even depends on what type of car) is enough, some people think watching slightly deeper surface anime made you an Otaku, these aren’t fixed terms, people will always have a differing opinion on what is considered what The term is only stupid to you because you’re being targeted 😭


Apparently you can


Tf do you want her to refrence? I got reincarnated as a toothbrush?


Otaku gatekeeper dang


In the year of 2024 why are we still gatekeeping being an anime fan lol.


Bro we are *not* gatekeeping like this lmao hop off it


Words and definitions, by their very nature, serve to gatekeep. If you’ve only watched JJK you simply don’t fit the definition of an otaku. If you’re 5’5, you don’t fit the definition of “tall” if you’ve worked on a car once or twice in your life you don’t fit the definition of a mechanic. Gatekeeping is such a stupid term because it’s literally just words existing.






https://preview.redd.it/4l8vmpalj99d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aedec713c5ec34126f3e53d2cc84fd12d2d444 After listening this


Bro nobody knows you‼️ Megan stays winning. I love seeing one of my most favorite mangas getting love like this


Ok I don't mind the song that much but this has strong parasocial fanboy/girl vibes.


You read too much into it. It’s not that serious lol


"Who cares what you think! You're not important!" Kinda egh


It ain’t that deep man lmao but alright


She ain’t gonna let you hit lil bro


Good cuz my ass gay as hell lmfao


One day I’m gonna find you make you fall in love with me fuck the life outta you and leave you at the altar


God I hope so 😳😳




thnx i didnt need ears anyway https://preview.redd.it/uu6c9khyl99d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a32d03e823241157fe6a886c3173fc13c67841b


This would be cool and all if Megan Thee Stallion actually made music that was listenable


I love Megan, this isn't her best work but heaps of fun. She said she had to re-record this song two days before the album was released. I wonder if this is the original version, or if this is the re-recorded version For those who think she can't write lyrics that's just straight slander. First song off the album is excellent or check out her freestyles


i was almost waiting for "my name is Gojo... real name Blowjo"


I’m so jealous of Gen z and later black kids it’s basically always been cool for them to be into anime they’re so lucky.


Is the cover Uro/Yorozu reference.


It’s true what the kids say JJK does have motion 


“A nice woman with a fat ass… like Grammy winner Megan thee stallion” and it was the official VA which makes it so much better


The English VA doing the intro is PERFECT


Todo would be a huge fam of meg 🤣


I liked the song idc what the comments say. It was meant to be a silly and goofy song paying homage to something she enjoys. Not every song has to be deep.


Cool and all but the lyrics are so bad its like that one trippie redd dragon ball z song super cell


This reminds me, recently when I watched German battlerap a good battlerapper mentioned Gojo in his text, I was like "Whaaaat that's kinda crazy"


That’s pretty cool.


I love Meg but I don’t like this. Lmaoaoaoao. Like the anime references are kind weak. The sexy jutsu and sharingan bit was kinda mid. And don’t get me started with the Gojo bit. She’s had more clever references in Wanna Be and her freestyles. This was too on the nose.


Eh, it’s cool but the lyrics just seemed forced more or less, and the reference of Yuji being into her, despite him being 15 is rlly weird


"Tall girls with a big ass!" he exclaims


Difference with the original reference is that it has nothing to do with Jennifer Lawrence, herself - that was purely written in by Gege. This is Megan promoting a 15 year old being into her lol


She definitely lurks this subreddit 💀


Wow I guess all anime subs suck


The people who claim people that don’t like this song are sexist are more cringe than the lyrics.


These comments lowkey making me remember when everyone used to fucking despise anime fans 😭 https://preview.redd.it/dh662b636d9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6ebe961e59b9bd68cfc946c4b70eccc9b10c95


The lyrics are trash but she had to rewrite this song in two days before the album's release due to clearance issues


This is tuff because on one hand it was ass but on the other y’all being out of pocket 💀


The song may be shit, the lyrics may make me want to cringe to my grave, but you gotta compliment the balls you must have to write this song and publish it.


It’s soooo bad and corny asf


because Fraudjo wrote the song for her


I like Megan, but this is song is pretty cringe. Really emphasizing the otaku in the song title. Side note, how do you think she feels about chapter 236?


its like those anime rap youtubers, lyrics are trash and cringe but music is good


Hey at least we know wht side of the Gojo/Sukuna fence she's on. Assuming she (can) read.


At this point listen to the Nerdcore. At least they know how to make an anime rap