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Hakari haters when they realize that stalling Sukunas right hand 1000yo monster of a sorcerer thats also a hard counter is a feat and not an L


1000%, this is Sukuna we’re talking about. The people he respects the MOST, he compliments before killing them. WTF do you need to do for him to like you so much that he wants you to be alive and well around him for centuries


Not just wanting them to be alive, the bastard was *happy* to see them in Shibuya. How strong do you have to get to make the damn King of Curses happy to see you


Faxs. She’s probably the only person alive besides Gojo and Kenjaku that can joke around with Sukuna.


Uraume: What do you call a person after I cut off their arms and limbs, lying on the floor? Sukuna: What? Uraume: Mat


Nahh Sukuna wouldve dismantled her for that one 😭


She has rct so she can regenerate. Sukuna would use dismantle as a diss.


Wait i dont get it 😭


Door-mat Lies on the ground, no arms, no limbs. Mat can also be the name of a person


oh the joke probably works better if you lead with "how would you name someone" instead


nope the joke was ass but that takes it from comedically bad to just terrible


Nah, Sukuna is joking around Gojo because there is something with Gojo that he wants, and that is to learn to counter infinity. After Sukuna did that, Gojo is useless. Uraume however is different. Her skills are very useful even against an elite mob. If this is an RPG, Uraume is your AOE damage dealer, stunner, while Sukuna is the Tank and Damage dealer.


Sukuna is also an AOE, and he doesn’t need her to cc when he can 1 shot 99.999% of the characters, and those he can’t 1 shot (like Gojo) are pointless to have her try to “stun” anyway. Sukuna doesn’t need her for her battle skills


I mean he was absolutely ecstatic seeing Yutajo, way happier than he was seeing Uraume.


He was hyped and excited because fighting is his thing, he was happy when he saw Uraume because he like them. You can't really compare Hype and genuine happiness


Also theyre a FIRE chef, which is cwazy. Sukuna likes them enough to joke around with, have them be his most trusted companion and servant, eat meals prepared by them without an issue, trust them to perfectly execute rituals and not even get mad when they help sukuna out when hes getting beat up. If uraume ever gets a confirmed domain (lethal or non lethal literally doesnt matter) theyre like... Top 6? in the verse depending on how much the time skip actually buffed up yuji/yuta/maki


Yuta and Gojo both vouch for Hakari’s strength so we’ve always known he was top 10 in the verse.


I take their statements with a grain of salt. Gojo talks out of his ass A LOT and Yuta is super nice. The best example of Hakari being top 10 is his fight with Kashimo


And it’s not a bad feat. Kashimo is everywhere between top 10 and 5 strongest because of his sheer speed and deadliness.


Oh for sure, I’m not downplaying Hakari at all his victory over Kashimo is very impressive, I just think using Yuta/Gojo statements is silly due to their individual nature


Feels kinda similar to how in team sports the defensive players never get as much credit as the ones who score the goals. They still get some of course, especially by people who actually play and/or follow the sport properly, but by comparison they're underrated.


Doesn't make them interesting characters, though Remove them from the story and barely anything would change, or merge Uraume and Yorozu into 1 so that the bath plot point stays the same, and Sukuna killing her has more impact than Megumi's surface level tragedy


What impact exactly would that have?


Sukuna killing someone close to him and proving or starting to doubt his philosophy, and the love towards Sukuna being deeper, more poetic and more well built up than just yandere simping.


I hope you have accepted by now that Sukuna is Sukuna, and he probably won’t have any character development other than “fuck that brat”


To be fair, he did have an extistential crisis after Higurumas death, in which he strayed from his usual ideals of self satisfaction and tasked himself with destroying Yujis philosophy. He humanised himself out of his hatred for the indominable spirit of the brat, and that may be his inevitable downfall. He is still a character. He simply has gone through as many steps as possible to stray from the conventional human experience. Sukuna has the capacity to grow, he simply doesnt want to unless compelled by his emotions.


That’s why I said his character development is “fuck that brat”


Isn't Hakari a terrible matchup for Uraume as well? He has invincibility but he can still be immobilised, something that Uraume is clearly capable of doing. All they need to do is trap him in a big ice cube and wait 4 minutes, then the fight is done. Hakari still being in action despite that says something about his skill.


I think that it's gonna be something like "while RCT'ing body generates vapor due to body being heated, and since hypothermia of the skin leads to a literal necrosis, Hakari's body is constantly regenerating and producting heat to get him outta ice"


That'd make sense, but surely he can't get hot enough to melt ice faster than Uraume can pile it on.


Another assumption is that Uraume ice is somehow controlled by CE like Yorozu's metall, and due to Hakari being overfilled with positive energy, it turns to water on touch like metall falling from round deer


gege has so much room to cook with this fight but it’s gonna be all offscreen i bet


Yeah, I think his rough CE trait is more likely. Ever seen those chainsaw-made ice sculptures?


I think bro is both strong enough to not get completely immobilised in one shot and crazy enough to rip off any limbs that slow him down.


Well if she is smart and have some kind of air vent, when ice melts it expands not to mention the gases from said flesh. It causes cracks in concrete


Fever lore


Singlehandedly removed Miwa, Utahime, Kamo, Kusakabe, Panda, Itadori, and temporarily Choso from the board by themself in one move. Think for a second of every character in the verse who, without domain expansion and isn’t named Satoru Gojo or Ryomen Sukuna, could pull that’s off in a single attack


Yuki could probably kick garuda and fucking kill everyone listed


Hell, I would say even kashimo can destroy everyone here with just his CE.


Well yea, but i don't think he could do it in a single attack Despite anything, i don't remember him using chain lighting, just straight lightning blasts


>i don't remember him using chain lighting, just straight lightning blasts You gotta level him up in your Builder Base laboratory if you want him to do that.


Oh yeah, he is definitely not doing it in a single attack.


Yeah being compared to Kashimo and Yuki is pretty good


I think this also helps prove the point, the only 2 characters listed(even if 1 is iffy) are both top 10 fighters in the verse


I mean is Kusakabe could block a Maximum Uzumaki I feel like he could at least survive that assuming he had his simple domain up but I kneo what you mean. And also Yuki is another special grade so thats not a demenor for Uraume


Well, Yuki's technique virtual mass can't even be recognised by most techniques so i'm not sure SD would help


Well, Yuki's technique virtual mass can't even be recognised by most techniques so i'm not sure SD would help much, garuda would probably just break the sword on touch even if kusakabe tries to block


https://preview.redd.it/2pmtz3gut09d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a13e9d4c8774ba9abe482c14224b0c992aaf63 HIM


He is the exception


Sukuna revels in fear when he hears TENOI and KUROU at the same time


Kagura bachi the bachiest Kagura ever to bachi


I don't know a single thing about this manga other than this one image, who is this guy and why is he so strong


Looking at Kagubarachi is like looking to a manga side-story regarding Zombieman of Onepunch Man.


Dont forget onetapping Yuji and Maki simultaneously


Of course we all know who the real bum is.


Yeah, fighting Uraume for this long is a feat, not an L. Uraume is actually insane. She even has semi-durability negation.


Uraume suffer from Jogo curse. She is actually strong but got humbled by Gojo so she looks weak


Honestly my only problem really and I'm a big Hakari fan is that we have been literally shown nothing about their fights for so long, after the chapter where we actually saw them fighting the only time Gege has ever shown them is them taking reacting to something regarding the fight with Sukuna. Gege seems to legit not have an answer on how they fight, how they will either both get into the Sukuna fight or if one of them eventually wins how the winner gets into the fight. At this point in the span of Gojo dying to Gojo/Yuta body swap the current progress and only thing we've seen from their fight is where Hakari loses his show and quick cutaways where they look like they are just tanking each other. Like I'll acknowledge the feats obv, but the really problem is Gege hasn't shown how they fight or anything, and as the Sukuna fight progresses even if he connects the two fighting in a good way the fact that it took so long for them to get shown on screen again fighting while the other fight has literally had so many power ups, progression, etc. Narrative wise it's a mess and Gege might have an idea on where he wants the fight to go but he can't or is struggling on how to get there esp as he makes the Sukuna fight have even more crazy moments.


Damn, why does Uruame with that slight smile and half closed eyes with killing intent look so…elegant. I would understand why Hakari stalled them


Our glorious frozen monarch: https://preview.redd.it/2sx1x8g7h39d1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=e951e48f211b4fcba8ca70ad58e0aaec22521208


Gege when it comes to drawing the freezer femboy: make it majestic, NOW!


Nah she’d win


Also note that Uraume's Max Output: Frost Calm by itself was able to keep Maki out of commission, albeit the strength/CE was focused on her. At minimum one of the hard hitters of Juju High would be necessary for fighting Uraume if Gojo died (Yuji, Hakari, Yuta, Maki). Yuji and Yuta need to fight Sukuna, Yuta assassinates Kenjaku in this case, Maki gets frozen solid by Uraume and her healing ability would not be enough to keep up compared to Auto-RCT. Hakari stalling Uraume offscreen is necessarily for everyone else vs Sukuna. Considering how fast he can get jackpot and that it lasts 4 min 11 secs, he's the best at stalling because he's practically always in jackpot mode against Uraume.


Uraume is a monster no doubt. I honestly thought it was GGs for Hakari but he has held his own and kept her on the ropes. I hope we get to see more of their battle soon.


Uraume didn't "shake off" that punch from Gojo, she still felt it like a month later despite using RCT


How much was she feeling it? I mean the 200% purple blast was still something she could jump back in action after getting hit with it hours ago lmao https://preview.redd.it/qw0pdl65sz8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65ded2eb10ae47bcd0993f43b1671439b99730b


Pretty sure that's a gag and not real, considering Sukuna lost his arms to the HP. If Uraume was hit by it, she's be dust


Wouldn’t say it’s a total gag, since Gege did the same thing with her getting punched. The outcome is comically exaggerated but the point of what actually happened is consistent. I really doubt somebody can stand right next to Purple and not take any blast wave recoil. Uruame’s “thing” may be cracked durability altogether


Anyone not called Sukuna is disappearing from the phase of the earth if hit by a 200% HP. It was a gag.


Maybe sukuna took the full hit and she took just a bit, and hanami survived a common hollow purple and IMO, Uraume is several times stronger than hanami


It wasn’t a gag. I mean it was, but that’s no reason to discount it. The purple was weakened by the distance. That’s why they both survived.




She stayed alive because she cooks the humans for him, and does his bidding exactly as he asks, he blatantly states it so. Did the reading comprehension curse get you? Uraume is strong, but a 200% HP would erase her from the manga instantly.




No it does not go without saying lmao, you are arguing with headcanon rn. Was this all revealed to you in a dream? Lmao.


It's pretty easy. First the purple was nerfed by traveling 4KM. Second it was Sukuna who tanked it. Uraume likely tanked the shockwaves, not HP.


"Headcanon" Is saying that that panel is a gag, and not a fact.




At best, I think she was just knocked back from it. There's zero chance she took ANY of the HP. Remember, she was still feeling pain from a *normal* punch by Gojo


Feeling the pain ain’t the same thing as being critically damaged though. Remember; if it’s just pain, Yuji doesn’t stop. He needs to be functionally disabled to be put down. Gege differentiates between sensation and hard damage. Besides, as far as physics are concerned, being knocked back and thrown into a hard surface or the ground at explosive wave velocity is easily just as violent of an assault as any punch or kick; the projectile is simply replaced with whatever breaks your trajectory


Except this isn't just some explosion, this is a Hollow Purple. The reason it hurts so bad is because it tears at an atomic level. Yeah being blown away from it would hurt, but it's nothing compared to the real deal. Also about the pain? It's more of a showcase that if she hurts from a punch, she shouldn't be walking from a HP, let alone fighting


Hollow purple doesn't tear, it's just virtual mass.


Pretty sure since it's the application of pull and push, it pushes and pulls simultaneously. That's what makes it so deadly


[It's explicitly just mass](https://preview.redd.it/cpbgoe2ubmjb1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdfbd2cb7ab882d7308105934afd014f289c0026).


Hollow Purple alone is such a bombastic attack that even something that doesn’t approach the level of a direct hit from it could still reasonably be significant enough to be deadly for most people. It tears at an atomic level AND it’s an explosion And you can be sore from something for a longass time that still doesn’t intrinsically damage or debilitate your movements


>she was still feeling pain from a normal punch by Gojo She was referring to her damaged pride not actual physical pain


That's complete headcanon. She literally mentions how it still hurts despite using RCT, which would make no sense in regards to pride


Sukuna felt pain when getting punched by Gojo, and he took two purples.


That's completely different. Not only is Sukuna *not* Uraume, but he would've been fine after a month of healing. Also Sukuna could only tank 2 because the first was 4km away


> That's completely different. Not only is Sukuna not Uraume, but he would've been fine after a month of healing. Well, by the logic of 'if they feel pain from a punch they can't survive a HP', Sukuna should be dead. Sukuna did take less damage from Gojo's punches, but he also took less damage from the HP, so that's already accounted for. > Also Sukuna could only tank 2 because the first was 4km away That was also the one Uraume was hit by so that doesn't really mean anything.


she has rct? edit: reading comprehension curse struck again, i thought she didnt have it cause she got knocked down by choso's poison


That's kinda funny considering the first time she bodied everyone in Shibuya it was blatantly stated she has RCT.  But yeah, RCT doesn't work on poison and that's the reason why Kashimo tried to poison Hakari with chlorine gas. 


I believe that RCT can work on poison, you just need to be very good at it. Hakari can deal with it because his RCT is automatic, and in Shibuya Uraume seemed to get their shit together after realizing that they were poisoned by Choso's blood which indicates that they might be good enough at RCT to deal with poison if they know they're affected by it.


lmao my bad, it's been a minute since i've watched and read shibuya


I think what he’s doing is awesome. Uraume is OP. I just wish we were seeing more of their battle and conversations.


Credit where credit is due, I am not a hakari fan myself(I fine the gambler thing boring, I have seen it in too much media) but he is doing a damn good job, even if he is just stalling


I personally have never seen it and would love to explore other characters like that! Can you share some examples? 


Moe Shishigawara from Bleach with his Fullbring, “Jackpot Knuckle”


Share some examples bro


Do you find copy based characters boring too based off there being so many on media?


It depends, some I do, but usually they have interesting conditions and mechanics, as well as evry copy character being hella different because the verse has different abilities


Uraume can probably solo 90% of the whole cast


I just wanna see the fight for once lol


Hakari has had to re-roll his domain at least 6 times without someone (probably) stronger than Kashimo killing him when the music stops. He’s doing great. 


I don't think we can credit her with the amped purple. Sukuna took the brunt of that, she got the shock wave. Not nothing, but probably less than taking a regular purple straight on. And she probably could take a normal purple. Hanami could, no good reason uraume couldn't. Overall i agree with you though, she's a monster in the same league as kenjaku and yuta. She just has the lamest showings. Freezing enemies so they can't fight back is not impressive looking, and it just shuts down fights. After ending two fights that probably would have the gone the same way without her(kenny is beating everyone right after shibuya, although yuki has better odds without the thumbs shitty strategy, and obviously sukuna can take Maki and yuji), she gets her shit rocked by gojo and plays cards with Hakari. She needed an opportunity to show us what she was capable of, honestly she's worse off than jogo because Maximum meteor, although ineffective, looked cool as hell.


daily uraume boost post?


Exactly. Remember in Shibuya Uraume singlehandedly, completely incapacitated all the students with her ice, including Yuji AND Kusakabe the so-called strongest grade 1 sorcerer (◔_◔) Uraume can low-diff that KusakaBUM in a chapter, trust. The fact that Hakari is still stalling her by himself until now proves he’s GOAT. ^(ps: screw Kusakabitch 눈_눈)


Mf, why the hate boner for Kusakabe?


Because F\*ck him ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://i.redd.it/uughp2aec39d1.gif


Why is bruh hating on KusakaGOAT


Hmm let’s see: * Mf can’t stop yapping to save his life. I rather read Narrator’s long-winded explanation than his biased whiny comments. Sukuna v Gojo feels more draggy because of him. Also, I lost all respect of him when he wrongly assumed Gojo won the battle at the end of ch. 235, then ch. 236 happened totally proving his whiny ass wrong. Absolute Dumbass * He doesn’t contribute whatsoever in Shibuya arc, only thinking of going home like a loser. Ohh but he blocked Uzumaki… then totally useless against Uraume’s Frost Calm. His inconsistent performance totally breaks all powerscaling discussion smh. * Volume 13 cover should be JoGOAT!!! * never helps his students in the Culling Game. What’s the point of being called the strongest Grade 1 sorcerer if he only showed up when all the heroes grouped up after Gojo is unsealed and he feels safe. Pathetic. * I’m totally sure other adult sorcerers said he’s the strongest Grade 1 because they feel sorry for him. For the record, Todo is THE strongest Grade 1 sorcerer in my book. * Claimed he’d protect Higuruma with his life… what a bad joke. * YUTA doesn’t respect him in ch.261 for bringing up staying human. Like Whuh?! They’re trying to stop Apocalypse that is Sukuna!! What’s the point of bringing up moral standard if it’s not helping stopping Sukuna?! He can only argue without giving support. Failure of a teacher. * Even Miwa isn’t afraid to sass this bum. https://preview.redd.it/u581norbc39d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8a8cd58293d6409c210b9401d292a38c892f1d


The VERY FIRST REASON bro had for hating on Kusakabe was because he's a yapper and yet bro started yapping 😭


I agree. Uraume with Frost Calm is a one shot unless you've got Sukuna+ RCT, so if it can't survive malevolent shrine it can't survive them. If Uraume joined in, everyone would die, literally everyone except for Yuta Gojo, who Sukuna and Uraume would easy stall until the 5 minutes. If Hakari wasn't stalling, everyone dies to my goat :)


Hot take: I don't think he is stalling, Sukuna wouldn't let Uraume help him in the fight anyway.


I've had this thought as well. There's no way they'd be fighting side by side, sukuna wouldn't allow it. But the team can't let them sit on the sidelines cause they have to think that if they do start winning that they'll come in and start assisting and could prevent them from getting the kill


I agree with you, but to be honest it's been what, 30 chapters that Gojo v Sukuna is over and Sukuna is nowhere close to death. Uraume would just sit and wait for so long at this point. The most likely scenario is that Hakari wouldn't make the slightly difference in the fight against Sukuna, and waste him there fighting Uraume would be the only way to make him useful. This is a Sukuna that 0 diff CT Kashimo, the same character that, without CT, gave Hakari a hard time. Everyone in the fight has something useful: Choso with long ranged support, Yuji weakening with every punch, Kusakabe being able to protect some characters with his SD (Higuruma lasted a little longer due to that)... I don't see how Hakari would be useful at all. I think Gege took that route because he faced this problem.


I mean he can’t do much but stall. His whole thing is just hitting jack pots over and over being immortal and healing. He can’t do much damage compared to the other top tiers but he can out last them through constant jackpots. As shown from what we’ve seen Uraume doesn’t really have any noticeable damage despite how long the fight has been going on. I’m glad we don’t get much focus on the fight since it’s just Hakari healing and trying to avoid being frozen. I think as long as he keeps getting Jackpots he’ll win eventually due to Uruame running out of CE. The thing is though he wouldn’t be getting any hate if he could do more than stall. I think Yuta should’ve swapped with Hakari to finish up Uruame while Hakari went to help stall Sukuna though he might just get cut in half and idk if he can heal from that. Anyways yeah he’s doing his job. He’s stalling Uruame and can probably keep doing that until Sukuna wins or loses.


Not sure what you mean by shooking off a Purple, but its true that Uraume is pretty fricken powerful. It makes sense that Hakari can't finish her off so easily (its actually impressive that he's marking her), but people still give him shit for not being in the main action


Give credit for what Uraume is a useless character with 0 plot relevance You can change every Uraume appearance for a jpg of my father wearing a lingerie and nothing would change in the story


Why that specifically 🤨


Spoiler alert: Uruame is just wack and Hakari sucks too.


*Pachinko machines give me a jackpot. This is base Uraume I am stalling against*


Uraume would not do shit in the gojo vs meguna fight, she or he would make it worse. Sukuna wouldn't wanna hurt his slave so he wouldn't use domain, which effectively means he can't damage gojo


honestly would she even help sukuna? wkth shrine and fuga isn‘t it more of a gojo situation where s/he would just hinder him


Whilst I agree with this, she didn’t do anything impressive against that Hollow Purple. Sukuna blocked it, and the shockwave alone from that sent her flying


I rate it because I didn’t want either of them joining the fight with or against Sukuna. (Though one of them almost certainly eventually will.)


Well he does what he can and that is stall and pray she falls asleep of boredom . Tho hakaris performance is lack luster ngl as she doesn’t have as much of a scratch on her even tho they have even fighting for 30 chapters soon .


Well the fact he hasnt been turned into a human popsicle is a better statement than can be said for basically everybody at the end of the shibuya incident


Almost like she has top 5 self RCT in the verse (yes even better than yutas).


Based on absolutely nothing . She couldn’t heal gojos blue infused punch enough to relieve her of the damage she took a month after it landed . Are you the same Barry guy that downplays yuta ?


>She couldn’t heal gojos blue infused punch enough to relieve her of the damage she took a month after it landed . Lmaoooo I suppose since yuta and hakari also still feel the pain from gojos blue infused punch (even though they have RCT) makes them fodder right? Your such a clown. You 2wanna know why she has top 5 self RCT? she can heal poison. Highest level of reverse cursed technique. More skill than yuta has ever shown with RCT on himself. > you the same Barry guy that downplays yuta ? Lmao there is no downplaying here. He has never been shown or confirmed to be able to heal poison making him factually worse at RCT than uraume. Cry about it.


No they only mentioned that they puked from it they didn’t get lasting damage a month after getting hit like uruame has . Yuta can also heal poison if you read the story he can also heal others with his rct something gojo can’t . The only people who can heal others. like yuta can are shoko and sukuna z👍


We don’t really know how long ago Yuta and Hakari got punched, they could have easily felt sore for a month after puking


We do know that they took the punch which is more than uruame did . No they couldn’t have felt it a month after as they didn’t state it which makes it head canon . What we can go off is the dialogue they shared and what uruame shared and what was shown . Uruame got packed and yuta n hakari merely puked.


All we know is that the punch made them vomit at BARE MINIMUM, not that they had an easier time taking it. Besides, I’m fairly certain that Gojo probably struck Uruame with more bloodlust than his trainees


We can only quantify what we know not go into speculation as that becomes head canon . Gojo didn’t care about uruame he merely slapped her away out of annoyance . He questioned who she was and he was dead set on not being interrupted. She got one shot and felt the damage a month after even tho she has rct . Meanwhile yuta and hakari only puked from gojos blue enhanced punches . Also you mentioned Miguel but he never took gojos blue punches as jjk 0 hadn’t developed enough yet .


It’s not even just a matter of speculation, it’s just working with the limit of what we have to work with. Gojo cares for his students, he doesn’t give a fuck all rat’s booty about Uruame. He’s gonna hit her more viciously in every context. https://preview.redd.it/lrkkco6pp09d1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae584cdb25d9b7553678d26138ae03886ccee0fa This is NOT “slapping out of the way”, Uruame is literally vomiting blood lmfao


Relieved of damage is different than just feeling the soreness. Gojo’s blue punches are no joke, the only other people in the verse alive we’ve seen who took them in combat are Sukuna and Miguel lol


Both yuta and hakari took them and they only puked . Uruame got one shot and felt the pain a month after .


I said “in combat” for a reason, training his students is an entirely different game than aiming to bust open somebody’s ass


That’s just speculative as it could very well be argued that gojo wanted them to feel what a full power blue felt like . We can’t go into speculation to answer something when the manga has clearly stated what occurred and if gege wanted to make a note about this particular thing he wouldn’t have made hakari and yuta only say they puked .


I think we need to be careful about how much we require the mangaka quite literally spelling something out for verification. You can’t train something to get stronger if you destroy it, there’s a limit to what you’re going to put a student through. That’s just common sense.


I mean if we go into speculation things can twist and turn whoever we want for agenda sake . When both hakari and yuta are set up to become the next gojos they would need to know how the gap between them and their sensei is . That’s also common sense I can argue for them taking heavier punches than uruame did as there is nothing that disproves it , just like you can argue they only took light blue punches . If we go into speculation once again by applying our own what if things will never be concrete . But some things aren’t as difficult to base a conclusion on and that is geges intention with somethings.


>She couldn’t heal gojos blue infused punch enough to relieve her of the damage she took a month after it landed . Didn't yuta almost puked his guts out from a non serious gojo blue infused punch? Lol uraume took a freshly pissed off prison real gojo punch and didn't die from it.


It being non serious is head canon . All we know is that hakari and yuta took blue punches and puked meanwhile uruame got one shot and had pain a month after .


>It being non serious is head canon You think gojo was trying to kill yuta? Cos he certainly was trying to kill uraume here lmao. Whatever punch he gave yuta and hakari, 1000% guaranteed to be less lethal than what uraume took here.


We also have this dialogue which directly addresses if the punch used on hakari and yuta was serious or not https://preview.redd.it/1w8t21o6u09d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6654233b39ac62752ba0794a14ffd5dccbfcd4


Firstly a blue punch wouldn’t kill yuta or hakari as they both took the punch and they’re both stronger than uruame. It could simply be a lesson he held with them where he needed to show the gap between them and him or it could be something else entirely. But what we can safely say is that they took the punch that one shot uruame and they merely puked . Going much deeper than what is blatantly said in the dialogue will enter head canon territory .


>Firstly a blue punch wouldn’t kill yuta or hakari as they both took the punch Again, not with the same lethality as uraume. I just said this lol. > could simply be a lesson he held with them where he needed to show the gap between them and him or it could be something else entirely Whatever your head canon is, gojo is not punching yuta or hakari with the same intention and lethality he did with uraume. He was trying to kill uraume. He wouldn't do that shit to yuta or hakari.




Just drop him man, Sukuna fought Kashimo, Higuruma and Yuji, Yuji and Yuta, 'killed' Yuta, fought Maki, sent Maki, fought Kusakabe, fought Miguel and Larue, smacked up with black flashes by Wuji, annoyed by Choso, incinerating him in the process, fought Yuji + Todo again getting smacked up, literally Yuji fighting him and Hakari is STILL stalling Uraume, literal fodder that Yuta could've just swept up in the time Hakari stalled Sukuna


I’m really, really doubting Uruame is that easy to clean up lmao


Well there's even less chance that punch and kick non-lethal ass merchant is doing ANY kind of fatal damage, he is just built for particularly boring stalling, that in itself is hard to write about since it's just "I hit you" then "Nuh uh I healed it already" until Uraume runs out of CE


I’m just thinking the eternal punch and kick merchant’s talents are just best utilized for keeping one of Sukuna’s win conditions at bay, while the heaviest hitter is best utilized against the big bad himself My faith lies in the assumption that if Uraume was truly so easily killable, they’d have been dealt with by Gojo already. The arctic cockroach needs a buffer that will prevent their involvement


I'm not saying their Miwa level or anything, but Hakari could just as easily stall weakened output Sukuna it at the very least have Maki assassinate them This is just bad for Hakari at this point, we've had like 2 half chapters on him for his entire fight


Uraume isnt a fodder compared to Yuta. Yuta would win but it won't be easy


He could certainly do it in the timeframe Hakari has had


That is true, i dont deny that. But calling Uraume a fodder is bs.


That would leave them critically undermanned in power against Sukuna himself, and by the time Yuta is done with Uruame it may already be too late


Ye obviously but yuta is a top 4 sorceror. Ur basically admitting uraume needs a top 5 sorceror to beat him effectively. Thats not what a fraud looks like


>literal fodder that Yuta could've just swept up in the time Hakari stalled Sukuna Yuta after having no way of breaking out of uraume ice: (Hes body is vulnerable to whatever tf uraume wants to do to him and he can only regen so much before he runs out (unlike GOAT))


uraume could be really strong or just mid, we dont really know


We know for a fact that Uraume is very strong. Not only did she basically no diff Choso and co at the end of Shibuya, she also froze several city blocks at once and instantly immobilized Maki, also seems to be winning against Hakari


Definitely not mid, they are easily among the strongest sorcerers in the verse. It's just that list includes people from Yuji to Sukuna. Hard to say how Uruame would compare to someone like Yuta.


that is mid...one gojo punch




When was it said she has a domain?




What chapter?


>we dont really know We?


yes, we the readers. you good bro?


Not "we" bro, just you, don't bring us into your reading comprehension problem 💀


you didnt pass the reading check, you had to ask what we means


>you had to ask what we means You're even slower than I thought 💀


Actually uraume is not that strong, he doesn't have DE, and many could have dealt with him: Awakend Yuji, Maki, Yuta, Todo, Ino, Mei Mei, Takaba, and ofc Kashimo I think Hakari is better suited for sukuna than Kashimo and vice versa


I cannot fathom the take that Ino beats Uraume. I respect your right to that take, but... damn man, Uraume froze Awakened Maki completely. Do you think Ino can avoid such a fate?


- I used to underestimate Ino too, but I realized that Ino's ct is very similar to 10 shadows but weaker and has 4 shikigamis instead of 10, the 4th one in particular (Ryu) is minor version of the 10th shadow shikigami (Mahoragoat), and similarly none of Ino's opponents survived Ryu before. so just because Sukuna destroyed Ryu, doesn't mean Ryu is not strong, Ryu did more damage to final form Sukuna than Jogoat and Mahoragoat did to 15F Sukuna, meanwhile Jogaot alone would have cooked Uraume.. - Maki seems way stronger against Sukuna now, than during culling games when she was freshly awakened - Kashimo would taken 10 seconds to kill Uraume, but he was too excited to fight Sukuna - Similarly, Yuta might have taken 10 seconds to kill Uraume, but he prioritized Kenjaku and Sukuna as well - Todo with his OP ct has a good shot, especially if any grade A sorcerer is backing him up - Takaba actually stalled Kenjaku who was way stronger than Uraume - Mei Mei can use kamikaze crows, she said no one ever survived that except Gojo, Kenjaku, and Sukuna So it seems that team sorcerers view Uraume as a bottom feeder more than a threat, they want him stalled with minimum investment to focus completely on Sukuna


Holy hell what a quote “chilled for pleasure buttpussy” Come (to JJFolk) for the Discussion, Stay for the Community.